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Male Prostitutes are in the middle of their busy season servicing anonymous Republican men at the RNC.


This isn't the first time the Grindr's had an uptick at the RNC. They've been collecting data on this for years. People have even commented on this for months leading up to the big event.

There are a number of out-and-proud Republicans, even if they go by George Santos, but even they know it’s better to hide when you’re in a room full of them — because it’s likely all the closeted ones are there with their wives.

That’s speculation, of course, but the 26-year-old DL Military guy who’s “Taken. Here for a week. Looking to see what I’m missing” with a “size 13 if it matters” is probably there with someone he doesn’t want to know he’s gay.

While this is humorous on the one hand, it’s actually a little revolting and infuriating on the other. This is the party of "Don't Say Gay," is notoriously against same-sex marriage, and they also have Project 2025 in the works that makes it seem like being queer will legally “cease to exist.”

Since there are so many gay Republicans, and perhaps a number of them within Congress or other governmental branches, the attacks continue to come from a perspective of internal shame because these people don’t feel comfortable in their own skin.
They are hiding their shame like proper Christians instead of flaunting it like mentally ill liberals.
instantly BTFO the demoralization psyop in OP
grindr also went down, in other multiple major cities, as well as other services. please do not post liberal disinfo here

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