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Several supporters of former President Donald Trump wore bandages on their ears to the third night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Members of the RNC's Arizona delegation said they were wearing the bandages as a sign of solidarity with the former president after he survived an assassination attempt.

One supporter said she had bandaged her own ear to help Mr Trump "set a new fashion statement" and to let him know "how much we love him".

Mr Trump has appeared at the convention wearing a bandage after he was shot in the ear while he was speaking at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday.

The former president is due to deliver a speech at the convention on Thursday, when he is expected to be confirmed as the Republican Party's 2024 presidential nominee.
I'm voting Trump, but this is...cringe.
So there was like a group of 3-5 with this stupid idea?
Thanks for the hard hitting stories BBC.
Fuck of Cult of Homosexuality.
>showing support? CULT!!!!!!!!!!!
Also Democrats: *makes their pfp on social media a black square*
It takes far more effort and looks far more ridiculous to fasten a makeshift bandage to your ear to feign a gunshot wound than it does to change your profile pic to a black square.
okay, that's not a bandage. you just stuck a piece of paper to the side of your head. can't conservatives do anything right?
The entire Arizona delegation wore them, and they weren't the only state delegates to do it.
>Also Democrats: *makes their pfp on social media a black square*
The black square had nothing to do with the leader of a political party, anon.
These are the same dipshits that refused to mask up.

Unironically a cult.
people who like to mask up tend to be terrorists, normal folks (republicans) dont really care
>I'm voting Trump, but
hi falseflagger
It hasn't been normal to be a Republican since 2004.
You're right, it had to do with violent felons the left treats like martyrs
We've seen what you people think is normal, we're not impressed
You mean the cult that crashed the Grindr servers in Milwaukee yesterday?
>It hasn't been normal to be a Republican since 1974
>The GOP convention crashed the Grindr servers, trust us bro, even Grindr said so
>Grindr: trust us bro

Did the GOP also cause the worldwide IT outtage happening at the moment?
I hate ziotrump, his stupid vp and his redtarded fans.

Pro-White anti-jew politics we need; this crap needs to go.
Polly want a cracker?
Jews are white
This is what happens when you aren't allowed to call people doing stupid shit gay and retarded anymore.
When they find it convenient to be.
Are these the same people who openly wore diapers after learning their favorite old man has an old man problem in his pants?
Where do you people get this shit from?

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