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Biden has a blueanon problem
As Biden Appeals for Unity, He Is Called Out for His 'Blue Anon' Problem

Joe Biden has faced scrutiny from a number of critics following his call for unity after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, with some arguing he is responsible for the current political climate and has garnered his own "Maga-like cult."

The U.S. President addressed the nation from the Oval Office on Sunday, condemning the violence which took place on Saturday, when Trump's ear was shot during an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Biden on Sunday said, "There's no place in America for this kind of violence—for any violence ever. Period, no exceptions. We can't allow this violence to be normalized

"You know the political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated—it's time to cool it down. We all have a responsibility to do that.

"Yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements. The stakes in this election are enormously high. Disagreement is inevitable in American democracy, it's part of human nature. But politics must never be a literal battlefield, and God forbid, a killing field."

Biden critics quickly responded to the message.

"You turned it into a literal battlefield when you tried to throw Trump in prison for 700 years, called him Hitler and a dictator, and nearly got him murdered (on Saturday night)," free-speech activist Philip Anderson wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. "Unless you are going to apologize- SHUT THE F**K UP."

In a separate post, Anderson added, "You and your ret***ed supporters have caused all the extremism and fury."

Former radio and TV host Kurt Schemers also commented on Biden "You lead with the political persecution of Trump. Meaningless words won't change that."

Conservative figures regularly criticize Biden, but the backlash has not been exclusive to them.
On Monday, a Democratic op-ed was published in The Guardian accusing Biden of "morphing (the Democratic Party) into a Maga-like cult in front of our eyes."

Journalist Mehdi Hasan, who often writes from the left for the publication, wrote about Democrats and supporters who were defending Biden's widely panned performance in his debate with Trump on June 27.

He said they had been pedaling "'Blue Anon' conspiracy theories", in a what appeared to be a nod to the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon, which asserts that the world is run by a secret group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles.

Hasan wrote: "I have spent the past few weeks watching the Very Online members of the base embracing an endless stream of 'Blue Anon' conspiracy theories, pushed on behalf of the Dear Leader.

"Did Biden deliver a car-crash debate performance live on CNN or ... did CNN's 'carefully considered FRAMING & LIGHTING design' make Biden look older and paler than he was, as one viral tweet (bizarrely) claimed?

"Did the president struggle to make sense in his ABC News interview with George Stephanopolous [sic] or ... was it a result of ABC 'destroying the sound quality in Biden's interview to make him sound bad', as another viral tweet (ridiculously) put it?

"Did the presumptive Democratic nominee take a clear hit in almost every post-debate poll or ... was it actually the case that 'President Biden's poll numbers skyrocketed in swing states and CNN's ratings plummeted', as yet another viral tweet (falsely) declared?"

Hasan went on to quote political strategist Chris Sosa, who warned about "hyper-partisans" who "act like members of a cult because they treat their political party like a religious identity
The Washington Post's White House Bureau Chief Toluse Olorunnipa and White House reporter Tyler Pager, who wrote that Biden's reputation had been tarnished by the recent image of an "81-year-old president struggling to complete his thoughts at last month's debate," argued that the president's responses to the Trump shooting "were an effort to return to what has long been Biden's core political strength: a reputation for compassion, moderation and maturity."

Several others praised Biden's Oval Office message on social media, with user @ExistentialEnso thanking him "for being a calm voice of reason in a time of strife."

Newsweek has contacted Biden, via his campaign team's press email address, to ask for any response to criticisms he has faced.
Below is an abridged selection of common blueanon beliefs, shamelessly ripped from the comments of that article, but corrected for accuracy and to reflect fact:

Half the country is not “fascist”.

“Fine people” was not presented in context. See Snopes.

The inflation is not “temporary”.

The border is not under control.

Decriminalizing criminality is not a great idea.

The working class is not doing well economically.

The laptop is not a Russian plant.

The Steele Report is not gospel.

Smollet was not attacked by MAGA.

The lab leak theory is not propaganda.

The GF riots were not “peaceful”.

Extremely adult books in grades schools are not appropriate.

Hormonal and surgical transitions for children are not scientific nor moral.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was not good for its womenfolk.

Restarting Nordstrom 2 and stopping PennEast were not helpful actions.

Refusing to arm Ukrainians was not a great idea.

The majority of Black Americans do not support defunding, do not oppose school choice, do not oppose VoterID, and do not support illegal immigration. Those are only the positions of the majority of white Democrats.
ok fascist
This is silly and it's obvious that it is from the simple fact that they don't use any statistics.
brown shill
This. it couldnt get any worse for biden; he could shit his pants and thousands of childless millennials will still scream, "i-im still voting for him!". It's a blue cult.
>Decriminalizing criminality is not a great idea.
God, how fucking specific.
>Extremely adult books in grades schools are not appropriate.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. They're still trying to justify the book bans
>Hormonal and surgical transitions for children are not scientific nor moral.
Trump is that bad
>Trump is still a good candidate!
His own party is shooting at him. He's that bad.
I'm watching the Trump cult right now
"I don't care. Still voting for Biden" has become a religious mantra for them. Negative news about Biden gets published and they say it 12 times like it's a hail Mary or some sort of religious prayer
I just clicked it and it's a video of a black man saying he went from poverty to success in one generation and he thinks America is a great country
No idea who he is but you can find him looking back on the video based on the time stamp of my post

If that's what you imagine the Trump cult is being I think you might be a cultist
I'm the only US registered voter in this thread and I'm voting for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is. The simple fact is that Trump is awful.
It's the Republican National Convention, moron
that is literally the Trump cult tho. It's the RNC.
Historically the RNC has been pretty divided against Trump.
Although a lot of that division kind of faded away after Biden got hammered in the debate a month ago and then some kid got radicalized by the left and to trying to murder kid got radicalized by the left and tried to assassinate Trump.

They are kind of rallying around him now though, I mean he has a lot going for him right now
>some kid got radicalized by the left and to trying to murder kid got radicalized by the left and tried to assassinate Trump.
Oomph. I screwed that up
*some kid got radicalized by the left and tried to assassinate trump
>Everyone is a cult except us! We're the normal ones, not everyone else!
I know your viewpoints aren't the prevailing one in the Democrat party, but people who do hold that sort of viewpoint you just expressed tend to be cultist themselves
Look in the mirror my man
I posted on this board 3-4 times before the debate that I was planning to vote Biden because Trump's pro-israel policy was a no-go for me. I was telling the truth.
You people called me either Russian or a liar.

After the debate, I changed my opinion and posted as such here. I had changed my mind about Biden because I no longer thought he had the will to stand up for Israel. Further posted that I was concerned that I didn't think he was the actual person calling the shots, and we don't actually know for certain if he's even the one making decisions.

Once again, you people accused me of being Russian or lying.

Just now, I states that all democrats have your viewpoint, but the people who act like you are the cultists being referred to by this article.

And the article is right. You people are a cult and you don't even realize it. You don't even believe normal people exist anymore, you consider those who don't hold your views to either be Russians or trump supporters.

*You* desperately need a mirror
>Just now, I states that all democrats
*Just now I states that not all democrats
>>Just now, I states that all democrats
>*Just now I states that not all democrats
Justs now I state that all democrats
>Trump's pro-israel policy was a no-go for me
Biden's israel policy is literally the same as Trump's, sans the retarded displacement of people Trump had.
The USA is still facilitating a genocide in gaza. Literally, they wouldn't be able to do it without our weapons. The only major difference is that Biden hesitated giving them unguided bombs.
The contrast between this post and the RNC where they are literally screaming about how only Trump can save us from the hellscape America of Joe Biden and chanting his name in cultlike fashion
>Just now, I states that all democrats
fucking ESL
they're not sending their best.
Lee Greenwood just said God saved Trump so he could be here today. Now he's singing his song while Trump is walking around with a bandage on his ear.
it was confirmed a democrat terrorist
you have been indoctrinated. you can improve
>you have been indoctrinated. you can improve
No I don't think so Trump is actually worse than is widely known
The secret sauce is that outside of the self deluded centrists, they aren't voting for Biden, they're voting against Trump. If it's anything, it's not a pro-Biden cult so much as an anti-Trump cult.
Dems have always been a cult. they believe a pro gun guy is an evil tyrant who denies freedom, which makes no sense.
and that they should vote for a career politician who has dementia. voting for dems has never been based on reality
liar if you don't vote for biden you're helping the nazis.
Ignore what his policies or mental state just get biden in or america is doomed, how dare you turn your back on the blue god. May a potato attack you.
>pro gun
He banned bumpstocks, retard. He was willing to put people in jail for exercising their second amendment rights.
Trump's court gave us bruen and killed chevron and killed the bumpstock ban. Trump has been responsible for the greatest expanse of federal gun rights in decades. meanwhile biden and the dems want to confiscate guns and put gun owners in death camps. Fuck brandon even said he wants to overturn heller, meaning he doesn't think owning a gun is an individual right. that is literally the mainstream stance of the dems by the way. clinton's daughter and other dems have said they want to overturn heller, when literally all heller says is that the 2nd amendment protects an individuals right to keep and bear arms inside their homes and that the government can't ban guns commonly owned for self defense or require handguns be locked up in your home when no kids are present
One of the less unhinged democrat voters
>killed chevron
Are you one of those dipshits that think companies cutting corners will mean they'll lower their prices? They aren't going to be passing on savings, dipshit. They're going to be passing on lead and fecal material.

Chevron getting killed was one of the worst SCOTUS decisions in us history.
>reddit spacing
go back. gaytf was trying to legislate and redefine what was a gun and what was a machine gun. killing chevron prevents unelected bureaucrats from passing laws, so it is based. no one with decision making power in the federal bureaucracy is an expert. they are just communist pieces of shit who have their position due to their political leanings.
>Trump has been responsible for the greatest expanse of federal gun rights in decades.
The government can't 'expand' gun rights, anon. The government can only restrict the rights you already have, which Trump was doing.
>meanwhile biden and the dems want to confiscate guns and put gun owners in death camps
Nobody is arguing that Biden isn't a tyrant anon. He's literally the guy that engineered the Clinton 'assault weapon' ban back in the 90's. But Trump isn't much better, because he was ruining people's lives with the stroke of a pen.
If Trump actually wanted to help gun owners, he would abolish the ATF, the FBI and the CIA.
>chevron prevents unelected bureaucrats from passing laws
You have to realize, having unelected bureaucrats calling the shots is exactly what democrats love, just look at Biden. Biden can barely formulate a coherent sentence let alone complex policy. Someone else is doing all the decision making and he's just rubber stamping it
>The government can't 'expand' gun rights, anon. The government can only restrict the rights you already have, which Trump was doing.
ok, trump's courts are responsible for removing more unconstitutional anti gun laws than anyone else in decades
>Nobody is arguing that Biden isn't a tyrant anon. He's literally the guy that engineered the Clinton 'assault weapon' ban back in the 90's. But Trump isn't much better, because he was ruining people's lives with the stroke of a pen.
a. if you don't vote trump, you get biden. a third party vote is a vote for biden. a no vote is a vote for biden.
b. trump is better than literally every single politician who has had a D next to their name since like 1840
even (((npr))) has pointed out biden's entire cabinet is made up of figurheads to get diversity points and unelected unconfirmed jews are making decisions with no oversight or recourse. just look at the DoT. ZERO chance mayor faggot is anything but a figurehead. fag isn't an expert on shit other than catching aids.
Imagine having to live life as mouthbreathingly retarded as this anon.
Its proof that life isn't that bad.
>if you don't vote trump, you get biden. a third party vote is a vote for biden. a no vote is a vote for biden.
Don't care. I'll vote for whoever I feel like on election Day. I vote for who I want to be president now who I'm least afraid or vote or who else in worried could win if I don't vote a certain way.

Voting for trump
*Don't care. I'll vote for whoever I feel like on election Day. I vote for who I want to be president not who I'm least afraid of or who else im worried could win if I don't vote a certain way.

Voting for trump
>no argument
>throws out an insult instead
100% a bot post. I accept your concession that you are wrong, chevron being nuked is based and also you have no dick
you sure love talking about penises, shill
you sure love sucking jewish penis, shill
he's still going
I’m not reading all that.
>killing chevron prevents unelected bureaucrats from passing laws
Killing chevron puts decision-making in the hands of corporations.

You strike me as someone that would buy radium supplements.
Congress has been almost completely gridlocked since 2006. When the fuck do you think corporations stopped inventing new poisons?
congress can still pass laws, the federal departments can still enforce laws, the courts can still rule on laws, states can still pass laws, state executive departments can still operate the same way they were operating
all this means is unelected jewish communist bureaucrats can no longer unilaterally pass laws without going through congress. don't like it? change the constitution, jew
keep seething tranny jew
you're a really bad poster. you're lucky moot isn't here anymore
Killing Chevron allows corporations to sue in court that the executive agency rules overstep the laws passed by Congress. Chevron merely prevented judges from reviewing agency rules.

If the EPA rules that you must pay a $5 fine every time you fart and must purchase a buttsniffer electronic underwear with monthly subscription to prove you aren't farting. With Chevron you would not be able to sue the EPA. With Chevron overturned you can sue the EPA.
when m00t was here I would never catch a ban. you literally have jewish tranny jannies and you still seethe
another bad and obvious lie?
Corporations have been conspiring with unelected bureaucrats to do that shit for ages, anon.

Have you taken your 10th booster yet?
nope, you are obviously a newfag shill
>Killing Chevron allows corporations to sue in court that the executive agency rules overstep the laws passed by Congress. Chevron merely prevented judges from reviewing agency rules.
Oh is that all. Well thank god laws passed by Congress (especially for the decades Chevron was in place) were always clear and well thought out and not predicated on delegating regulatory authority to the executive so they wouldn't have to do the work.

And thank fuck all judges are unbiased, ethical, nonpolitical, polymaths and judge shopping is impossible for multinational corporations.

>Corporations have been conspiring with unelected bureaucrats to do that shit for ages, anon.
Which is why they didn't care at all about repealing Chevron, right?

God you people are imbeciles.
Whoooa anon that meltdown is a little bit worrysome, I hope you aren't planning to assassinate anyone
The Constitution said Chevron was fine for decades. I'd rather change the fucking Supreme Court.

And instead of delegating your reasoning skills to a few dipshits in black robes, you should be try thinking for yourself what leads to the best outcomes for you.

Or do you think you're a temporarily embarrassed corporation?
He's right you know
If you're seeing assassins everywhere you look, you might try licking less paint. Especially going forward.

I'd just prefer the amount of bugs in my food to be limited by anything other than the good will of our corporate overlords. You want to eat bugs, feel fucking free, but leave the rest of us out of it.
>reddit spacing
go back
>The Constitution said Chevron was fine for decades.
the constitution didn't say that, a bunch of jewish left wing faggots did. Plessy v Ferguson said segregation was constitutional until brown v board of ed. plessy to brown is about the same amount of time from chevron to chevron dying
> I'd rather change the fucking Supreme Court.
yeah, we know you want 9 communists who would give biden dictator powers
>And instead of delegating your reasoning skills to a few dipshits in black robes, you should be try thinking for yourself what leads to the best outcomes for you.
a. giving unelected bureaucrats like the ATF the power to write laws is not good for me
b. it isn't fucking relevant because the constitution does not fucking grant unelected bureaucrats the power to legislate. don't like it, amend the constitution. we aren't playing this faggot ass game where we just ignore the constitution when convenient
>And thank fuck all judges are unbiased, ethical, nonpolitical, polymaths and judge shopping is impossible for multinational corporations.
there is no fucking way mayor faggot is an expert on cars. fuck you. also blame the gaytf for illegally taking pics of 4473s to make a database
it's time to stop rageposting, grandpa
It's cool man, everything's cool man.
Take a breather bro
>yeah, we know you want 9 communists who would give biden dictator powers
Like giving him the right to assassinate his political opponents?
>muh meme
you don't understand the ruling
>get fact checked and btfo'd
>no u
every time. take the L tranny
this thread sucks
not your safespace
that's why i can tell you your thread sucks, yes
no one cares if this place doesnt cater to you
no one but you, projector

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