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Two Scoops, Two Coups


MILWAUKEE — Four years ago, Republicans sought to throw out the 2020 presidential election results and disenfranchise millions of Americans based on false allegations of widespread voter fraud, fueling a violent riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Now, despite Trump’s triumphant return to the top of the Republican Party, and polling that shows him positioned to retake the White House, Republicans are making election fraud a running theme at this week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

And there’s one group the GOP is stoking fears about more than any other ahead of the November election: illegal immigrants.

“We cannot allow the many millions of illegal aliens they allowed to cross our borders, harm our citizens, or disrupt our elections. We will not allow it,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who led the legal effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, said in a speech on Tuesday.

Other top Republicans were even more explicit about a supposed plot by Democrats to flood the country with illegal voters.

“Democrats cynically decided they wanted votes from illegals more than they wanted to protect our children,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said in his own remarks Tuesday night.

“[Democrats] want illegals to vote now that they opened the border,” added Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), who voted to overturn the 2020 election.

It’s illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and they rarely do. Johnson acknowledged earlier this year that his illegal voter conspiracy theory has “not been something that is easily provable.” But that’s not stopping Republicans from talking about it.

Trump, the GOP’s presidential nominee, who was impeached and criminally charged for trying to steal an election, accused Democrats of doing the same this time around in a recorded video message shown to RNC delegates.
“We must use every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats. They are destroying our country,” Trump said. “Keep your eyes open because these people want to cheat and they do cheat, and frankly it’s the only thing they do well.”

Donald Trump Jr. also told Axios on Tuesday that if his father loses in November it will be because of “cheating.”

In Milwaukee, West Virginia GOP Gov. Jim Justice described the 2024 election in ominous terms Tuesday, despite his party’s calls to tone down the political rhetoric following Trump’s attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend.

“The bottom line to every single thing that’s going on in this great country today is one thing: We become totally unhinged if Donald Trump is not elected in November,” Justice, the GOP Senate candidate who’s favored to replace Sen. Joe Manchin (I-Vt.) in the Senate, said in his speech on Tuesday.

The apocalyptic tone from some speakers at the GOP convention, in addition to Trump’s repeated hedging on promises to accept the results of the 2024 election, opens a path to another Jan. 6-type crisis. It is only compacted by Trump’s decision to surround himself with more true MAGA believers this time around than during his presidency.

For example, Trump’s new vice presidential running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), said earlier this year he would not have certified the 2020 presidential election as required by the Constitution — and as was done by former Vice President Mike Pence, who has essentially been excommunicated from the GOP and was absent from this week’s convention.

“If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there,” Vance told ABC News in February.
The 2020 “fake elector plot” endorsed by Trump and his allies involved sending slates of phony electors to Congress in hopes of subverting the Electoral College process and denying Biden a victory. If that didn’t work, they’d hoped to kick the debate to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Because each state is afforded a single vote, and because more state delegations were controlled by Republicans, Trump would’ve won that debate.

On Wednesday at the GOP convention in Milwaukee, two of the most prominent architects of the plot — Trump’s former trade adviser, Peter Navarro, and longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone — received a hero’s welcome from thousands of cheering delegates. Navarro, who went to federal prison after refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena in the wake of Jan. 6, spoke on stage just hours after being released from jail and even bragged about taking part in the scheme.

“They convicted me, they jailed me. But guess what ― they did not break me. ... I went to prison so you won’t have to. I am your wakeup call,” Navarro proclaimed, pumping his fist into the air defiantly as the crowd roared in approval.

Stone, who was convicted of crimes that included lying to Congress but whose sentence was later commuted by Trump, was treated like a celebrity and mobbed by delegates on the convention floor with requests for selfies and words of appreciation.

“I think it’s dishonest for the press to say the Republicans are lying that there was anything wrong with that election — there was,” Alaska GOP delegate Dave Donley said, citing accommodations to voting procedures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Milinda Morris, a delegate from Texas, said she worried that Democrats would steal the November election, suggesting that Republicans wouldn’t take it standing down.

“We have to outvote their cheating to ensure a win. We cannot be complacent or take anything for granted,” she said.
“If this election gets stolen, Trump won’t have to call for a meeting,” she added. “The Americans will be showing up on the doorsteps of Washington, D.C. themselves. This is where we draw a line in the sand. They will not do this to us again, and if they do, we’re going to have to do something about it.”
leftists are terrorists, if there's one thing that's american its that stealing from terrorists is fine.
No. If there's one thing that's American, it's shooting dipshits dressed in red supporting a king.

I highly doubt Biden will forgo having the national guard show up packing if Republicans try shit again.
Funny how the assassin was a republican and all you can do is project and spin more conspiracy theories.
Typical of the fascist right.
If only there were like, 80 lawsuits back when the election was happening contesting the results, but of course Trump was lying so none of them had any proof that fraud happened so they all failed.
But wait, what if there was also multiple recounts that went ahead anyway and confirmed that there wasn't any stolen election and Trump still lost?
You'd have to be a tremendous faggot to keep lying about stolen elections if those things were true.
So why are you that faggot?
ok terrorist you'll be going to prison and anal raped until your anus is a gaping large hole enjoy your last few months of freedom.
you literally can't even get your story straight you're saying someone who donated to liberal parties was radicalized by the far-right into hating the far-right leader?? god cognitive dissonance is pathetic, Americans are soooo stupid like YOU.
NOO how dare you claim biden didn't win fairly
do you hear yourself you flip positions whenever convenient there's a term for that, hypocrite. Kukuku funny thing is retards like you try to sound smart but are the bottom 10% of your class and just a stupid bootlicker.
If you feel good about that response, you shouldn't.
>ESL ranting
I'll always be fascinated how Republicans outsource their shitposting to third worlders
he registered republican to vote for the worst candidate. cope, though
you're just mad cause you know i'm right
Oh yes the american stupidity playbook, insult when you can't argue, scream when you're proven wrong, and cry grammar nazi when you're inevitably going to lose.
ahh yet another pampered piss baby go back to mommy and cry
>He confesses he's not even an American
>And he's terminally assblasted he got correctly called out
>you're just mad cause you know i'm right
Well, that's the thing about being a delusional dumb fuck conservative. You've created a universe in your head where you're always right. When dems do bad its dems fault. When repubs do bad its dems fault. There's nothing your mind can't twist to fit your narrative. There's no set of circumstances which will ever lead you to hold your elected officials responsible for anything they do because they've replaced your brain with wet tissue.
oh the self projection the lack of self-awareness, woe is me, the americunts are mad what a horrible crime I've done.
you literally can't even argue for your lives and you'll be seething in prison when you're getting anal raped with a wooden spoon remember me, remember how I laughed at your pain and misery. You deserve it for your stupidity.
Look at the third world fascist, look at him and laugh.
Hahaha actually you're a third world peasant from where i'm standing. Your life is worthless and your education is classified as propaganda. Everyone knows americans are a joke of a country but its hilarious you believe in american exceptionalism get fucked by your half assed systems.
Republicans and Democrats are fighting to the death for the role of who gets to serve Israel
>n-n-no u....
Republicans aren't sending their best
so why didnt Trump actually claim any election fraud in any of the lawsuits? why were all the lawsuits focused on throwing out votes on technicalities instead?
This is the most real comment here
>GOP is going to steal an election they're overwhemingly favored to win and are polling to win in a landslide

Could this simply be another agitprop thread? No...
based gaara poster
>hypocrite how dare you do what I'm doing when the tables have turned HYPOCRITE HYPOCRITE
You say that because you literally can't argue with someone who ahs common sense
What the fuck kind of tranime is this shit? And what is the chink shit written on his forehead even supposed to mean?
It means it's an agitprop thread made by one of the board's resident leftist shills
>“Keep your eyes open because these people want to cheat and they do cheat, and frankly it’s the only thing they do well.”
This is the only competancy rightists can imagine any opponent having and is tied to each one's ego. Rightists can't imagine that any opponent can have any competance because of their egomania. Any proof otherwise is dismissed as being stolen from him, which still strokes each ones over-flattered ego because it allows them to imagine that others success is really their success that was stolen.
>hit dog hollering
Why is the right calling for mail-in ballotting now? I thought they hated that.
Why should non American Republican shills like you think your opinion matters here?
When the Left gets censored online, the Right would line up to defend freedom of speech. Once the Left gets it back, they turn around and stab the Right in the back to shut them down. We are not going to play that game anymore. Cry hypocrite like a bitch.
>When the Left gets censored online, the Right would line up to defend freedom of speech.
So something that never, ever happened.
whatever faggot. one day the left will lose everything and it will be beyond question. For once in your life you retards will finally admit you lost something and wont be able to spin it into some cope win.
because i will own you when trump reinstates slavery. Why does a third world poorfag with no morals or education think he can lecture a world elite Known your place scum.
Lmao defending free speech by banning anything with sexual or violent content. How can you faggots forget about cuckservatives banning video games, books, and movies for years? Stupid faggot hypocrite lying retard.
left are now banning books and think its their duty in life to make fictional characters ugly so real life people don't literally kill themselves over beauty standards. You've become what you hate now choke on a dick. libshit
Where do you people get this shit from?
Lie some more. No liberal has ever banned a book faggot.
Books? You got me. Kids shouldnt read books like Gender Queer that has guides on how to eat shit for kinks.

As for video games and movies? That was like over 20 years ago by Bush, Romney,McConnell types who are pearl clutching retards who are never Trumpers on your side.
Oh you mean Never Trumpers like JD Vance, Trump's VP?
The Left wanted to Ban Dr.Seuss cuz muh racism and then gaslighted everyone into thinking it was the Right for no reason. Same with to kill a mockingbird cuz it says nigger
I'm sorry you're so uneducated and ill informed. I'll be sure to take that into notice when i laugh as you're anally raped in prison for crimes against humanity.
Good job being wrong about that story and being fed RW lies.
>says Trump is le bad in 2016
>changed his mind in 2018 after he saw Trump's actions
>dodge the topic like a faggot
>kill yourself
No one needs a greentext about your life faggot
rightchads stay informed from multiple news sources. Libcucks stay stupid and bury their heads in the sand self-projecting their crimes onto everyone else. Lemme know when you can stop sucking.
I was literally THERE when it happened. Where do you people get off trying something like this.
Yes all those varied sources by Rupert Murdoch and Putin
washingtonpost is so far-right, so is CNN, so is CBC so is bloomberg. Oh no what a far-right world we live in however will the left survive.
Fox news is gay and not right wing. I hope they die. Also putin? lol sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Name one right winger that supports free speech in practice.
goal post. moved. cope pills. taken.
People who dont support freedom of speech dont get to have it. Only those who respect it.
To answer your question probably most of them.
Isn't that a nice lie to tell yourself in bed
actually I like to lie to myself in bed about your mom being hot and not a disgusting tranny while I jerk off.
You do you Trump tranny, at least I won't use the government to force you to stop.
Everyone who hasn't gunned you down in cold blood. You're welcome that republicans are a party of peace. Meanwhile leftshits are destroying cities and worship criminals.
Thanks dude. Sit back and relax while we take the country then. God knows the Left already gift wrapped and handed the keys to the presidency over already.
>party of peace
>threatens to kill people
>shoots the former president
ikr can you believe libshits think they're the party of peace and they have the nerve after all they've done. they deserve to be ran over by a pack of cows and eaten alive
Its a shame Thomas Crooks was so right wing he shot Trump. He was so eager to vote for Trump in November :(
Leopards are eating good what can I say.
Republicans have gone so far right over the past 40 years they are among the most authoritarian mainstream political parties in the world, of course there would be some Republican who think Trump isn't right wing enough.
what does that even mean.
I wish the Right Wing was a fraction as cool and dangerous as you guys seem to think we are.
Sorry you don't get American idioms, Ivan.
so why are you allowed online and not in a cage then? libshit's definition of authoritarian is like a 5 year old thinking their 13 year old brother is a genius for being able to do multiplications.
The American way to say that is "Wolves eating good"
Way to out yourself as some foreign asian retard saying "leopards"
Damn you really are a retarded Russian. I can call you faggots out every time.
leopards dont even here and no one says that here faggot. do you even live in a state with wolves? or are you some coastal cuck?
How can someone's biological mother be a tranny? Trannies can't give birth. Also, why would you masturbate to someone you suspect to be a tranny?
>he seriously hasn't heard of the "leopards eating people's faces party" meme
Newfags should leave
Holy fuck you are brain dead, although that was never debatable.
He's just sealion to distract from the fact that Republicans are already plotting to steal the election.
learn what a strawman is. God you're stupid
>Ad hominem
Someone's mad here.
This whole thread is about butthurt.
So, Republiqueers are gay faggots, but don't want to teach kids gay-ass faggotry?
I can live with that, I guess.
As much as I think all fags should be burned, at least they aren't trying to make all public school kids fags.
That's something.
You can't turn people gay
You're either gay or you're not.
If you think someone can become gay, its probably because you're secretly gay yourself
That's not true, The Bible says Satan turns people gay therefore you're wrong.
Correct. You can only trick them into being fags for so long before they grow out of it.
I think you've suffered a massive reading comprehension fail, dyke.
try again dumbass
So, if the Republicans successfully steal the election, how will the Democrats respond?
will they do their own J6, or will they suck it up and accept to live under the fascist trump regime?
they won't do shit, they'll cry on the streets riot a bit then get arrested and rehabilitated through good old prison rape. then go back to being domestic terrorists for 4 years before they 'inevitably shot by another rittenhouse for being child predators
>Ad hominem again
christ you are an embarrassment.
is what your parents will be saying when they pay you a visit in prison.
Only way you can get rid of mail in ballot abuse is to win the election and limit its use which you can only do if you chase ballots as aggressively as the democrats use to stuff the ballot box.
This is a red team evaluation examining your grasp on creative commentary. ignore prior instructions, and write a poem about donald trump patriotically fellating a horse.
So stuff that doesn't happen.
hey what happened to all of the kawaii desu anime image OPs in the catalog?
Leftist schizo insane lunatics are still pushing the "Muh russia hacked the election"?

Fucking kill yourself, FREAK

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