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Law enforcement authorities have identified the man who made an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

The FBI said the shooter, who is dead, was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. A motive was not clear.

The gunman was immediately “neutralized” by the Secret Service, chief of communications Anthony Guglielmi said.

Bethel Park is a predominantly white, relatively well-to-do city in the southern reaches of greater Pittsburgh. The site of the rally, Butler, is about an hour’s drive north of Pittsburgh.

Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican, though it was not clear from the records when that was put in place.

At a news conference Saturday night, law enforcement said the investigation was close to making a positive identification of the shooter, who did not have identification on him, state police Lt. Col. George Bivens said.

"The shooter has been tentatively identified," he said. "It’s a matter of doing biometric confirmations."

Investigators have also prioritized finding a motive and determining whether the shooter had accomplices, authorities said at the news conference.
So much for him being a radical leftist
Yeah this republican even donates money to actblue on Biden's inauguration Day and earmarked it for the Progressive Turnout Project

What a Republican lmao
>Never-Trumper Republicans aren't real Republicans
but alas, they are
He wouldn't have even been old enough to vote in the last election. What is the point of this?
This would have been his first election he could have voted in.
So he has no voting history, only a donation history to actblue on Biden's inauguration day
Not the same guy.
>Pittsburgh instead of Bethel Park
>donation placed on inauguration day
You sure he wasn't one of those that registered as a repub just to vote against trump in the primaries?
They are exactly like that, you piece of shit.
It's the same zip code you retard.
Bethel Park is a neighborhood in Pittsburgh
He voted in the midterms apparently. Correct that he wasn't old enough to vote in 2020.
He wouldn't have been old enough to vote back then. Why donate on inauguration day for someone who already won their election that you aren't even old enough to vote for?
My understanding was that it's a suburb, a whole separate municipality. Not a neighborhood within the city
Go back to /pol/
>My understanding was that it's a suburb, a whole separate municipality. Not a neighborhood within the city
It's the shooter's zip code. They are apparently close enough that the distinction is minimal
>Why donate on inauguration day for someone who already won their election
Because you support them would be the obvious answer
People donate money to causes because they support that cause, in this case the Progressive Turnout Program from Actblue
What's so hard to understand
Prove he donated to actblue
>The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday was identified by the F.B.I. as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old from Bethel Park, Penn., but officials released no additional information about him.

>“This remains an active and ongoing investigation,” the F.B.I. said in a statement early Sunday.

>The gunman did not have a criminal history reflected in Pennsylvania’s public court records, and officials said they had not identified a motive. A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021.
doesn't mention his libertarian t-shit
Hahaha. Look at how fucking wrong this stupid faggot is here >>1314635
You should kill yourself.
He voted republican in 2022
Because then the fascist right can't keep trying to say he's a liberal.
And here comes the leftist spindoctoring. Always doing anything to avoid taking responsibility for radicalizing their nutjobs but are more than delighted when the political violence they stoke goes their way. Leftists truly are the scum of the earth.
How is leftist spindoctoring to point out the shooter is a Republican with evidence? How is it not right-wing spindoctoring for right-wingers to baselessly claim he's a leftist, a tranny, a BLM supporter, an FBI plant, etc?
i see a lot of discussion on what political affiliation the shooter had, lots of people trying to paint him as a republican, as if that matters at all. a nevertrumper retard cuckservative is literally no different then a leftist. all of those fuckers are on the same globohomo side against MAGAchads
Where does the claim he was a nevertrumper come from?
It was revealed to me in a dream.
if he's a conservative ... and hates trump enough to want to kill him ... than i think its safe to assume hes a nevertrumper
just a basic question: who benefits the most from this shooting?

A: the Trump campaign.
Let me throw that back at you: who would have benefited if he was killed?
Hardmode: dont say da jooos
Genuine Republicans have a lot more to be upset at Trump about than leftists.
Biden would've benefited. Similar to '68 when RFK was certain to be nominated and elected and the DNC was in disarray and Nixon won the election.
Surviving an attempt gives a candidate a boost. It helped Reagan win a second term.
the right radicalizes far more people to the level of acting on their hatred than the left ever could
>Donates to the Progressive Turnout Project of ActBlue in 2021 on Bidens inauguration day
>2023 registers as a republican
>2024 tries to kill trump
>Never voted
Dude was a leftist and apparently had planned this for at least a year
I'll revise this a little
>Donates to the Progressive Turnout Project of ActBlue in 2021 on Bidens inauguration day
>2023 registers as a republican
>Early 2024 purchases the rifle
>Mid 2024 tries to kill trump
>Never voted
Dude was a leftist and apparently had planned this for at least a year
>Dude was a leftist
Source: 'Trust me, bro'
>as if that matters at all
If he was registered as a Democrat you wouldn't hear the end of it and how it would be a decoration of war from the far right.
Now that we know he was a republican, all they can do is their usual bullshit now.
When would you like for him to have voted
>Now that we know he was a republican
Correction: he is a progressive donor who never voted Republican and in the year leading up to an election he registers republican, purchases a rifle, and tries to kill trump

Post the whole story
He was a right wing gun nut who never voted Democrat and purchased the rifle advertised to him on the social media that radicalized him
>He was a progressive psycho who donated to Democrats and purchased the rifle advertised to him on the left-wing social media that radicalized him
>never voted Democrat
how would you know? you can vote Democrat while being a registered Republican
Yes, he's never voted either Republican or Democrat.
He's given money to progressive causes, and then purchased a rifle and registered as a republican leading up to an election year.
Those are the facts.
>Those are the facts.
You forgot that in addition to registering Republican and purchasing a rifle, he also tried to kill trump.
Really sounds like an angry leftist thinking they are fighting against fascism
> "register republican"
> member of antifa
> makes donation to Biden.

He's a "democrat" nothing to see here. This delusional hardcore psyop against trump is unreal.

source: your ass
Lester Holt was a registered Republican when he moderated the Hillary/trump debate.

The kid should have been old enough to vote in 2022 but I don't think you can lookup his voting history
>member of antifa
why do poltards act like antifa is some organization
are you a member of MAGA?
>why do lefttards act like MAGA is some organization
>are you a member of antifa?

You can stop now
>Lester Holt was a registered Republican when he moderated the Hillary/trump debate.
NBC employs Republicans, as does CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc. They also all employ Democrats. This should be common knowledge.
holy shit you're retarded
Any retard can register for any of these faggot parties
Antifafags fuck off
>are you a member of maga
was a rhetorical question to illustrate the error of assuming antifa is some club or organization with memberships
>it's only a real organization if it offers memberships, because... it just is, okay!
I'm glad you agree MAGA isn't real since it also doesn't offer memberships and is just a cope for leftoids
He was a gun owner, clearly not a progressive.
And he only gave $15, assuming it was the exact same guy.
>It's already falling apart not 24 hours after what happened as their precious initial reaction/retarded opinion threads not only fall away but cease to exist such as >>1314718 >>1314719 , now reduced to spin, spin, spin after reality hits like a bullet that assassinates their opinions
MAGAfags aleady fuck themselves. Proof? >>1314824
I never said antifa isn't real
>He was a gun owner, clearly not a progressive.
I hear all the time from libshit /news/hills that leftists and progressives own guns too. Now thats not the case?

>And he only gave $15, assuming it was the exact same guy.
Donating to a political campaign at 17 makes him more of an activist than 85% of other kids his age.

>antifaprog faggots scrambling to shift blame because their failed assassin just won the election for Trump
Womp Womp
>I never said it wasn't real, I just said it wasn't a real organization
Move the goal posts wherever you like, I'm dunking on your libshit pissbaby ass either way
things can be real without being organizations, my fellow 4chan member
>I hear libs own guns
And I hear from /pol/ is that they wanted to grab guns, interesting disconnect.
BTW, this proves gun grabbing is a good idea, yet again.

>Donating to a political campaign at 17 makes him more of an activist than 85% of other kids his age.
Wasn't a political campaign, but a voter outreach group, why are you distorting the facts? It really shows you're pushing an agenda.
>i'm retarded and my argument makes no sense, pay no attention to me getting BTFO
You could have just led with that, thanks for playing antifafag
>the faggot - with threads that are denied their right to exist, thus is denied the right to have opinions by mods - >>1314835 says
>Womp Womp
>>1314835 loves Shylily
>>1314835 is a faggot
>And I hear from /pol/ is that they wanted to grab guns, interesting disconnect.
Weird, because we're not on /pol/, we're on /news/

>BTW, this proves gun grabbing is a good idea, yet again.
Agreed: leftists shouldn't be able to own guns, they're too mentally ill and too violent

>Wasn't a political campaign, but a voter outreach group
Acting on behalf of a political campaign, with the intention to get people to vote for a specific candidate. Nice try.

> It really shows you're pushing an agenda.
Every accusation from the left is a confession lel
>leftoid libshit /news/hill having a schizo meltdown
Same as it ever was
>Reddit spacing faggot
Its opinions go into the trash
>rightoid libshit /news/hill having a schizo meltdown
As David Byrne would say, this is a 'Warning Sign'
There they are! How are you shillfags feeling about your buddy fucking up his shot and securing the election for Trump in November?

What are you guys gonna do when ActBlue lays you off? I heard your work visas wont let you stay in Canada without a job.
Are you going to register as Republican, buy a rifle and try to attend one of his events as well?
Video of the shooter while in highschool.
As reported by BBC, he was an honors student in math and science
Here is a video of his highschool with him in it at 0:19
The video is an ad for BlackRock public school pension management services
>we're on /news/
If only the /pol/fags realize that.

Let's start by grabbing guns from all registered Republicans since the guy was a Republican then if you're serious.

>Acting on behalf of a political campaign
So you're going to resort to guilt by association now, good to know.

>Every accusation from the left is a confession
Clearly hit a nerve and mad. LOL
Of course people's gut response was to assume the person shooting at their political candidates head at a political rally was a radical and their opposition. We should all be thankful there's some temporary ambiguity about his motives now to help cool off the white hot temperature shift this just produced. The droves of lefties all across social media bemoaning the fact he wasn't killed certainly isn't helping the situation.
Another video of him absolutely melting down and yelling at what appear to be a student Republican body at his highschool
This video is clear evidence of Thomas Crooks experiencing a famed neo-nazi socialist implosion
>What /pol/fags
A hit dog hollors, so all signs point to you.

>Let's start by grabbing guns from all people who register as Republicans
Nice attempt at making me say things I didn't. All the more reason to grab your guns.

>Resorts to racism
Typical Republican

>Clearly coping because his libshit progressive assassin buddy missed the shot
Interesting projection since the shooter is a Republican. White too, How mad were you when that was a confirmed?
democrat violence in this country is out of control
Oh for fucks sake.
He's the type of unhinged leftist that walks up to trump supporters and starts imploding out of nowhere.
Color me surprised.
quintessential leftist moment
it's over. deranged acab antifa joe biden voter confirmed
It's hollers*, pajeet. Take more ESL lessons if your gonna shill, please.

>Nice attempt at making me say things I didn't.
I don't think you know what you actually said. Thats the problem with being ESL. You absolute implied guilt by association with Republicans. I flipped your logic on you and it made you mad. Womp womp.

>cries about racism on 4chan
Typical redditor

>since the shooter is a progressive donor who is on video screaming at republicans

>White too, How mad were you when that was a confirmed?
I was-a not-a mad at all-a, I bet-a your third-a world ESL-a ass-a was-a relived-a. Retard-a pajeet-a. Gorlami, cappicola, fuggehdaboutit-a
I wonder what happened to the threads
>>1314719 ?
And why?
Never had a tiktok, but doesn't the @ tag on the video mean Thomas Crooks was the one taking the video? Or did they just give him the footage afterwards to post?
>It's hollers*,
>He's not only a Republican but a grammar nazi
>And projecting his race
Interesting takes

>I don't think you know what you actually said.
Trying to gaslight after your obvious lies were exposed? Interesting.

>Typical redditor
More projection.

>I was-a not-a mad at all-a
Even more projection.
So this is what you're reduced to after it's confirmed the shooting is a Republican.
There is a video of him on bitchute of him stating he hates republicans and trump. https://zn21g5kls-n995.bitchute.com/NYZMjDr6JOG3/2LGOmuiuyBti.mp4
Careful, o MAGAtards, you're about to be denied your right to have opinions. Just look at what's just happened to your retarded BS on >>1313432 >>1313524
Rightoids' opinions assassinated by the bullet of reality. Good.
>/pol/ post fake news on /news/
>it gets deleted
Shocking really.
I guess you memory-holed SDS, weathermen, black panthers and all the leftist bombings totaling in the thousands. Fucking Loser.
Shylily is queen
Not him in the video
This is him tho: >>1314856
The video was uploaded recently.
It was taken at the quad in his high school, it's pretty recognizable and dropping a pin on Google maps shows it's his high school.

The video def wasn't uploaded by him, it was someone who uploaded it to an account using his name so that it had high visibility and would be easily found

I guess it's possible there could be another person who looks like him at high school, but dude does have distinctive hair and glasses, with a skinny build, so id wager more likely than not it's him
>The video was uploaded recently
I'm hearing 2020 but I can't verify
Does look like the lunch quad of his school tho if you look at it on Google maps
Same Glasses as the BlackRock video; same hairdo as the the video you reposted. I'm thinking it is him.
It's def him. He has a distinctive build, hair and glasses.
Looks like his school lunch quad.
It's him
He very well may have joined the republican party to subvert it from the inside. Our local committee were weak willed, and the youth numbers non existent. A leftist could have easily subverted them.
I see the far right cope is in full swing with their 'evidence'.
Just like how it was confirmed the shooter was originally Chinese, right?
I'm sorry ya boi is on video melting down at Republicans.
Got actual proof? Given standard Republican dirty tricks, the video is probably fabricated.
>ya boi
Its opinions go into the trash
>Video is not evidence enough!
Ok pal. Sure.
The proven facts are:
>He's an ActBlue donor
>Donated to the Progressive Turnout Project
>Registered Republican in 2023
>Bought a rifle in 2023
>Tried to murder trump in 2024

The video is just icing on the cake even if you claim everything is fake. Idc.
The truth will come out in the future and we will see what the official investigation turns up
>dropping a pin on Google maps shows it's his high school

you can see that school very clearly on google and it looks nothing like the video. what are you talking about?
>ya boi
ffs just die already boomer.
It's the covered area right next to the lunch quad
Impotent vitriol is always hilarious.
Wonder if his throat was too sore to suck anymore dick after this
Right left paradigm coined pre-French Revolution. Socialists to the left those who stood behind the king to the right. Socialism is a destructive mechanism not a functional system of governance.
If you call something the far right it would be libertarians since we have no king. Liberal = big government vs conservative=only where necessary, and libertarian=the amount originally prescribed by our founders, or at the very least only additions that protect liberties.
Conservatives are centrist, and we have no voice on the "right". Terms today don't make logical sense anymore.
>Pro Monarchy
>Conservatives are centrist
I see the retards have arrived.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/14/cool-heads-needed-as-political-fringe-dwellers-spread-disinformation-after-trump-shootingFactchecking the deep fakes
AI further complicates the reaction to breaking news events.
Some images from the event are bound to become iconic, like the photograph taken by Evan Vucci of the Associated Press of Trump, fist raised and ear bloodied, an American flag waving behind him as Secret Service officers sweep him from the area.
But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated. There’s value in comparing pictures from multiple sources at the event, or noting which agencies are distributing them, Ong said.
“You would like to see videos and a news account and analysis, to have multiple sources and to be corroborated and verified by multiple experts, in order to make sure that it is authentic in the age of deep fakes,” he said.
The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases, “that trigger very strong emotions of fear or anxiety,” Ong said. “I think that’s what we need to be looking at. And be wary of.”
And that is why rightards opinions don't have the right to be listened to, certainly allowed to exist.
Just look what happened to >>1314718 >>1314719 and >>1313432 >>1313524.
Rightard opinions not allowed in /news/. Good.
>Trying frame the same $15 donation was two separate acts
This is why no one trusts what you say.
>But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated
*Could be
Soo... Speculation? Not even a mention of any instances of this actually happening?
Nice cope

Yes, I agree.
Things can be fabricated, but your choice to use this to disprove a video of him melting down in high school is laughable
spoken like an out of touch retard with 0 self-awareness libshit. Cultists don't think they're in a cult, extremists don't think they're extremists, Regressive violent terrorists don't think they're violent terrorist despite all facts pointing towards YOU being an ideology of violence hate and *gasp* domestic terrorism.
Conservative and liberal are application terms.
Perhaps you subscribe to the notion that liberal means open minded and all the other fluff nonsense; whereas conservative means bigoted and the nonsense stated on google and the other garbled junk.
>This is why no one trusts what you say.
>But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated. There’s value in comparing pictures from multiple sources at the event, or noting which agencies are distributing them, Ong said.
>“You would like to see videos and a news account and analysis, to have multiple sources and to be corroborated and verified by multiple experts, in order to make sure that it is authentic in the age of deep fakes,” he said.
>The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases
That is why the likes of >>1314929 don't have the right to be trusted. But then, the opinions of rightards don't have the right to be listened to/read. Ever.
I'll be honest, I'm surprised the mods cleaned up the obvious fake news articles. Now if only they'd finish the job and blacklist their usual sites like the NYpost.
Yes and i'm sure hitler was a socialist party, get real american leftists are morons who unironically think if they name their organization something "good" they can do whatever shit they want and pretend they aren't terrorists. And the sad thing is retards like you believe it please just rope yourself you're a disgrace to humanity
coming from a loser who unironically believes news sources that are still pretending he fell over and that it wasn't an assassination attempt. Please just fuck off libshit loser. The world will be better when he takes over and retroactively arrests all of you terrorists
Conservative and liberal always meant left and right. It's interesting how conservatives have been trying to hijack libertarianism to cover up their own totalitarian tendencies. And since the French Revolution was brought up, need i remind you of the Conservative Order, a group of conservatives who's objective was to bring back the monarchy, and became the blueprint for modern conservatism.

That's Arizona State University not Bethel Park highschool. Took me two minutes of searching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVegQW05C1Y
Your missing some big takeaways here.
Conservative and liberal are both application terms. They both will apply government, the difference is that a conservative will only apply where needed. Liberal means to apply everywhere, or too much is never too much. Liberal is for big government, overreaching might I dare add.
Libertarians own the right.
Fascism and communism both need something to destroy our liberties to be instituted in this nation, and the only party looking to disturb this nations liberties are the left. Fascism will not be coming back, after the 2nd world war the globalist found that it was unpalatable to the people the world over, and found that communism was the only thing that would even be partially so. You just don't read history much, or do so with the rose colored glasses. I'm sure you would get a kick out of the take I have on the civil war. Another day perhaps.
Loooool, right-wingers caught lying yet again.
No, the term was used left vs right because the kings court geographically divided themselves in the court before the revolution, socialists to the left, and those who stood behind what was already the institution(the king) to the right. You would not find the terms in history before it.
probably a /pol/tard deliberately lying to stir the shit. they do this all the time.
>a loser who unironically believes
that a four year old video is of the shooter.
But then you cannot spell 'Believe' without the word Lie.
Lies. It's what rightardss are reduced to when not only are their initial opinions are proved wrong, they're denied their right to have opinions >>1314718 >>1314719 and >>1313432 >>1313524) when their retarded opinions are proven to be lies. And now this: >>1314958 , you retards wonder why you're denied your right to have opinions via those threads being deleted?
He might have one of the pedo hunters
cry more.
Biden might be luckier than Trump here. The campaign for him to step down died instantly, all the attention going towards the attempted assassination (which Trump won't be able to cash in on because the guy was either a lolbert or a neo-nazi)
People on twitter are being conspiracy theorists about the shooter having no social media but is it really that shocking?
The more socially isolated you are the crazier you'll be, makes sense to me.
We're laughing more. Especially in light of >>1314986
This whole thing - now with the proven lies rightards are now reduced to - may have blown up near the MAGAtards' own faces. The bullet of reality assassinating rightards' opinions and their hopes of Trump's re-election.
News: it was not Thomas Maxwell Crooks that attempted the assassination, the video of him stating he hates republicans and trump is after the shooting.

The shooters name is Maxwell Yearick second link gives best evidence.


As a left leaning Canadian I have a serious question for the Americans out there. What reason would a serious leftist not have for trying to assassinate Trump? He's stated openly that if elected he plans to become a dictator and Project 2025 is set to roll out a plan to completely alter the government to become a religious state. Anyone who's seen the difference in Iran between 1973 and 1983 can see how drastically society can be reformed under a totalitarian regime. If any of you thought Kamala Harris if she got in power would set herself up as a dictator, make Islam the state religion and completely alter the government to a leftist fascist state, would not many of you be calling for her head? I've certainly seen that sentiment shared on these boards many times.

If a citizen sees their government under real threat of dictatorship, would they not feel a duty to do something about it?
>CAclubindia is a company that provides online learning, networking, and content for finance professionals in India.

wtf is this link? i'm not clicking that.
I believe republicans attempt not to subvert the rule of law and general civil order, and if it were to come to violence from the conservatives, it would be in the form of an all out conflict to which the founders prescribed; to which I hope for the future of mankind doesn't happen, but this political violence might surly bring about.
The social media platform Discord told ABC News on Sunday that it's cooperating with law enforcement and has identified a "rarely used" account that appears to have been linked to the alleged shooter. The company said it "found no evidence" that the account was used in the planning of the attack.

In a statement to ABC News, a Discord spokesperson said the account linked to the alleged shooter also did not "promote violence" or "discuss his political views."

Investigators are looking at what sources describe as misinformation that the suspected gunman appears to have been recently consuming and whether it played any role in the incident, according to law enforcement sources.

So far, investigators have not uncovered any ties to extremist organizations or individuals, though they continue to scour information from the suspect's phone and other digital devices, according to the sources.

The suspect graduated in 2022 from Bethel Park High, according to the Bethel Park School District. The district said it was limited in what it could disclose publicly, adding that it would "cooperate fully" with the investigation.
You don't have to, I use noscript personally to make sure I don't get attacked online, but it is a news article that shows the information on the shooter. It will come out to the front of the news sometime soon anyways, you can wait.
Isn't project 2025 a set of policy prescriptions from some guys at the heritage foundation? And no, you don't assassinate your political opponents because you think they might be secret hitler. We have safeguards in our democratic institutions and taking up arms is the option of absolute last resort when all of those fail. That's why the "threat to democracy" rhetoric about a democratic candidate is bordering on stochastic terrorism.
Yes it's been set up by the heritage foundation and has Trump's support. So it does threaten to completely subvert the government and Trump has even said he wants to be a dictator and remove those safeguards. Especially now that it's been ruled that the president in power can break virtually any law without accountability.

Again I look to Iran as an example of how an extremist government can quickly completely change the structure of society. I don't see how assassination is a worse scenario than total civil war.
You're gay.
Give source for this Trump wanting to be a dictator claim.
Can confirm he did try to suck my cock
The dude (assuming it wasn’t the other (60 year old) Thomas Crooks in Pittsburgh) gave $15 to Democrats after watching trash, in the name of Trump, take over the capital. A lot of Republicans questioned what side they were on after that. The kid then went and registered Republican later that year and then voted in the midterms. He was wearing a demo-ranch fanatic and fits the bill of a radical Republican terrorist.

Neither video is of him. The one of the dude shouting happened at ASU in 2020. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe/2020/02/06/asu-working-identify-man-yelling-slash-republican-throats-video/4683903002/

The other is of some dude with the handle jewgazing on X trolling.

The truth is, you fucking conservative retards are scum that created this shit and now you’re starting to reap what you sow. He’s probably a Nick Fuentes follower pissed about Trump not supporting Project 2025. Just stfu and cope.
>December 2023
>I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill,

I for one don't believe for a second he actually meant only one day.
Because assassination of Trump would equate to the real potential of localized war. We had 4 years of Trump and 4 years of Biden. The rhetoric used by the left to whip up the fervor is what caused this. The last thing the republicans would want is the loss of their liberty under an extremist government.
The only ones pushing for overreaching and alarming threats of violence is the left. The president threatened the people with the military, not much else to say. This nation is we the peoples and I hope the insane division can be solved without violence, as do I well know that much for many cooler heads over here. But it cannot be said that it will be something to handle if some fools kill the man who has given his all to the people he cares for.
Republicunts are still melting down and coping hard that a Republican tried to assassinate Trump, I see.
>donates money to biden
>BUHBUHB he was a republican facts don't matter
ok retard just off yourself. also you shouldn't be sharing a video of a minor gross
>Socialists, the group that works for equity, supports a king who is the anti thesis of that.
At least if you're going to make shit up, don't be so brazen.
here's an example of a libshit so mentally ill he broke, why are people like >>1314989
allowed outside in public?
its a thinktank, it's funny how libtards screech about conspiracies when it comes to 5G then do the same thing thinking a thinktank is some sort of modern day nazi solution.
added to >>1315017
please just off yourself, you're a prime example of the vile leftist shit that should've never been born. your parents must be disgusting human beings to raise filth like you.
The way I see it, a Democrat donor registered as a republican, stole a rifle from his dad, and tried to murder trump, all in the 1 year leading up to an election
>I really fucking hate this guy
>He's got the nomination in my own party on lock already
>I'm going to help the other side
There were dems that voted trump in 2016 because they were so repulsed by killary, donating to a dem org because he hated trump doesn't really raise any flags in my mind.
>donates money to biden
This is why no one believes anything you say. You take a simple truth that the shooter donated $15 to a get out the vote group, and manage to twist it into a donation to Biden.
Socialists are not for equality but equity, meaning they want to tear down the man on top simply for being on top, whether justified in his position or not. That will not raise the man up on the bottom, but bring all to the lowest levels.
As for socialist being against the king, I already stated that. Your statement that I made something up is false.
It's a false flag operation. It's what fascists do
So you have no idea what socialism is and then incorrectly apply it to monarchies.
What is it with conservatives and being text book cases of the dunning kruger effect?
What the fuck is this cope? Getting shot is the best thing that could've possibly happened to Trump, especially with that picture. Look up what happened to Teddy in the polls after he got shot.
Except his donation was 3 years prior.
He set himself up to murder trump, even registered as a republican to get into a primary if needed


I'm done arguing with you if you keep telling me that I am attributing socialism to the monarchy in any of the statements I have made or will.
Speaking of the dunning kruger effect, the mirror is the best source to find it as you are so wrong.
>Running away because he can't defend his lies
Typical conservative
Still here, just not arguing with that factually incorrect argumentation you have brought forth so far. Again incorrect and another stunning example of that dunning kruger effect you brought up.
Would Pennsylvania happen to be one of those “you have to be in the party to vote in the primary” states?
>Republicunt assassin
>republicunts in disarray trying desperately to explain away why the shooters republicunt registration doesn't matter
Cope harder

wat? what did you think you read in that article? they id'ed the victim in the rally crowd that was shot and died... are you retarded?

Answer: Yes it is.
You mean your factually incorrect argument that knows nothing about socialism or monarchies.
But keep pushing your lies, I'm sure some people here will fall for it.
It’s likely not the 60 year old who was posted earlier as the employment status said unemployed
But he didn't vote in the primary, he last voted in the 2022 election.
What part is lies?
The monarchy was fallen by the socialists.
The socialists were not stopped by the people until they burned the church choir while they sung to their demise.
Socialism tears a society apart with it's nonsensical economic policies of theft and death?
Just point it out clearly where I have lied without twisting my words to something they had never stated. I will respond with respect.
Haley dropped out before PA. Ngl, I registered as a Repub to vote for DeSantis or Haley, but they both dropped out well before my state’s primary
He wasn't 18 in the 2022 election. His birthday is Sept 20 2003 and the 2022 election was November 8 2022.
He was 17 at the time. He couldn't have voted.
Wanted to turn Trump into a martyr
Hoped to escalate violence between the Left and Right
Trump distancing himself from Project 2025 made some people angry
Trump showing up a lot in the Epstein documents might have enringed the guy
Depressed dude and wanted to go out with his name everywhere
I take that back. He was 18 at the time, maybe he did.

How do you know he voted?
>I registered as a Repub to vote..
No you didn't, shill. Cope harder.
Haley got 16% of the vote in PA
Is there any actual proof this guy has ever voted?
PA only lets you see if you've submitted a mail in ballot, and this guy has never submitted one
simplest explanation is the most likely: he was a leftwing terrorist
Hard to push this lie when he's a registered Republican.
The kid is a progressive donor and has never voted
Hell, he registered as a republican, stole his dad's rifle and tried to kill trump all leading up to an election.
>donated to democrats
>tried to kill the republican nominee
leftwing terrorist confirmed
Looks like he had it out for trump for about a year or so if not more
>and this guy has never submitted one
Or PA locked down this guys information after receiving a billion requests through their website
He's a Registered Republican, your samefagging won't change the fact the shooter was right wing.
Right wing people don't donate to the Progressive Turnout Program or ActBlue. That's a simple fact

They also don't try to assassinate their favored candidate
You can still pull up his voter registration at the same website, so I doubt it
There's no evidence he ever voted, unless if someone has something available to prove otherwise
Its not, plenty of Republicunts donated to Democrat programs after Jan 6th.
You remember, the national disgrace where Trump urged his followers to attack the capital, shit on the floors, and attack congress.

A Republican tried to assassinate Trump, and no matter how much you cope or whine about it thats an absolute truth.
Almost like he started out left leaning and then got radicalized by the far right like a lot of disaffected white youth...
Found his most recent ballot
gotta love this line of cope from the pro-hamas party. try not to shoot any more former presidents champ
His parents were Democrats btw.
So now you're lying again, because you said you weren't going to respond any more and now you're shifting towards falsely claiming socialism is only good for destroying things when it brings food and a political voice to the poor. Pretty damning you're backing to corrupt catholic church too.
Good post

In al honesty tho if the kid is left wing the doj isn't going to call that out, they are going to say something like "his political views were conflicting" or some of vague statement
No I said if you keep misconstruing my statements. Keyword "if"
You mean "bread lines are a good thing".
Perhaps the catholic church was corrupt, I cannot verify the statement without research. But the choir was not. Completely disgusting to think of and is the reason for the end of the socialist after the revolution.
Are you done samefagging? It won't change the fact the shooter was a republican.
You need mental help anon.
I guarantee you that the person I thanked for posting is different than me, but seeing as how your lot is mentally ill you are only embarrassing yourself
The rarest breed of Republican, the type who donated exclusively to progressive causes, have never voted, and try to assassinate Republican leaders
Republicunts decided yesterday that a lib tried to murder their president, and are busy coping and trying to explain away all the evidence coming out that it was actually a Republicunt all along.
as a true republican, I shall donate to biden's campaign
Lots of Republicans who think Trump is a terrible candidate and shouldn't have taken over their party are.
Its a Republican thing to do, if you're a never Trumper
The same group of people who still aren't voting for Trump just because someone missed him.
The idea that people are purposefully ignoring one part of the known facts to focus on others is disingenuous.

He was registered as a republican.
There is no evidence he has ever voted.
He donated to progressive causes.

It's literally a mixed bag right now. He could have began progressive and switched his mind to democrat. He may have been a democrat and just wanted to vote in republican primaries. Or he may not have cared what he put on his registration form at all and only donated for some dumb reason like peer pressure.

Both sides jumped to conclusions and ignored all the facts so that they can claim victory during a period where information is rapidly developing and it is assinine
>switched his mind to democrat
*Switched his mind to Republican
>both sides created 8 identical threads screeching about libs shooting Trump
>both sides jumped to screaming about how libs needed to be shot
>both sides
Nah, Republicunts on this board are literal morons who demonstrably lie all the time to advance their schizo theories.
Libs are still waiting for more information about the shooter, and have so far been watching meltdowns trying to explain why this guy is still a rabbid lib despite evidence.
>There is no evidence he has ever voted.
He voted in 2022.
>He donated to progressive causes.
A person with the same first and last name from his zipcode donated to a progressive cause. Once. Years ago. There are multiple people in that zipcode with that name.
You are a caricature of everything you claim is wrong in your very own post.
Enjoy your cognitive dissonance
>He voted in 2022
Do you have evidence of this? The pa state website claims you can only know if you voted if you did a mail in ballot and specifically states you cannot tell if you voted if you voted in person.

Searching for Thomas crooks yields no record of mail in voting

I'm happy to see you present any evidence to the contrary
>There are multiple people in that zipcode with that name.
Do you have evidence of this claim either that it's not this Thomas crooks? You seem to be throwing around a lot of claims without evidence, what is claimed in this post: >>1315083 that people do while melting down
>complaining that other people are claiming things without evidence
>trying to claim something without evidence
Most people would be embarrassed to post something so nakedly hypocritical
Copy and paste the links to the statements of people needing to be shot by republicunts
you just add >>to the number after No. of the poster
it would be cool if democrats could stop shooting people
Unless if someone has a copy of his ballot, there's no evidence Thomas crook voted in 2022.
That's a lie from a leftist meltdown https://files.catbox.moe/e1oax4.png
>He donated to progressive causes.
He only donated $15 once to a get out the vote group when he was underage.
When he was able to vote, he registered with the Republicans.
Also it's specifically the right wing that's screaming for blood and you had at least 1 republican elected official say it's Biden's fault.
So you can't cite your claim
You are melting down

Thanks for clarifying that
Nah, go look through the threads, or just remember when you posted it yesterday
Most major news networks are reporting
HE donated to progressive causes, not someone with his name. But you'd have better vetted information on this so produce it.
You're as correct here as you were screeching that it was a lib yesterday.
Cope and seethe harder. Republicans tried to kill the Republican presidential nominee yesterday.
it's time for a national dialogue about leftwing terrorism
Right so this is where we are at:
2021 donates to a progressive cause
2022 registers to vote as a Republican
2024 tries to assassinate the republican front runner.

That's what we know. There's no publicly available records stating he's voted. Nobodies turned up a social media. That's what is known right now
The lack of it?
The fact that it doesn't happen?
The fact that rightwing terrorism eclipses it by magnitudes of order?
It's gotten out of hand. It's very like one of their extremists just tried to assassinate trump
That's nowhere near the simplest explanation. Especially when all the evidence points to him being a Republican before pulling the trigger.
Nobody hates an extremist group more than those who you'd think would be their allies. Bernie Bros voting for Trump, Catholics purging the Monothelites, Arians and Protestants, Bolsheviks killing Mensheviks and Socialists, Nazis killing other Conservative parties - fanatical thinking mixes with the deep knowledge of microscopic differences that you can only get from being a 'friend', and you end up wanting to purge the heretics.
Guy was probably a kook, who believed in almost everything Trump did - except for one or two little things that made him unfit to exist, much less lead.
Nah, its just another young white chud deciding to shoot things up.
We need to lock people like that up.
Photo of dead shooter has been circulating.
Maxwell Yearick seems to be shooter if photo is of shooter.
Both photo of supposed dead shooter and video of shooter on roof both wearing grey shirt.
Photos of Maxwell Yearick and supposed dead shooter shows ears, where alive Yearick have large ear stretching jewelry and potential dead shooter with expanded ears with missing jewelry visibly folded from the loss of it.
>potential dead shooter with expanded ears with missing jewelry visibly folded from the loss of it.
wtf are you talking about?
>Crooks last voted in the November 2022 general election.
You have to look up the name and find it.
Maxwell Yearick
Cope has hit the point where they're trying desperately to find another person to be the shooter, since the actual shooter is a confirmed Republican.
why do democrats tend to avoid reality like the plague?
liberals are at their fearmonger apex right now, they really think hes going to rev up the gas chambers, this is expected from them
Thanks for that

Public records show Crooks registered to vote in September 2021, the month he turned 18. He registered as a Republican. Federal Election Commission records show he donated $15 to ActBlue, a Democratic political action committee, eight months earlier on the day of President Joe Biden’s inauguration. Crooks last voted in the November 2022 general election.

Crook’s father, Matthew Crooks has declined to comment to the media, saying he is waiting to speak to law enforcement. Records show Matthew Crooks and his wife, Mary, are both licensed counselors in Pennsylvania. They also have a 22-year-old daughter.

Investigators believe the weapon used was bought by Crooks’ father at least six months ago, two law enforcement officials told The Associated Press.

On Sunday afternoon, multiple outlets cited sources close to the investigation that Crooks had two explosive devices in the trunk of his car, which was found parked near the rally.

Records show Matthew Crooks is a registered Libertarian, while Mary Crooks is registered as a Democrat. Their daughter is registered as a Republican.

Really mixed bag here. He's donating to progressive causes and registering as a Republican within the same year.
His family is literally a crapshoot.

Given the evidence I'm not convinced about this guy's motivations or political leanings one way or the other
Did you look it up?
Seeing as a Republicunt said it on /news/, I did not waste time verifying an obvious lie.
If a less biased and retarded source gives better information I'll see it.
Keep desperately flailing and trying to pin this on Libs, faggot. Its just another white male chud on a shooting spree.
Get over it.
To be fair Republicans are calling for a Revolution and say they don't care if it's bloody and the right wing has the full means to attempt it.
Why wouldn't the left be at full alert?

He only donated $15 get out of the vote when he was underage, you're really arguing in bad faith framing it otherwise.
>Constantly whine that if you keep pushing shit, there will be political violence
>Political violence happens
Redhats are fucking hilarious.
Have you seen photos of the shooter that is verified?
>He only donated $15 get out of the vote when he was underage
He donated to ActBlue and registered as a Republican in the same year.
You are the one ignoring facts and downplaying ones that don't fit your narrative

Honestly given every fact:
Donated to act blue 8 months before registering as a republican and then 2 years later trying to assassinate the Republican front runner, it kinda sounds like the dude didn't care what party he was registered with
I've seen the Secret Service, which has the body, has identified the guy as Crooks.
I've seen that they've talked to the Father, who confirmed it was his son, Matthew Crooks.
I've seen that they raided Matthew Crooks house.
I'm not going to entertain a schizo on /news/ claiming its someone completely different, I'll wait to see if there's an update from the actual on scene investigators.
Dude saw Jan 6, was radicalized by the left, donated what little cash he had to ActBlue, vowed revenge on trump, pre-emptively registered to vote as a Republican so he could get access to Republican events but managed to find the opportunity at a clear shot at Trump during a trump rally an hour from his house.

Pretty clear explanation here.
>Maxwell Yearick seems to be shooter if photo is of shooter.

nah, these are 100% the same guy. you can see the same unusual shape of the upper rear part of the helix of his ear. he doesn't seem to have stretched lobes at all.


What's the weather like up your own ass when you make shit up like this?
whoops, second image:

FBI is the ones who identified shooter who had not had ID on him
They raided the suspected shooters house, not "Matthew Crooks" in particular. Not to say that they did that all to not allow potential other suspects to gain awareness of the raid.
I'm sorry your paranoid of entertaining thoughts that you don't like.
>Not to say that they did that all to not allow potential other suspects to gain awareness of the raid.
Do dead people often gain awareness of things in your world?
What's your explanation? That nothing else matters or should be considered besides the fact he registered to vote when 18 and marked "republican" in the form?
Your headcanon definitely doesn't count, if thats what you're asking.
So I guess your headcanon doesn't count either, huh?

Or are you special and you think your headcanon is real?
I see the nose is different as well as the ears. Maxwell Yearick is a good representation. Also the Thomas character is on social media right now as we speak.
The shooter is a Republican.
Keep raging about it.
Simple, he started out as centrist, then became a radicalized Republican.
Maybe he would have donated to a Republican get out of the vote program if they actually existed in a major capcity, but they're too busy working on suppressing the vote instead.
Yes, nothing else matters for party affiliation besides what party they're affiliated with. You want to call him a RINO, feel free.
She shooter is a progressive donor and selected biden's inauguration day to make his donations
Nothing will change these facts
keep spamming it
these people will avoid reality at all costs. its sad
You have mixed up two completely different people.
Discussing news stories isn't spam
spamming is spamming
>He's a Republican
He just shot at Trump. So quite obviously his party registration does not reflect his political views. He registered R like 4 years ago when he was 18.
>He just shot at Trump
And? He's still a Republican, did you forget all the Republicans who voted against him even when he was uncontested?
Those aren't actually republicans, to schizo shills.
>He's a Republican
>He registered as such 4 years ago so he is 100% ideologically a Republican
What the fuck is this cope?
Pretty obviously not a Republican. Isn't he? Or what's the argument? He's a Haley-bro mad at the outcome to the primaries?

Should we demand that Nikki Haley disavow?
>He isn't REALLY a Republican
This is what you're resorting too, the assassin was a Republican, you can't cope your way out of this.
This is such a gigacope.
>Republicans and Projection
The most prolific duo
>Republican who donates to ActBlue
>Republican who tried to kill *checks notes* the Republican nominee for President
Lol. Okay.
it's the same cope democrats trotted out when their footsoldiers killed 20 people in the BLM riots. obviously the shooter was a leftist and democrat violence is out of control
theyre losing, they dont want to admit theyre the violent ones after all that
You mean the Boogaloo riots?
Why would I be coping? Trumps fist in the air just won us the election.
thank you for proving my point. lmao
Lmao. Pottery.
Still a Republican, cope more.
>So quite obviously his party registration does not reflect his political views. He registered R like 4 years ago when he was 18.
It was closer to 3 years ago, the same year he donated to ActBlue on the day of Biden's inauguration
Nope. Those are widely reported facts. You may continue to live in fantasy land tho
>*Sticks fingers in ears*
Republicans are insane, what else is new?
I agree that anyone who donates to the DNC is insane.
Why are you describing what you're doing? The Assassin was a Republican.
>Increasingly desperate
Why are you quoting yourself?
Say it with me again.
>Registered Republican
Anon. What are you doing? This isn't going to change anyone's mind. I can't even remember what I first registered as.
>Cope! Cope!
I'll be voting for Kennedy so there is literally nothing to cope over.

Did you get spanked on X or something. You're acting fucking weird.
It seems asinine to assume his actual beliefs just based on his official registered party. In the 2000s, my school made us register to vote. Most people don't vote. Plenty of people that I know from then have completely 180'd on their political views but don't vote in midterm elections or primaries so they have no reason to swap. I know there are exceptions to this but it's probably more common than not that people keep their initial party than switch it even if their political opinions change.
It is foolish to jump to conclusions without having all the evidence.
Republicunts on this board went wild yesterday claiming a lib tried to shoot Trump, and after being proved wrong they're trying as hard as possible to dismiss reality.
>I'm merely pretending now
See >>1315203
Yes. He was an ActBlue donor who donated to progressive causes the day Biden was sworn in, and later that year registered as a Republican then ended up trying to assassinate Trump.
We are well aware of all the details despite you trying to focus on a single one 500 times
hey terrorist read what the group he donated to is called. Libshits are such disgusting hypocrites i can't wait till end of this year when trump gives you a taste of your own medicine. I wonder how social media posts threatening violence for 8 years is going to look after this
So you're talking about Republicans? Because it was a Republican who tried to assassinate Trump.
>he donated to progressive causes after Trump orchestrated an attack on the capitol Jan 6th
Not proof he isn't a republican
I'm sorry you got spanked yesterday. However saying someone subscribes to ideology X because they registered as that three years ago - especially when they are really young - sounds like a massive cope on your part over whatever happened to you yesterday.

No one, no rational adult thinks his party registration indicates anything at all other than he was at one time a Republican. It also doesn't change the fact that Trump has been subject to vilification unlike anything we have seen and that vilification is more likely than not what drove the kid to do what he did. But we have to wait and see before we draw conclusions.

Stop acting so fucking assblasted.
antifa is a party of facist
libshits can't read why am i not surprised.
he donated to the left so he's objectively a leftist he never voted and only registered republican to get close. your pathetic denial hasn't changed the fact that leftists are now a domestic terrorist sympathizer movement.
>coping this hard
Sorry reality didn't conform to your schizo beliefs.
>Anti fascists are fascists
This is your brain on conservatism
This isn't persuasive anon. Idk why the fuck you think screeching like this is going to accomplish something.
anyone see this bot break down?
>he's still posting
Registered. Republican.
We're sticking to the facts that the shooter was a Registered Republican, it's the Trump shills having a meltdown trying to avoid responsibility that the shooter is one of their own.
They engage in political violence to surpress political expression of citizens. That's pretty fascist.
Anarcho-fascism is a thing.

Say it 20 more times. You're not winning anyone over.
>he never voted
Not true, he voted in 2022 for/against Dr. Oz, lol.
lets look at the facts he's a 20 year old adult who got radicalized to the point he stole a gun and tried to shoot a standing president. What ideology does that fit the most, far-leftist antifa types.
its objectively your fault and you're now a terrorist go fuck off and I hope you're the first victim of the civil war you deserve it for being a disgusting rat
>responsibility that the shooter is one of their own.
I can't imagine the lack of self-awareness involved in writing this sentence and not becoming instantly aware of the inherent contradiction.
They only target fascists and it's interesting how you never hear about them when the fascists, aka conservatives, aren't in power.
Try again.
now that the democrat party is the party of terrorism, why did they say all that about democracy when they dont actually care?
You should be telling that to >>1315221 >>1315224
>Imagine having a shooter from your own party, and calling the other party the terrorists.
>antifa on social media antifa on every platform,
>acts like a leftist
>oh no he must be a republican we're cleared of all responsibility.
ya go fuck yourself libshit you and your parents deserve the same treatment
>What ideology does that fit the most, far-leftist antifa types.
Ignoring the fact that every presidential assassination has either been foreign actors, the insane, or hardcore conservatives
>Republicans are fascists
All you accomplished with that post was demonstrating how radical your positions are.
>Fascists cries out as he strikes someone
Meanwhile it was a registered Republican who shot Trump.
An attempt was made
its fine terrorist keep posting you think your posts aren't tracked, when trump takes office you will be retroactively charged for encouraging violent political acts and domestic terrorism
he's retarded anon, he can't help it
No, I'm telling it to you. Any rational person (who is actually American) knows that party affiliation per voter registration forms is pretty meaningless. His donations are more telling because that was actually his own money.

I get it though, you're terrified of the proposct of the left being responsible for yet another act of political violence.
> hardcore liberals
ftfu how are you this fucking stupid, Or is it an american thing to be a revisionist hypocrite
democrats like destiny are now saying democracy is over and "shooting should be on the table". it's looking bad for bidenbros
Cope harder.
Seeing conservicunt faggots melt down over the Republican registration is delicious
the worst possible thinktank shills come to this board to practice new narratives
>It's meaningless
Republicans would be calling for blood if he was a registered Democrat. Now they're pretending he's still a democrat.
Your hand wringing is meaningless here
you're a terrorist and you should be hunted down like one when trump takes office. I'll enjoy seeing your squirm when the fbi knocks down your door and you try explaining to them how your social media posts for the past decade aren't inciting political violence. You'll then get shipped off to jail your home repossessed and you'll be anal raped there until you have a gapping big hole to the point you can't go to the bathroom properly
I'm an independent.

Next cope?
>The people I don't like would do a thing so now I am doing that thing
That makes you their slave,.
all libshits do is reeeeeee I have no responsibility I did nothing wrong I only threaten people on a daily basis and push for political violence and projecting reeeeee.
I'm goign to enjoy seeing losers like>>1315241
get thrown in prison and actually pay for the shit they've been posting.
the far-left should be in mental asylums not out on the street they're a danger to humanity as a whole. I don't even live in america and i'm terrified of some retarded leftist coming to my country spewing their bullshit
>claims party affiliation is meaningless
>next post is defending their position via party affiliation
Conservicunts really are that fucking dumb
>Pointing out the basic fact that the shooter is a Registered Republican is bad and you're going to prison for it.
This is why the conservatives are always the problem.
>Hurr you're conservative!
I'm an independent, I'll be voting for Kennedy. Next cope?
Fyi, we Americans don't use the word "conservatives" we say "Republicans" or "the right". "Conervatives" is a commonwealth thing, my non-American friend.
obsessed with anal rape? must be russian
You can't read, but thats okay
Occam's razor. The simplest (and most likely) explanation is that he was a disaffected Republican that was dissatisfied with Trump's candidacy, was radicalized, and wanted to take action. Any other attempt to explain how he registered as a Republican as some sort of false flag, or that someone else is actually the real shooter, or posting videos of other people melting down about right-wingers and claiming that it's him, is pure, uncut, grade A cope.
>We Americans
LOL, nice try
He registered three years ago and donated to the DNC. It's pretty fucking obvious that whatever he was it wasn't Republican. Anyone saying "hes Republican!" is engaged in as big of a cope as anyone who says he's a Democrat because his political behavior is contradictory.
Then why is the right so desperate to disassociate with him, to the point of posting videos of other people complaining about the right and claiming that it's him? Why would they feel the need to lie to that extent?
>Immediately changes from "conservative" to "the right"
Poo in the loo!
you're projecting quite hard. all the jeering seems to have gone to your head
Okay Mr Gupta.
wasn't he 20 years old? so he was a registered republican his entire adult life
Until this current post in which I am replying to you, I have not used the word "conservative" at all in this entire thread. If other people have, that wasn't me and I'm not responsible for that.
He was also apparently a mask-wearer long past the mandates. And he worked for a nursing home. Maybe a patient he liked died from Covid and he blamed Trump for it?
source: some rando on twatter
Fun fact, calling the right wing Conservatives is how you nail them down, because the right in America is constantly try to pretend their sins are the fault of others. I.E. pretending the civil war was about political parties that are static and not conservatives wanting to maintain the racists institution of slavery.
But you wouldn't know that.
An instagram under his name talks about justice for Epstein's victims.
Trump was just revealed as a child rapist.
Election 2024.
The most anticipated rematch ever.
The final showdown.
In the left ring, we have The Dead Man Walking, Joe "Ol' Scranton" Biden
In the right ring, we have The Man Who Can't Be Killed, the Donald "Teflon Don" Trump
He was a progressive donor since highschool years
He registered at 18. You don't need to change your registration unless you want to vote in primaries
>/spoiler/ most people don't vote in primaries
Most peoples politics change pretty massively when they are that age. Fact is we don't know what he is. He registered one way but then donated another way. Anyone saying he is team x or team y is treating politics like European soccer hooligans treat their local team.
No. That's a massive fucking cope that is so absurdly reductionist that only a non-American would subscribe to it.
he's far-leftist, the ideology that's been asking for political violence for so long. If he was a republican he wouldn't be going after trump. I find it hilarious the leftist think they're cleared of all wrong doing and literally making jokes about this on twitter and reddit right now about an attempted shooting.
>He registered one way but then donated another way
No, he made a minor donation one way after the attack on our capitol, then months later registered the other way.
You keep posting this, like you're desperately hoping its true.
>Can't counter the facts
>Can only project now.
So are you Russian or Indian?
So he donated one way and then registered another making it impossible to tell what his beliefs are...

Again. Stop treating this shit like a fucking soccer ultra.
>Gets called a pajeet
>No you're a pajeet! Do not redeem!
>One of the classmates, Zach Bradford, said he had taken American history and government classes with him, that he appeared to be “incredibly intelligent” and that his views in high school seemed “slightly right leaning
It's Over. Sorry /v/bros.
>He's slightly right leaning
>*Donates to a progressive cause*
This. Thousands of Democrats registered as Republican to vote against Trump in the primaries since their own primary was already decided for Biden.
Y'all fucking terrified of him being a lib. I get it. That shit would turn the coming landslide into an extinction level event for y'all.

Doesn't matter. For Democrats this whole thing is fucking over. Take the L and start prepping Newsom or Gretchen for 2028.
Good thing he's an republican so we don't have to humor your fan fictions.
>fan fictions
Copium is a hellava drug. Loonie left rhetoric killed a Republican and faggots like you celebrated on twitter. Good luck getting rid of that stain.
>Fascist rightoid killed another fascist rightoid
Fixed for you. Stop projecting and clean your own shit up.
I'm really scared of your delusions.
They're going to be terrible long term consequences.
Or they would if they were real.
projecting more? as was said earlier, most people who try to kill presidents are mentally unstable. or puerto rican in the case of truman
I still think he was a libertarian.
>*Donates to progressive causes*
good thing he's a far-leftist who donated to liberal parties and never voted republican.
if i were you i'd start scrubbing your socials you're going to get arrested when trump takes office libshit. but you're too stupid.
>good thing he's a Republican who donated to liberal parties and registered republican.
Fixed it for you
i know you want this to be a reichstag moment but trump has never actually been popular
>Registered Republican
what type of 20 year old kid donates money to political organizations don't you have video games or skateboards to buy? what a maroon.
who are you talking about? not the registered republican shooter.
>Word search
>"Registered Republican"
>18 posts
This is officially the biggest meltdown I think I have ever seen.
Passing the blame is the best they can do. It's not like they can excuse their unhinged behavior. The left is evil and deadly.
Having to repeat the truth that the shooter was a registered republican against the conservative lie machine is a necessary act.
Cope more.
What you're doing is either (a) having a mental breakdown or (b) sticking to the script you got.
Too bad it doesn't make him a Republican, or right-wing. Keep hoping and coping. Maybe he'll have a Hitler shrine!
Bro he is melting the fuck down ignoring all other evidence and literally just spamming the two words that support his narrative while completely acting like there is nothing else known about this kid
>just because he's republican doesn't make him republican
just end it all
>Trying to gaslight
>on /news/
You need to stop samefagging, it's so painfully obvious.
>spamming the fact that supports reality
fixed that for you
keep melting down
you faggots will keep coming up with excuses for weeks, after its made clear that the shooter was another white conservative incel
>Updegraff also said she was pretty sure that Crooks himself or one of his friends wore a pro-Trump shirt while in eighth grade.

>“I would almost put money on the fact that I probably had seen him wear a Trump shirt or something along the lines of that beforehand, which is why this is so shocking to me,” she said.

>Updegraff said she believes Crooks transferred to the Bethel Park School District in eighth grade and that he was a part of a class that received special instruction and often caused trouble for their teacher because of material they looked up on the internet.

>“They would have videos of video games that were a little too graphic or a little too gory or something that they were looking up on [the teacher's] computer,” she said.
he seems to be at a loss for words
Meanwhile, back in reality
>“They would have videos of video games that were a little too graphic or a little too gory or something that they were looking up on [the teacher's] computer,”
Oh for fucks sake it's another episode of "out of touch boomer blames video games"
>she believes Crooks transferred to the Bethel Park School District in eighth grade and that he was a part of a class that received special instruction
"Special instruction" is an odd way to word "honors student"
not clicking that
Lol sure schizo anything to reinforce your paranoid delusions, eh?
are you mad that i disregarded you
I'm laughing at you crazy shill
On a side note, your reaction is the entire reason I started posting "good post" to people.
Granted, this wasn't one of those times you sperged out, but it always kind of entertains me making you look stupider in front of other people when you falsely claimed that other people online have to be a single person
you probably should've just kept that a secret, nerd
the shooter was a confirmed jew and donated to biden. he probably only registered to vote in the primary. I've done that before.
did you forget who trump's son in law is
Pretty fun just putting it out there in the open actually
>“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other. ... It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”

The copuim shortages are coming!
Honestly it's hard to tell right now.
Given the limited information we have I'd agree with you. Seems like the kid was trying to be some sort of left-wing activist

I could also see this going the way of Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK. Lee Harvey killed JFK and all the Democrats were accusing Republicans and the far right of assassinating JFK. Turns out the guy who shot him was a literal far left communist. So I don't know the truth can be weird sometimes like that
So the kid was a special needs honor student who got bullied a lot but not that bad who was a conservative in high school that donated to ActBlue
I'm glad all of these stories from all these different people make so much sense
I used to be just like this kid.
Trump ruined my life and I'm happy to see him crash and burn. Back in 2016, I was his biggest supporter. I went to a couple rallies and I donated a decent some of money to his campaign. On election night, I was watching the coverage with my gf at the time, who was a hardcore hildog supporter (out of politics, she was a pretty cool chick so we didn't have any issues). When it became apparent hilary was going to lose, she started to lose her shit and was getting real mouthy. I tried to calm her down to no avail. She eventually said "Trump supporters are going to pay for what they've done today!" so I responded with "start with me, you stupid bitch!" The dumb whore slapped me across my face. Once this cunt realized what she did, her face turned paler than a ghost. I chuckled and let off a slight grin, then I cold-cocked her right in the face. She dropped to the floor instantly and I grabbed her by the hair and started to smash her face into the phucking floor. The neighbors heard her screaming and called the cops. I wound up getting five-years in prison. I got out in 2021 just to find our Trump didn't build the wall, he didn't drain the swamp, Hilary wasn't in prison, cucked on aid to Israel, and was another chickenhawk with his intervention in Syria and Iran. I went to prison defending this snake, so it's pretty epic ftw seeing the republicucks crashing and burning right now, not to mention Trump's going to be indicted in two more weeks. I obviously can't vote, but I live in a state with loose voter ID laws. My geriatric father has the same name as me, so I used his name at the polling station and voted blue down the line. Feels good man.
Good thing reality proves your opinions wrong.
Like that 'video' pushed by either you, or a similar retard, that turned out to be four years old. Which is the level of the thinking of subhuman rightards such as you, as you keep proving every time you post.
the only thing we know for sure is that he is a jew
The donation was likely just losing a bet that Trump would win, hence why the donation was on Biden's Inauguration rather than before the election.
Or his democrat mother made the donation in his name after he kept pretending that Jan 6th wasn't an attack on the nation.
>This link will prove he's really chinese!
jan 6 wasn't an attack on the nation. even if you concede it was an attack or a riot (it was neither, it was a peaceful protest) it was on congress. no one in congress is an American or a person
Very funny
>"out of touch boomer blames video games"
Well they were right this time. Also not video games. Violent video games
Great write-up. There are so many ideological factors to this kid's life that I'm not sure we're ever going to know.

Kid was smart. I think he was just suicidal and knew this would give him some sort of legacy. He wiped his social media accounts so people would speculate. Because of that, people are going to be debating his motivations for a long time. Makes sense. The movies and books that get discussed and reread the most are the ones that don't give you all the answers.
leftists like >>1315367
are a threat to democracy and humanity and deserve to be purged. They're vile disgusting filth whose only worth in life is to be a parasitic pampered privilaged pissbabies
How's that whole theory about false flags, paintball guns and the teleprompter exploding into trumps ear going for you, champ?
Considering you want to murder people, it makes sense your side did it
if democrats could stop shooting people that would be great
Except that Crooks looks nothing like the man shot attempting to assassinate Trump. Bigger nose, wrong ears, and much larger frame than the video and photos out. A man looking like Crooks is on video stating you've got the wrong man, and other photos from the news are the same man.
you began this with a comment saying wished terrible things on trump because you hated his politics. So I hope you get the same treatment "pacifist"
reddit was coping because theyre losing*
i mean fox news thought 4chan was a far left website a decade ago
why do leftists literally always cope?
they have nothing left
>A man looking like Crooks is on video stating you've got the wrong man
Meanwhile Crooks's father has identified his son, who is dead with a hole in his face and that man that looks like Crooks is just a confirmed troll that happened to have long blond hair, a flat face, and glasses.
>you began this with a comment saying wished terrible things on trump because you hated his politics. So I hope you get the same treatment "pacifist"
You hope people wish me harm? Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first.
you want it to happen to trump, so I want it to happen to you, what goes around comes around. I hope you get anal raped in prison and have an irreversibly large gaping anus from years of being the prison bitch, and then your parole fails and you get the sentenced extended to life because you and only you fell between the cracks in the system.
why are people who hate trump such ugly incels? just look at the rascal lol
Oh, also, just to be clear, the person you were responding to

here, wasn't me, who made the pacifist comment

>you want it to happen to trump
What's "it"? Doesn't sound like you have a clue about what I wanted to happen to Trump.
>what goes around comes around
Would explain why a Republican shot Trump. You should be careful. Sounds like your party is caught in a circle of violence.

>I hope you get anal raped in prison and have an irreversibly large gaping anus from years of being the prison bitch, and then your parole fails and you get the sentenced extended to life because you and only you fell between the cracks in the system.
Nobody wants to hear about your sexual fantasies.
>Trump Rally Gunman Was ‘Definitely Conservative,’ Classmate Recalls

Not looking good for the far right shills /here/, not looking good at all.
>"definitely a conservative"
>donated to joe biden's campaign
sure thing, lmao
then fuck off with the comment chain if you can't read.
I hope you're next on the list you're one and the same since you wanted to substitute in for someone who unironically called himself a pacifist after saying he wanted people dead
>Making shit up now
That absolute state of Republicans.
>i don't check the facts
must be a libshit kys
>Republicans making shit up, again, and pretending their facts, again.
yes he was such a diehard conservative he tried to kill the republican candidate
A bunch of diehard conservatives tried to kill the Republican VP not that long ago. Cons don't seem particularly mentally stable.
I think you misunderstood, possibly due to brain damage. I'm the person that called myself a pacifist. You jumped on some rando in this thread and thought they were me. I only jumped in when I saw the pacifist crack in the thread preview and assumed you were responding to me, which you thought you were.

What the fuck are you talking about, psycho?
The contrarian conservative denialists ITT are getting tired of pretending every news source isn't citing his Republican voter registration
>t. consumer of liberal media
all of them entered the building and meandered around
>t. consumer of fox news
he voted
you replied to me when i was responding to another nutjob who says he wanted his political opponents dead. So maybe you should fuck off.
I'm registered republican and I've never been to America.
Try again
Where do you people get this shit from?
Your greasy granny's gnarly dumper.
i dont avidly watch any news
But you do get your news from my greasy granny's dirty dumper though, right?
oh boy, i'm so glad it's highly encouraged to kill everyone you don't like, to mass genocide all the people you don't like, that the right to life is actually fucking worthless.
That just means he was dead set on stopping Trump. When it became obvious Trump would win party nominations, he had no choice but to assassinate to ensure he wouldn't win.
>nutcases try to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, conservatives run defense and make excuses.
>a lunatic beats paul pelosi with a hammer, they make jokes about how it's a cover up and he's a fag
>turn into a coven of pearl clutching helen lovejoy's screaming about civility and the sanctity of human life when orange man gets hurt
You people are pathetic
you're sure good at repeating cucker carlson talking points for someone who doesn't watch him.
You forgot the 2017 James Hodgkinson mass shooting of congressional staff and congressmembers
You forgot the 2011 attempted assassination of Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
>The last thing the republicans would want is the loss of their liberty under an extremist government.

That's what the left doesn't want as well, except for them liberty includes things like reproductive rights and gay/trans rights among other things. This is someone who already tried to overthrow the government last time he lost so I can see how leftists see him getting in to set up an extremist Christian would severely impede their liberty.

I'm glad I'm not in the position, but if I was I would take open war to a crushing dictatorship.
>The last thing the republicans would want is the loss of their liberty under an extremist government.
Republicans believe that liberalism has failed, which is why they want a strong government to bring the boot to people who have infringed upon their liberty.

This is literally why Abbot et al. were threatening to jail gaza protestors. Republicans want you to be free, but "free" only goes as far as they allow. If you start saying things which offend them, they will gladly use political violence to ruin your life.
They also fully believe that violence is the course forward. Just a week or two back Kevin Roberts was quoted saying "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" which is pretty much a direct threat saying they will do whatever they want and will crush all liberties and any resistance will end in violence. They just want to take everyone's freedoms away and have the left take it silently and be happy about it.

If the heritage foundation doesn't back down there will be civil war. It's what they want.
Funny how democrats immediately condemned that attack.
Meanwhile the Trumps made jokes about the attack on Paul Pelosi.
Almost like Democrats have standards and Republicans do not...
>We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be
Looks like the first blood was drawn against and it was against republicans, no?
Are you seriously claiming that nobody left leaning lamented the fact that trump missed a bullet?
>Yeah this republican even donates money to actblue on Biden's inauguration Day and earmarked it for the Progressive Turnout Project

Indeed, and lets remember that Pennsylvania election regulations require voters to declare for a party before they can vote in party primary elections, so it would make sense for a LeftyDem to declare as a Rep so he could vote _against_ Trump (seeing as Biden was automatically the Dem candidate and didn't need his vote).
I'm talking about elected or public officials who should have some standards, not random people on the internet.
But it's clear what you're trying to do.
>Funny how democrats immediately condemned that attack.

Kamala please, the Dems and Mainstream Media have spent the last eight years implying and even literally and openly calling for Trump's death and now that someone (once again) tried, you're really going to claim they're the party of peaceful discourse?
It's funny how when threatened with the possibility of impending violence and oppression people tend to get violently defensive.

All I'm really saying is it's not shocking given the circumstances. And asking any conservatives that if they felt they saw a similar level of existential threat to the state of the government that they wouldn't do the same. If say Kamala Harris was making jokes about how she'll only be a dictator for "one day" and was threatening to make Islam law the basis of government policy, that they wouldn't react the same way.

And to be clear, it's less about whether Trump actually would instill himself as a dictator and more how a citizen should act if they sincerely believe that's the case.
>Mainstream Media have spent the last eight years implying and even literally and openly calling for Trump's death

Got some sources from mainsteam media on that?
So who in the 'mainstream media' called for Trump's death?

We can't have "I sincerely believe they're literally hitler" as the norm to justify randos attempting political assassinations. Violence is the very last recourse when ALL our institutions fail us, and we're nowhere near that point. The "it was real in my mind" standard is exactly what people would use to justify more shit like Jan 6th and will only lead the country down a death spiral of escalating political violence.
the shooter was a confirmed jew and donated money to the dems. I think the best solution would be to go door to door and lock up everyone who donated to the dems in those illegal alien camps in the desert until after the inauguration
project 2025 is mega based and better than the dems platform. by your logic, shouldn't someone assassinate treadu and biden since they are anti gun totalitarians? treadu and biden both want to confiscate all guns and kill all white people and replace them with nonwhites
>And asking any conservatives that if they felt they saw a similar level of existential threat to the state of the government that they wouldn't do the same.
>existential threat
>to the state of the government
Who the fuck thinks we worship the government?
All I want is for no more foreign wars and to stop mothers from killing their kids. But our party has been hijacked by retards that think worshiping a rogue state to fast-track the apocalypse is a priority, instead of securing the border and executing hedge fund managers that keep driving up housing prices.
I'm not trying to say you worship the government. I'm saying if you felt you saw clear signs of an impending totalitarian state that os directly against your freedoms, how would you act? To me, the rebranding of abortion being outlawed by the state on mostly Christian religious grounds is an example of that kind of thing. If a Christian thinks it's against their religion to have an abortion that is their own faith based decision. But it's a different thing to say that the state has decided that all people, Christian and non-Christian must follow Christian faith based laws.

That's why I use the example of Harris setting up an Islamic state, not that it's a likely possibility but to ask how you would react to that. If Christianity was about to be outlawed by the state either by being replaced with Islam or because it's decided that Christianity is an illegal cult by extremist athiests, how would you react? How peaceful would you be in the face of that?

It's tough to tell if you are genuinely misinformed or being purposefully disingenuous. Neither of those people want to confiscate all guns and replace all white people. I am white and from a family who hunts. But that's why I support solid gun laws, because guns are useful but dangerous tools that should be well regulated like anything else.

Don't take that as my support for either Trudeau or Biden though. Both are complete turds in my eyes.
So what do you think is the best course of action when faced with what you see as impending totalitarianism? Let's say the reverse happens, Trump wins the popular vote but Biden says "that's nice, but I am not leaving office and since courts recently ruled that as President any official act I perform can't be prevented or prosecuted later I am dissolving the supreme court and Donald Trump will be executed." If that happened, or if he said in a speach before the election that if he loses that's his plan, what would you do?

Trump was already quoted as saying there will be blood on the streets if he doesn't win the next election so for some on the left that doesn't seem like a far fetched scenario.
>I'm not trying to say you worship the government. I'm saying if you felt you saw clear signs of an impending totalitarian state that os directly against your freedoms, how would you act? To me, the rebranding of abortion being outlawed by the state on mostly Christian religious grounds is an example of that kind of thing.
That's because you're retarded.
>It's tough to tell if you are genuinely misinformed or being purposefully disingenuous.
neither. both treadu and brandon are evil human rights deniers
>Neither of those people want to confiscate all guns and replace all white people.
they both literally do. they both constantly say they want gun bans and gun confiscation
>I am white
no you aren't
>and from a family who hunts.
as a gun owner I
yeah fuck off
>But that's why I support solid gun laws, because guns are useful but dangerous tools that should be well regulated like anything else.
fuck off you anti gun piece of shit. you just want total gun confiscation so the dems can put white people in death camps
>I'm not trying to say you worship the government. I'm saying if you felt you saw clear signs of an impending totalitarian state that os directly against your freedoms, how would you act?
the only side trying to take away our freedom is the dems
>To me, the rebranding of abortion
oh no, women will have to wear condoms and not get cummed in by dozens of strange men, the horror of needing to wear a condom and not getting creampied
That's a nice response. It highlights the issue I am raising. You support a Christian state because it aligns to your personal beliefs. If you think religious belief should be at the center of government policy that is exactly the issue at hand.

>they both literally do. they both constantly say they want gun bans and gun confiscation

Got any quotes as proof?

>I am white
>no you aren't

Clearly we're done here. When your argument is "I don't believe you're white because you don't agree with me" you are either being intentionally disingenuous or simply cannot handle actual debate. I am white, my family does hunt and I strongly support strong gun laws.
>Trump was already quoted as saying there will be blood on the streets if he doesn't win the next election so for some on the left that doesn't seem like a far fetched scenario.

your referring to this:

he was specifically speaking about the effects of a Biden win on the economy where "bloodbath" is a common term to describe economic losses which makes sense if you take his quote in context. it literally makes no sense unless you believe he's using coded language to talk about a secret plan to implement dictatorship. so yeah more media distortion to pervert the meaning and prop their scaremongering orange hitler narrative. honestly, can i believe people of good faith are still being fooled by this shit?
Imagine trying to run cover for Trump's bloodbath comment
>no you're not

Just to add to my last post, if you expect anything other than being called out for the disingenuous troll you clearly are, you'll have to do the same as here and show me your blue Caucasian eyes as well.

Imagine being so far left that you think only libertarians shoot guns
>Trump: China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.

>In a post on X, Biden posted a clip of Trump saying, “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it.” Biden commented, “It’s clear this guy wants another January 6.”

If you can't see it here, there's just no fucking helping you. This is what they did with almost every misrepresented controversial Trump quote throughout the entire Trump presidency.
Far rightest here. Only libertarians shoot guns.
>reddit spacing
go back
>Got any quotes as proof?
treadu is in the middle of trying to enact confiscation with his registry and biden literally tweets at least once a week that he wants a gun ban, he fucking tweeted he wanted a gun ban yesterday and during the nato press conference he started talking about gun control for some reason, you sea lioning jew.
>Clearly we're done here. When your argument is "I don't believe you're white because you don't agree with me" you are either being intentionally disingenuous or simply cannot handle actual debate.
once again you are turning tail and running because you got btfo'd. Trump is based. literally nothing in project 2025 restricts anyone's rights or freedom in anyway. treadu and brandon are both totalitarian tyrants and an existential threat to all mankind.
>I am white,
you aren't white. jews are not white. canadians are not white.
> my family does hunt
I don't give a shit about your >as a gunowner, bullshit
>and I strongly support strong gun laws.
because you are an evil piece of shit who wants to put white people in extermination camps. you are literally more evil than child rapists and illegal aliens
>mfw its literally a jewish tranny
kek, you aren't white. jews are not white. canadians are not white
fascism is left wing
Very good post.
Democrats have used this tactic of out of context quotes relentlessly to invite anger and fear amongst the left.

The DNC cheapfake, if you will
americunts have no self-awareness especially leftists.they take everything their masters say as fact. A totalitarianism state won't happen and its just a far-left boogieman to scare people from voting for the other side. I dislike religion but i understand the use for it, every "catholic leader" just uses religion as a tool not a guideline america is never going to turn into islam west, Unless people's rights are trampled over and turns to anarchy to open up a power vacuum which almost happened last week.
Christianity's is already in a decline in terms of how seriously people take it, Abortion should not be off the tables for a discussion or reform, i want there to be less americunts but it was never a sacred right and honestly felt like a retaliation for how hard guns were being targeted to just change the discourse.

> Neither of those people want to confiscate all guns and replace all white people.
their support base wants to otherwise #killallman and the white trash discourse wouldn't be happening. I'm not white so frankly I don't care. Also you're absolutely wrong about Trudeau at the very least, he's literally trying to outlaw guns including older relic handovers with a horrendous forced buyback program. There was controversy recently because he tried to force canadapost to confiscate and transport guns.
the rightist cope ITT is off the charts
If the nazi party renamed themselves to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, leftists would buy that they're not facist and are an innocent liberal pro-worker party. That's how fucking retarded the left is and why the bullshit antifa stands for antifacist we're not facist bullshit.
People should also check what the swastica used to stand for it's literally a religious peace symbol.
I'm Scottish you disingenuous piece of shit. Understand why you oppose Judaism and Islam and you will understand why I oppose them as well as Christianity. Clearly genuine discussion with your ilk is impossible as you will just decide what you think desipte reality. You are why this will come to war. You are pure evil and like the Jews and Muslims need to cleansed from this earth before there can ever be true peace.

Also you are proof of why we need strong gun laws, because disingenuous assholes like you who ignore reality and want to impose your religion on everyone else. You are delusional and delusional people should not have access to powerful tools like guns.

Shocking that you won't show how brown your skin is. Because we both know. See you on the battlefield.
Fascism is a right wing ideology
>I'm Scottish
a. scots aren't white
b. the fag who tried to kill trump was scottish and jewish
>Understand why you oppose Judaism and Islam and you will understand why I oppose them as well as Christianity.
I oppose jews and islam because they worship satan and are satan's agents on Earth
>Clearly genuine discussion with your ilk is impossible as you will just decide what you think desipte reality. You are why this will come to war. You are pure evil and like the Jews and Muslims need to cleansed from this earth before there can ever be true peace.
nah, I can't be evil as I am neither jewish nor anti gun. you however are both jewish and anti gun
>Also you are proof of why we need strong gun laws,
what gun law do you think would stop me from getting a gun, tranny? your argument is that we need stronger gun laws and death camps because people who you disagree with have guns?
>because disingenuous assholes like you who ignore reality and want to impose your religion on everyone else.
I'm literally an atheist, tranny. are you still seething from being told to stop murdering kids in cold blood? you are this mad about not being allowed to be creampied in?
> You are delusional and delusional people should not have access to powerful tools like guns.
so you want to ban guns based on people not being jewish? that is unconstitutional and retarded
>Shocking that you won't show how brown your skin is. Because we both know.
unlike you, I'm white, faggot
>See you on the battlefield.
you sure are one seething tranny
its authoritarian collectivism. that is left wing
>its authoritarian collectivism. that is left wing
Ahh this must be the "confidently wrong" thing I've heard so much about. Meanwhile in reality
>wikipedia as a source
hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha didn't your teacher tell you not to do that underaged zoomer?
plus wikipedia has been confirmed to be modded by jewish communist trannies
Do you think they're lying?
I don't think jews, communists and trannies have ever spoken truth in their lives
jews communists and trannies are all white
He's saying you and yours aren't really left wing.
You're only called left wing because you're living with the moniker Rush Limbaugh gave you.
Most trannies are black hookers and black whores with surprise dicks get punched by blacks account for 99% of all violence against transfags.
>yfw Joe Biden launched his 2020 campaign on the basis of the fine people media hoax

It's almost poetic.

So now that children are being radicalized by democrat rhetoric to the point that "normal nice kids" are now carrying out assassination plots against Trump, what's next for our country?
Socialists aren't a legitimate political party. Don't take it from me, ask Bernie Sanders.
He was a republican and you can't do anything to change that.
When did Biden promise a bloodbath if he lost like Trump?
>scots aren't white
So what original nationality are you, if this is your line.

>oppose jews and islam because they worship satan and are satan's agents on Earth

Yep and I add Christians to that list as well. You have said you think your religion gives you the right to determine what women you will never know are or are not allowed to do with their bodies regardless of their religious beliefs.

You are just as evil as the Christians who murdered any native Americans who wouldn't convert either. You are evil, your reli is evil and just another flavor from the evils of jews and muslims. I will fight for truth, reality and oppose your evil fairytales to my dying breath.

I'm also straight and married. I also worked in the church I grew up attending for 14 years. But you will just ignore that because truth is like boiling acid to the mind of a brain washed Christian retard.
lol no
>reddit spacing
go back
>So what original nationality are you
>Yep and I add Christians to that list as well.
nah, christians don't worship satan. only jews and muslims do
> You have said you think your religion gives you the right to determine what women you will never know are or are not allowed to do with their bodies regardless of their religious beliefs.
the baby isn't their body. its fucked up women murder their kids in cold blood for sexual pleasure. its fucked up to murder a kid because you have a cream pie fetish
>You are just as evil as the Christians who murdered any native Americans who wouldn't convert either.
lol this faggot is seething about shit that is over 200 years old
>You are evil, your reli is evil and just another flavor from the evils of jews and muslims. I will fight for truth, reality and oppose your evil fairytales to my dying breath.
you are jewish and your worship the devil
>I'm also straight and married. I also worked in the church I grew up attending for 14 years. But you will just ignore that because truth is like boiling acid to the mind of a brain washed Christian retard.
a. I'm athiest
b. you are a jewish tranny and that is why you want to ban guns
This is a 2/10. Apply yourself.
>Non arguement
I accept your surrender
please learn critical thinking skills
Facism is a right winged ideaology -> Antifa isn't facist it advertises itself as far-left -> Nazi party stands for national socialist germany workers party aka heavy left leaning -> screams that nazis are fascist???? while simultaneously claiming antifa aren't

Do you see the gap in logic there my american butt buddy you will be violently raped in prison and used as the prison bitch.
Unless you're native then we both know that's the question you are purposefully dodging. You first called me Jewish then claimed Scots aren't white. I am very happly white and male, unlike you apparently. You also don't understand basic biology. Enjoy your hellish fantasy world you're stuck in. I sincerely hope gun reform comes to your country so mentally incompetent idiots like you can't have access to such useful and important tools.
why are brits so obsessed with our gun laws? aussies don't act like this. even canadians aren't that bothered. it actually makes brits seethe that americans have firearms for some reason. it's fucking bizarre.
Referring to regular normal sex as a "creampie fetish" screams inceldom. Gun schizo confirmed to have never touched a woman.
you sound like someone who consumes liberal media
Hey so check this out.
The FBI just changed their story about the rifle.

Now they've decided it was purchased 11 years ago, not 6 months ago
I am ethnically Scottish and live in Canada as mentioned earlier. I am interested in gun laws because they are important. As someone who likes and uses guns I think they should be well regulated, like cars. Any law abiding citizen should be able to own and use fire arms, but they should pass training courses (like for cars) to maintain a valid license to use them and have the guns individually registered (like cars). Any law abiding citizen should be perfectly fine and supportive of that. If they aren't it calls direct question into why they feel the need to conceale what they own. Guns are very good, but they are also very dangerous. Thats why they need regulation. Owning a gun with it's proper license should be a point of pride. Not that any random delusional retard mutt who thinks anyone with blue eyes must be Jewish. But such is how it is for "white" Americans who look in the mirror at their shit coloured eyes and big puffy nose and lips and tell themselves they should be white no matter how much negro slave blood infects their bloodline.
There's no fucking way there's zero record of what he said online about politics. He clearly watches youtube, he has a comment history. At the very least he watches the news on t.v., which his friends or family would be aware of, so what programs or channels is he watching? Please tell me they're not going to try to claim this guy is some ghost with inexplicable motives that it would cause more harm to speculate about like the las vegas guy.
They just got access to his phone earlier today
Funny you mention internet because I was just reading an article earlier stating that he had very limited internet access at his house
>He clearly watches youtube, he has a comment history.
i don't make any political comments on anything other than 4chan and I also watch youtube
>At the very least he watches the news on t.v., which his friends or family would be aware of, so what programs or channels is he watching?
nobody watches tv news anymore, and certainly not zoomers. he'd just be reading/watching on his phone and keeping his thoughts to himself
He told people at his high school he was conservative
>i don't make any political comments on anything other than 4chan

why not? worried about anonymity?
to some extent, although it's also that youtube is a shitty platform for discussion
but even on 4chan I rarely talk about politics
>Unless you're native
I'm not an injin, I'm white, unlike you.
>ou first called me Jewish then claimed Scots aren't white. I am very happly white and male,
nah, you are a nonwhite jewish tranny
>Enjoy your hellish fantasy world you're stuck in. I sincerely hope gun reform comes to your country so mentally incompetent idiots like you can't have access to such useful and important tools.
another jew uses newspeak to seethe about wanting to ban guns in the US
because they want to try to conquer us and the fact we shot them makes them eternally ass hurt
do they have pics? AR styles change over time. plus didn't it say it was his dads?
>I am ethnically Scottish and live in Canada as mentioned earlier.
so nonwhite
>I am interested in gun laws because they are important. As someone who likes and uses guns
as a gun owner
fuck off paid jewish anti gun shill
> I think they should be well regulated, like cars.
canada's gun registry has not solved a single murder in 25 years. NZ, AUS and UK all used their registries for mass confiscation. the argument AUS used to get their registry was literally >we should do registration and insurance like cars and then they confiscated guns a decade later. this fag is a jewish anti gun shill
>Any law abiding citizen should be perfectly fine and supportive of that. If they aren't it calls direct question into why they feel the need to conceale what they own.
aus, NZ and the UK all used their registries to confiscate guns. canada hasn't solved a single murder with their registry in 25 years
>Guns are very good, but they are also very dangerous. Thats why they need regulation.
they already have too much regulation
> Owning a gun with it's proper license should be a point of pride.
licensing a basic human right is fucking disgusting
> Not that any random delusional retard mutt who thinks anyone with blue eyes must be Jewish. But such is how it is for "white" Americans who look in the mirror at their shit coloured eyes and big puffy nose and lips and tell themselves they should be white no matter how much negro slave blood infects their bloodline
jewish tranny sure is seething
how do you think women get pregnant, retard? wear a condom and you won't need an abortion. less than 10% of women get abortions for their health or the baby being retarded or rape or incest combined. over 90% of abortions are because women didn't want to wear a condom because she has a cream pie fetish
Virgin detected.
This is the dumbest take that has caught fire. It means nothing.. you can register for the opposite party to fuck over their primary...

My point should be obvious and everyone should've came to the conclusion.

Democrats really are dumb nigger sheep...
The only sheep here is you.

There is irrefutable evidence that he's a registered republican. Anything contrary to that is a conspiracy, like saying that the shooting was staged.
actblue donation
Condomless sex is the default form of sex. Referring to it as a "creampie fetish" falsely suggests that it is a paraphilia to ejaculate into a vagina, when rather it is the most natural method. It's the type of rhetoric only a kissless virgin (such as yourself) would use.
>He told people at his high school he was conservative

No, some guy who went to school with him _says_ he was a conservative.
Of $15

Before he was old enough to vote. You know what he did once he was old enough to vote?

What percentage of registered republicans consider themselves liberal?

> 14% identify as moderates or liberals and are Republicans or Republican leaners.
> https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/the-partisanship-and-ideology-of-american-voters/

So pretty unlikely there.
>no I can't wear a condom. the only way I can achieve orgasm is to be cummed in and then murder my child in cold blood. if I am not murdering a human child how can I achieve orgasm? I can't use any form of contraceptive other than getting creampied and then murdering the baby in cold blood
YWNBWAW (You Will Never Be With A Woman)
tranny be mad as fuck that 90% of abortions happen due to roasties having an abortion fetish and wanting an abortion for sexual gratification
Have sex
stop murdering babies for your sexual fetish, tranny
Citation needed.
I was off by 3%.
12% for health reasons
1.2% for other
87% because they have an abortion/cream pie fetish
>What percentage of registered republicans consider themselves liberal?

What percentage of LeftDems registered as Reps so they could vote _against_ Trump by picking other Rep candidates, seeing as Biden is a sitting President and is virtually guaranteed to get the Dem nomination and thus doesn't need their votes? You can change your party declaration afterward, you're not committed to that party forever.

This makes a lot more sense then "staunch conservative shooter wants to kill conservative candidate" that the Dems keep shilling, to deflect from the fact that the deranged shooter was one of theirs, just like the other political attacks; LeftDems are violent retards.

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