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President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19, the White House confirmed Wednesday after a conference leader where the president was scheduled to speak made the announcement.

“Regrettably, I was just on the phone with President Biden and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. The president has been at many events, as we all know, and he just tested positive for Covid," said Janet Murguia, president of UnidosUS.

Biden had been expected to deliver remarks at the group's event in Las Vegas and had been about an hour and a half late before the announcement was made.

In a statement, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden tested positive earlier in the day "following his first event in Las Vegas."

"He is vaccinated and boosted and he is experiencing mild symptoms," Jean-Pierre said. "He will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. The White House will provide regular updates on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation."

Biden has kept a full schedule in Nevada this week, following questions about his health and capabilities after a dismal debate performance in late June. He last tested positive for Covid in 2022.

News of his Covid test was first announced by a conference leader where the president was scheduled to speak Wednesday.

“Regrettably, I was just on the phone with President Biden and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. The president has been at many events, as we all know, and he just tested positive for Covid," said Janet Murguia, president of UnidosUS, which bills itself as the largest Latino advocacy organization in U.S.

Biden was expected to deliver remarks at the group's event in Las Vegas.

yep, this is the off ramp he's going to use to drop out.
The bad news for Trump is that whoever replaces Biden will likely beat him.
That deserves an Arbor Mist.
Honestly, the best way to fuck with Trump right now is having Biden announce he's dropping right when Trump is ending his acceptance speech.
But Democrats are not that shrewd and the media has a conservative bias.
but i thought biden said if you're vaccinated you won't catch covid?
This is real.
Biden is a political kingmaker and he's buddies with the top kingmakers within the Democratic establishment. These people watch the same news shows, go to the same dinner parties, read the same books, all written and produced by their ex-staffers. The Democrats (and Republicans too in their own way) are like the Soviet communist party, stuck in their own self-reinforcing bubble unable to see what the average person sees and unwilling to listen to whatever good advice anyone gives them. The Republicans just happen to be winning right now but in their own way they too embody this cancerous decline insect mentality.
Conservatives have ONE (1) chance to reply in good faith before I don't respond to any of you for the rest of the thread:

What would make you accept that the Covid vaccines were a good thing?
well you thought wrong as he never said that.
>What would make you accept that the Covid vaccines were a good thing?
If they actually provided immunity (not resistance) as was advertised and as is entire purpose of a vaccine by definition.
Preventing you from catching covid would be a good start.
>viruses stay the same and never mutate
Why a there so many retards on this board?
literally no vaccine in all human history has been 100% effective.
Immunity's always had a sneaky double-definition.
>1. The quality or condition of being immune. 2. An inherited, acquired, or induced condition to a specific pathogen.
That's from my 1979 American Heritage Dictionary.
Which advertisement? Have a picture/post
there's not a single covid vaccine that provides immunity to any variant
not 100% effective, but many actually do confer immunity
what's sneaky about it? immunity is binary, despite bad faith arguments attempting to conflate immunity with resistance
When this board was created no one anticipated that redpill-syndrome morons who hate mainstream media would want to post here one day. The poor fools honestly thought the kneejerkers would stay on /pol/ due to the lack of memes here. Boy were they wrong!
>what's sneaky about it? immunity is binary, despite bad faith arguments attempting to conflate immunity with resistance

>con-di-tion[...]2b. State of readiness or physical fitness: getting in condition for the tournament.
That's how it's used in biology. The function of the immune system is to resist pathogens, aka, provide immunity. Kind of circular but it is what it is.
as advertised by the commander in chief himself:
>BIDEN: “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.”

>BIDEN: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

He'll be fine. With the quality health care he'll receive. He gonna be fine.
hasn't literally everyone had the covid at this point?
From the very same article you cherry-picked from:
>BIDEN, asked about vaccinated people who get infected: “It may be possible, I know of none where they’re hospitalized, in ICU and or have passed away so at a minimum I can say even if they did contract it, which I’m sorry they did, it’s such a tiny percentage and it’s not life threatening.” — remarks to reporters after the event.
He admitted that, while not as likely as those unvaccinated, it is within the realm of possiblity to still contract the virus even when vaccinated. No one reasonably believes any vaccine for any disease provides full 100% immunity to ever catching it. It is a fact that it provides better protection against it and it reduces the severity of symptoms even if you do still catch it, but no one seriously claims it provides 100% immunity. Why do you think there's a new influenza shot every single year?
are you unfamiliar with flu vaccines and why you should get them despite only protecting against one strain?
>No one reasonably believes any vaccine for any disease provides full 100% immunity to ever catching it.
the CDC disagrees with you.
>Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against paralytic polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective.
Not to mention MMR, smallpox, HPV, etc. The public was sold by the president himself that the covid vaccine provided immunity. There is zero evidence of the covid vax offering immunity.
you seem to get worse at lying with each passing shill clock-in
You mean the Trump vaccine from Operation Warpspeed? The one Trump developed in 2020? That vaccine?
yes, the trump deathvax that for some reason liberals lined up obediently to inject themselves with
>The bad news for Trump is that whoever replaces Biden will likely beat him.
Harris is the only person at this point who legally replace Biden. She polls even worse than Biden against Trump.

>but the convention is next month
Kamala Harris is, at this point, the only person who can legally run on the ballots in all 50 US States. There is no mechanism (outside of egregious judicial activism that would most definitely become the largest legal battle in the country's history) by which any alternative candidate can do the same.

This is going to go the way the election did for Reagan did in 1984. Start accepting this now so you cry less in November.
Trump, the guy that cannot into owning or using a computer, didn't create shit. Teams of scientists around the world worked for a year on it.
he claimed credit for it publicly. Are you saying he's a liar?
"99% to 100% effective" isn't the same as "100% effective, period".
Two doses of vaccine provides 96% efficacy against measles, according to the CDC. 86% for mumps. 89% for rubella. Not 100%, as you claim they said.
95% efficacy against smallpox. Not 100%. Plus, it is recommended to get booster shots every few years.
98% of recipients develop an antibody response to HPV. Not 100%.
Seems to me that you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about, and should probably refrain from posting to prevent further embarrassment.
>100% effective isn't the same as 100% effective
you lost
They would've just said "100% effective" if that's what they meant. They would not have qualified it with "99% to 100% effective". The way they phrased it means there is still the slimmest of possibilities that it might not be effective in some cases. Same reason why disinfectants like Lysol or Clorox bleach say they only kill "99.99999999% of germs" rather than saying they kill "100% of germs". Your cope tears are delicious, btw.
>President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19

And that's what the Dems are going to use to force him to drop out of the race.
>The public was sold by the president himself that the covid vaccine provided immunity.
They absolutely weren't. No matter how hard you gaslight you're never going to rewrite the history on this one.
you lost
>BIDEN: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”
>BIDEN, asked about vaccinated people who get infected: “It may be possible, I know of none where they’re hospitalized, in ICU and or have passed away so at a minimum I can say even if they did contract it, which I’m sorry they did, it’s such a tiny percentage and it’s not life threatening.” — remarks to reporters after the event.
They will be crying a lot harder once Trump starts his vengeance.
So, to review, 99.999% of all the messaging from the CDC and the White House absolutely did not sell the public that the vaccine made you immune. In order to prove your claim you had to cherry pick one single sentence Biden said one time while ignoring the other thousand statements he's made clearly saying that the COVID vaccine doesn't make people immune. You're a dishonest fuck and people like you should be legally barred from having the internet for public safety.
good post
Harris is polling better than Biden. She'd win, people are desperate for literally anyone other than Biden or Trump.
Hang on..
ALL of the messaging at the time was geared around a “return to normal”
All the outlets were preaching the state line of “pandemic of the unvaccinated”
It was touted as the only solution and as though it was a cure.
All other significant treatments were made illegal to provide.
Medical literature definitions were altered to fit the medicine not the other way around.

I fail to see your point.
paid ghost
>ALL of the messaging at the time was geared around a “return to normal”
which we have
>All the outlets were preaching the state line of “pandemic of the unvaccinated”
70% in the US are fully vaccinated, and 80% received one dose. what a coincidence that covid is relatively uncommon now
>Harris is polling better than Biden
No, she's not
>what a coincidence that covid is relatively uncommon now
It's not uncommon, it's just treated like the flu now, AKA how it always should have been treated in the first place

>70% in the US are fully vaccinated, and 80% received one dose
And sudden cardiac death for people under 35 is at an all time high. Good job!
yes she is.
Voters are desperate for literally anyone other than Biden or Trump. Harris would win the election.
Neither of those sources show any info about Harris polling better against Trump than Biden, thank you for proving my point.

>Harris would win the election.
No, she would not

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