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Former President Trump took the stage with a bandaged ear only days after surviving an attempted assassination in Pennsylvania to accept the GOP presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention Thursday night. He left it after roughly 90 minutes of a mostly familiar stump speech.

Why it matters: While his speech — widely viewed as a test of his plea for unity — began on a personal tone, it soon returned to Trumpian talking points, misleading statements and lies.

Trump has received a week of relatively positive press while his Democratic opponent President Biden faces mounting calls from his party to exit the race.
The former president described the assassination attempt at the top of his speech, saying that it's the only time he'll talk about it, "because it's too painful to tell."

State of play: He focused primarily on foreign policy, the economy and immigration.

At on point, he described a "massive invasion at our southern border" and a planet "teetering on edge of World War III," a likely reference to the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza that have begun since his successor took office.

The big picture: The GOP tried to appear as a unified front this week, with many of Trump's onetime presidential rivals appearing as campaign surrogates. Democrats have been in disarray over the top of their ticket.

Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), spoke Wednesday night, leaning into his personal story as a Rust Belt native — a signal of the campaign's strategy ahead to win vital swing voters in key states.
Trump this year has been convicted of a felony, juggled multiple court cases with the campaign trail, and this week saw one of the federal cases against him dismissed.
Trump spent the majority of his convention speech railing about usual targets: illegal immigration, electric vehicles and election integrity— and zeroed in on China, Axios' Erin Doherty writes.

Why it matters: He primarily echoed many of the grievances that have defined his political career across three consecutive presidential runs.

He baselessly accused Democrats of "cheating" in elections and criticized former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

What they're saying: "Donald Trump is just the greatest hits from 2016," Biden campaign director of rapid response Ammar Moussa wrote on Twitter.

"He has not changed. He has not moderated. He has gotten worse - except now he talks about the "late, great, Hannibal Lecter."
I hope the lugenpresse is put in jail first after Trump takes office.
In jail for what?
For inciting violence and blaming the victims of said violence for it
If they report the direct quotes?
Reporting them with their own spin and bias, sure

Maybe if you whine bout "Trumpian" comments some more, you'll feel better
>lie about the police, start race riots
>lie about rittenhouse, kid is called a white supremacist for defending himself
>lie about the president, democrats try to kill trump supporters and eventually trump himself
>lie about the assassination, call it trump "falling over" at a rally
This people actually belong in jail.
yeah seriously, media should be held accountable for the actions, and for inspiring the violence
Good. When can we start throwing leftists into camps?
>unification of scapegoats as a unifying cause
oh like everything is supposedly caused by DRUMPF?
>What is 'they' that Republicans keep citing
>What is 'Drumpf' that Democrats keep citing
Axios is drunk and needs to go home.
Explain your logic
look at point 1 in the OP pic
look at dems blaming drumpf for everything
I’d settle for a purge day to let the alphabet people and communists know we’re not fucking around.
Fascism is a right wing ideology
The left has been turned into fascism, wake the fuck up
Why are fascists like you projecting?
>ummmm sorry but you're [label]
That's fascism. You're either being retarded or dishonest right now
4- Woke or dead to the left
5- do i even need to start?
6- Woke or dead to the left
7- "Antifa" take the streets for corporate interests
10- incels must die!
13- woke or dead to the left
14- Alphabet people is more important than competence
15- woke worship

yup, the left is fascist as fuck according to that list.
Wait, so labeling people is fascist?
So why are the right so hung up on "troons" and forcing labels on them?
>being a tranny in your own private life
>being a tranny and telling it to the whole world and breaking everybody's balls

why are psyopped brainwashed midwits like this
This is and has always been a syllogistic fallacy
Incendiary because it's fact? Has there not and continue to be a massive invasion at our southern boarder? Is the planet not teetering on the edge of World War III? Do you perhaps live in an alternate universe and have some kind of technology that tunes into ours to which you cannot make sense anymore? Perhaps you just live in a leftist bubble listening to what your masters tell you. They said it, they will think for you.
>Just keep it quiet or we'll punish you
Very fascist
curious which parts of the article you deem jailworthy?
It blows my mind that there are some people that are so brainwashed that they unironically believe Joe Biden has "dangerous rhetoric".
See point 1
He called every American that voted for Trump a domestic extremist, anon. And he kept likening Trump to Hitler.

You don't get to cry about stochastic terrorism while simultaneously arguing that everybody who disagrees with you deserves a bullet.
Because they live in an alternate universe. Nothing they believe or observe about the world is true.

>He called every American that voted for Trump a domestic extremist, anon.

>And he kept likening Trump to Hitler.

>You don't get to cry about stochastic terrorism while simultaneously arguing that everybody who disagrees with you deserves a bullet.
Your projection is astonishing
You're confusing "the left" with a handful of communists on Twitter who don't vote.
Fascism and communism are both socialist brought outcomes. This nation isn't set up for either to take power.
The left is by the term socialist or at least antithetical to what we here in These United States have as our founding. The kings court divided themselves in the court; those that stood to the left the socialists and those that stood for the king, the institution that is what was to the right.
Nazi's were socialists. Socialists are the force needed to get either of the two to power; and it does so through the destruction of what was.
Nazi's propagandized the German people into believing they were more popular than they were and terrorized the good Germans who wanted none of it. My great grandmother was one of them.
>Scapegoating socialism again
Fascism 101
Moron, socialism brings either, it's not a functional governance.
Facts are scapegoating. National socialist party = Nazi = Fascists.
The only difference in a Fascist and a Communist are which group of elitist socialists are in power. Neither will get a foothold here, this is America, welcome to America.
Anybody who thinks Nazis were socialists has nothing of worth to say about anything. Their opinion on any topic should immediately be discarded.
Do I call you little Hitler? Facts hurt, am I over the target? I bet you would love to burn books too. The little brown shirts would have said the same thing as they gaslit the people to make them think the socialist party narrative.
Do you have a contrary opinion on the matter, perhaps one you could point out a fact to corroborate such an opinion? Are you much a historian?
Where's your worth little Hitler?
Your opinion on any topic is utterly worthless.
Well you haven't done your research and it shows. Before I became political, I learned history, especially this nations history. That ran into the old world history. You wouldn't know because you are not one to do such things but one thread quickly pick up another and further you go down history to find more facts which leads to a fuller picture.
It is truly your opinion, baseless as it is that is utterly worthless.
>anybody who thinks the national socialist party were socialists has nothing of worth to say about anything
Great input retard
didnt say that, you are strawmanning AKA being dishonest
I'm following this troll around /news with a big can of commie be gone. I know where you learned that word. We're waiting for your replies on the thread you left for this one.
But that's wrong, and usual conservative word play.
incendiary is an imodest and intemperate society that believes tolerance is simple or easy

if you want to complain of how trump atttempts to manage it all then by God don't make me do it

try just growing a pair first

and read some books
But that's not wrong.
Wordplay, how about you explain how it's wrong exactly, in your opinion.
Just stating it's wrong without argumentation as if you are the arbiters of truth is how liberals attempt to justify how others are wrong.
Little hitler tries again.
For retribution/amusement
>Yet Gellatelly’s book explores the matter thoroughly and points out that “Germany on the eve of Hitler’s appointment as chancellor in January 1933 continued to have a socialist-oriented political culture”. “Almost without exception, the Nazis emphasized all kinds of socialist attitudes, to be sure a socialism ‘cleansed’ of international Marxism and communism”.
And fascists were left wing too. They were progressive totalitarians just like modern shitlib "communists".
no clue what you're saying there leftoid
This is not news, this is opinionated propaganda. Mods keeping this thread up is ridiculous
>disdain for the arts
Nazis LOVED art though
The only speech inciting political violence in this country comes out of Democrat mouths LMAO. Maybe don't try your gaslighting after you finally provoked an assassination attempt with your "FACISM" wolf cries.
Why don’t you refute violent speech no matter where it originates?
1) Ask OP that, they're the one focusing on the less violent speech.

2) Why would I anyway? I'm only opposed to political violence against normal people. Against influential/powerful figures who can oppress and destroy "non-violently" without fear or reprisals? I'd never do it but I don't cry when others do.
what a leftard means by art is two trannies on a stage sucking each other off while spewing diarrhea
No one is absolutely right or wrong at all.
Speech cannot be violence. Hurting your gay feelings isn't violence.
>Right wing think tank
Also Fascism is a right wing aka conservative ideology, so is communism, stop coping.
Speech can call for violence.

There's also fighting words.
I didn't even come close to implying such a thing. This isn't about them being correct, it's about them being corrupt.
>There's also fighting words.
Literally does not exist.
You are an individual. Insults do not give you an excuse to chimp out.
I don’t think you know what “literally” means because Literally, fighting words do exist and has been defined as an affirmative defense
Fascism brought about Social Security in Italy.
Fascism isn't right wing. You're just wrong wing.
>incendiary rhetoric that lead to violence
You mean like democrats literally calling for violence and shootings and insurrection? When did Trump ever say anything like that?

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