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>Illinois deputy charged with murder shot woman in face after ordering her to move pot of water
A sheriff’s deputy charged with murder in the death of a Black woman shot her in the face during a tense moment over a pot of water in her home.

>SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — An Illinois sheriff’s deputy charged with murder in the death of a Black woman shot her in the face during a tense moment over a pot of water in her home and then discouraged his partner from trying to save her, authorities said Thursday.

>The details were in a court document filed in support of keeping fired Sangamon County Deputy Sean Grayson in custody without bond. County Circuit Judge Ryan M. Cadagin agreed, denying Grayson pretrial release at a hearing Thursday in Springfield.

>In a courtroom guarded by a dozen sheriff’s deputies with three more patrolling the hall, Cadagin described the actions the former deputy is accused of as “such a departure from the expectations of a civil society.”

>Sonya Massey, 36, was killed at her home in Illinois’ capital city, about 200 miles (322 kilometers) south of Chicago, after deputies responded to her 911 call about a possible prowler early on July 6.

>Prosecutors alleged that after Grayson allowed Massey to move a pot of water heating on the stove and she set it on a counter, Grayson then “aggressively yelled” at Massey over the pot and pulled his 9 mm pistol. Massey then put her hands in the air, declared “I’m sorry” and ducked for cover before being shot in the face. Grayson also discouraged the other deputy from getting his medical kit, prosecutors said.

>“The other deputy still rendered aid and stayed with Ms. Massey until medical help arrived,” First Assistant State’s Attorney Mary Rodgers wrote. Grayson “at no time attempted to render aid to Ms. Massey.”
>The 30-year-old Grayson, who is white, was indicted on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct. He pleaded not guilty in his first court appearance Thursday.

>More than 30 of Massey’s family members and their supporters filled the seats of the courtroom Thursday, several of whom declined to comment afterward.

>No one argued with the state’s contention that body camera footage of the incident upheld the first requirement in ordering Grayson detained — that there is a strong presumption that the actions alleged in the indictment occurred. Authorities said they plan to release the body camera footage publicly Monday.

>“At no point did this defendant show anything but callousness to human life,” Rodgers said.

>Defense attorney Dan Fultz argued for Grayson’s release, contending the state’s arguments fell short on other arguments. Fultz said Grayson is not a threat to the community because was compliant and turned himself in within a half-hour after his arrest warrant was issued.
>He said the Army veteran owns a home in Riverton, a community just east of Springfield, with his fiancee, whom he plans to marry this fall. His detention would pose a burden on the county, he said, because of Stage 3 colon cancer diagnosed last fall that requires special medical treatment.

>Fultz asked for Grayson’s release on condition that weapons be removed from his home, that he undergo a mental health evaluation and the be put on around-the-clock electronic monitoring.

>Cadagin decreed that Massey, weighing about 110 pounds (50 kilograms), posed no threat to the 6-foot-3 (190-centimeter), 228-pound (103-kilogram) Grayson, who was armed and accompanied by another deputy, and after shooting her refused to render aid.

>Sheriff Jack Campbell said Wednesday that Grayson was fired because it is evident that the deputy “did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards. ... With our badge we accept enormous responsibility, and if that responsibility is abused, there should be consequences.”
>Ben Crump, an attorney for Massey’s family, said the charges were a “step toward justice for Sonya’s loved ones, especially her children, who have endured unimaginable pain and suffering since they were notified of this tragedy.”

>As many as 200 people gathered Wednesday at the Springfield NAACP building to express support for Massey and her family.

>“I am enraged that another innocent Black woman had her life taken from her at the hands of a police officer,” Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said after the indictment.

>Grayson is due back in court Aug. 26. He has been with the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Department about 18 months, Fultz said, after serving as an officer with several other police agencies in central Illinois for about seven years before that.
Inb4 bootlickers calling for his release
AP stokes racial tensions. Is it an election year already?
Where was the lie?
AP acts like she was innocent and dindunuffin when she was actually wielding a pot of boiling water, which is an extremely dangerous weapon
saying that a person was shot or died. nowhere is there any mention of a person being shot or died in this story as the only thing shot was not human
>when she was actually wielding a pot of boiling water, which is an extremely dangerous weapon
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Only person that threatened or killed anyone in that situation was the murderer.
>she was actually wielding a pot of boiling water
Do you have of any evidence of this claim whatsoever?
>man shoots unarmed woman dead in her home
>"wow it's so typical of AP to do this"
>an extremely dangerous weapon

"Grayson allowed Massey to move a pot of water heating on the stove and she set it on a counter, Grayson then “aggressively yelled” at Massey over the pot and pulled his 9 mm pistol."

Heard on the radio that the bodycam footage will be released on Monday.
To stoke racial tension in an election year?
Why yes it is.
Hoo boy... Think we are going to see another round of George Floyd riots since we are in election season?
far left stronghold I sleep.
when you have no standards and defund the police you get the mob.
threatening someone with a pot of boiling water is a criminal offense
>defund the police
This police department wasn't defunded and most police departments have no standards deliberately because people with ethics or brainpower wouldn't join the blue wall to defend other dumbshit cops when they fuck around and ought to find out.
Seethe harder, troon.
blue states deserve all the crime they get just a bunch of pampered piss children
relax r kelly
This is a murder in a red county by a red county official.
The US state of Illinois is a Democratic stronghold and one of the "big three" Democratic states alongside California and New York. It is considered one of the most Democratic states in the nation and following the 2018 elections, all six statewide elected offices are held by a Democrat.

Ok terrorist
>colon cancer

literally a butthurt cop lmao
not Chicago dude, read. this was in Springfield.
Sangamon is blue, it's got Springfield. Dem Congresswoman. I think it's one of the rare Democrat strongholds downstate outside Champaign.

>Sangamon is blue
>Sheriff Jack Campbell Republican Illiopolis 2018 (elected)
Also deputies are by default Republican unless proven otherwise.

Dumbass cocksucker.
a Congresswoman is more significant than a sheriff you gaslighting Dem simp lmao. plenty of normie liberals still want actual law and order men handling law and order rotfl
>The US state of Illinois
Does not control local deputies. The county sheriff does. And states are not and never have been politically uniform. It's a red county. Look it the fuck up.

>threatening someone with a pot of boiling water is a criminal offense
Not if they're in your fucking house without a warrant or exigent circumstances and won't fucking leave it's not. Doesn't matter if they're a cop or not. Learn your rights.

Also article didn't even say she threatened them. In fact, it says she wasn't even holding the thing when she was shot.
>a Congresswoman is more significant than a sheriff you gaslighting Dem simp lmao
Not when the issue at hand is a fucking deputy and doubly not when the district isn't fucking uniform with the fucking county, you disingenuous cocksucker.

You're either an idiot or a bad liar, but either way you need to fuck off.
it's a blue district, that's what I replied to. there's actually no political factor involved here, it's just a psycho pig acting like a psycho pig. quit using a woman's death by the state to simp for more state power, deceitful demfag.
Leftist detected, opinion rejected.
nice gaslighting it's a blue state, therefore its a criminal state. concensus has spoken you are pathetic and grasping at straws, you deserve all the crime you get
>Also deputies are by default Republican unless proven otherwise.
so tremble in fear and hug your knees whenever you're called over and stopped by one.
>Hoo boy... Think we are going to see another round of George Floyd riots since we are in election season?

Depends on what the bodycam footage shows.

The George Floyd thing was civilian cellphone vids taken well after the fentanyl fiend freaked out, we only saw the vids of Floyd resisting arrest long after the shit had already hit the fan. If the bodycam footage from this incident shows the cop shooting the chick for literally no reason, he'll be going to prison (as well he should be) but if the chick is show threatening the cop somehow, we'll get the predictable claims that she didn't do nothing.

The sad thing is, either scenario is just as likely.
>The US state of Illinois is a Democratic stronghold

Dem stronghold Chicago leads the state around by the nose.
Why are white males so violent?
>Does not control local deputies. The county sheriff does. And states are not and never have been politically uniform. It's a red county. Look it the fuck up.
You're arguing with a bot, anon. You really have to stop doing this to yourself.
You're supporting a Democrat bot who argued with a troll bot.
Incorrect. The one who is a bot is the one who doesn't know how police departments work and thinks having a Democrat governor means the state government can dictate policing standards to local county sheriff's departments. Super low info with super high conviction. Classic conservative bot.
sure, but the Dem bot is the one running the auto-script in "all areas outside cities are Republican shitholes" even tho this happened in Springfield, a DNC seat.

and they're obviously both shill bots cuz they're politicizing this instead of ranting about cops or blacks, like the actual living schizos in the thread
>even tho this happened in Springfield
I regret to inform you all cities, no matter how blue, are in counties. Cept for in DC, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.

And unfortunately those counties tend to contain Republican shitholes where people can vote for shitty Republican sheriffs. This county was no exception.
I take joy in informing you that the political party of the sheriff and cop is irrelevant and you're still derailing the thread trying to politicize and shill for your team with TECHNICALLYs.

It's a politically blue "area" with a politically red sheriff. All irrelevant. What matters is a white in blue saw red and shot a black, because he thought he had a green and he was yellow,, but now the blacks family will be getting actual green.

Honestly, it's insane there are more horseshit political party comments than discussion about how piggy TRIED TO STOP MEDICAL AID.
>I take joy in informing you that the political party of the sheriff and cop is irrelevant
There's moving goalposts and then there's fucking chucking them in the river. Bravo. I'd take that position too if I were getting BTFO as hard as you though.

>It's a politically blue "area" with a politically red sheriff
Sure, as long as you define the area as some area not relevant to the story. America is politically blue, but that counts for jack shit. Biden doesn't appoint deputies.

Normal CYOA shit. If cops are gonna fuck up, their standard cover their ass maneuvers are either make sure their victim is dead or make sure their victim is charged with a crime that would make it difficult or impossible to pursue claims against them or which could be dropped or lessened for an agreement to do so. As option B wasn't available, they defaulted to option A.
There's no goalpost shifting. It's a Democrat area in a Democrat district and the people who live there are Democrats. I fucking live 40 miles away you Uniparty simp.

You're coping so hard with the Sheriff that I bet your other recent posts are saying the Trump shooter was a "registered Republican" lmao.
libshit btfo trying to pretend a blue state isn't a blue state lmao. nice alternate facts.
no such thing when states like Texas have almost entirely blue cities
>It's a Democrat area in a Democrat district and the people who live there are Democrats.

(different here and) Sure, the town may be full of Dems but most cops are rightwingers, considering who they have to deal with on a daily basis (all the more so on Dem majority areas).
hahaha nice gaslighting, this is a democrat state and city stop trying to move the goalpost and just kys before you harm others.
why was he in the house what was going on there
She was the one who called the cops, she thought someone had broken in. Yikes
she called a cop to try to assassinate him by scorching him with a boiling pot of water because of the all cops are evil radicalization, he caught on told her to stay the fuck down she screamed like a karen and was about to throw the water at him before he took her out.
"Defund the police" is about replacing the local police and sheriffs with Federal Agent nazis and soviets (centralized, central planning, no local accountability, etc).
Video's out and holy fuck I hope they hang the guy.

She's literally cowering on the ground when he shoots her in the face.

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