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U.S. intelligence recently detected an Iranian plot against former President Donald Trump, U.S. officials tell CBS News — although intelligence officials haven't found any ties between Saturday's failed attempt on Trump's life by 20-year-old shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks and any foreign or domestic accomplice.


Almost all mainstream news outlets appear to be reporting these exact same details simultaneously.
Wow!!!! So convenient that it's... how can I say this... "Unbelievable".
pretty telling that iranian jews want trump dead, since biden and obongo sent the iranians nukes and a ton of cash
>Almost all mainstream news outlets appear to be reporting these exact same details simultaneously.
Because it's something a White House spokesperson said. It's not that deep.
Oh right, the Whitehouse spokespeople who constantly lie omit and dance around the truth on almost every other topic, should be believed without any investigation or evidence. Sure makes sense.

It's too convenient. How widely was such information circulated if this was the case? Why would a 20 year old with a gun be allowed to so easily access a rooftop so close close to the former president if true?

And people wonder why our country is in such a state.

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