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The U.S. intelligence community has received an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that Iran is actively working on plots to kill former President Donald Trump, potentially in the lead up to the election in November.

Two senior U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence said the Biden administration has gathered information from various sources, including human sources, on threats from Tehran that are linked to physical acts of violence — acts that could kill Trump, they said, without providing further details.

Iran has for years considered a plan to get back at Trump for his killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in 2020. But the officials said the intelligence has ratcheted up in recent months and officials have become more confident in Tehran’s intentions. They also said there may be more attempts on Trump’s life in the coming weeks.

Both officials were granted anonymity to speak about sensitive intelligence.

CNN previously reported that the U.S. received intelligence about an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump before Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, tried to kill the former president at his rally in Pennsylvania Saturday. The two officials stressed to POLITICO that there was no evidence Saturday’s shooting had a connection to Iran.

The Office for the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“We have repeatedly and consistently briefed the public and Congress on the existence of these threats. We have repeatedly met at the highest levels of our government to develop and implement a comprehensive response to these threats,” said NSC spokesperson Adrienne Watson. “We have invested extraordinary resources in developing additional information about these threats, disrupting individuals involved in these threats … and directly warning Iran.”

Iran has traditionally posed threats to U.S. elections, primarily through online misinformation and influence campaigns. U.S. officials have, over the years, warned against Tehran’s attempts to influence American elections and taken action to punish those responsible.

On July 9, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines made a rare public statement pointing out Iran’s involvement in U.S. protests related to Gaza.

“Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we’ve seen other actors use over the years,” Haines said. “We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.”

While officials have long tracked Iran’s anger following the Soleimani strike, physical threats of violence emanating from Tehran — those that can be corroborated and verified — are somewhat unusual.

One of the officials said it was clear from the intelligence the U.S. has gathered that Iran is actively plotting — and the administration was working to try and thwart such attacks. Still, Iranian operatives remain a concern for intelligence and national security officials — many of whom are part of organizations, such as Hezbollah, that have the capability to carry out large-scale attacks on Americans.
Man, I don't know if they're somehow trying to calm us with this advanced notice, or if they're trying to head off conspiracy theories, but fuck.. when the government tells me something very specific is likely to happen in advance, I can't help but feel like they're priming people to reach a preset conclusion about what's going to happen. I'm not usually conspiracy person, but this shit creeps me out.
Iran has been plotting to assassinate every US leader since Carter. Try to keep up.
Why are you here if you just assume everything the government says/does is wrong/malicious?
This shows that the secret service was complicit in the attempted assassination attempt of Donald Trump. They assigned a glut of their resources to jill biden doing some nothing event at the same time. Most of DT's usual SS staff was sent to her. She is a low value target. Trump was being setup by the deepstate, they assigned homeland security officials to Trump instead, who have no experience or prior background in protecting and securing an event.
This is why leaders of countries avoid assassinating leaders of other countries - it will eventually come back to you.
If Iran was serious about revenge they would have done it sometime in the last four years, maybe on a golf course, not during an election. Now that trump is a candidate it would probably cause a war which Iran has tried to avoid.
nah, there's no money or publicity in it.
Look at Noriega. Every weekday, Manuel Noriega took lunch in the biggest park in downtown Panama City, met with the folks there, shook hands, ate lunch outdoors. Every Freaking Day.
So we try to capture him and we have to send in our Special Ops guys and a horde of Marines, and he hides out in the Vatican embassy and we sit there and wait him out for weeks.
He would've been ridiculously easy to kill before then. He was openly daring someone to do it.
You’re arguing with me by supporting exactly what I said…
>Iran plotting to assassinate Trump

Without a doubt. He had Soulemani assassinated.

Unlikely they aimed to bring it about by hypnotizing Thomas Matthew Crooks, though.
The only groups looking to assassinate Trump is the globalist elite. Iran is not one of those groups.
Iran is on the list of nations to take down by those globalist elites. Disinformation from those very groups. False flag ops incoming if that's what's being pushed. I'll be keeping my out for that.
I mean this is Trump, the man who went to North Korea to make peace. What a tree to bark up.
I think anti-pedo activists want to shoot him too.
>globalist elite
I don't think a young republicunt chud counts
he was a leftist actually
You seem to be falling for misinformation spread by far right chuds embarassed that the shooter was registered Republican.
Those retards are even trying to cope by claiming he only registered to vote in the primaries, but it shows that he didn't even vote in the primaries this year.
fucking neocon electric boogaloo
This, unironically.
>biden facilitates war in Ukraine, Gaza
>jews strike Iranian leaders in syrian embassy with US missiles
>Trump has historically sought peace
>US intelligence """officials""" assert that Iran wants to kill Trump for some reason
So what's probably going to happen is that
>CIA kills Trump
>DC is going to pin it on Iran
>US declares war on Iran for 'threatening our democracy'
>military-industrial complex gets contracts from congress
>congress profits from insider trading on aeronautics companies
>deepstate jews get to strike Iran (again)
>US jerks itself off, gives more weapons to jews to 'protect our greatest ally'
>no more trump, everybody profits
i haven't heard of that rapper, is he an xxl freshman
He registered to get into the rally

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