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ew York — U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez has been convicted of accepting bribes of cash, gold and a luxury car from three New Jersey businessmen.

The jury’s verdict was still being read Tuesday at a federal courthouse in New York City.

Over a nine-week trial, prosecutors said the New Jersey Democrat abused the power of his office to protect allies from criminal investigations and enrich associates, including his wife, through acts that included meeting with Egyptian intelligence officials and helping that country access millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.

Menendez did not testify, but insisted publicly he was only doing his job as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said gold bars found in his New Jersey home by the FBI belonged to his wife.

The conviction comes four months before Election Day and potentially dooms any hope Menendez had of campaigning for reelection as an independent candidate.

>The jury’s verdict was still being read Tuesday at a federal courthouse in New York City.
? Why is he in New York?
>another day, same corrupt democrat convicted
fixed that for you
>Menendez had of campaigning for reelection as an independent candidate.
He's not even a democrat, he got kicked out
Get him outta here!
Another corrupt Democrat convicted.
Another few thousand to go
Oh, this same Democrat that conservatives have made hundreds of posts about on this board? Please sentence this guy to death so conservatives can stop talking about him every time his court case moves forward with “ANOTHRR DEMOCRAT CASUUGHHHT BEING CORRUPTTTTT!!!!!!” Posts… just fucking put this stupid corrupt asshole away already, Mr. Hiding gold bars.
>He's not even a democrat, he got kicked out
So the OP's attempt at a 'Gotcha!' is a nothingburger.
Film at 11.
But Trump is still a convicted felon. Gotcha, o Republicans: the 'Party of Law and Order' that still support a criminal that you won't throw out of ther GOP.
Rightard hypocrisy. Not even once.
Captcha: H0NXJT. Clown World indeed.
typical tricks, Moishe?
Even this website knows you're a retarded clown.
That's why you got HONX.
Demonrats being honest?
>Not Even Once.

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