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Microsoft lays off its DEI team as fired staff complain diversity ideals were 'no longer business-critical'


Microsoft sparked internal revolt after it fired its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) team, leading the program's leader to slam the company's 'changing business needs.'

The tech giant's move was exposed in an email obtained by Business Insider, which appears to show the DEI internal team leader criticizing the fact diversity was 'no longer business critical.'

Microsoft joins a number of tech companies in walking back DEI commitments that were made in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, including Google, Meta and Zoom.

It is unclear how many employees were laid off, and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment when contacted by DailyMail.com.

In a statement to Business Insider, Microsoft insisted that its 'D&I commitments remain unchanged.'

But according to the reported email leak, the former DEI team leader felt the company had quietly given up on the DEI initiatives it pushed during the BLM protests.

This included spending $150 million on DEI programs, and mandating training on racial allyship and privilege for all non-Black employees.

CEO Satya Nadella previously insisted such moves would not be a 'one-time event.'

However, the email reportedly scathed how in the time since, 'true systems-change work associated with DEI programs everywhere are no longer business critical or smart as they were in 2020.'

It comes amid further questions over the company's pledge in 2020 to double the number of Black leaders it employs at the top of the company by 2025.

Microsoft's progress on this promise appears to be unclear, and the company did not immediately respond to a request for an update.
if we just got rid of this one poster imagine how much different this board would be. enjoy your rupee
If he stopped posting the thinktank would simply pay someone else to do it
This poster >>1316312 is likely the big problem.
my favorite part of these posts is your guaranteed seething in all of them
Wrong. It seems like at least two people appreciate your constant seething.
In a fair world all those DEI parasites would be burned alive.
in the first world your ip should be blocked
"Liberals" and censorship. Like peanut butter and jelly.
dont forget democrats and kid fucking.
Explain Dennis Hastert.
>DEI internal team leader criticizing the fact diversity was 'no longer business critical.'

It never was.
>government offers money to corporations to make x important
>corporations make x important
>money goes away
>importance goes away
Many such cases

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