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A teenage boy followed a 15-year-old girl for 45 minutes around a town centre before he stabbed her to death.
The boy has admitted killing Holly Newton (in Hexham, Northumberland), but denies he intended to harm her.
Jurors were told Holly was stabbed "many, many times" in an alleyway next to a pizza shop in January 2023.
The 17-year-old defendant, who was 16 at the time and cannot be identified, admitted manslaughter but denies murder.
Opening the trial, prosecutor David Brooke KC said the boy did "not dispute being responsible for stabbing Holly to death", but claimed his "mind went blank" during the attack.
Holly was stabbed in an alley at 5pm on 27 January 2023.
Her alleged murderer, who was known to her, had been "careful not to be seen" as he followed her for 45 minutes before the attack.
Passers-by and staff from the pizza shop heard Holly's screams and pulled the youth "forcibly" off her as he was "still stabbing her" with a kitchen knife he had brought from home.
Holly was taken to [hospital] but declared dead soon after, while the defendant was arrested at the scene.
She had 36 injuries, including 12 stab wounds and 19 caused by the slashing of a knife which broke during the attack.
The prosecutor said the assault lasted for at least a minute during which the "angry" boy stabbed Holly "many, many times".
His "intention was obvious", jurors were told.
The youth also denies wounding another teenage boy who was injured while trying to rescue Holly, the court heard, but has admitted illegal possession of a knife.
Mr Brooke told jurors the "violent death of a child" was "obviously shocking" and would "naturally arouse strong emotion".
Probably an "asian"
ah, si...! (omar suarez voice)
maybe it was a south asian or something. not an "aiden fucci"
But aren't knives illegal to be carried in bongland?
100 quid on the teenage boy being 19 year old Mohammed bin Mohammed from Syria or something similar

Oh I'll take that action.
Screencapped. It'll be a pleasure to prove your opinions wrong
Wow, Moshe ben Moshe is here is ready to prove that it wasn't Mohammad bin Mohammad, or Durgesh Durgesh.
Well. good luck.
Wow, /pol/ppet is ready to prove it was what it claims to have committed that murder.
Good luck with proving it here and now with court-admissible forensic evidence, >>1317930
Come to your own conclusions certain people in /news/ when the /pol/ppet can't immediately provide evidence to prove its opinions right
>source: trust me, bro
You can't prove anything either, nutsack.
>what is burden of proof
>not on the one who didn't make the original accusation
>source: trust me, bro
Come to your own conclusions certain people in /news/ when the /pol/ppet can't immediately provide evidence - remember, burden of proof: certainly on >>1317498 & >>1317930
- to prove its opinions right
>crying this hard
Relax Mohammed, we're just making accurate assumptions based on racism and observed patterns

Surely this was Lord Chersingtonshireson's bright 15 year old boy Alfred Whitesbottom the IV on his way to the prep academy in Lumberdingstonschirefordvilletown, and he just had a bad day. Whoopsee dilly, right bruv? Bit sad innit.
So did the guy get convicted or is the case still going on? Seems open and shut to me
Statistics and patterns don't lie and getting sick of pretending its not.
most of these crimes are committed by people who are not local(immigrants) or not integrated.
Stabbed 36 times.
Crossbow guy shot 3 women, probablt got a right kick out of it too, he wasn;t integrated, no respecy fr women thats for sure.
>crying this hard
Relax /pol/ppet, we're just proving facts based on evidence as opposed to assumptions and subjective racist opinions
I can be serious. And I'm calling you Shirley
Where you make an ASS out of U. And not ME.
>MP Jo Cox
Who murdered her? Answer correctly if you don't want your opinions destroyed. Oh wait.
>a white female murdered
>a white female murdered before her
Which one are you more concerned about? Think very carefully before answering, >>1317950
Come to your own conclusions certain people in /news/ when >>1317950 answers the way it inevitably will. Oh, and this reply proves that /pol/ isn't sending their best:
>Moshe ben Moshe is here is ready to prove that it wasn't Mohammad bin Mohammad
So how are Jewish/Muslim relations going post-Gaza? Do the latter love the former?
>cannot be identified
Nah definitely a melanin enriched creature

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