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Republicans Feel Invincible Right Now
Donald Trump has never enjoyed an RNC like this one.

The 2024 Republican National Convention is a happy place. That’s unusual. In recent cycles, whether the nominee has been John McCain, Mitt Romney, or Donald Trump, there have always been substantial pockets of discontent within the arena.

The sunny vibe is especially unusual because the now-official party nominee was shot in the ear on Saturday, coming literally within an inch of his life. What could explain the way delegates and other conventiongoers so quickly moved beyond that trauma and pivoted to joy?

The only way to put it is that Republicans are feeling invincible.

Trump was already leading the election before Joe Biden’s catastrophic debate performance kicked off an ongoing multiweek spectacle of the Democratic Party’s destroying itself in the broad light of day. Trump was then leading by more. Then he survived an assassination attempt. If possible, he is now likely leading by even more. Republicans are riding a euphoria they have never quite experienced during Trump’s time in politics. It’s unusual. They can’t help but speculate about divine intervention.
you think biden was the only one who had a bad debate? they're both disappointing old men
Don't switch gears 3 months til Nov, there's no one else, Kamala is even less popular

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