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California became the first U.S. state to bar school districts from requiring staff to notify parents of their child’s gender identification change under a law signed Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The law bans school rules requiring teachers and other staff to disclose a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to any other person without the child’s permission. Proponents of the legislation say it will help protect LGBTQ+ students who live in unwelcoming households. But opponents say it will hinder schools’ ability to be more transparent with parents.

The legislation comes amid a nationwide debate over local school districts and the rights of parents and LGBTQ+ students.

“This law helps keep children safe while protecting the critical role of parents,” Brandon Richards, a spokesperson for Newsom, said in a statement. “It protects the child-parent relationship by preventing politicians and school staff from inappropriately intervening in family matters and attempting to control if, when, and how families have deeply personal conversations.”

The new law comes after several school districts in California passed policies requiring that parents be notified if a child requests to change their gender identification. That led to pushback by Democratic state officials, who say students have a right to privacy.

If one of your kids feels like their only option is to talk to a school official and not you about their problems, you failed as a parent.
Curious how many people who are going to respond to this thread are actually parents
Wait, so they made it illegal for the school to ever mention the holds gender identity?
How TF is a teacher going to refer to a child using a pronoun at a pta
Pronouns are entirely superfluous. They are unnecessary. You can always use a person's name or title.
So California strikes down a big brother requirement.
Good for freedom. Bad for tyrants.
This is only the first step. They will cut consent age to 10 and make child prostitution legal.
Hopefully Trump will win and raise the consent age to 40 for unmarried people.
to upbring a big groomer requirement. a sad day for society
>“This law helps keep children safe while protecting the critical role of parents,”

By removing the parents?

"But hey guys, we're totally not pedos who are grooming your child to become a tranny!"
t. Democrats
>Everyone I don't like is a groomer
fascist talk right here.
It's strange to me that you equate not feeding private information about children to adults they don't trust with grooming them.

Although you're probably for genital inspections for school sports too.

Children don't need to be protected from whatever the fuck you think grooming is. They need to be protected from people like you.
I'm so glad I'm not a parent.
Groomers get the rope.
Nah that ain't it chief
I can easily see some naive kid getting convinced to take hormones by a narcissist activist teacher and then regretting it later. It's a story that has played out many times according to detransitioner interviews I have seen. An authority figure manipulates the child into thinking they are something that they're not. I believe that's partially the reason why there's such a huge overlap between trans people and autism; autistic kids can't pick up on signals as well and tend to go along with authority figures.
Children are the property of their parents until they're 18 so this is basically a denial of parental rights that has been transferred to the school.
If a student comes to a school official and says they've been abused by their family for being LGBTQ, then sure, give them the resources they need to get them help. Children shouldn't be in a home that abuses them no matter their sexual orientation.
But denying parents medical and/or physical knowledge of their child is not only wrong but extremely creepy.
If you need the school to tell you what your kid goes by during the day because your kid won't, the problem isn't your kid or the school.

Fucking skill issue.
If the kid's going by different pronouns, it's either just a passing phase or it'll be real obvious to the parents soon when they start dressing strangely. If you're truly interested in the fate of your children, this won't be an issue.

Children don't get to opt out from parental supervision, all the more so when those kids are being brainwashed by Lefty pedo trannies.
So, a LGBT supporting teacher (groomer in this case) brainwashes a child that they're not their gender, and the parents shouldn't be told about this?
Yes, demoKKKrats are groomers and this is their plan.
>there are no groomers


this story is horrific and there are many others like it.
>there are many others like it
No there are not.
>Children are impressionable
>Except when it comes to LGBTQ!!!
OK groomer.
You're wrong and you know you're wrong.
>Children don't get to opt out from parental supervision
So why not add cameras to the school bathrooms and changing rooms so parents can monitor them all the time?

I definitely remember students changing their day wear to shit their parents wouldn't approve of once they got to school back in my day.
what kind of an argument is that, even?
Just pointing out the idea that students shouldn't be given any privacy from their parents to the point of even actively turning the state into spies for them when they aren't there is shitty reasoning that could defend shitty outcomes.

I know in some conservative households, kids aren't allowed bedroom doors even and it fucks kids up.

You dipshits are ignoring the fact that the end goal should be protecting kids from shit they can't consent to that will fuck up their development, not inflicting that shit on them out of some misplaced paranoia.
He's pointing out the absurdity of your argument that parents deserve to know every aspect of what their kid is doing at school.
Aha, but the school should, of course, know more than the parents. That's rational.
If it's in the best interests of the child, yes. Unless you're one of those conservatives who's fine with parents beating their kids.
>If it's in the best interests of the child, yes.
>Unless you're one of those conservatives who's fine with parents beating their kids.
Wut be wrong wif gibbing ur chirren a beatdown fr fr? I finna do dat right now!
reminder that conservatives want to rape their daughters and beat their sons and they oppose these rules because they're terrified the kids will snitch
Not an argument
>what kind of an argument is that, even?

It's a ridiculous non-argument as the pro-grooming LeftDem anon can't counter the point being made, that the schools are subverting parents and flat-out denying them critical information about their children.

If a girl was suffering from anorexia and puking at school, should the teachers and administrators _hide_ this from the parents? After all, the kid is choosing to do it, right?

Yeah, I thought so...
>protecting kids from shit they can't consent to that will fuck up their development,

Like encouraging kids to chop off their dicks and shoot up female hormones?
>If it's in the best interests of the child, yes

The PARENTS get to decide what is in the best interest of their child, not some random (pedo groomer) teacher.
To be fair, it isn't a teacher making the decision whats best - its the teacher not doing anything. Its the same principal behind children being allowed confidentiality with their doctors at 14. The doctor isn't doing anything, that's the whole point. Also, calling everything you don't like pedophilia just makes you look like an idiot. Develop an argument instead. People will make fun of you less.
Nobody encourages kids to do this. Even if they did, kids aren't getting sexual reassignment surgery. All of this happens only in your head.
>The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021. Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket.

you get btfo on this lie every time you tell it
The only kids getting dicks chopped off are intersex and no kids are getting female hormones at all. HRT's only done for adults. Kids get fucking puberty blockers, you fucking idiot.

And even that's only done in a small minority of cases. The vast fucking majority of trans and nonbinary kids never pursue surgical or pharmaceutical intervention.

And you'd know all that if you gave half a damn about the kids you try to use as props to justify their own abuse. But you have no interest in either trans kids or reality.

Learning fucking terrifies you, Your world view would shatter when confronted with facts.
Teachers don't decide what kids call themselves/each other. If kids thought their parents had their interests at heart, they wouldn't be hiding shit from them at school in the first fucking place.

God, motherfuckers like you would let a father use his daughter as a cock sleeve if he said he was doing it for her own good.
The vast majority of mastectomies for underage females are cis girls that hate how big their tits are. If you don't have a problem with that, you need to shut the fuck up. If you do have a problem with that, you still need to shut the fuck up.

Also, 56 cases of severe gender dysphoria being treated by fringe doctors out of hundreds of thousands of trans kids aren't going to be stopped by fucking around with the lives of the rest and you can't show ANY of those 56 got those surgeries without the involvement of their parents or guardians, which there's no fucking way in hell that happened because that shit's expensive and an ordeal in terms of both time and suffering.
>Gets challenged that kids aren't getting sexual reassignment surgery
>Responds by posting a source which says absolutely nothing about kids getting sexual reassignment surgery
Conservative brain worms must be so nice to have. You get to live in whatever world you want.
I'm right. That's why most LGBTQ teens grow out of it.
Is a life of self hate focused on mutilation in the best interests of the child?
I'll bet you'll disagree, but fuck you asshole. You're a fucking cunt and an evil person.
Are you down virtue signaling?
Because no one cares on /news/.
>That's why most LGBTQ teens grow out of it.
But they don't? That's why rates of people identifying as LGBTQ are record high.
>Is a life of self hate focused on mutilation in the best interests of the child?
0. You're at this point defending beating children to keep them from socially transitioning.
1. The regret rate for sex change surgery is lower than that for almost all other surgical procedures, so it might be.
2. You don't prevent self-hatred by attacking someone's identity
3. Most trans people do not get surgery
4. Just to be clear, you wish all trans people were dead, so let's not pretend you care about anyone's best interest.

I'll bet you'll disagree, but fuck you asshole. You're a fucking cunt and an evil person.
Go fuck up your own kids, groomer faggots.
No it's a valid argument. Kids get sneaky when they know parents are watching. I should know, I used to be a kid. So constant surveillance won't work. Just makes the kid figure out ways to get around that.
And anorexia isn't a choice usually. It's a mental disorder. Plus you don't vomit with anorexia usually, that's bulimia.
Get told, cunt
Based retard trips
>Cutting off breasts as a woman is not indicative of a sex change
Anon don't be a fucking idiot.
Women who get mastectomies for breast cancer are trans men now?
It's trendy and hip to be LGBTQ right now. Kids go along with trends. I have read stats that say around 50 percent or so of all teens who identify as gay/bi/whatever wind up going back on that within a few years. It's part of growing and maturing; discovering your sexual identity.
For sure, it's a safer environment now to come out as gay or trans compared to years past, but there are some kids who just want to identify as LGBTQ to "fit in" or for social clout. Once being LGBTQ isn't seen as being trendy anymore the number of kids identifying as such will decrease and stabilize.
You'll be doing that just fine by beating them and restricting them.
Don't cry when no one visits you in the nursing home when you're a decrepit cadaver-to-be
Women who get mastectomies as a precursor to sex changes are trying to be trans men, yes. The stats that were quoted do not distinguish between them and other women so I can only assume they are mixed together in the sample.
>No it's a valid argument. Kids get sneaky when they know parents are watching.

Which is why schools shouldn't be subverting parents and denying them critical information about their kids.

>And anorexia isn't a choice usually. It's a mental disorder

Children are under the expressed care of their parents before they are under the care of the school. It should absolutely be illegal for the school to withold vital information pertaining to an adults child.

This is why states like FL are still the best in the nation. They won't even allow teachers to talk about 'gender identity' or pronouns at school, since that is not and should not be the schools responsibility or anything approaching their priority. The problem is democrats see school as indoctrination camps where they teach students what to think isntead of how to think. At it's best, school should be where you are trained to be a good, honorable, and virtuous citizen.
This. There are a few 'pronoun' people at work but I always address them by their name and never their pronoun. Pronouns are a fantasy. They don't exist.
>It's strange to me that you equate not feeding private information about children to adults they don't trust with grooming them.
How do you know children don't trust their parents? The vast majority of children trust their parents, the people who shelter them, feed them, raise them, before they do their teacher. It's the minority who have broken home scenario's and confide in their teachers before their parents.

>Although you're probably for genital inspections for school sports too.

A practicing physician with close to a decade of medical school/residency training performing a routine physical examination on my child is different than a teacher with a woman's study degree teaching my child about 26 different pronouns and that if my son feels emotions he 'might be a girl'.
>pic related
Of course they are all grotesque
>Equating teaching your children not to be fags with violence.
Nice moral highground you've got there. It'd be a shame if your prolapsed anus threw you off balance.
Please tell me who chooses to have anorexia, willingly.
>Thinking teaching his kids not to be fags means asking them really nicely, pretty please
You won't ever have kids anyway. Also I'm not gay or trans, I'm straight and married.
And thanks for conceding the moral high ground. I am absolutely more intelligent and well read than you are. Now go inject your eyeballs with a syringe full of Tobasco.
>You won't ever have kids anyway. Also I'm not gay or trans, I'm straight and married.
My kids aren't fags. But my brother's kids were hit hard by LGBTQ. Thankfully they grew out of it.
Also you're a faggot and a liar. You're a gay and sexless incel.
>I have read stats that say
I've read stats that say you're a fucking idiot. Try reading studies instead of infographs on facebook, dipshit.
>Equating teaching your children not to be fags with violence.
You will recall earlier in the conversation where someone implied parents should be informed even if they'll beat their children in response.

Also, if kids could be taught to be cis and straight, there'd be no queers.

>Thankfully they grew out of it.
Must be nice being this ignorant and going through life never having to think.
>Must be nice being this ignorant and going through life never having to think.
Speaking of ignorant. You're an idiot, dyke.

Both anorexia and homosexuality are mental problems that shouldn't be encouraged and teachers sure as hell shouldn't be hiding these problems from parents.
groomers love homeschooling their kids so no one knows they are grooming and raping them. degenerate
I’m not reading all that.
The mental gymnastics liberals use to justify literally everyone has a right to children than the actual parents.

The best course of action is to toss all groomers, alphabet people, and pedos in an active volcano.

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