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Trump rally shooter identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20-year-old Pennsylvania man. Here's what we know so far.
By Nicole Sganga, Allison Elyse Gualtieri, Pat Milton

Updated on: July 14, 2024 / 5:05 PM EDT / CBS News


Who was the shooter?
In a statement, the FBI said:

"The FBI has identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the subject involved in the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania. This remains an active and ongoing investigation, and anyone with information that may assist with the investigation is encouraged to submit photos or videos online at FBI.gov/butler or call 1-800-CALL-FBI."

Federal investigators said the gunman was not carrying identification, so they analyzed his DNA to provide a biometric confirmation of his identity.

Crooks was from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, a Pittsburgh suburb about an hour south of Butler. The town in Allegheny County is home to about 30,000 people and has one high school with about 1,300 students.

Bethel Park School District confirmed to CBS Pittsburgh station KDKA that Crooks was a 2022 graduate of Bethel Park High School. School officials pledged to work with law enforcement investigating the shooting, and offered condolences to those affected by the attack.
Former classmate Jameson Myers, a member of the school's varsity rifle team, told CBS News that Crooks had tried out for the team freshman year but did not make the junior varsity roster and did not return to try out for the team in subsequent years.

He called Crooks a "nice kid who never talked poorly of anyone," and he said, "I never have thought him capable of anything I've seen him do in the last few days."

Fellow classmate Summer Barkley told CBS Pittsburgh reporter Megan Schiller that although Crooks wasn't popular, he still had a group of friends and was a good student beloved by teachers. She said she didn't see any red flags that would lead her to believe he would do something like this.

Another classmate, Jason Koehler, had a somewhat different view, telling Schiller that Crooks as a loner who was bullied relentlessly for his appearance and wore camo/hunting outfits in class. He said Crooks would often sit in the cafeteria alone before class. He also said Crooks was very COVID-conscious and wore a surgical mask long after they were required.

Crooks graduated from the Community College of Alleghany County in May 2024 with an Associate in Science degree in Engineering Science, a spokesperson for the college confirmed to CBS News. Crooks also worked at Bethel Park Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center as a dietary aide, according to the facility's administrator.
>COVID conscious
>Worked in a nursing home
That's a pretty big clue for motive.
so he's a far-left "nice" guy type eww. willing to bet he posts on resetera and reddit too.
>far left
>registered republican
How does this make sense to you?
You're having one of the biggest meltdowns I have ever seen.
I am?
You're spamming that on every thread on /news/.
how many dozens of times have you posted that? he donated to a liberal movement, he shares antifa ideology take responsibility and fuck off.
He's still a libtranny. Don't care what you say. Cope
That was literally the first time I ever posted it. You do know almost every news source is reporting the same thing, right?
/news/ is a slow board. We can see someone spamming the same thing over and over.

And, fyi, news also reporting he donated to a progressive cause. Funny how you left that out.
I can't imagine being as out of touch as your are. Here's a clue.
fine my b for flaming up on you then, but there's a retard on the other thread spewing bullshit and acting like a schizo on a meltdown pretending the left has no role at all whatsoever. and he's posting like a post every time its off cd i just assumed you were him so my b
see >>1315271
leftists are a terrorist movement now Please get fucked.
leftists weren't involved in this story
Was Patrick Crusius a democrat?
you're a terrorist, your posts will be looked through and retroactively charged. You won't escape the law, you aren't an american citizen you're an american traitor libshit.
(autistic screeching intensifies)
If the poor kid listened to Andrew Tate he wouldn't have become a crazy leftwing assassin.
actually fucktard. Borh parents = registered dems. Shokter donated to progressive DEM pack and registered republican to vote in PRIMARIES. Which is what LEFTIST ACTIVISTS DO. Because they don't respect democracy
nice english there
>You do know..., right?
redditor speak.
>“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other. ... It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”
>Updegraff also said she was pretty sure that Crooks himself or one of his friends wore a pro-Trump shirt while in eighth grade.
>“I would almost put money on the fact that I probably had seen him wear a Trump shirt or something along the lines of that beforehand, which is why this is so shocking to me,” she said.
You were doing this in the other thread, as well. I'm not sure it's the rest of us who are having a meltdown.
>vote in PRIMARIES.
He didn't vote in the primaries though. Keep coping.
dw you'll be going to jail anal raped and have a gaping huge hole to the point you can't even go to the bathroom alone once trump takes office and the fbi retroactive checks and charges people on social media for terrorists
and patrick crusius was a registered democrat
january 6 wasn't perpetrated by leftists, sweetie
This rhetoric is exactly why the Republican assassination attempt happened.
ok leftist terrorist. Just ignore that there were antifa agents in the crowd stirring violence.
next ur going to tell us the left is a party of peace and discord kukukuku hahaha nice joke.
bro just got finished watching alex garland's civil war on netflix and is madly jerking his shit at the mere thought of being like jesse plemons in that one scene where he's got a bunch of unarmed brown people at gunpoint and asks them 'so, what kind of american are you?', you just know...
i don't have a netflix subscription cause i ain't a pampered privilaged leftist but ngl that does sound pretty interesting. I wonder if i can pirate it off somewhere
uh "heroic american journalists" sounds like an oxymoron, I don't see a parody tag to the film either.
anybody got a narcan spray handy? this anon is delirious and dangerously close to OD'ing on whatever he's got right now
>Still trying to blame Antifa for the right's crimes.
And this is why everyone knows the shooter is a Republican.
this is why the far-left should be institutionalized you can't talk sense with these losers it's always rules for thee but not for me no responsibility just human filth and scum.
they fall for every false flag operation they refuse to look at corrections or facts and it's what the powers that be are counting on. You are a group of radicalized terrorist privileged piss babies with the education of a fucking dog.
go fetch doggy do it get him yes yes eat him you're a good doggy its fine just listen to me don't take any responsibility you are a good boy
I hope you're violently raped by another leftist in prison so at least you won't waste someone else's time you aren't worthy of being prison raped
Gaslight, Obstruct, Project
the leftist playbook
I have a hard time believing the Canadian government is going to extradite a university student to their homeland for supposed thought crimes committed on non-existent social media accounts.
Take your medications, or ask your doctor for some.
dw poliviere will use trudeau's censorship bill to lock you up next.
Cheeseburger, please.
Classic Republican
no self-awareness. Please go get fucked in the ass so you don't reproduce
>One of Crooks's classmates, who attended US history and government classes with him, estimated Crooks's political views as "slightly right-leaning"
<Another of Crooks's classmates said Crooks "definitely was conservative" and "no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side."
so it was MAGA on MAGA violence, this "assassination attempt" is a big nothingburger
Sure, sure. 24 hours before that's proven wrong.
This is going to be an anti-pedofile/Epstein thing, isn’t it. I wonder how they’re going to release that info. “Ah… he shot trump because trump raped minors”
you mean democrat donor thomas crooks?
Crusius was a registered Republican. Not sure why you're lying about this.
>Crusius registered to vote in 2016 as a Republican and had a Twitter account from 2017 that showed a photo of Donald Trump in the Oval Office. He also had a pro-Trump poll that included responses such as "#BuildTheWall, #NoSanctuaryCities, #KeepGitmoOpen and #BanSyrianRefugees".
He's a 20 year old incel. His political orientation was probably incoherent and all over the place. Wouldn't surprise me if he bounced back and forth between Bolshevism and Fascism.
It's pretty easy to stereotype him just based off his appearance. He kind of strikes me as a traditionalist. Look at the shirt he's wearing in the yearbook..

What is the psychology of traditionalism?

Traditional individuals not only accept the status quo of ingroup traditions but also actively resist changes to them. Consequently, they express hostility toward people who challenge traditional values, morality, norms, and practices.

Trump was considered a political poser not long ago. Now he's an American hero?

As far as this guy being a registered republican.. It was probably just parental/peer pressure.
Learning more about him has made me think this wasn't politically motivated at all. He probably was just mass shooting with a taller goal line.
Ya the while thing feels more like he was trying to just make his mark in history.
Oh good, an article written by multiple women. Those are always great!
>Former classmate Jameson Myers, a member of the school's varsity rifle team, told CBS News that Crooks had tried out for the team freshman year but did not make the junior varsity roster
KEK so even back then he was a poor shot
>He also said Crooks was very COVID-conscious and wore a surgical mask long after they were required.
doesn't sound like a typical Chud to me
Honestly this though. He was just an outcast who wanted attention.
>>He also said Crooks was very COVID-conscious and wore a surgical mask long after they were required.
>doesn't sound like a typical Chud to me
Or maybe he just wanted to hide his face.
The Lee Harvey Oswald motive?
>>He also said Crooks was very COVID-conscious and wore a surgical mask long after they were required.
Sounds like he bought into everything urinalists wanted him to.
Now we watch as the lunatics who caused his madness step away and try to shift blame.
> be a loser in high school
> ???
> ???
> ???
> try to assassinate a president who you never even had a chance to vote for/against

what are the missing steps?
It would be funny if the guy was just a nut and it wasn't politically motivated, but was given the means to do what he did specifically because Republicans policies where they gutted mental health care and made access to guns piss easy.
>*laughs nervously*
>A-am I-I r-right, my f-fellow quad channelers?
>Poorly done green text
Apply yourself redditor, it's bad form.
Chill dude, not everyone who disagrees with you is a leftists. I know it make it easy calling everyone one, but try to see people as a wide range of individuals, each with their own motivations and needs, instead a gigantic telepathically linked hive mind out to get YOU, like you seem to think. You are are starting to come off as a bit of a raving nutjob. (and no, before you type your automated reply, I am not one of these leftists.)
Destiny's taking a break from X to be a douche on /news I see.
He could have been a Trump obsessed schizo-turned-spurned lover sort of thing where he thought Trump was specifically talking to him and felt ignored when we wouldn’t answer tweets/emails/packages with the locks of his hair in them.

There could be an angle where he was super far right and didn’t think Trump wasn’t going far enough. Or maybe felt betrayed by something he did/said.

He could have thought that assassinating Trump would accelerate the collapse of the US and was trying to cause some sort of civil war/mass riot scenario. Or he intentionally was trying to miss to garner him sympathy and he martyred himself for the cause independently.

It could also have just been staged. Who the fuck knows at this point.
Look at this faggot and his gay fan fiction.
It's obvious the dude was driven to maddness by journos reporting "The sky is falling!!!"
You don't get to shift blame with your retarded gay porn fantasies.
>The Trump Shooter was an Incel loser.
You could have just called him "The sky is falling" dude and fucked off.
60% of the country is on two or more meds. Kids pop aderall for video game performance. Access doesn't seem to be very limited.
> He could have been a Trump obsessed schizo-turned-spurned lover
As a first-time voter?

He could have thought that assassinating Trump would accelerate the collapse of the US and was trying to cause some sort of civil war/mass riot scenario.
As a first time voter?

pol guys, you gotta step out of your own shoes for like, at least ten seconds if you want to figure out what other people might be thinking
>Equating the corporate drug trade to mental health.
All the more reason healthcare should be nationalized.
He reportedly was a fan of violent video games.
Conservatives are really going to dust off the 3 decade old playbook of blaming video games?
Tipper Gore? And who are these "Conservatives" you're always mad at, my European island dwelling friend of Indian origin?
I'm just reporting the facts. Do what you want with them.
Interesting choice of projection for your race.
>He thinks Gore and Clinton are liberals and not part of the center right DLC.
People regularly change their registered party to vote in primaries. My parents did it in 2008 to vote for Hillary because they didn't want Obama to get the nomination.
What's your idea for his motives then? He did it for the lulz?
That doesn't mean that's what happened here.
His classmates remembered that he had conservative views.
I never understood your term "urinalists". It's a uniquely schizophrenic term from this board, it seems. And you're probably indian
“I was friends with him- he never acted, like, by any means a political revolutionary,” Myers said, noting he was a fan of "Star Wars" and “was a very nice, even sweet guy from what I knew.”

Myers and another student said that Crooks tried to join the high school's rifle team but was rejected and asked not to return after a "preseason" session.

“He didn't just not make the team, he was asked not to come back because how bad of a shot he was, it was considered like, dangerous,” said Myers.

Another member of the team, who asked not to be named, told ABC News that there was a view that Crooks "wasn't really fit for the rifle team."

"He also shot terrible," the team member added.

>Crooks was such a a poor shit he was rejected from his schools rifle team and told to never come back
The kid wore a mask longer than anyone else, even after covid. He's not a conservative. Also he looks like a tranny and literally shot the leader of the conservative party. There's nothing conservative about him.
He's 20 years old, the only thing he ever would have been able to vote in us the republican primaries so of course he'd be registered as one if he votes. Dems can't vote in primaries this election.
Man I thought we were against pedophiles. Now we’re against shooting them? This kid was just a projection of anti-Epstein/pedophilia conspiracy theories.
He voted in the mid-terms - his first election. He didn’t vote in the primaries. It’s in the public record.
Whom did he vote for?
Yeah, and he wouldn't have been able to if he registered democrat
>B-but he’s a l-l-librul!
Just because you repeat a lie or a delusion often enough doesn’t make it true schizo
>no true scotsman
No u.
>donates $15 to actblue
>registers as a republican
>votes as a republican
>chuds call him a liberal
doesn't matter he was readicalized by the far-left rhetoric. take responsibility and kys libshits you are all terrorists
>be radicalized by reddit
>buy into the covid extremist fear
>buy into the leftist narriative of the totalitarian doomed future
>act on it to be seen as a leftist hero.
meanwhile in reality
when in prison do you want the large black cock or the small white one?.
If leftists can screech about jan 6 but ignore cop city or burning down new york i'm entitled to call them terrorists for the next 3 months until the next big event happens. Frankly if the day trump entered office he ordered a massacre I wouldn't bat and an eye and would support it after the rhetoric i've seen on twitter and reddit.
Most of the leftist losers are on the level of alex jones conspiracy showing they can only project
radicalized by reddit and twitter.
so he's a leftist shitlord who registered as a republican to vote nikki great
>thinks nyc burned down
>whines about conspiracy theories
naah he was a liberal kid who got indoctrinated by the far right and the lolbertarians on the gun nut youtube channel
Its a joy to watch your schizo ass melt down in these threads coming to term that the shooter is a Republican
I can smell your salty tears through the Internet. keep coping.
oh so you're saying the far-right hate trump now? then you should vote for him right.
get your story straight the cognitive dissonance is blatantly retarded like YOU.
see above
from your favorite site
>At the end of the third day of unrest, a total of 345 arrests had been made, 33 police officers were injured, and 47 police vehicles had been damaged or destroyed
So you'll go ahead and kill yourself now right? this is 300 times more violent then jan 6
turn yourself in and get epsteined you deserve it. I hope your parents are ashamed of you get alzeimers and forget about you, your sibblings disown you and your pet dog runs away from home and gets n owner that actually loves and supports them.

Most American's aren't bootlickers who wants the cops to be able to kill anyone they want.
That was the point of the Floyd protests

Most Americans aren't sore losers who could be conned into believing an election was stolen after 80 lawsuits failed to prove it.
Thats why Jan 6th was a crime and a national disgrace.

Keep crying about it. Trump's failed assassin was another Republicunt incel.
Your brain on HIV meds everyone.
Enjoy your AIDS, faggot.
>shares antifa ideology
did someone unearth a manifesto or something? where are people getting this from?
schizo delusions
They're still holding onto the belief that the shooter was a secret lib
the shooter was a leftist, most evidence points to that
>B-but he registered as a R-Republican!!!
your schizo delusions are not evidence
please do not shove a bleach lubed UV light up your butthole
The UV light goes in your throat, faggot.
No one ever mentioned bleach.
Can't you get one fucking thing in your entire life right?
So let me get this straight. The Trump Shooter:
>Is a white
>Is a male
>Is straight
>Was a loser in high school
>Got bullied for wearing autistic clothing
>Larped as as gun advocate
>Get kicked out his school's rifle team for sucking at aiming
>Played violent video games
>Was a Star Wars fan
>Was a contrarian
>Possibly owned a Maga Cap
>Obsessed with history and politics
>Has no social media
Lol this guy is DEFINITELY a 4channer
Yes, he voted as a republican.
>Federal investigators said the gunman was not carrying identification, so they analyzed his DNA to provide a biometric confirmation of his identity.

Ok, and, how exactly did they do that? Assuming this 20 year old didn’t have a 23-and-me account or something, it’s not like the government has a DNA sample database of every American
>Ok, and, how exactly did they do that
Idk must have had a sample of his on hand and ready to go
Usually nursing home workers have to get fingerprinted, but DNA I don't know.
when i was in elementary school back in the 90s there was a national program that fingerprinted every kid in the school as part of a "get to know the police and what they do at their job" day, wouldnt be surprised if they still did this. most peoples fingerprints are on record even if they dont know it.

the DNA thing could be a misquote, or they have some kind of spooky tech that isnt public knowledge
registered to vote for the worst candidate*
Ancestry.com's 23-and-Me can identify your family even if YOU aren't in the database. All it takes is a cousin. Read up on how they caught the Golden State Killer in CA. They didn't have his DNA... but they had the DNA of someone he was related to. Big Brother is watching us all...
Lee Harvey Oswald was in direct contact with the USSR, it's more like Reagan's schizo shooter.
He voted for Nikki... registered as a Pub but doing as he's told like a good dem leftist.
>He voted for Nikki
You wouldn't be lying about this to cope about the shooter being a Republican?
We all know that voting records are confidential, so he can't have a source.
good post
Gay post. Samefag.
apparently he plays chess,
do you think 4chan can find his chess.com/lichess.org account? would be inactive since that day
He didn’t vote in the primaries so he couldn’t have voted for her. He only voted in the mid-terms. They keep track of what elections people vote in so that they can be removed from the voter lists if they haven’t voted in so-many years.
>They keep track of what elections people vote in so that they can be removed from the voter lists if they haven’t voted in so-many years
But they don't keep track of primaries because those are conducted by the parties themselves, not the states
apparently they found a printed copy of this thread on his desk: http://autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2889116&forum_id=2#27962434
>The Trump Shooter was an Incel
All leftists are.
>Assassin who wants to kill Republicans is gonna walk into an area full of republicans with a gun wearing a Dems shirt.
The absolute state of coping leftoids.
Kek, it's over bros. We are fucked.
He didn't walk into the area. Beyond that, it is actually possible to not broadcast your political affiliations with your clothes, dipshit redhat.

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