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A masked man armed with an AK-47 and a full magazine of ammunition was reportedly arrested blocks away from the Republican National Convention on Monday night. Homeland Security investigators and Capitol police saw the man approaching near the RNC permitter, blocks from the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, a federal law enforcement source told Fox News. The man was wearing a ski mask and hauling a tactical bag containing the weapon and a full magazine, the outlet reported.

Milwaukee Police confirmed the report to The Associated Press and said the 21-year-old man was arrested and charges are pending against him.

U.S. Capitol Police spotted the man around 1 p.m. Monday “looking suspicious, wearing a ski mask and a large tactical backpack in the street,” police said in a statement. Capitol police stopped him and determined he had a concealed gun without a concealed-carry permit, police told AP.

The arrest comes after the attempted assassination on former President Trump on Saturday, which led to increased security at the RNC. Authorities said Thomas Crooks tried to shoot Trump with an AR-15. He killed one rallygoer in Butler, Pennsylvania, before a counter-sniper fatally shot him.

On Tuesday, police fatally shot a man blocks away from the convention perimeter, near 14th and Vliets streets in Milwaukee. Witnesses said two men were fighting in King Park and one pulled a knife.

>Capitol police stopped him and determined he had a concealed gun without a concealed-carry permit
I like the fact that if he did have a permit, they'd let him go on his way to carry out the attack.
Thanks Republicans.
Do you ever get tired of being this retarded?
This is a direct consequence of calling voters and Trump a threat to Democracy for the past 4 years. It's very obvious stochastic terrorism, and now the very predictable consequences are unfolding right in front of us. And unfortunately they won't stop this rhetoric until he gets killed. At what point are we forced to conclude that's probably what many want and have wanted all along?
Are you tired of getting shot because of Republican policies?
Reminder that shills like >>1316544 are gleeful that Trump was shot at because now they can pretend that calling out his authoritarian policies is somehow wrong.
>On Tuesday, police fatally shot a man blocks away from the convention perimeter, near 14th and Vliets streets in Milwaukee. Witnesses said two men were fighting in King Park and one pulled a knife.
Only in America
No it’s a direct consequence of trump being a pedophile and the qanon/pedo conspiracy theorists trying to right that wrong.
Of course you should be calling out and criticizing the policies. Go through his stated platform and point out policies you think are "authoritarian". It's all fair game. The clear insinuation to the "threat to democracy" rhetoric has always been that he's going to abolish Democratic elections, and that's obviously stochastic terrorism.
that's not very pro 2A of them
why do most shootings take place in blue cities? seems like dem policies cause shootings
literally what policies does trump have that are authoritarian? Trump is anti authoritarian, biden and the dems are super authoritarian
This is where you attack the source.
No one is getting shot because of republican policies.
Trump got shot because of Republican policies.
there is not a single thing in project 2025 that is remotely authoritarian
nah, he got shot by a jew who worked for blackrock
Fair point. If we locked up mentally ill leftists, he wouldn't have been shot.
Friendly reminder that the Trump supporters wanted to hang VP Mike Pence in January of 2021.
>there is not a single thing in project 2025 that is remotely authoritarian
now you are just being a sea lioning jew. point to which policy you think is authoritarian. you are the tranny who made the claim it was authoritarian in the first place
A republican shot Trump

>locking up mentally ill people
Reagan proved we should set them all free
No one is buying this narrative. It's making you look like complete retards.
Another left wing terrorist stopped
What is it about faggots that makes them unable to comprehend symbology?
bipartisan stance of unity
It's always opposite day in the mentally deranged right wing world.
>reality is a narrative
So no proof, also people are going to call you a nazi if you start accusing everyone you don't like of being a Jew.
this whole chain started because (((you))) made the false claim that trump is an authoritarian see >>1316550 and >>1316561
it is up to (((you))) to prove (((your))) claim you sealioning tranny
why are democrats so violent and terroristic? whats wrong with them?
Guns and gun culture are deeply ingrained in the party, oh wait
liberals and leftists have desperately been trying to show off their interests in guns as a threat for a while now
your headcanon never ceases to amuse me
inb4 your cherrypicked twitter examples
nah, >>1316661 is right. Groups of leftist have been trying to pull the "we were the original pro-gun party" shtick for a while. I remember the gun subreddit boards turning to complete shit around 2017-2018 when the liberals started invading them. there's even a communist gun club:
this is literally some random faggot's senior thesis
neither of these mention policies at all. they are just bitching about mean tweets. you literally just googled "donald trump authoritarian" and picked the first 3 links without reading any of it.
provide examples of authoritarian policies trump put into place while president or said he will enact. because literally all you said was
>mean tweets
what do guns have to do with violence or terrorism, tranny?
SRA is literally an anti gun organization larping as a pro gun one. every member I've seen wants gun bans
Interesting projection, but it was a Republican who shoot at Trump and it's Conservatives who are calling for violence.
trump just did lmao
it was confirmed a democrat* and leftists are the ones saying killing presidents is good actually
Yep, a Democrat (R) lmao.
Good anti-shill posts
We don't really fall for twitter conspiracy theories here, please stick to facts please
it was a jew who worked for blackrock and donated to biden
Can't help but lie?
why do you trannies feel the need to constantly fucking sea lion?
go jump in an oven
Being cast as an extra by an ad agency in a commercial for some company doesn't mean you are an employee of that company. Why do lies come so naturally and shamelessly to right-wingers?
duh. he's a disnfo campaign shill
Republican events sure cause a lot of violent crime.
>gets btfo'd with links
>starts samefagging
every time
>gets btfo'd by multiple people
>cope by claiming it's one person samefagging
Every time
you are purposely misrepresenting the truth because it makes your side look bad
why don't you actually quote from those links, i wonder
because they know those links don't support their schizo claims
But they keep posting religiously on this board, because if you can't have quality I guess all you can do is quantity
you are a samefag and we both know it, jew
you got btfo'd with sources and you have no dick tranny
sealioning faggot
Investment giant BlackRock is pulling an ad that included Thomas Crooks, the gunman who shot at Donald Trump, injuring the former president and killing an attendee at a rally near Pittsburgh on Saturday.
>Thomas Crooks, the 20-year-old man who attempted to assassinate former U.S. President Donald Trump, once donated money to a political action committee aligned with the Democratic Party.
>Considering that address match, and the fact that the location on the in-question FEC filing does not exist in Pittsburgh, evidence favors the conclusion that the shooter made the donation
>Thomas Matthew Crooks Embraces Scottish Jewish Heritage
>Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was born in September 2003. He resides with his parents, Matthew and Mary, who are reportedly in their 50s and identify as Jewish.
Then he registered Republican and was confirmed by his classmates to be a conservicunt.
Thats the part that makes him Republican.
There are Republicans that are Jewish.
There are Republicans that have donated to Progressive causes.

Your feelings literally don't mean anything.
Your opinion literally doesn't mean anything.
Keep crying about it, but you're wrong.
>Then he registered Republican
>and was confirmed by his classmates to be a conservicunt.
>Thats the part that makes him Republican.
>There are Republicans that are Jewish.
>There are Republicans that have donated to Progressive causes.
Sealioning is poor form, anon
>Then he registered Republican and was confirmed by his classmates to be a conservicunt.
>his classmates assumed he was a conservative!!!
all his actions say otherwise
>all his actions say otherwise
A Republican trying to purge Trump proves it wasn't a Republican trying to purge Trump? Violent political parties kill their leaders and members to steer the direction of their party all the time.
weird how >>1316796 and >>1316800 and >>1316742 sealioning don't bother you, tranny
>a progressive who donates to act blue and registers republican to vote against Trump in a closed primary
>actually totally a republican guys
>also pay no attention to a 20 year old having zero social media presence
Apparently on discord he said something to the effect of "July 13 will be my debut, watch for me on live TV"
My bad. It wasn't discord, it was Steam
"July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds,"
Calling out obvious lies isn't sealioning.
Maybe you should stop being a lying faggot.
Nigger like 90% of 4chan users are socially inept dweebs with no facebook.
see>>1316754 and >>1316808
you are a lying, sealioning tranny and a paid shill
MAGA crowd constantly trying to downplay the fact that he was a registered republican with republican parents.
The post /pol/ppets will ignore
>why do most shootings take place in blue cities? seems like dem policies cause shootings
because thats where people are. no one lives in bumsville idaho
people don't live in cities, subhumans do. and time and time again cities make up more murders as a % of murders for the state than they do as a % of pop for the state.
hell, we also saw the murder rate spike under brandon. the 2021 gun murder rate was the highest since the 80s peak. democrats cause murder.
sorry cities scare you, you don't live there so it doesn't seem like something you have to worry about ok
I'm not afraid of cities. I just think they are disgusting, smell bad and shouldn't be allowed to vote
cities don't vote. people in cities do. and yeah, you seem afraid
people don't live in cities. there isn't a single city that has a single human living in it. and no, I'm not afraid. you are projecting lil bro. that is why you are so afraid of guns
you don't have to samefag
Speaking of, Fox News published an article trying to blame Steam because they offer for sale a game where you play as a bodyguard protecting Trump from an assassination attempt.
>shooter posts on Steam forums
I didn't, lil bro
Trump is the tariff man, he want nothing more than to impose tariffs on import/export and is thus anti-capitalist and authoritarian in nature. I understand, commies and socialists are the death of us all but trump is not the catch all people seem to think he is.
No income tax is just, but tariffs are massively gay and not capitalist.
Fuck off, China.
Chinks are mad collectivistic, which is also massively gay.
You mean symbolism.
I bet they wouldn't even look at him if he wore a covid mask and a durag then put the ski mask on before his nefarious activities

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