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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwQjew4TBCUHey /pol/, I've been chewing over the recent attempt on Trump and got thinking about his past rallies. Is it possible that despite tight security, there’s always been one critical vulnerability left unguarded at each event? What if this pattern allowed the recent incident to occur?

I'm calling on all anons to dig into footage from past Trump rallies. Let’s analyze and see if there’s a trend of overlooked security gaps that could potentially allow a lunatic to slip through. If you’ve got access to videos, expert analyses, or even insider info on rally security setups, this could be big.

Let’s compile our findings and see if there’s more to the story. Could this have been an overlooked flaw all along? Time to put on our detective hats and find out. Any contributions or insights are welcome.

TL;DR: Need help examining past Trump rally security for consistent lapses. Let’s uncover the truth together.
YouTube videos aren't news articles.
I am sorry, I dont know how to use 4chan. I know you guys have done some crazy investigative work. was thinkin maybe you could find something
4chan is not your personal army
>trying to crowdsource weaknesses in Trump's security detail
Enjoy your visit from the Secret Service

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