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According to post-assassination plot polling, Joe "Old Man Scranton" Biden is losing every swing state to Donald "The Ironman" Trump.
That's right.
Weekend at Bernie's part III: The Democrat Nominee is losing to The Man Who Can't Be Killed in every swing state
Trump leading Biden in all 7 major swing states
Former President Trump is leading President Biden across seven major swing states, according to recent polling.

The new survey from The Times/SAY24 found Biden trailing Trump in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The closest races, according to the polls, were in Michigan and Pennsylvania. You may remember the latter from a recent event where a Democrat donor later registered as a Republican and tried to murder trump. It was on TV and the Internet. Not sure if you heard, but there was a lot of discussion about it. He missed his shot and the images that merged are historic.
What did the polls look like in 2016 again?
Trump has been behind in every election and still won half of them.
The last 3-4 elections have factually shown a +D bias in the presidential polling
They definitely were not anywhere as good for trump as this one is, and he clinched it in 2016
red wave?
They currently have more people in Congress, Senate, and supreme Court than Democrats, right?
barely. and they are for some reason trying to elect a felon rapist who was friends with jeffrey epstein
Polls have no predictive value in elections, stop acting like they do.
Biden's that bad of a candidate
Imagine running a candidate less popular than trump
Democrats should win some sort of award
>admitting trump raped children
well ok then
I'm voting for Amtrak Joe.
source: reddit.com
I don't care. I'm still voting for Biden.
It would be nice if you'd do it just once though.
why do you hate biden and bill gates so much terrorist?
I don't negotiate with terrorists
Thomas Crooks was just 17 when he witnessed Trump's attack on democracy. Crooks valued American institutions, and before he witnessed the Jan 6 coup on TV with his parents, others around him could reasonably describe Crooks as a conservative.

Jan 6 changed that. Worse yet, was the fight between his parents afterwards. Matthew, his libertarian father was at odds with his mother, a Democrat. Thomas, always having been a rather introverted, shy individual, took his mother's side of the argument. Thomas thought his parents were going to divorce because of Donald Trump.

Two weeks later Thomas donated all the money he had to his name to ActBlue and vowed to get revenge on Trump. 8 months later, he had a plot. He would register as a Republican and use it to get close enough to Trump that he could take matters until his own hands.

Fast forward to the 2022 election. Thomas hadn't forgotten Jan 6 or the effect it had on his family. He voted voted "Joe Biden" as a write-in for every local, state, and federal office appearing on his ballot. He voted in person, and witnesses overheard a polling worker informing him Joe Biden isn't eligible for any of these positions, and Thomas replying with "I don't care. I'm still voting for Biden."

In July of 2023, neighbors reported hearing a domestic dispute at the Crooks residence but did not report it to the police. Thomas came home from his job as a cook, exhausted, only to find his father, after hearing trump would be visiting town for a rally, had put a Trump 2024 sign in the front yard. Angry, Thomas protested but was opposed by his father and sister. Reportedly, Thomas shouted "You can't vote for Trump! He's a convicted felon!" to which his father replied "it's my choice. Do something about it.". Thomas, in a fit of rage knocked over his father's Black Rifle Coffee© and promised he would.

On July 13 Thomas stole his father's rifle, purchased a ladder, ammunition, and attempted to follow through on his promise.
Not going too well for Biden.
cool headcanon
Trumptards realize that once Biden drops out, Trump will lose, right?
Biden is going to purposefully run a garbage relection because Republicans and Democrats are the exact same people who are all lying to us. Kill them all.
Once Biden drops out I won't be voting for trump

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