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The widow of Corey Comperatore, the heroic volunteer firefighter killed while shielding his family during the shooting at a Trump campaign rally, said that the former president has not reached out to the grieving family.

The silence from Trump contrasts with an attempted call from President Biden, which the Comperatore family declined. Helen Comperatore, speaking from her home in Sarver, PA, told the New York Post in an exclusive interview, "I didn't talk to Biden. I didn't want to talk to him," adding, "My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him."

Newsweek contacted Trump's campaign via email on Monday for comment.

The shooting Saturday unfolded on the grounds of the Butler Farm Show in Butler, Pennsylvania, where the 50-year-old Comperatore, former chief of the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company, attended the Trump rally. Approximately six minutes into Trump's speech, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on the crowd in the attempted presidential assassination.

In the ensuing chaos, Comperatore's final act was one of selfless heroism. "He just said, 'get down!' That was the last thing he said," Helen told the Post, her voice thick with emotion. "He's my hero."

The shooting left Trump with a minor ear injury and two others critically wounded. Secret Service personnel "neutralized" and killed the gunman on a nearby rooftop.

PA Governor Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, praised Comperatore's sacrifice in a Sunday news conference. "We lost a fellow Pennsylvanian last night," Shapiro said. "Corey died a hero. He dove on his family to protect them."

The tragedy has sparked nationwide discussions on campaign security, gun control and political rhetoric. Biden spoke out following the assassination attempt from the Oval Office on Sunday, urging Americans to "lower the temperature" in an increasingly heated political climate.

They'll get over it.
he raised 4m for the family on gofundme. it's aight homie
>The silence from Trump contrasts with an attempted call from President Biden, which the Comperatore family declined. Helen Comperatore, speaking from her home in Sarver, PA, told the New York Post in an exclusive interview, "I didn't talk to Biden. I didn't want to talk to him," adding, "My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him."
Her husband was a pro-Putin cultist who wanted to mass murder American cyclists.
>the Comperatore family declined
>he raised 4m for the family on gofundme.
Isn't Trump banned from running charities cause he always steals the money?
Another masonic media ritual. Via Gematria, Corey adds up to 66 and CC (initials of Corey Comperatore) = 33.
Go back to twitter
>"My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him."
And this is exactly why America is polarized and why it's entirely the fault of right wingers.
>a joke about a satirical babylon bee article

very subtle bait though. wouldn't surprise me if actual lefties already combed this dead guy's twitter trying to rationalize their feeling that republicans deserve to be killed and no one should have sympathy.
>>a joke
How do I know if it's a joke or not?
Trump prefers supporters who haven't been shot.

>I prefer presidential candidates who haven't been shot.
because it's a satirical site.
If BB was a satirical site, it would make jokes about the right wing too.
Satirical magazine Private Eye satirizes both Labour and Conservative (as well as Republican and Democrat) governments/politicians, so what's BB's excuse for not doing the same and...!
(Contd. P94) (They'll be fired. Ed)
This is why you shouldn’t care about this non-event. Trump has never done anything for you. Ever. But he’s done enough for Israel to get a train station named after him. He doesn’t know that you exist and he wouldn’t give a flying fuck if YOU got shot to death by some antifa member or a foreign agent that HE let in and refused to deport. He never pardoned the supporters he honeypotted into going to the Capitol. He NEVER sticks his neck out for you. Why support him? What did it get this guy? Not even a courtesy call to his family. Insane.
lay off the koolaid kid
but republicans DO deserve to be killed and nobody should have sympathy.
>something in /news/ wishes for terrible acts to be done on those it doesn't like
I wonder what that thing would say if others wished terrible acts on those like that which wished terrible acts on those it doesn't like?
It'll be exposed as the inferior subhuman rightard hypocrite it is if it doesn't agree to have terrible acts done to it as wished by those it doesn't like.
Lmao “Dark Trump” you guys are touched
"he" didn't donate shit to the GoFundMe, and his kids donated the least out of all the famous people who did
Destiny did this unironically. He has had a three day meltdown, saying that the supporter that died in the crowd deserved it
Remember when Trump and his supporters laughed about Paul Pelosi having his face bashed in with a hammer by some maniac who wanted to kill him and Nancy?
Because that same supporter has advocated violence against left-wingers. You guys don't get to play victim and clutch your pearls whining about how evil "the left" is just cause you're getting your shit thrown back at you
yes. i also remember when a democrats laughed about Rand Paul having his lung collapsed and about Herman Caine dying from covid. i condemned trump's comments like i condemn all of it. if our principle for who has it coming and deserves to be killed is whoever jokes about political violence, a lot of people deserve to be killed. i personally don't think that.
>getting your shit thrown back at you
1) The guy died protecting his family. Destiny refuses to see his own child.
2) There's a difference between advocating violence against fifth columnists and fifth columnists unironically trying to kill the president of the United States.
>saying that the supporter that died in the crowd deserved it
He didn't say that he supported it. He said that he had no sympathy for them, much like you or even myself would have no sympathy if some idiotic BLM activist who wanted to defund the police got killed by a criminal while defending his family.

>i also remember when a democrats laughed about Rand Paul having his lung collapsed and about Herman Caine dying from covid
Which elected democrats did either of those things?
Good post
It's been nuts to see people descend so quickly into a third world tit for tat mindset over the past 8 years. People say we're nowhere near a civil war because people aren't ready to pick up arms and start line battling and building wooden forts.. but just imagine for a second what would have happened if Trump got killed. Does anyone actually think there wouldn't have been a revenge killing of either a political figure or a public figure that made some inappropriate comment in the aftermath? There's like 95% probability that would have happened. This mindset is exactly how people end up in armed civil conflict.
oops meant for >>1316061
They are the weak point, being exploited by outside influence and they don't even realize it.
>My husband was a devout Republican

Republicans confirmed as cult
daily reminder: there's a greater than 50% chance the people on this board volunteering their perspective on American politics aren't even American. go on /int/ to get an idea of the actual nation-by-nation demographics of 4chan. people come here to discuss American politics and LARP as Americans - they have no actual investment in the real outcomes of anything they're commenting on. remember that when you're tempted to take something retarded someone says seriously.
remember when Republicans stormed the Capital in 2001 vowing to hang Vice President Pence?
It has been mostly since Trump took over as party dictator, but maybe Limbaugh also had an influence. Still, what Trump has done has made it irrefutably a cult.

They're following someone who said
>"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
While reacting as if republicans are the party of love and Dems are a party of hate since he the attempted assassination. I feel sorry for them, because America was founded on ideals of individualism, liberty... And also selfishness. That selfishness has taken over, every other ideal is being set aside. That goes for both parties, but it's sad how the Republican party started to dissolve.
We laughed because it was a love affair gone wrong anon.
Here's the sad fact, Americans are typically uneducated. Conservatives are typically uneducated (irrefutable fact btw). This board is flooded with conservatives. So without other perspectives this board would be flooded with cavemen.
Trump should hold rallies in the middle of Fifth Ave. That would give him a shooter's chance to defend himself.
>this board is flooded with conservatives

/pol/ is flooded with conservatives. this board has like 30 concurrent posters at any given hour.
And 70% conservative. Yes, /pol/ has a higher concentration of conservatives, that's obvious. Only reason it's so low here is because they get bullied off. You can always tell a conservative American here by how intelligent/articulate their replies are.
>And 70% conservative
the front page would look a lot different were that the case. this board seems to be seems to be mostly left-leaning /pol/ refugees.
This is where ass obliterated lefties come to seethe and lick their wounds after they get a good hiding on /pol/. Everyone knows this.
It seems that way because the bar is very low. So, instead of this place being strongly dominated with conservative Americans, it's only weakly dominated by them. Every other non-hobby board is 90% conservative, at a minimum.
I have never browsed /pol/. Any poster who claims to be a regular there can barely speak English.
It's why /pol/ is referenced derogatorily once in every thread.

>I have never browsed /pol/

That's probably for the best. Remain in your pillow fort.
No way they used that site.
I will. Sorry if I upset you. Won't talk about your cult again.
Now go make me a sammich.
/news/ is the battered wife of /pol/.
> You can always tell a conservative American here by how intelligent/articulate their replies are.

Like clockwork.
That was obviously some kind of gay lover/prostitution.

Also nothing will ever beat the Bernie bro shooting up a literal baseball field of sitting Republican congressman. You don’t get to play the moral equivalence game.
Corey was a pro Zionist. Good riddance.
>fearing her husband's disapproval and reprisal even after his death
a "proper" conservative "tradwife". eugh.
As far as I see, this whole thing has been a montage created by Trump himself, in order to look like a victim and then get support from voters.

He proved to be incompetent as President, so there's no way people would vote him again. This has been a trick in order look like a victim. If the bullet had gone 1 inch to the right, it would have hit Trump in the eye and killed him.

And the people blaming Biden are clearly inside this conspiration, in order to assure Trump's victory.
Russian bot post
you're a russian bot?
I'm not either a Russian or a robot.

I saw the videos of the attack, and there are too many weird things in the attack. For example, if the sniper was going for the kill, how could he failed? Trump was looking in the same direction as where the sniper was positioned.

There's something rotten around here.
Replace braindead Biden with somebody who isn't senile. Then your nostrils won't be overwhelmed by that rotten stench.
Pal, Biden might be braindead, but even so, he's 100 times more competent than Trump!!
You could be electing the person who is puppeting Biden. Everyone knows Joe isn't in charge.
Pal, ever since Theodore Roosevelt, NO PRESIDENT has ever been truly in charge!

Trump was probably in charge because of his money, and you know how many disasters he caused.
Then democracy is dead and voting is pointless.
Just like any other woman, she has no real opinions or views of their own, just mindlessly copies what the people around her are saying and doing.
Welcome to the real world! You overslept but you still have breakfast waiting.
so tired of this meme
theres zero evidence for this and tons of evidence that he was a schizo who wanted to beat someone to death with
a hammer but go off i guess
democracy was always dead, the electoral college exists

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