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It's expected to be appealed and overturned, but the Trump installed judge did her job of delaying the case until after the election.


WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal judge presiding over the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump in Florida dismissed the prosecution on Monday, siding with defense lawyers who said the special counsel who filed the charges was illegally appointed by the Justice Department.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, which can be appealed and may be overruled by a higher court, brings at least for now a stunning and abrupt conclusion to a criminal case that at the time it was filed was widely regarded as the most perilous of all the legal threats the Republican former president confronted.

Though the case had long been stalled, and the prospect of a trial before the November election already was an unrealistic scenario, the judge’s order is a mammoth legal victory for Trump as he recovers from a weekend assassination attempt and prepares to accept the Republican nomination in Milwaukee this week.

In one of four criminal cases against Trump, he had faced dozens of felony counts accusing him of illegally hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, and obstructing FBI efforts to get them back. He had pleaded not guilty and denied wrongdoing.

Defense lawyers filed multiple challenges to the case, including a legally technical one that asserted that special counsel Jack Smith had been illegally appointed under the Constitution’s Appointments Clause because he was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland, rather than being confirmed by Congress, and that his office was improperly funded by the Justice Department.
“The Special Counsel’s position effectively usurps that important legislative authority, transferring it to a Head of Department, and in the process threatening the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers,” Cannon wrote in a 93-page order granting a defense request to dismiss the case.

“If the political branches wish to grant the Attorney General power to appoint Special Counsel Smith to investigate and prosecute this action with the full powers of a United States Attorney, there is a valid means by which to do so,” she added.

That mechanism is through congressional approval, she said.

The order is the latest example of Cannon, a Trump appointee, handling the case in ways that have benefited the ex-president.

She generated intense scrutiny during the FBI’s investigation when she appointed an independent arbiter to inspect the classified documents recovered during the August 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago, a decision that was overturned months later by a unanimous federal appeals panel.

Since then, she has been slow to issue rulings — favoring Trump’s strategy of securing delays — and has entertained defense arguments that experts said other judges would have dismissed without hearings. In May, she indefinitely canceled the trial date amid a series of unresolved legal issues.

Smith’s team had vigorously contested the Appointments Clause argument during hearings before Cannon last month and told the judge that even if she ruled in the defense team’s favor, the proper correction would not be to dismiss the case. Smith’s team had also noted that the position had been rejected in other courts involving other prosecutions brought by other Justice Department special counsels.
But Cannon remained unpersuaded, and she called the prosecution’s claims “strained.”

“Both the Appointments and Appropriations challenges as framed in the Motion raise the following threshold question: is there a statute in the United States Code that authorizes the appointment of Special Counsel Smith to conduct this prosecution?” she said. “After careful study of this seminal issue, the answer is no.”

A spokesman for the Smith team did not immediately return a request seeking comment on Monday, and the Trump team did not immediately have a comment.
I dare anybody to defend this. it's blatant corruption by Cannon to try and get a Supreme Court spot if Trump wins.
And don't forget Trump offered her a spot on the supreme court, so the bribe was already presented.
But Smith should have had her removed months ago because of that.
>deep breath
You don't think Hack Smith falsifying evidence and not being duly appointed had something to do with it? Care to refute? Or you just gonna say Judge is bad I'm bad blah blah blah?
congrats I guess. Trump just lost all sympathy he was getting for the shooting. He once again looks like a corrupt thug

Don't you mean the new information that Trump admitted he was committing a crime by stealing and concealing top secret documents?
You mean when he wins. The failed attempt on Trump’s life cemented his win. Now it will be a landslide of states, at least 46
nope, see >>1315589
this wipes out any political bonus of that
This, it brings back into focus the fact Trump is a criminal and uses Republican judges to escape accountability.
But expect the conservative bias media to run with Trump narrative that it's a win and give zero scrutiny to how Cannon has been in the tank for Trump the entire trial to the point you had other sitting judges call her out.
Cannon headcanon is wild.
Talk facts not smack fag. You have nothing
Going to ignore the facts now? Okay. For everyone else, here's two other judges telling her to step aside.
Everybody on the right talks about leftists screeching about the most ridiculous takes on the events around us, blatantly ignoring basic facts.
But until you come to 4chan, you never get the full depravity of it all.
Trump was set to win long before this day.
Nobody wants to eat the bugs.
Nobody wants to own nothing.
Nobody wants big government taking their liberties.
Nobody is dumb to your desires.
Chud headcannon running wild here.
Democrats love judicial corruption until it affects them, huh
You're ODing on copium.
We do.
>I dare anybody to defend this.

Two words for you: seethe and dilate.
Great news, the case is beyond ridiculous. The brainwashed left and propagandist have vilified Trump for far too long.
Can someone compile a list of all the lawfare Demoplots plots to get dRumpf that failed?
A president can retain classified documents and declassify anything he wants at any time, even by saying it. Obama did it after the killing of Osama bin Laden by announcing his death on national television.

The reason he can do this is because the President is the chief executive of the executive branch. All executive power flows through him like a fountainhead. The classification system itself only exists because of an executive order. Both of these reasons are why the president has plenary authority over classified documents.

Also, Biden has documents in his fucking garage since before he was VP. But he was actually too retarded to be convicted, as determined by the DOJ.
>A president can retain classified documents and declassify anything he wants at any time
Except Trump stole nuclear secrets, which is specifically against The Atomic Energy Act of 1954.
>The effect of this order is confined to this proceeding.
Great system of laws we have here. Very nice.
ITT chuds coping over the eventual retrial once the Trump sycophant is removed from the case
he's on tape bragging about his guilt, this isn't going away
Technically she just removed herself. She's done with it.
When did /news/ become so normified. It's basically normie central now
nice try terrorist who cares we're in anarchy already as long as the baddies are gone he can do whatever he wants
This was always the mainstream media board. If you are suffering from redpill syndrome try >>>/pol/
Seethe and cope harder redditfag
Normalfag spotted, get out.
>A president can retain classified documents and declassify anything he wants at any time
Trump's not president. And there's no record any of these documents were ever declassified. And presidents specifically don't have unilateral declassification authority over nuclear secrets. And Trump's not president.
>Oh no! One of the false charges against Trump was dropped! Our fascist Democrat coup is falling apart! What ever shall we do?

Who wants to bet the Dems will try to Assassinate the judge?
Trump legally declassified documents when he was President and had them kept securely at his well guarded home.
Biden stole documents when he was a Senator and kept them in an unlocked, unguarded garage but is too senile to be charged.
I find it truly astonishing that shills like you still try to push your retarded bullshit.
>the special counsel who filed the charges was illegally appointed by the Justice Department.
Biden should not have broken the law.
Shrimple as that
Biden also shared some of the contents of them with the author who wrote Biden's book
Biden didn't. This ruling ignores plaintext law and would make every special prosecutor ever illegally appointed if it were upheld.

Honestly, I half hope they don't even fight it. Special prosecutors are a meme anyway and I want to see the right wing mald when the DoJ just refiles directly with a Biden appointee. In DC for bonus points.
>Trump legally declassified documents when he was President
There is no evidence of this and Trump has literally never claimed this in any legal filing.

Also, if he had, they would have been government property he couldn't retain after leaving office regardless. He'd have to file a FOIA to get that shit or print it out himself if it were publicly available. You can't just walk off with government property just cause they aren't state secrets. That shit would have made the National Treasure film way more boring.
>Biden didn't
I guess you're right, it was democrat congress that broke the law
>would make every special prosecutor ever illegally appointed if it were upheld.
Factually false.
The opinion faulted where the special prosecutor was sourced from, namely it was a private individual.
The opinion allows special prosecutors, it says Congress has no authority to appoint private attorneys to be a special prosecutor, only the power to appoint government employees to be one
>“The Court is convinced that Special Counsel’s Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme — the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law,” Cannon wrote.
>Cannon, appointed to the bench by Trump in late 2020, disparaged as “highly-strained” Smith’s interpretation of a legal provision that he and the Justice Department have argued authorized his appointment.
>The logic of Cannon’s latest ruling would have invalidated some but not all of the special prosecutors the Justice Department has named since a federal law authorizing the appointment of independent counsels expired in 1999.
>Since that time, special counsel appointments have been made under regulations that give such prosecutors broad independence of operation from other Justice Department components.
>Under Cannon’s view, the Justice Department lacks a legal basis to bring private lawyers into the department to head up special counsel investigations. Her conclusion would have nixed the appointment of Robert Mueller, named in 2017 to examine allegations of ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, as well as that of Robert Hur, selected last year to investigate President Joe Biden’s handling of classified records. Other special counsels named from the department’s existing ranks of prosecutors, though, would not have been impacted
>biden loses debate
>trump granted immunity by SC
>democrat assassination attempt fails
>trump documents case thrown out
brutal. is this the worst month for democrats since losing the civil war?
>the worst month for democrats since losing the civil war?
Ouch, too soon
He was a republican.
Yes, the progressive donor who tried to assassinate the republican front runner registered to vote as a Republican.

Trust me we are all aware after you've spammed it 10,000 times
>The opinion faulted where the special prosecutor was sourced from, namely it was a private individual.

The opinion faulted that the special prosecutor was appointed without the advice and consent of the Senate, which they all have been. Read the entire thing and fuck off and die.
Thats weird, because you're still seeming to be under the schizo delusion that the shooter was liberal.
Just another white conservative nutjob. They tend to shoot things up, you know. Schools, Grocery Stores, all over the place.
A president was just inevitable
I know you're angry and lashing out but please try not to kill anyone
>Prosecutors had also noted that Trump’s position had been rejected in other courts involving other prosecutions brought by other Justice Department special counsels.
>For instance, Trump-appointed judges in the federal tax and firearms cases against President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, dismissed similar arguments several months ago. The younger Biden was convicted of three felonies in the gun case in June and is scheduled for trial in September in the tax case.
>The appointment of another special counsel Robert Mueller, selected by Trump’s Justice Department to investigate potential ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign, was also upheld as lawful by a District of Columbia judge.
>But Cannon remained unpersuaded, and she called the prosecution’s claims “strained.” The Trump team’s position got a boost this month in a Supreme Court ruling that said former presidents enjoy expansive immunity from prosecution, with Justice Clarence Thomas writing a separate concurrence questioning whether Smith had been legally appointed.
>No other justice signed on to the concurrence, which Thomas said he wrote to “highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure.” Thomas wrote that lower courts should weigh whether the office had been “established by law,” and Cannon cited that concurrence several times in her order.

Interesting timing huh.
It's cool when our side does it.

Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
this. we've had enough democrat violence for one week
she finally realized she was in over her head.
Hoes mad
leftists are a danger to humanity and should be purged
Biden reclassified them with his mind
if it goes to a higher court and that specific decision is overturned, does it go back to a lower court to proceed, or does it remain in the higher court? if it goes back down, does it not go back to Cannon?
It's really damning when donating to a get out to the vote org is considered 'progressive' Why does the fascist right hate people voting?
>Smith's expected appeal could drag on for months or more than a year, particularly if the Supreme Court decides to weigh in.

>Smith will need to first appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit within 30 days. It will likely take at least months for that court to get briefs from both Smith and Trump, potentially hold oral arguments, and then issue a decision. If the Supreme Court takes the issue up, at a minimum the appeal would probably drag on for months.

>That drawn-out timeline may only be relevant if Trump doesn't become president. The Justice Department concluded in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents may not be indicted or criminally prosecuted while in office.

>If Trump becomes president in January, questions about the fate of his classified documents case could become moot for years at least. Trump could − in a move that his opponents would likely call an assault on the rule of law − order the Justice Department to drop the charges, and fire any attorney general who refuses to do so.
>If the Supreme Court takes the issue up, at a minimum the appeal would probably drag on for months.
At this point, I not only assume they'll take the case, but side with Loose Cannon since precedent means nothing to the Republican supreme court
>Trump is on tape referring to the documents as classified when he was already out of office
>defied subpoena for documents and lied about it, govt had to raid mar a lago to get their nuclear secrets back
>Biden handed over documents willingly
thats the difference
Shouldn't have tampered with the evidence.
conservatives lost the civil war, thats why they still fly the confederate flag. at trump rallies, no less
of course they will, thomas gave an off-topic aside about the special prosecutor in an unrelated case (the chevron nonsense) that cannon cited in her ridiculous decision
not even the first time he's done that shit, either (putting his sugar daddies' wishes into unrelated concs so they can be cited by little shitlings like cannon)
The only answer is to end the trump cult
The fact the Democrats haven't been attacking and delegitimatizing the supreme court constantly is why they lose.
>t. non-american

fuck off.
>Voting is bad!
Typical fascist
>you should be deligitimizing a branch of the US government my fellow Americans

fuck off.
Worked for Trump.
This is the Deep Heritage State
>rightists are a danger to humanity and should be purged
Bold thing to say, three days after an assassination attempt on a president.
Enjoy your no-fly list, fuckboy.
Anon, you're on the most well-known FBI honeypot on the internet.
Don't be fucking retarded, I beg of you.
>Judge from a predominantly blue area overreaches and decides to indict Trump on a felony, for something that is always a misdemeanor.
>I sleep.
>Judge decides to go after Trump (as a campaign promise) for a longshot case that even often left-wing pundits say is flimsy.
>Justice is prevailing.
>Judge that Trump appointed throws out a case due to wrong procedure and constitutional overreach (not even that Trump is innocent in any way)
Spare me.
Good post
Deep Federalist Society State. Same thing though.
>a president
he wasn't president when he absconded from the white house with them
because if everyone eligible to vote actually voted and everyone's vote counted the same amount, they would lose in a landslide every time
this is also why they can't ever give up the electoral college. they couldn't even put up a fight in comparison without the deck stacked in their favor
the best part is that even with all the thumbs on the scale, they still lose most of the time
As they hoard power for themselves, yes.
Neither was biden l m a o
I can't recall anyone saying it was okay for Biden to walk off with that shit. He gave it back for a reason.
Bad Post

Good Post
>everyone's vote counted the same amount
I mean according to the left there are 0 democracies that accomplish this. The whole
>'it's structural'
Argument hasn't carried water for years and decades. People don't vote because they don't want to vote. End of story.
>He gave it back for a reason
So he did it, and it was okay? Them doing a takebacksies later because Biden was making them look bad doesn't change the fact it was okay to take the files. Keeping 'Very Confidential files' in the back of this thunderbird under a key that could be picked with a butter knife, in a garage that anyone could have access to is bad optics (at least after having to 'raid' mar largo because surely he can't keep getting away with it).

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