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Donald Trump has not received a poll boost in the first presidential election survey conducted since the failed assassination attempt on Saturday.

The poll, conducted by Morning Consult of 2,045 registered voters on Monday, reveals that Trump is leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point with 46 percent, compared to the president's 45 percent. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.

The findings also reveal that Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since the firm's previous survey, conducted between July 12 and 14, which put Trump two percentage points ahead with 44 percent to Biden's 42 percent.

In the week before the shooting, national polls had Trump as the favorite to win the White House, leading narrowly in the six key battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, with some of the results falling within the statistical margin of error.

Winning those states would likely allow Trump to comfortably claim victory in the Electoral College.

The latest poll, where Biden has narrowed the lead, could come as a surprise to the many analysts who predicted that Trump would see a surge in polls after surviving the assassination attempt. One analyst predicted it would be a unifying moment for the nation which would propel him to "total victory in November."

The now iconic image of the bloodied Republican candidate defiantly pumping his fist at the cheering crowd was circulated across the world, with international newspapers leading with "Trump Defiant," and "Trump wins election here."

Biden is hoping to close the gap while defending his place on the Democratic ticket while facing enormous political pressure for him to step down from some members of his own Democratic Party.

Following the shooting, the president has toned down his political attacks on Trump.

He strongly condemned the shooting on Saturday night, saying political violence was "sick" and had "no place in America." He called Trump, he tried to call the widow of Corey Comperatore, the man who was killed at the rally, and his campaign has reportedly pulled its $50 million television advertising blitz which characterized Trump as a criminal.

Trump, meanwhile, authorized a GoFundMe campaign for the victims of the shooting, and sent love to the families in a public post on Truth Social.

On Monday, Trump traveled to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance was announced as his running mate. Trump officially received the party's nomination as well as a raucous standing ovation when he entered Fiserv Forum wearing a white bandage over his right ear.
Imagine being such a shitty person that someone tries to blow your head off and literally nobody becomes sympathetic to you.
Nobody? How would you know? Have you listened to everybody?
Nobody of statistical significance then.
Ok. I forgive you.
garbage blog site
poll has trump leading biden by 2 points and gapping
Imagine being a domestic terrorist whose only got 6 months left before you're thrown in prison for life.
>Imagine being a domestic terrorist whose only got 6 months left before you're thrown in prison for life.
I'd rather not. That sounds shitty. Imagine wasting your time imagining dumb shit like that.
It's almost like polls don't exist to tell you how people are going to vote.
>experts agree
name one person who change their vote due to this.
I'm getting tired of your 'everyone who disagrees with me is a domestic terrorist' routine.
It's not just Trump, it's all of his supporters.
These people were ready to lynch the Vice President in January 2021. Trump promised to get them the best lawyers. This is a matter of public record.
Now they're all screaming that someone took a shot at a public official.
"It's okay when we do it"
>Morning Consult
This is literally the only place that's been saying trump is doing good in polls.
Last time they said this they claimed Biden was leading swing states when he was only leading 2/7

According to 538, who looks at more than just the morning consult, there was a noticable gain for trump in polling, even a drop in Biden https://files.catbox.moe/5edonp.png
>difference of one percentage point
>margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points
how helpful
I don't have amnesia. One of the first things he did was mock a disabled reporter and then it went down from therem
You should have seen the meltdown all across social media from angry butthurt libtrannies that the shooter missed. Trump has secured his own presidential victory without a doubt
Why is fp always bp?
Donald J. Trump
The survey mentioned in the article is included in that link.
The ones showing dRumpf with a huge lead are the ones conducted by Democrat PACs.
Which means, Zombiden is in trouble.
reeeeeee jan 6 nazis.
shut up terrorist
Turnabout is fair play, pissbaby

Watching you leftists freak out when the J13 investigations begin and everyone who says "next time don't miss" gets investigated for sedition is going to be great

I hope the tribunals are run entirely by J6 political prisoners who had their bogus obstruction charges dropped
Trump lost
It also helps that the shooting was staged.
Why else would they refuse to release Trump's medical report?
>Why else would they refuse to release Trump's medical report?
Because it would be a HIPAA violation
Trump could release it, why would he be hiding it unless he's covering up something?
Lmao you traitors deserve so much worse and it really is a shame Trump didn't die.
Who did they betray?
Democracy and the will of the American people.

Trump is currently further ahead of Biden in polling than he ever has been.
Who wants to vote for the Guy with Obvious Dementia? Nobody can say Joe is fit for another 4 years. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.

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