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After the attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life at a rally in Butler, Pa., on Saturday, July 13, multiple people shared a post online claiming to be from a sniper working at the rally.

The viral post, which originally appeared on the online message board 4chan but spread to other social media platforms, says, “My name is Jonathan Willis, I’m the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump’s rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump.”

Several VERIFY readers, including Alicia and Rob, asked us to look into the post’s legitimacy.

Is a viral post claiming to be from a sniper at Trump’s rally legitimate?

Secret Service spokesperson
Pennsylvania State Police spokesperson
Butler Police Department
RevEye, a reverse image search tool
Original photo taken by the Associated Press
This is false.

The viral post falsely claims to be from a sniper at Trump’s rally. The Secret Service and Pennsylvania authorities confirmed they do not have any employees, officers or troopers by the name of Jonathan Willis.

A sniper named Jonathan Willis was not assigned to the rally where 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks is believed to have tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

The Secret Service and Pennsylvania State Police confirmed to VERIFY they do not have any employees or troopers with that name. The Butler Police Department did not respond to our request for comment, but told the Associated Press it does not have any officers by the name of Jonathan Willis.

VERIFY used RevEye, a reverse image search tool, to find that the photo shared in the 4chan post was taken by an Associated Press photographer. That photo clearly shows the words “Secret Service” underneath “Police” on one of the snipers’ vests.
But “there is no U.S. Secret Service employee” with the name Jonathan Willis, the agency’s spokesperson told VERIFY. They added that the claim circulating online is “categorically false.”

A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania State Police also told VERIFY it doesn’t have a trooper by that name and the uniform shown in the photo is not one that a member of the agency would wear.
A spokesman for the Secret Service also addressed the claims about a sniper being told not to fire on the suspect in the Trump shooting. He told the Associated Press that snipers are trained and instructed to act whenever they see a threat, and do not await instructions before taking a shot to neutralize the suspect.

Witnesses at the rally alerted law enforcement to the suspect after they saw him perched atop a nearby roof. A local law enforcement officer climbed to the roof and found Crooks, who pointed the rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and the gunman quickly fired toward Trump, the officials said. That’s when U.S. Secret Service gunmen shot him, officials have said.
but the point is that instead of hustling Trump off the podium and rushing the building, they sat on their asses and waited for the gunman to take the first shot.
that's what Trump gets for being a lousy tipper.
Actually Trump lavishes his secret service detail service as a way to leech off tax payers since all the services he has them use, come from his hotels, meaning he's still enriching himself at the expense of tax payers. It just proves they got lazy under him.
>He told the Associated Press that snipers are trained and instructed to act whenever they see a threat, and do not await instructions before taking a shot to neutralize the suspect.
Then why did they hesitate to shoot at a target 118 yards away from the president, in visible sight, on top of the only other vantage point in a large pasture?

Are you telling me that Trump's secret service detail is so incompetent, so fucking retarded, that they can't shoot a visible threat when it's identified for nearly a minute?

That's bullshit. I refuse to believe that shit. Either someone told them not to fire, or these guys have zero object permanence.
You got to love the fact that when it comes to Republicans, the only options are guilt or incompetence.
Stupid Trump tards
>Trump's secret service detail is so incompetent, so fucking retarded, that they can't shoot a visible threat when it's identified for nearly a minute?
Blame Biden for assigning them to him. Trump has no authority over the management of USSS assets
So this will be the new Republican cope since their lies about the Republican shooter have all gotten BTFO.
you mean the democrat donor shooter?
Funny how voter education and increasing general turnout is a liberal thing now for Republicans.
actblue donation
that was before he was radicalized by chuds
libtard headcanon is wild
The guy was probably not in view of the snipers until the very last second. IIRC the guy was shooting from a peaked roof. People saw him earlier likely because they were seeing this glorified school shooter climbing up the far side of the roof - the side the snipers weren't able to see.
If the SS truly were lazy, Trump would have lost more than an ear.
good post
radicalized by trannies ftfu terrorist you're going to be hunted down when trump takes office
nice alternate facts lmao libshits are so retarded they're squirming to get out of the hole they dug for themselves. Get fucked i hope you're analed in prison to the point your butt is destroyed and can fit a toaster
why do you keep bringing up gay things? is there something you want to admit to us anon
read a newspaper
... what is the third option? Aliens?

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