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RNC booth hosts AR-15 giveaway, days after Trump assassination attempt
Booth at the Milwaukee convention promises attendees the chance a win to an AR-15 rifle


Days after Donald Trump was shot with an AR-15-style weapon, at a campaign rally, attendees at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee can get their hands on one for free.

The assault weapon is part of a giveaway at a booth for the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, an advocacy organization that promotes gun ownership for safety purposes.

On their table, the group had a flyer promoting the AR-15 giveaway from Daniel Defense, an arms manufacturer whose firearms were used in the 2022 Robb Elementary School mass shooting and found in the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooter’s stockpile.

Those interested can enter the giveaway by following the QR code on the flyer to a browser that asks for an email and phone number, according to Rolling Stone.
i'm outraged. they should apologize
Why are cunts so obsessed with this gun. He could've done what he did with a literal ww1 rifle.
the trump assassin is a confirmed democrat. please dont post misinformation here
>The assault weapon is part of a giveaway at a booth for the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, an advocacy organization that promotes gun ownership for safety purposes.
>Concealed carry
Okay but that is stupid though. They should give away a pocket pistol
Confirmed Republican. Sorry Putin, your lies won't work here.
good post
Why are you subhumans so obsessed with ar-15s?
>why would a pro gun group give away the most popular rifle
commies or humans? everyone has ARs because other than some basic bitch bolt action hunting rifles an AR is the cheapest centerfire rifle you can buy. the ammo for an AR is also cheaper than other rifle ammo to the point where if you are target shooting instead of hunting an AR+ammo is cheaper than any other centerfire rifle.
reagan, hw, clinton, obongo, trump and biden used import bans and rules on surplusing old military gear to make it so nothing else can compete with an AR price wise.
dems want to ban them because ARs are the most popular and they think ARs are the easiest thing to slippery slope target.
ban ARs, then ban other semi autos, then ban semi auto hand guns ect ect. since dems lost the hand gun ban fight in 2008

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