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House LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus calls for action after murder of transgender teen


HARRISBURG, Pa.–– After the murder of a 14-year-old transgender individual in Mercer County, members of the PA House LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus released the following statement:

“We mourn the death of Pauly Likens and refuse to stand idly by while LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians are targeted because of who they are. It’s unacceptable that current hate crime laws in our commonwealth are not applied to crimes motivated by a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

“As incidents of violent hate crimes continue to rise across the nation, we urge our colleagues in the state Senate to pass H.B. 1027 and send it to the governor’s desk. It’s far past time to update Pennsylvania’s hate crime statute so that charges may reflect the especially heinous nature of hate-based violence.”

Sponsored by state Reps. Dan Frankel and Napoleon Nelson, H.B. 1027 would amend PA’s Ethnic Intimidation Statute to ensure protections for victims targeted because of their race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, and disability, including autism. The bill would also provide victims with a civil cause of action against offenders.

The state House passed the legislation on a bipartisan vote in October of 2023, but it has yet to be considered by the state Senate’s Judiciary Committee.

“Not only has a light gone out with the loss of Pauly Likens, but the LGBTQ+ communities across our commonwealth are shaken and fearful,” Frankel (D-Allegheny) said. “The federal government and dozens of other states have acknowledged that these groups are targets for hate crimes, and they’ve provided tools to law enforcement accordingly. Who are we as a commonwealth if we refuse to protect vulnerable people?”
>One LGBTQ killed another LGBTQ
>LGBTQs call for action
They're oppressing each other, and friendly fire will not be tolerated by the server admins.
false flag operation if i ever saw one. can't call it a hate crime when it's one of their own.
100% of LGBTQs are chomos.
To be honest, that's not fair at all.
However, 100% of chomos are LGBTQ.
If you kill a tranny your sentence should be reduced to 59% the sentence for killing a person, since there is a 41% chance the troon would have killed itself anyway
But there shouldn't be any punishment for killing a person so mentally perverted, sexually perverted and inhuman they believe, wrongly, they can be the opposite sex.
Ah yes, surely trans people deserve to die for the horrible crimes of...
>Taking hormones
>Wearing clothes
>Changing name/pronouns
And let me guess, the person advocating murder deserves to go to "heaven", right? Hahahahaha.
I'm not saying they deserve to die, but they are broken people without a future.
Killing them isn't a loss worth punishing.
go outside sometime
>They don't deserve to die
>Killing them shouldn't be punished
You're contradicting yourself. Just say it was hyperbole while winking at your Nazi friends and move on.
Been out. It's hot today.
>You're contradicting yourself.
How is it a contradiction?
Squirrels don't technically deserve to die for messing up your garden, but you shouldn't be prosecuted for killing them with a bb gun.
Same thing, but squirrels have more intrinsic value.
How are squirrels more valuable than transfolk, asshole?
Dude, I have multiple transgender family members. You're talking about killing siblings, nieces and nephews. Quit treating this like an abstract, symbolic issue. Get out of your Nazi bubble. Learn from history. It's not too late.
They keep their nuts.
Who in the fuck has multiple transgender family members?
Do you live in a polluted area or something?
Gay guy went on Grindr, found a gay guy, killed them, so gay people hate themselves and this should be a crime? Hate crimes are a hypocrisy and contradiction and should not exist. Unless I guess these people do need special treatment because they're not normal?
Watch where you're going when you're sidestepping like that.
Sidestepping? You're either lying or your family is Tran by Monsanto or something.
"multiple trans people??? impossible!!!!!!"
The lengths people will go to to avoid self-reflection. Sunk cost fallacy I suppose.
>One Republican tries to assassinate another Republican
>Republicans call for action
MERCER county is the biggest SHITHOLE in PA. I lived there once for a job and it’s like the water has been poisoned for 3 generations because everyone’s fucking weird looking, the IQ average is in the 90’s, and I saw a few trannys in passing on a weekly basis and this was 2013/2014 before being a tranny was normalized
It's not impossible, it's just really unlikely that you have so many trans family member when transfags are a fraction of a percentage of the population.
Other factors like pollution, mental illness, or a chunibyo would have to be present.
Perhaps they the Tranny Grail is real and they've all sipped from it?
"have to be". Such a confident statement from someone completely uninformed. It's well-documented that there's a genetic component to being trans. Having a trans family member means it's more likely for other people in your family to be trans.

Also, weren't you just calling transness a mental and sexual perversion? But suddenly you're trying to blame pollution? That doesn't even make sense. Is it biological or not? You're not being consistent.
this is a wild conspiracy theory and we dont post those here
Wait? You're telling me we can rid ourselves from the tranny menace by shipping a small number of families off to die in the Ukraine-Russia war?
Why aren't we doing this?
Why do Russia shills love to bring up trans people and their genitals
maybe you should castrate yourself before posting then.
a. don't call them people
b. I've never had a positive interaction with a tranny. they spammed the shit out of /gif/ with faggot porn and are annoying as shit on twitter trying to sexually harass people with fag porn
I don't give a fuck what cunts on twitter are doing, go outside retard.
trannies are annoying outside too, faggot. they list being a woman on dating apps, they vote for democrats and they dress with their ugly ass and dick out outside.
>listing their gender
>wearing clothes
>having a body
also maybe they wouldn't have to vote democrat if you didn't make the republican party actively hostile to their existence.
Trannies are not women. I don't want to see them on dating apps because I am not a faggot. they support gun control, fuck them. Anyone who supports gun control is my enemy. and they are ugly and disgusting and shit up /gif/. every interaction I've ever had with a tranny just makes me hate troons more and more
>Trannies are not women. I don't want to see them on dating apps because I am not a faggot.
Okay, swipe left
>they support gun control, fuck them. Anyone who supports gun control is my enemy.
They're a demographic, not a hivemind, and again there would be plenty of trans right-wingers if making it illegal for them to access their medication wasn't on your agenda.
>they are ugly and disgusting and shit up /gif/
That's not even trans people's fault, it's the people posting their pics, and believe it or not most trans people aren't in any porn. Why should you talk shit about the nice trans lady who works at the gas station just because you don't like trans porn. They're people not a porn category retard. Besides, aren't you smart enough to just masturbate somewhere else that doesn't have shit that you don't like? /gif/ isn't tailor made for you specifically, someone uploaded that because it turns them on.
>Okay, swipe left
I shouldn't see them at all. there should be a no trannies button
>They're a demographic, not a hivemind, and again there would be plenty of trans right-wingers if making it illegal for them to access their medication wasn't on your agenda.
they are a hive mind. they all go out of their way to be anti gun pieces of shit.
>That's not even trans people's fault,
don't call them people
> nice trans lady
there is no such thing as a nice troon
>someone uploaded that because it turns them on.
no, someone uploaded it because the jewish government paid them to. plus a bunch of it is literal fucking trannies posting themselves for their fetish
Plus trannies on twitter harass people and draw gay porn of them
I've never had a positive interaction with a troon
>they are a hive mind. they all go out of their way to be anti gun pieces of shit.
blaire white.
>I've never had a positive interaction with a troon
The only place you've ever encountered one is online. Which means you should get the fuck off the internet you extremely online fagola.
If you haven't experienced it IRL then you don't know shit about it. That goes for almost anything. Little wimpy faggots sit behind a screen and think they know the world
I've seen them irl too you dickless kike tranny
I'm not a tranny you fucking mongoloid. Everyone you disagree with is a tranny, aren't they?
Bet you didn't even talk to that one IRL. bet you crossed the street or looked away or whatever other cowardly shit you did cause you're cucked by life itself. KWAB
you obviously are a tranny and jerk off to tranny porn. also why the fuck would I talk to a tranny? literally no one likes trannies. no one wants trannies around, tranny

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