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MILWAUKEE (AP) — Donald Trump says Ohio Sen. JD Vance will be his vice presidential pick.

He says on his Truth Social Network that, “After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio.”

Trump selects the guy who's immediate reaction was to say it was the media and the democrats who were behind the assassination attempt, when the assassin was a conservative Republican.
So much for healing.
It makes sense why he picked him. He doesn't have much of a record. He's the only candidate without years worth of political baggage to attack.
what a fucking retard, Trump just cost himself independent votes he needs to win the election
explain pls
The assassin was a leftist who donated money to the Democrats. cope harder.
No one believes you
true. democrats whining about unity after attempting an assassination is beyond the pale
democrats have nothing to do with that story or this story
no one's buying the reddit cope
Your party failed to murder Trump, and your party is failing to make this phony "registered Republican" story stick.
J.D. Vance on Donald Trump:

“I'm a never-Trump guy” “I never liked him” “Terrible candidate” “Idiot if you voted for him” “Might be America's Hitler” “Might be a cynical a**hole” “Cultural Heroin” “Noxious” “Reprehensible”
wow, this one retarded decision has completely grinded all of Trump's recent momentum to a halt
Who is supposed to believe this?
Say it with me as you cope harder
Donald J. Trump
Vance is friends with Donald Jr. Makes sense that after Trump creates a dictatorship, Vance become the next president with Donald Jr as his VP, where he's then succeeded by him.
American will become a defacto monarchy.
>working class marine, leaves the military to go Yale
>2016, writes a book, is immediately published with the help of Peter Thiel, an admitted glowie
>fast-tracked into the world of politics, wins ohio senate election in 2022, becomes VP pick 2 years later
>staunchly anti-war, anti-neocon (still worships israel)
>was openly anti-trump, now pro-trump
He's a living contradiction basically. A neocon who isn't a neocon with an odd rise to power.

If you're a Trump supporter who is only very superficially involved in politics, you probably won't care. But when a guy like this rockets to VP by the age of thirty-fucking-nine, he's probably a puppet.
yeah, you hang on to that ledge with all your might. It's all you have left.
With any news story on this board there is always at least one autist denying reality. You are that autist for this story.
Skew voters. It's how both sides work. They go into the primaries to vote for the worst candidate to fuck with the primary results. It's not uncommon to register with the party you don't like to sabotage their primary.
Dude was a Democrat donating to the libs.
I guess that explains why youtube keeps recommending to me his interview with Morning Joe he did years ago

he doesn't have to, the entire rest of the media is reporting the shooter was a republican.
He was 17 when he donated, then he became radicalized on the internet by the DRfags
>Grasping at straws this badly.
The shooter was a hardline conservative no matter how much you lie and gaslight
You get paid for doing this, don't you?
the lack of self-awareness from libshits is incredible>>1315733
you cant donate at 17 smoothbrain.
>Dude was a Democrat donating to the libs.
that was a 65 year old with the same name. your autism is showing.
nice try terrorist keep coping
>The assassin was a leftist who donated money to the Democrats.
more likely a conservative republican who still valued liberalism

§ 110.19 Contributions by minors.

An individual who is 17 years old or younger (a Minor) may make contributions to any candidate or political committee that in the aggregate do not exceed the limitations on contributions of 11 CFR 110.1, if—

(a) The decision to contribute is made knowingly and voluntarily by the Minor;

(b) The funds, goods, or services contributed are owned or controlled by the Minor, such as income earned by the Minor, the proceeds of a trust for which the Minor is the beneficiary, or funds withdrawn by the Minor from a financial account opened and maintained in the Minor's name; and

(c) The contribution is not made from the proceeds of a gift, the purpose of which was to provide funds to be contributed, or is not in any other way controlled by another individual.
How did Vance ever get elected to Senate? Hillbilly Elegy was a shitty book and a shitty movie.
Then I guess it's just another instance of left-wing election fraud
Appalachia is full of industry that poisons people's bodies and minds and societal decay from right wing administrations that leave their economic, health, and education systems in ruins, so the people there are basically living in third world conditions. This also is exacerbated by them seeking relief in drugs. It's really easy to convince them to do dumb shit like vote for unprincipled grifters like Joe Manchin or J.D. Vance cause they're poorly educated and can't think properly due to all the literal poison in their brains and veins.

Also he had a shitton of technofascist money backing him.
Donald J. Trump
Your alternative facts aren't real.
That’s a disgusting thing to say. Do you feel better about yourself now that you’ve put down an entire population of good hardworking people? You leftists are truly unreal.
The truth is disgusting. Just look at the metrics for West Virginia. They make Mississippi look livable. Appalachia is fucked.

Anyway, I didn't say they aren't good or hardworking. I said they're vulnerable and being preyed upon by bastards. Get fucked.
I think Trump got to cocky with this pick, he thinks he has the election in the back so he's doubling down on loony MAGA
online lefties despise rural americans more than almost anyone. and they never get put in check for it. i still remember them rooting for covid to kill those rally goers during the pandemic. they're so far gone and radicalized it's unbelievable.
chud strawmen are wild
It's not a strawman is it's true, nutsack.
Ohioan here. You gotta love this guy. He was a hedge fund manager in San Francisco, actually wrote a book about how awful Ohio is, moved here and got elected to Congress, compared Trump to Hitler, started sucking up to Trump and now here we are.

This guy is Trump if Trump was 30 years younger. The ultimate grifter.

Still voting for Trump just for the lols
The important thing is that unlike Mike Pence, he can be counted on to challenge the slate of electors on January 6, 2029 to make sure Trump gets a third term.
Who was the right choice?
Have you seen his shortlist?
ignore leftist shills they dont really have politics theyre just spiteful
by the way ZOG is a conspiracy theory, goyim
There was no right choice.
The people on the opposing side of the aisle want him dead, and the people around him want to use him as a puppet to keep pilfering our civilizational inheritance. Or barring that, kill him and replace him with a more compliant candidate.
What's your fiscal policy, chud?
Kill all fags and sell their bones for money.
And this is why you should ignore right wing shills. They don't really have politics. They're just spiteful.
He won't need to bother, republican legislatures will make sure alternate slates get sent in if the people prove disloyal and don't vote for their new king.
>third term.
I got bad news for ya. Even if they do get rid of the 22ns Amendment, then who would run against Trump in '28? Why, Obama would. And he would serve three full terms starting in '29.
There's no healing from this you mother-in-law
Lol, this bearded faggot called tRump Americas Hitler. tRump 34 for prison 2024!!!
Conservative victim complex is incredible. A conservative shoots at Trump and conservatives blame liberals.

Even better, he's a full on russian shill.
He’s got plenty of retard tweets to attack. Basically a male Sara Palin.
Youngkin probably would have been better since he puts Virginia in play but Vance was definitely the better option out of the names that were mentioned.
nice meta project. a violent democrat terrorist just tried to give up on all that democracy talk
But I'm a rural lefty.
Except he was a Republican no matter how many time you lie here.
>Trying to gaslight on /news/
The wild thing is Vance is a fascist himself.
He wants to be the King, doesn't give 2 shits for Trump and takes over as soon as he can.
>Muh fascism!
Vance supports higher worker wages, securing the border, and middle class workers.
Of course you'd call him a fascist
Thought this was obvious dogshit choice but muh Ohayou!

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