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'We're close to the end': Biden world braces for the possibility that the president steps aside
As Trump is about to accept his third consecutive GOP nomination for president, Biden is off the campaign trail with Covid.


July 18, 2024, 1:12 PM EDT
By Natasha Korecki, Carol E. Lee and Monica Alba
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s political world is collapsing. Top allies have either publicly or privately called on him to step aside. Major donations have fallen off a cliff. Grassroots fundraising is not keeping up with the demands of a campaign that needs to aggressively scale up three months before the presidential election. Members of his own re-election effort have already declared he has no path to victory.

Since a disastrous debate in Atlanta upended the trajectory of his campaign three weeks ago, Biden has again and again attempted to dig in, bucking efforts to dislodge him from power.

But there is now a palpable sense that the ground has shifted underneath him, according to five people with knowledge of the situation, even among some of the president’s most defiant internal backers who now believe the writing is on the wall.

“We’re close to the end,” a person close to Biden said.

That person, who previously doubted Biden would ever step aside, acknowledged that it’s still the president’s decision but joined in the array of Biden allies who say he is nearing a point of no return.

As the extraordinary events have unfolded, the president tested positive with Covid on Wednesday and retreated to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, taking him off the campaign trail. Once again, it offered a sharp contrast with former President Donald Trump, who, even after his brush with death on Saturday, will appear at a raucous coronation at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Thursday night.
Biden should drop out right before Trump gives his speech just because it would split attention.
Biden needs to ‘seriously consider’ quitting race, Obama tells allies Updated 14 minutes ago


Former president Barack Obama has told allies that Joe Biden needs to “seriously consider” dropping out of the race, according to reports.

Mr Obama has been receiving calls from concerned Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and has shared his own views on the viability of Mr Biden’s candidacy.

According to multiple sources briefed on the matter, Mr Obama has only spoken with Mr Biden once since the debate but believes the president needs to assess his options.

It comes as leading Democrats indicate Mr Biden will be persuaded to quit the presidential race as soon as this weekend, according to reports.

Allies of the 81-year-old president, including Ms Pelosi, have been presenting him with polling showing Donald Trump could win a landslide victory in the November election if he does not drop out.

Mr Biden is becoming more “receptive” to the pleas for him to stand aside, according to The New York Times.
i accept biden's concession
Still voting for Biden!
i don't agree with everything biden's done but god bless him for standing his ground for as long as he has, i don't think he'd be doing it if he didn't really, truly believe in the importance of what he's doing. however he should not have been put up to this. he should have been retired years ago. our country needs a real leader to step up and take his place. we need a bernie sanders, or a pete buttigieg.
He's still the better candidate
>bernie sanders, or a pete buttigieg.
Pick one. They are two entirely different people policy-wise

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