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Every diagram has the shooter ion the roof in the Western side with the grass around the building.
But when shot he's on the Eastern side of the building where the car park is. Why the reporting of the West side shooter? Every MSM diagram shows this.
Video here shows the body on the East side.

Huh. You're right
I really don't understand why MSM are pin pointing so loosely. Copy pasta job?

If the shooter is on the East side then a tree may have blocked the snipers but why would the SS not cite this? Embarassing? Obvious? It's all embarassing and obvious so far.?
I think someone rotated it so trump as at the top of the diagram. the 3 buildings with the SS snipers were to the south east and the shooter is north.
m00t is being a tranny and won't let me post the google maps link
Dunno man, the car park side is the footage of the sniper dead. But every diagram shows sniper on the roof on the oppossite side from the car park.

It's just he's meant to be on one side of the building roof but is dead on the other side.
Thats what i cant figure.
Found it

Found what explains it.

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