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Thomas's classmate is interviewed.
Thomas regularly mocked his classmates for supporting trump
Would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks mocked classmate for supporting Trump in 2016: ‘He did not like our politicians’

Would-be Donald Trump assassin Thomas Crooks became “smug and arrogant” in class whenever students talked politics — and questioned why a classmate would support Trump, according to a former classmate.

“He just did not like politicians, especially with the choices that we had,” said Vincent Taormina, who went to high school with Crooks in 2016 when Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were all in the presidential race.

“He did not like our politicians,” Taormina told Fox News Digital, recalling how Crooks once mocked him and insinuated he was “stupid” for supporting Trump

“I brought up the fact that I’m Hispanic and, you know, I’m for Trump. And he said, ‘Well, you’re Hispanic, so shouldn’t you hate Trump?'” Taormina said, recounting an English class discussion where Crooks came after him.

“No. He’s great. He was a great president. He [Crooks] called me stupid — or insinuated that I was stupid,” Taormina said.

similar condescending attitude would emerge from the otherwise reclusive Crooks whenever subjects came up he thought he knew well — especially politics and math.

“He would just talk, talk and act like he knew everything, especially politics-related, and he would say it in a tone that was like, ‘I’m better than you,’ in a type of way,” said Taormina.

And though Crooks often kept to himself, Taormina said he did have a friend group — but that they were suspected of threatening a school shooting
When he came back, Crooks was quieter about politics and dialed back his attitude.

“Everybody, anybody who knew him, should have seen something,” Taormina told Fox.

“They should have known something was up, and I know it’s kind of easy to hide, but people are going to get their affairs in order before they do something that’s bold and this drastic, and nobody saw it?”

The investigation into why Crooks turned a gun on the former president at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Saturday — when he struck Trump in the ear, killed one bystander and wounded two others — has so far yielded no results.

Crooks, 20, had no criminal record before the assassination attempt, and no documented mental illness.

The AR-style rifle he used in the attack belonged to his father, and he used ammunition he’d purchased legally that morning.

He lived with his parents in a modest home in Bethel Park, a suburb just south of Pittsburgh.

His father was a registered Libertarian and his mother formerly a Democrat, but neighbors recalled seeing MAGA signage in their yard.
The family — which includes an older sister — has remained silent so far, saying only that they are cooperating with investigators.

Crooks was quickly killed by Secret Service snipers after he opened fire at the Trump rally
>The same source that was 1000% Republican Crooks was Chinese
Into the trash it goes this republican propaganda goes!
>Never Trump Republican who shot at Trump hated Trump
>the democrat donor hated trump and tried to kill him
You don't say...
>“I brought up the fact that I’m Hispanic and, you know, I’m for Trump. And he said, ‘Well, you’re Hispanic, so shouldn’t you hate Trump?'” Taormina said, recounting an English class discussion where Crooks came after him.
Even at such a young age, Crooks was already brainwashed by DNC propaganda and talking points.
It's a sad state of affairs, truly
No offense but the NYpost is always wrong
Literally everyone hates Trump. What does this even mean?
It means chuds are still seething that a Republican shot at Trump
They're desperately trying to push a 'No True Scottsman' fallacy
Which doesn't work because Republicans already have a term for that and it's RINO. Party membership is an objective thing. They need to just fucking face reality.
Dude apparently planned on killing trump for so long he registered Republican in advance.
>Dude apparently planned on killing trump for so long he registered Republican in advance.
Dude was going to kill Biden or Kate Middleton and literally only took a shot at Trump because he happened to be doing a campaign stop near him which was hardly announced before he registered as a Republican multiple fucking years ago.
hahaha you must be retarded if you believe that
>Dude apparently planned on killing trump for so long he registered Republican in advance.

he registered Republican to vote against Trump in his state's closed primary. When that failed he was further pushed towards violence by extremist leftist rhetoric and decided this was the only way forward.
>Progressives still trying to blame one of their activists shooting at Trump after his primary scheme failed on Republicans
Please pay no attention to his lack of social media and political donation history
>be literally named crooks
If you think you know more about some random nutjob you've never met than feds pouring over every aspect of his life and every thing he owns and has ever written, you have brain damage.
>the shooting was staged by Trump
>but we can trust the Feds, who totally didn't set Trump up to get shot, to tell us what really happened
Troon headcannon is wild
Imagine saying, "this is the only way, I have to do this for the greater good" then fucking missing and getting smoked. What a useless waste.
>“He would just talk, talk and act like he knew everything, especially politics-related, and he would say it in a tone that was like, ‘I’m better than you,’ in a type of way,” said Taormina.
I wonder if he was a destiny or vaush viewer. It would be funny if he got tied back to one of them.
A genuine Republican right winger would not have missed, thats how you know it's a leftoid responsible
>but we can trust the Feds, who totally didn't set Trump up to get shot
Dumbshit theory predicated on it not being legal for Biden to simply have the Feds shoot Trump directly, which it is.
>Dumbshit theory predicated on it not being legal for Biden to simply have the Feds shoot Trump directly, which it is.
Yes we know, leftists were calling for Biden to do that exactly right up until someone actually tried to do it.

Weird how that happens, right?
>ignores the fact that his parents were a democrat and a liberal.
at 2:15
get fucked leftist you're going to be so anal raped

Literally the opposite of a liberal, dumdum
as opposed to Lee Harvey Oswald who was trained by both the KGB and Cuban commies?
he missed by less than an inch because Trump moved. he was a good shot, just bad timing for him
Good point
get fucked libshit
>get fucked
I do, because I don't have a repulsive (conservative) personality.
why did you make the pick of him holding what appears to be the world's cheapest bolt action rifle instead of a DPMS AR like he actually had?
>muh nugget
nuggets are more expensive than the bottom of the barrel savage, ruger and mossberg bolt guns at this point
>how do you know its cheap
synthetic stock and the finish on the stock and barrel is cheaper to do than blueing the barrel
Have sex incel
>Weird how that happens, right?
Not really. Pretty sure leftists are still calling for that and Trump is a very hated man.

Anyway this has nothing to do with the crazy Republican taking a shot at him unless you think Biden had access to no other gunmen when Trump's own security detail works for Biden and are all armed.

In fact, Biden saved Trump's life if you want to get technical.
>ignores the fact that his parents were a democrat and a liberal.
His parents didn't shoot Trump. So yeah, I'm ignoring those "facts", one of which is a lie.
Seeing as how the kid donated to act blue to celebrate biden's election, hated trump for a long time, and then registered as a Republican to get close to trump before shooting him ....
He's a leftist
>and then registered as a Republican to get close to trump before shooting him
In your mind they check your party ID before letting you climb up structures outside political rallies while packing?
Nobody even checked id in this case.
What the hell were secret service and police doing
waiting for you to post your next schizo lie for a laugh
nice double standard, libtards are such hypocrites
you sound like a sex predator
oo i spotted the other sex predator you're a crime against humanity repent and your parents should be ashamed

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