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Pelosi privately told Biden polls show he cannot win and will take down the House; Biden responded with defensiveness
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, according to four sources briefed on the call.

The president responded by pushing back, telling Pelosi he has seen polls that indicate he can win, one source said. Another one of the sources described Biden as getting defensive about the polls. At one point, Pelosi asked Mike Donilon, Biden’s longtime adviser, to get on the line to talk over the data.

This phone call would mark the second known conversation between the California lawmaker and Biden since the president’s disastrous debate on June 27. While the exact date of the conversation was not clear, one source described it as being within the last week. Pelosi and Biden also spoke in early July.

None of the sources indicated whether Pelosi told Biden in this conversation that she believes the president should drop out of the 2024 race.

Pelosi has spent the weeks following the debate listening to concerns from her colleagues. Pelosi made waves when she said in an interview last week: “It’s up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We’re all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short.”
When asked for comment, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates did not respond to the details of CNN’s reporting on the recent Pelosi-Biden call. “President Biden is the nominee of the party. He plans to win and looks forward to working with congressional Democrats to pass his 100 days agenda to help working families,” Bates said.

A Pelosi spokesperson told CNN that the former House speaker has been in California since Friday and she has not spoken to Biden since.

“Speaker Pelosi respects the confidentiality of her meetings and conversations with the president of the United States,” a Pelosi spokesperson said. “Sadly, the feeding frenzy from the press based on anonymous sources misrepresents any conversations the speaker may have had with the president.”
Biden's either going to lose or step down.
There isn't any other likely outcome of the 2024 election
>>haha cnn
what a far-right website lets not believe them.
when biden wins he's going to make america great again by reinstating the slave trade and forcing each district to have a mandated public toliet, immigrants get free citizenship if they let themselves be treated as a human potty, students get their loans released and jan 6 members get pardons. They'll be strapped up to a toliet with a water hose that sprays them after each use and be freely open to the public.
Riding with biden has never been so great
I'm still voting Biden.
Ridin' with Biden right off the cliffside, eh?
Why not replace Biden with a different Democrat who isn't senile and has better policies? There's got to be SOMEBODY.
You can't just "replace" the incumbent front runner. Biden has to just do the right thing and step down through his own volition.
>Biden has to just do the right thing
Why would he start now?
The absolute state of the Democrat party. All that talk about "democracy is on the ballot" and they go and do this. They lied about his mental health for God knows how long, then when they can't hide it anymore they launch a palace coup (of billionaires and insiders) and then we will have a convention where the next nominee is chosen by delegates and not voters.

Lol. Lmao even.
Good post.
They nominated Biden, they made their bed, now it's time for them to lie in it
They're right, though, Trump is evil and unlikable
Harris could beat Trump
Sherrod Brown wants Joe out too, and he's your basic liberal Senator and one of the few Democrats from Ohio. When you've lost Sherrod Brown, you've lost.
No. Once Harris opens her mouth to assail people with her harpy voice all will be over for her.
And no, it's not a joke.
I hope he stays in the race to the bitter end, this shit is hilarious and better than TV.
>then we will have a convention where the next nominee is chosen by delegates and not voters.
You mean, exactly like how the Electoral College is done? I thought being a constitutional republic was better than direct democracy.
Is Biden winning yet?
did you see her recent speech? She's great

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