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Sorry Chud. The Facts can be inconvenient some times.

Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Donald Trump Signs in His Yard—Neighbor
Published Jul 16, 2024 at 5:38 AM EDT
Updated Jul 16, 2024 at 10:13 AM EDT


A neighbor of the 20-year-old who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump said there have been pro-Trump signs on display in the yard of his family's home.
I'm not a rightoid, but it's still possible for someone to hate trump and to have pro-trump parents. I know plenty of people from my high school who were very progressive with ultra-conservative families.
Why are white people like this?
His dad was libertarian, his mom was democrat, his sister was republican.

Sounds to me like he was furious either his dad or sister were voting for trump
The shooter's sign or the parent's sign?
It is a 20 year old, still impulsive and young. People tend to graduate high school around 19 years old, which would put him at about one or two years of college. Plenty of time to change political views.
Yeah it's not the shooter's house, it's his parents.
He lived there, he sure AF wasn't responsible for it
I've literally never met a 20-year-old who put any political signs in "his" yard. Nobody under 30 is buying political signs
paste the article text newfag
Nobody buys them either. They are handed out like tic tacs.
He wore glasses
>shoots trump
dem lmao
>registered republican
dem in disguise
>wearing guntuber merch
dem trying to blend in
>member of a gun club for over a year
clearly a dem trying to practice his aim
>wanted to join the military
obviously a dem just seeking military training
>wore camouflage and hunting outfits to school
clearly nothing but a dem making a fashion statement
>classmates remember him as a conservative
high school kids clearly dont understand political nuance unlike me, obviously a dem
>1 (one) fifteen dollar donation to actblue from when he was 16
spell dem backwards for us, and then take them
He shot at Trump because Trump is a pedophile
Why are Republicunts so eager to put a pedophile in power? Who knows, but maybe its because they all want pardons to excuse their illegal child-fucking.
He wore glasses, and hit Trump at 400 yards, with about a minute’s prep time.

What was Crooks’ eyesight?
you forgot appeared in a blackrock ad and tried to kill the republican candidate and is ugly
>Trump is a pedophile
democrats are sputtering and desperately projecting because they have nothing left
>I'm not a rightoid
>plenty of people from my high school who were very progressive
huge low iq vibes
>democrats are sputtering and desperately projecting because they have nothing left
what are you on about, the list of ammo to criticize trump and republicans is about 164 yards long.
>Teen brainwashed in to radicalism by the rhetoric of journos attempts to save his MAGA parents by gunning down Trump
We already knew.
all democrats can do is pee their pants and embarrassingly yell "child rapist!! child rapist!!"
>all democrats can do is pee their pants and embarrassingly yell "child rapist!! child rapist!!"

rich words from the party littered with pedophiles.


this link above is page 50 - of?
What would make /news/ accept that he was a Democrat?
If the two Discord trannies spamming the board died.
What would make you accept that they aren't "Discord Trannies" or spammers?
If he was registered as a Democrat
If they acted like humans instead of trannies.
What does that mean?
Denying reality at every chance.
Why did Mike Pence refuse to to delay the certification?
Why did you cut your penis off for a meme?
wasn't there a guy who just murdered his 60 year old son at a fishing ring with a gun because of politics? pretty sure households politics don't translate to the kids infact it's more likely he got radicalied by the far-leftists and decided to take vengence on trump because of his dad winning the political debates against him.
Leftists are the first to rush to violence when they lose arguments
that's a laugh given the leftists is a party of rape enablers on a school district level. Stop enabling rape you fucking terrorist
Also kys for reddit spacing while you're at it
They are a violent race. It's in their blood to commit atrocities.
Dems, republicans... They're both Americans. And Americans are pigs.
why are leftists so racist?
Okay. He was a republican, apparently.

Who left the building unguarded? Who left a ladder leaning against the building? How did this republican know the building was unguarded? How did he wander over to it, undetected by security, climb the ladder, get into position, and take the shot? Who was in charge of security? Why did it take them so long to get Trump to safety?

But yes, the shooter was definitely a republican if his parents had a trump sign in their yard.
>Who left the building unguarded? Who left a ladder leaning against the building
The building itself was being occupied by the police counter-sniper unit
Also, the ladder was purchased by crooks, he had the receipt on his pocket
So this trump supporter lugged a thirty foot ladder and a rifle from his car to the building without the security guys inside or out noticing anything?

I'm glad those trump signs in his parents' yard really cleared all of this up.
"white" isn't a race, it's a skin color that is indigenous to the European region.
Why is suddenly no one talking about the new information coming out:

>A former classmate of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks says the 20-year-old gunman once mocked him over his support of former President Donald Trump and had a general disdain for mainstream politicians across the political aisle. "I brought up the fact that I'm Hispanic and, you know, I'm for Trump. And he said, 'Well, you're Hispanic, so shouldn't you hate Trump?'" Vincent Taormina told Fox News Digital Tuesday. "No. He's great. He was a great president. He called me stupid – or insinuated that I was stupid."

He was a schizoid dysgenic freak from bumfuck Pennsylvania, no shit he would live in a conservative household. That doesn't mean there aren't rightoids who hate Trump.
Just shows you shouldn't trust conservatives to raise kids.
No one has offered any definitive proof he was a rightoid or what his political views were on any given issue. He made donations to actblue months before he registered as a republican. There's been no evidence he was radicalized by anyone thusfar, and investigators still says there's no clear picture of his motives.
This is my thinking. It's very likely that his parents are huge Trump supporters, he is not, but he can't stand up to his parents so he goes after Trump. He was probably thinking just as much about shooting hos father as Trump.
He's a registered Republican and classmates said he was conservative, and now we have the MAGA signs, all signs point to him being right wing,
except that he donated to actblue months before he registered as a republican. his parents are trump supporters, which explains the signs. i know you want your self-serving narrative between those lines so badly, but let's try to remain rational.
You have one chance to be good faith right now before I stop replying to you:

What would make you accept that he was a conservative.
To be fair, anyone who is a genuine old school conservative would have every right to hate Trump. He's conservative in the sense that he supports Christianity on the surface but is otherwise just another populist big corporation cheerleader . He openly mocked John McCain and other genuine conservatives and now anyone in America with traditional conservative beliefs has no one to turn to or support. I am pretty left leaning but even I would have voted for McCain over Hillary back then. Conservatism in the US has shifted from focusing on fiscal responsibility and small government to religious fundamentalism and making the country a theocracy. So if anything, the way I see it many conservatives have much more reason to hate Trump than a lot of progressives.
Even if we knew that we'd still have no idea what influenced his choice to try to kill Trump. There's millions of hypothetical conclusions we could reach about his motives, you're grasping for the conclusion you want to reach in the absence of complete evidence. The FBI statement is still "no clear evidence of motive or ideology".
Also, being a registered republican doesn't mean you can't have progressive views on many issues.
Evidence would be a good start.
Meds why? It's perfectly plausible. Trump was a registered Democrat in the 90's, he's not really conservative, particularly not in the way people like McCain were.

Also note, many on the left are feeling the same way about Biden. He's not progressive in any meaningful way, he supports the bonkers Jewish genocide which is only going to make everything worse. If someone does try to assassinate Biden I think its at least as likely than not that they come from the left as well.
That's not what I asked. What evidence needs to come up for you to say that it was a conservative? It's a simple question.
This, I’m also seeing it with Gen Xers in particular
That tracks, I'm gen x.
yes, I don't care about your question or the answer - that was my response. i'm not interested in people trying to prove he's conservative so they can smuggle in their assumptions about what his motives were. i'm interested in the truth.
Any evidence would be a good start.
because the jews want to kill all white people.
how about anything other than he was a 20 y/o kid with no set values?
Not him, and right nlw all any of us has are guesses, but what's your guess as to what his motive was?
Why would you ignore the evidence which has already been presented?
You haven't presented any.
How is him being registered Republican and living in a house with Maga signs not evidence? Are you honestly trying to say that if he was a registered Democrat and lived in a house with pride flags and BLM signs on the lawn that you wouldn't be screaming about what an obvious libtar shill he is?

It's very hard at this point to see you as not being purposefully disingenuous, at which point why should anyone take anything you say seriously?
>at which point why should anyone take anything you say seriously?
You shouldn't. They aren't. Gun Schizo is a well known liar on this board.
If they post something with a source, it'll have nothing to do with their lie
You're literally wasting your time. They'll never accept reality, even with hard proof.
It's his parents' house and leftards commonly register as republicans in closed primary states. Did you forget that a few months ago you retards were literally screaming about doing it to beat trump in the primaries?
If your implying he was the one who chose to put trump signs in the yard you should have some evidence to back it up, but you dont
I really dont think Thomas was the one putting political signs in his parents front yard
So you basically are saying that if he had pride flags and BLM signs there's just as much a chance that was a false flag too. And any evidence that he was republican you just ignore and shoo away. You're just a dumb stack of bricks and your inability to see evidence that states you in the face just highlights how stupid you are.
I'm implying it's evidence. Because anyone with a brain can see that.
>Made a $15 to a get out of the vote org before descending into right wing madness.
Timeline still fits.
Here's the dirty secret, conservative's end game has always been authoritarianism, the old school conservatives just wanted to neuter the government so corporate oligarchs controlled everything and they could maintain plausible deniability. Trump's rise to power just had them throw the plausible deniability out the window and them just now openly saying they want to turn America into a dictatorship or burn everything down.

A Republican Governor saying the right will become totally unhinged if Trump loses or Project 2025 saying they want a bloodless revolution, but expect it to become bloody if the other side doesn't roll over for you, really shows what they're up too.

BTW, before anyone tries to talk about libretarianism, conservatives only want to limit people's voices in the government.
everything looks like evidence pointing one way when you really want to reach a certain conclusion. your burning desire to reach that conclusion doesn't decide objective reality, unfortunately.
Well yeah, America in general was founded on authoritarianism. The bulk of it's wealth came from slavery and using other humans as cattle, which is ironic because that's where the bulk of their problems now come from. White Americans seem genuinely baffled why blsck Americans have little to no respect for the societal structure they're stuck in. It's comedy gold when you're not in the weeds of it.
So what evidence of any motive behind it do you see? Was he doing it for Palestine? Was he doing it for Pikachu? It's easy to dismiss what info we do have when you don't actually try to give anything.
He shot at Trump because his pedophilia was exposed through the recently released Epstein documents.
Which makes him a better Republican than most.
as of now it's inconclusive. that's what the people with all the facts are currently saying. you don't have to try to give some probably wrong answer based on incomplete evidence. just wait for the fucking findings.
His classmates called him a conservative.

Are you going to concede now?
That's not evidence. Evidence is that he's clearly a liberal shill and you can't deny it.
We can't really know his motivations for certain. Speculation is futile until the evidence comes out. Trumpers will deny the outcome of any FBI investigation. Trump has been very successful mimicking the Occupy Wall St narrative of being oppressed by the big bad deep state and powerful shadowy forces are out to stop him.
>Was he doing it for Pikachu?
Could be not far from the truth. Although he was booksmart schizoid so it's probably going to be some random ass piece of literature instead.
his classmate also said he hated trump. its not looking good for you
So he's a conservative that hates Trump. I don't see the contradiction here.
If you ever read any of the popularity polls you post, you'd see that Trump is not getting 100% of the Republican party.
Hating Trump and being Republican aren't mutually exclusive.
You being correct about something and reality are mutually exclusive though.
Why do you have to keep lying? Are you getting paid?
I read the popularity polls that get posted, which is why I know Biden is losing
kikes aren't white. try again, rabbi.
>satanic kike calls someone else a pedo
kike, your constant lies will NEVER make any of it true. THATS WHY YOU GET CAUGHT EVERYTIME, THATS WHY THE WORLD HATES YOU.
"I can't believe [mocks George Floyd] leftistd would ever [supports January 6] mock the dead [mocks Club Q shooting] and make light of [mocks Paul Pelosi attack] political violence
Struck a nerve, eh kid-fucker?
its good that leftists turned on their principles and support free speech and dark humor now. society is healing

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