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A Florida man was arrested Monday and charged with making threats against President Biden and other federal officials, according to the Justice Department.

Jason Alday, 39, allegedly made threats against Mr. Biden on June 25 from a mental health facility in Tallahassee, Florida, and in a series of social media posts in late June and July, after he was released from a different hospital. He was ordered detained pending trial, according to the Justice Department.

Court filings state that the Secret Service received a call from an intake coordinator at the mental health facility about Alday, who told an agent that during the intake process, he stated, "I don't like President Biden. I want to kill him, slit his throat."

The coordinator said Alday had been transported to another hospital in Tallahassee for medical attention that was not related to mental health concerns, according to an affidavit filed with the federal district court in North Florida.

A Secret Service agent, accompanied by deputies with the Gadsden County Sheriff's Office, interviewed Alday on July 1 at his parents house. He said he couldn't recall making statements about Mr. Biden when he was at the mental health facility, according to the court filing. He also denied making the threatening remark about the president but acknowledged that he did not like Mr. Biden, the affidavit from a Secret Service agent stated.

On July 11, the Secret Service found several posts by an unidentified user to the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, targeting Mr. Biden, the court filing states. One post from July 11 read, "I'll kill joe biden today!!" and another, shared on June 30, stated, "sources: Joe biden's health is declining rapidly. Not doing too good at all. Should I finish him off?"
Three other social media posts from July called the Secret Service agent who interviewed Alday a racial slur and threatened him, according to the affidavit. The Secret Service identified the account as one that was affiliated with Alday.

He was charged with three counts: making threats against the president, sending a threatening communication and making threats against a federal official.

Alday's arrest came two days after an attempted assassination against former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump was injured when a bullet grazed his ear. One spectator was killed and two others were injured.

Secret Service agents swiftly whisked Trump off the stage after the bullets rang out and the gunman, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, was killed by a Secret Service sniper.

But the agency has come under significant scrutiny amid questions about how the shooter was able to gain access to a rooftop so close to where Trump was speaking. Several congressional committees, as well as the Department of Homeland Security's internal watchdog, have launched investigations into the assassination attempt, and President Biden ordered an independent review of security at Trump's rally.

The head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, is also facing calls to resign in the wake of the attack.
Republicans won't say anything about this or if they do they'll say he's a Democrat. Screencap this.
This is his entry in the Florida sex offender registry. And before you cope and claim it's not him, notice it says his current address (updated today) is listed as "Federal Incarceration".
>Crime Description: Lewd or lascivious molestation victim 12-15 years old. Offender 18 or older
Why do right-wingers molest children AND try to kill presidents?
>this amount of cope
democrats are grasping at straws here. its ridiculous.
Gun schizo, "jews rape kids", and other /pol/ refugees will try to slide this thread.
The only cope ITT is your post
What do you want me to say? I disavow this random literal schizo? Okay. I disavow. And no one should assassinate Joe Biden.... I actually don't support political violence.
the moderate threat poster vs the virgin democrat lunatic attempted assassin
Except the guy who shot Trump is confirmed to be a registered Republican. No amount of cope can change that. Sure, he once donated a pittance to some progressive lobby group or whatever, but he will forever be known as an affiliate of the Republican Party
Now disavow Trump making fun of Paul Pelosi getting attacked.
>Except the guy who shot Trump is confirmed to be a registered Republican NeverTrumper who registered with the GOP at the behest of ActBlue to vote against Trump in the primary
yes i disavowed the day it happened. a terrible thing to joke about. and also utterly bizarre if you were thinking about political optics - what the fuck would you even gain from saying that?
>I actually don't support political violence.

Unless it's Vice President Pence and it's January 6, 2021
You people really need to be medicated.
Prove he registered Republican specifically to vote against Trump in the primary.
PROTIP: You can't!
this dude thinks buffalo wings are made of buffalo
Fair enough
So you can't prove the claim that he only registered as a Republican to vote against Trump in the primary. Thanks. I gladly accept your concession.
it was a lefty trend around the time he did it. considering all his other democrat actions, it makes sense
They're already trying to slide it.
If only they paid this much attention to the unhinged far-leftists but then i suppose there wouldn't be enough orange suits and cells to hold them. Well maybe when trump takes office he can build a nice big furnace
disavvow yourself and turn yourself in hypocrite. lets be real what this lonny's said is perfectly normal if he was a leftist.
Remember that conservatives, for some reason, are allowed to set the tone for everything. They spend 8 years defending Trump (i.e. "maybe the 2nd amendment people can do something about Hillary" or "I'll pay the legal fees if you attack people at my rallies" or "Hahaha how's Pelosi's husband doing haha") and now want to clutch their pearls and demand decency when they've never given a shred of it when the roles were reversed. Republicans are immoral sub-human fucks who just get to do whatever they want without repercussion because their voting base holds them accountable to nothing.
you're such a retard nice try gaslighting, the only people who'd believe you are revisionist losers like yourself.
When you're sitting in that jail cell for domestic terrorism seething at the world for being unfair, the rest of the world will be mocking and laughing at you for you receiving what you deserved
>No argument
I accept your concession. You can't refute anything I said because its all correct. Trump made fun of Pelosi's husband in the hospital and pushed the conspiracy theory that his attacker was his gay lover. Trump suggested that "2nd amendment people" could "take care" of Hillary. Trump offered to pay the legal bills of followers who assaulted people at his rallies. The idea that any conservative who supports Trump would condemn Democrats for "violent rhetoric" is hypocrisy of the highest order. You are the party of violence. Period.
>The idea that any democrat who supports Biden would condemn republicans for "violent rhetoric" is hypocrisy of the highest order.
Ftfu, hypocrites are so disgusting especially when they have no self-awareness narcissists are doubly I would hate to be near you.
There's no point arguing logic with a party who thinks its a fun joke to publicly show a severed head of their political opponent. You are scum and I will relish you being incinerated in the furnace.
You opinion is worthless because you are a disgusting filthy hypocrite who the moment the tables turned keeps trying to gaslight, you're a party of narcissists losers and clowns, the only cure for your cancer is incarceration.
Personally I'm out of civility speeches. Now if some pro-insurrectionist criminal defender gets shot, I'll just shrug my shoulders and say something snarky about gun control.

You can support a guy who attempted a coup and worked to destroy rule of law via bogus immunity claims if your want. Just know you won't get an ounce of sympathy from me.
>There's no point arguing logic with a party who thinks its a fun joke to publicly show a severed head of their political opponent
Your comparison is utter dog shit. The person you're talking about is Kathy Griffin, a comedian who is not an elected official or a member of politics in any way. After she showed Trump's severed head she was fired from CNN and the Democrat party did not support her behavior. Trump, the president of the United States, made fun of Pelosi's husband who was attacked and hospitalized, said that "second amendment people" could "take care of Hillary" and offered to pay the legal bills of his followers for attacking others at his rallies. Kathy Griffin is a comedian and nobody supported her. Trump was the president of the U.S. and the entire GOP supports him. This is the difference.

>You opinion is worthless because you are a disgusting filthy hypocrite who the moment the tables turned keeps trying to gaslight,
You have no argument. You can't refute a single thing I said. Your only rebuttal was Kathy Griffin, a comedian who was immediately fired and shunned for her behavior. Meanwhile, Trump suggest that second amendment people could execute Hillary Clinton and you support him without question. Watching you project your hypocrisy onto me is peak comedy.
The most frustrating thing is that, for whatever reason, degenerate, immoral, sub-human conservatives are just allowed to do whatever they want and set the entire tone for violent rhetoric and Democrats are the only ones in the room expected to act like adults. I have no clue how we allowed this to happen.
Biden's Response to Assassination Attempts:
>Good afternoon. Last night, I spoke with Donald Trump. I’m sincerely grateful that he’s doing well and recovering. And we had a short but good conversation.
>Jill and I are keeping him and his family in our prayers.
>We also extend our deepest condolences to the family of the victim who was killed. He was a father. He was protecting his family from the bullets that were being fired, and he lost his life. God love him.
>We’re also praying for the full recovery of those who were injured. And we’re grateful to the Secret Service agents and other law enforcement agencies who — and individuals who risked their lives, literally, for our nation.

Trump response to Assassinations:
>We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco — how’s her husband doing, anybody know? And she’s against building a wall at our border, even though she has a wall around her house — which obviously didn’t do a very good job.
How about YOU though, you aren't grandpa joe you're a vile disgusting POS who will be retroactively categorized as a terrorist.
You support people who think its appropriate to use a servered head as a prop. You deserve to be mounted on a table as a paperweight.
Its also nice to see you supporting criminals Paul pelosi is a criminal responsible for millions in financial fraud and insider trading but as long as no one tells you that's fine right. If a human life is 10million, he's killed a dozen people. and you're complicit.
>Democrats are the only ones in the room expected to act like adults.
ok terrorist, nice gaslighting. It's fine you'll be in jail and being anal raped soon enough
Not him, but quick question: why are you browsing Reddit?
cause its sadly better then twitter. I don't really use it much beyond game guides.
The center left (foolishly in hindsight) assumed that the right were reasonable human beings that could be talked to.and debated with (which, to be fair, they were a decade ago). Since 2016, they were treated like loss little lambs who were just confused or too stupid to know what they were doing. This is why they kept picking moderates that no one actually likes in order to try and appease Republicans. The 2016 election made it clear that there was something definitely wrong with their assumptions, but couldn't couldn't figure it out until Jan 6. That event made it abundantly clear that the right doesn't want Democracy. They want a king. This only being reaffirmed by how they refuse to hold Trump accountable and openly advocate for total immunity for their person.

Now the left has to decide if they want to keep pushing for "civility" and "unity" with people who would laugh at their death or to treat them like the card-carrying blackshirts that they are.
nice double standards all you know is moving the goal posts, she was a comedian who was platformed on CNN funny how you ignore that. one of the largest media companies in the US.
>Watching you project your hypocrisy onto me is peak comedy.
kukuku stop sea lioning we all know you'd rather die then admit you're a wrong or a horrible person. So i'll just wait till reality hits you. You are scum and will be institutionalized, when you get tracked down and imprisoned you won't even know what you did wrong you'll think it's the unfairness of the justice system or the alt-right but no it will be justice and you will pay for your crimes against humanity.
>Some random subreddit is the same thing as the literal former President of the United States and the current nominee of the Republican party.
Post someone who actually represents the left politically. Not some random comedian no one watches.
>ree that person doesn't represent us she acted on her own
>uses random right-wing random people see see this is all the alt-rights
You're a party of hypocrites who deserve to be lynched simple as that. why? because you wanted your opposition lynched off a fictitious boogeyman. >>1316927
No i just want horrible people like you gone from the world and your hypocrisy to die. Once that's done with I don't really care if trump takes the presidency honestly if i were an american would prefer colonel sanders for some fried chicken.
r/politics, the consensus is the shooting is fine, violence is fine, therefore you should expect the same in return. they are your people they represent you, you don't get to pretend they don't when you love to use that whole one bad apple spoils the batch analogy. Kukuku civil war is afoot and justice will prevail.
I hereby name this logical fallacy "appeal to Reddit".
“lefty trend” = I read that people were doing this online so i assume it was a widespread practice. I live in PA and have for decades, I have never heard of or met anyone who has registered in the opposing party to “sabotage” their primary. I have also not seen any polls or statistics that support this practice happens at all, let alone that it’s widespread. But it’s plausible deniability so you shitheads latch on to it real hard. What about the stories that he wore trump shirts to school and told classmates he was conservative? Perhaps he was a republican disillusioned with the direction trump was taking the party. “It makes sense”
>r/politics exists with millions of leftists
>consensus of millions shows up in terms of upvotes ergo it is a good idea of the opinion of the far-left.
>1 unhinged person gets interviewed on CNN,
>reee everyone who isn't on the left is just like him.
I'll take sampling reddit's concensus over your american propaganda tyvm
what if your ancestor had sex with a dog so your IQ got deceased which spread across the settlers when they came to america and its now the reason for the american brainrot 3 centuries later.
>/pol/ refugees
not your safespace
fallacy fallacy
>>uses random right-wing random people see see this is all the alt-rights
Donald Trump is a random person?
>No i just want horrible people like you gone from the world
This is the guy who wants you to be civil to him. This is why I stop caring about your kind.
god this leftist loser is so out of touch he doesn't realize the supposed alt-right was defined by finding a couple of loonies and pretending they represent all of trump's fanbase. you brought up trump not me.
This is why i stop caring about your kind you're too stupid to have a discussion with
>this person is mentally ill and insane

lmao, fucking dishonest leftoid OP
Oh an article that posits the mere idea, without pointing to anyone actually doing it? Again it’s literally what I said. You read about the idea online and decided it was a widespread practice. You’re a literal retard and can’t handle reading the articles you post as “proof”. It points to some reddit points where people talk about maybe doing it? Oh yeah, definitely the most reliable standard, must’ve happened hundreds of thousands of times. You’re a stupid dipshit
this could be an inflection point where everyone agrees we have to tone down the violent rhetoric, and you'd get more concession and ground than you probably believe is possible. many reasonable people feel that deeply right now and will be amenable to that message.

the stance your taking looks like someone that's flipping the table wants revenge and more political violence and crazy rhetoric rather than someone that rightly wants concessions and less.
>this could be an inflection point where everyone agrees we have to tone down the violent rhetoric,
Meanwhile the RNC immediately proved you wrong.
not sure what you're referring to. i've listened to a few speeches. and haven't heard any calls for violence so far.
nice double standard and goalpost moving. you're such scum.
They swinging around “mass deportation now” signs while Vance says illegal immigrants are to blame for his nurse mother stealing pills from patience. Not drumming up hate and bigotry which leads to violence at all… MTG and Boebert both saying this shooting (which was committed by a conservative) is the start of war with the democrats. No, not violent at all
You're moving the goalposts
You said violent rhetoric, not call for violence.
Just what does 'we will become totally unhinged' supposed to imply?
Not to mention using the fascist playbook of have a nebulous, undifined enemy you can use for anyone.
so "leftists" are facists then. Just pretend everyone whose not with you is some evil radicalized modern day nazi and justify violence against everyone and anyone. Please go to prison so you can get anal raped
i will lay down my life to protect Bidens incoherent mumbling.
fascism is a right wing ideology
Oh, it's this Trump shill again.
Why are you so obsessed with gay sex? Is it a fetish of yours?
you claiming to be a liberal doesn't make you one when your actions show the opposite. You'd think retards would realize that when they bothered to study what Nazi stands for and what the swastica was co-opted from but nope can't expect much from americants
Oh no its the american retard reeeeee pretend he's not a mouth breathing retard so he doesn't get triggered again.
I don't want to see it I'm just giving you what you want but with humongous carrot rammed inside that violently destroys your butt.
>He's also third worlder who just shits up American sites
americans are walking shitstains You're welcome for me trying to cleanse you of your ignorance. but you can't expect me to fix your mess
i just watched mtg speech, and she didn't say anything like what you just claimed. it was unusually (for her) benign. she said something like "evil came for Donald Trump" which I don't see how that's at all violent or even divisive. nothing about "war with democrats" i could find. I also can't find a boebert speech from this years convention, and she's doesn't seem to be on the list of speakers so not sure what you're talking about there - you can link me if you feel like it.

part of the current party platform is "tougher on the border" and illegal immigration including more deportations. if that's your definition of violent divisive rhetoric, i think it's unreasonable to expect some kind of policy concession/transformation overnight. less violent rhetoric more unifying dialogue is what i was responding to. i still believe that can and must happen.
How is it a double standard or goalpost moving? I said in my original post all that has ever happened is posts about the concept being discussed with no real evidence. You post an article about the concept being discussed with 0 evidence of it actually occurring, not even a single spurious screenshot of a twitter/reddit post saying “oh I totally did this, trust me”. You are disingenuous. You extrapolate trends that serve your narrative based on the flimsiest of evidence.
bro, i know people are extremely heated. if you're actually trying to take apart my claim because i said "everyone", it's a pointless conversation. my point was there's a broader hunger for less violence and more unity that even the worst of partisans are aware of. i actually wasn't trying to move the goalpost, i understand why what i said seemed to - i hadn't heard anything i considered violent rhetoric in the rnc speeches i'd heard so far, i grant that guy's comment you posted though is clearly unhinged.
>there's a broader hunger for less violence and more unity that even the worst of partisans are aware of
Nah, you need to look at WHY Republicans are doing what they're doing.
It's not because of your what you think, It's because republicans want to neutralize the democratic talking points calling out Trump's authoritarianism, his failed coup, and Project 2025.
you're a lying clown who holds yourself to a lower stands then others I get it. Just hurry up and rot in a cell when you get locked up it's better for the world when disingenuous liars like you are discarded from society so discourse can properly begin. terrorist
Oh I see, so when I explain how I was right you go to your shitflinging and threats with no basis or argument anymore because you have nothing left. Typical. I like that you also called me disingenuous back though lmao, glad I taught you a new word. Maybe if you had paid attention in school you would’ve been able to read the half page article you posted
its funny an american wants to talk to other countries about education kukuku. You clowns lack fundamental critical thinking classes. Also nice ad homiend you can't argue you're just making double standards for you at your barefeet for others in the sky.
Maybe you should get an actual education and not an american one. well its too late for you in 6 months you'll be imprisoned and anal raped legally by trump.
op, you can just say right winger. unhinged is redundant. so is mental patient and sex offender.
I'm afraid to ask what shithole you are from
You are physically incapable of refraining from posting about gay sex
the one that dumps its waste in america and gets paid for it. Thank you very much for being the dumping ground of the world. Greaseball
Why are you so bigotted you think anal sex is limited to guys? Girls can have anal sex with one another too with widen it up and forcefully insert a carrot inside until it reaches as far as it can.
I doubt women prisoners are allowed to have carrots in their cells
dw they can just smuggle in something thick and hard if they aren't available.
This article isn't relevant to anything anyone has been talking about. Why did you link it?
wdym, we're talking about how prisoners are going to have access to carrots to anally rape the leftists when they get imprisoned under trump's america for inciting violence and domestic terrorism. I'd assume carrots are one of the crops they'd grow in the slave camp
Should we arrest the thousands of twitter users that make daily threads fantasizing about blowing Trump's brains out? They have as much credibility as a literal schizo at a mental facility making threats
If obama can have the fbi visit a kid for saying he needs to watch out. Trump can imprison and legally rape the twittertards to death for their crimes against humanity and half of america.
Nice discussion of ad hominem attack, glad you skimmed an infographic on beginners logic. You’ve done nothing but ad hominem to everyone that’s reply to you in this thread, you’re a stupid retard, you deserve to be mocked
losers with no education should not be allowed online, Or we have clowns like this who just copypaste ad hominem because they heard the word in english class without any idea what it means.>>1317251
so cringe so stupid and such a good male prison bitch for the lads you'll be
Still talking about gay sex, I see. And before you say "women can be anally raped in prison too!", you specifically mentioned Trump being the one doing it.
Even more gay sex talk. It's okay to admit you're gay, anon.
so you're a homophobe huh? i'd of expected nothign less from a biden sniffer.
How is it homophobic to say it's okay to admit you're gay? That's literally the least homophobic thing someone could say.
everyone who says you should have a carrot rammed up your ass in prison is gay according to you. that makes you homophobic because you instantly use hate speech and label someone gay for insinuating that.
This is a direct quote:
>such a good male prison bitch for the lads you'll be
Sounds like like a direct, specific, explicit reference to homosexual intimacy. Which, again, is fine if you're into that. I just find it strange how preoccupied you are with it, yet you don't want to admit you are attracted to men.
none of this changes the fact that your initial point about the trump shooter being a registered republican only because tons of democrats were doing that to fuck with the primaries total crap. I reiterate that you simply read conjecture that people may be doing that online and decided that it’s a widespread practice. You’ve posted no evidence to the contrary, aside from an article that says people were discussing the possibility of it occurring (again, with no one claiming to have done actually fucking done it). When challenged you said people were moving goalposts, ad hominem attacking you (which is true because you are a retard), and having double standards. The last point doesn’t even make sense. Your replies are clear, you stopped even trying to defend this point and just moved to your bullshit about trump ruling the world because you are aware you have no valid counter at this point other than misdirection to your weird projection gay rape fantasies
sex predator stop attacking me you hateful bigot
nice whataboutism. you can't argue so you should just wait in your home like a good little slave soon you'll be taken to your new master
yeah it's hard to not fight one another when your entire system is designed around ginning people up to go out to vote to totally not fight each other

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