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A Marine who stormed the U.S. Capitol and apparently flashed a Nazi salute in front of the building was sentenced on Friday to nearly five years in prison.

Tyler Bradley Dykes, of South Carolina, was an active-duty Marine when he grabbed a police riot shield from the hands of two police officers and used it to push his way through police lines during the attack by the mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters on Jan. 6, 2021.

Dykes, who pleaded guilty in April to assault charges, previously was convicted of a crime stemming from the 2017 white nationalist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Dykes was transferred to federal custody in 2023 after he served a six-month sentence in a state prison.

U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell sentenced Dykes, who’s 26, to four years and nine months of imprisonment, the Justice Department said.

Federal prosecutors had recommended a prison sentence of five years and three months for Dykes.

“He directly contributed to some of the most extreme violence on the Capitol’s east front,” prosecutors wrote.

Dykes’ attorneys requested a two-year prison sentence. They said Dykes knows his actions on Jan. 6 were “illegal, indefensible and intolerable.”

“Tyler hates his involvement in the Capitol riot,” his lawyers wrote. “He takes complete responsibility for his actions. Tyler apologizes for those actions.”

Dykes, then 22, traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the Republican Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally with two friends from his hometown of Bluffton, South Carolina. After parting ways with his friends, Dykes ripped snow fencing out of the ground and pulled aside bicycle rack barricades as he approached the Capitol.

Later, Dykes joined other rioters in breaking through a line of police officers who were defending stairs leading to the Capitol’s East Rotunda Doors.

“After reaching the top of the stairs, Dykes celebrated his accomplishment, performing what appears to be the Sieg Heil salute,” prosecutors wrote.

After stealing the riot shield from the two officers, Dykes entered the Capitol and held it in one hand while he raised his other hand in celebration. He also used the shield to assault police officers inside the building, forcing them to retreat down a hallway, prosecutors said.

Dykes gave the shield to an officer after he left the Capitol.

Dykes denied that he performed a Nazi salute on Jan. 6, but prosecutors say his open-handed gesture was captured on video.

In August 2017, photos captured Dykes joining tiki torch-toting white supremacists on a march through the University of Virginia’s campus on the eve of the Unite the Right rally. A photo shows him extending his right arm in a Nazi salute and carrying a lit torch in his left hand.

In March 2023, Dykes was arrested on charges related to the march. He pleaded guilty to a felony charge of burning an object with intent to intimidate.

Dykes briefly attended Cornell University in the fall of 2017 before he joined the Marine Corps. In May 2023, he was discharged from the military under “other than honorable” conditions.

“Rather than honor his oath to protect and defend the Constitution, Dykes’s criminal activity on January 6 shows he was instead choosing to violate it,” prosecutors wrote.

More than 1,400 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the Capitol riot. More than 900 of them have been sentenced, with roughly two-thirds receiving terms of imprisonment ranging from a few days to 22 years.
Former marine*
Well, it seems the easiest way to clear things up would be to show the video.
Disingenuous title. You make it sound like he was arrested for allegedly being a Nazi. Not that he assaulted an officer. Also it wasn't "alleged" as he plead guilty.

Daily remainder that ALL Trumpeters are evil. Yes including your grandma. Yes including your local cashier. Yes including that firefighter that was killed.

They are all actively pushing an insurrectionist that tried to actively subvert the electoral process, thus trying to disenfranchise the voter rights of tens of millions of people.
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to disenfranchise spiteful mutants, bolsheviks, or any other subversive in society.
you sound terminally online
We need to do 3 simple things from now and until November MINIMUM:

1)Do NOT talk to them about any standard issues. Keep the conversation about Democracy, Trump suggesting to suspend the Constitution, Immunity Case and The Attempted Overthrow of the 2020 election.

If they do start talking about something like Immigration or the economy, hold them accountable for putting that issue over the obviously more serious issues.

For example:

You:Wait you're voting for Trump? Why are you doing that?
>Trump voter:Joe Biden is bad at immigration and allowing the illegal immigrants in.
You:I don't see how that is more important than Trump wanting to suspend the constitution.
>Trump voter:He didn't say that!
You:*Show proof he LITERALLY said that.
>Trump voter:W-Well he was just joking!
You;Why would you think that after the fake electorate scheme?

Whatever you do. The topic needs to be on Trump being a treasonous scum who wants to be a king. Anyone who thinks this isn't serious or something is more important needs to be treated with total disgust.
You literally work here.
>You:*Show proof he LITERALLY said that.
And suddenly the plan falls apart...
Also remember to hold the liable for any and all ignorance. There is no excuse for why you don't at least know the basics of any of this stuff when it takes 10 minutes to research.

2)Expose Project 2025. Make it clear how evil it is. Make it clear that it openly implies the genocide of transgenders by labeling the "transgender ideology" as child predatory while simultaneously claiming that child predators deserve the death penalty:

Page 5
>Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare.

Page 5:
It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women

Page 554:
>Enforce the death penalty where appropriate and applicable. Capital punishment is a sensitive matter, as it should be, but the current crime wave makes deterrence vital at the federal, state, and local levels. However, providing this punishment without ever enforcing it provides justice neither for the victims’ families nor for the defendant.

The next conservative Administration should therefore do everything possible to obtain finality for the 44 prisoners currently on federal death row.

It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation

Make sure every last part of it is known. No more hiding.
>A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution
Good posts

Checked those digits
3)This might be the most important one:
Expose any and all faux centrists. Make it clear that you cannot ignore this level of threat to America and call yourself a centrist. Make it clear that it IS that serious. Demand for them to show their sources. Do NOT let them get away with seemingly calm or uncaring. Do not accept their bothsiderism. No one but Trump refused to leave office. No one but Trump pushed fake electors to try to mess up the certification of a democratic election. No one but Trump pressured several officials including his own vice president to force him into betraying their oath of office, the will of the voters and the constitution. No one but Trump demanded for immunity for their coup.

Remember:You are either pro-democracy or a Monarchist and a traitor to our country.
Funny, when we (who won that election) looked to have the election checked we were told to kick rocks. Nobody is for a monarchy, but somebodies are definitely looking the other way letting the nation get ripped apart by the socialists. I mean what is the basis of your statement if we read between the lines?
'I am the arbiter of truth, and if people don't like it then they are traitors to the nation' 'what do we do with traitors to the nation' etc, etc.
Garbage man.
>Funny, when we (who won that election) looked to have the election checked we were told to kick rocks.
You need a court order. Otherwise you'll have 100 million people fumbling with the machines, obviously. Unfortunately for you, the defendant failed to provide enough of a reason for wanting to access the data.
>Nobody is for a monarchy
Mm let's see:
>Trump voters don't trust anyone but Trump
>They either don't mind or outright advocate for him being immune from prosecution
>They want to gut any and all of "the deep state" that stops him from doing whatever he wants
>They don't accept election results
>They LITERALLY call him "God Emperor Trump"
Trump voters want a king. It's that simple to everyone who's not stupid or lying to themselves. I actually admire the more honest ones like Steve Bannon over this.
>Funny, when we (who won that election) looked to have the election checked we were told to kick rocks
A very wonderful re-writing of history. When conservatives asked to have the election checked we did check it and there was zero evidence of voter fraud. After we found out there was zero evidence of voter fraud Trump and his followers tried to have the election overturned anyways. This is the point at which you were told to kick rocks - after you threw a temper tantrum when you didn't get the answer you wanted.

>Nobody is for a monarchy
Conservatives are absolutely for a monarchy. They might not use those words but everything Trump advocates for is to be a king and the vast majority of Republicans enable him to do this.
Honestly, shills, a monarchy has the ability to have a defined vision and direction.
Western democracy is currently suffering from a lack of vision and forward thinking.
Case in point: we can no longer keep up with China. It's Belt and Road program is outpacing US influence.
This is simply because democracy is currently focused on minorities and faggotry. It's grown stale and directionless.

>>You need a court order. Otherwise you'll have 100 million people fumbling with the machines, obviously. Unfortunately for you, the defendant failed to provide enough of a reason for wanting to access the data.
>So in other words, we don't want to, so kick rocks. I've seen the evidence, and yet pompous little men tell me I have not. They also seem to tell me that I cannot think for myself and need to let the media do it for me. Do we know what the downfall of a democracy is? Not that this is one, but a carefully crafted locally democratically elected constitutional republic. Pallets of ballots, hiding from poll watchers. Ballot dumpers. Biden was the most popular president ever, even with the anti-democratic gaslighting, I can't take you seriously.

>Trump voters don't trust anyone but Trump
>>No we don't trust the swampy government, and Trump is not the swamp. He is actually the epitome of what should be a politician; a man who has lived his life and cares to give back to what birthed him, this beautiful tree of liberty. Also if Trump ever tried that fascist crap it wouldn't be you out there fighting it, it would be us, so get off that crap quick.
>They either don't mind or outright advocate for him being immune from prosecution
>>False, I don't see this ever. It was an argument that brought up by a leftist judge to Trumps attorney, and he gave his legal opinion on the matter, to which the the leftist media is using to gaslight those who watch and obey, swallow and regurgitate, to which I hear you now doing.
>They want to gut any and all of "the deep state" that stops him from doing whatever he wants
>>This I hope is true; the deep state is not elected, is not held under congressional oversight, are subverting our nation, hiding secrets from We The People. Why would you figure that a shadow government is not fascistic I cannot understand.
I am running out of characters and will continue...
...Continuing on...
>They don't accept election results
I'm pretty sure we have until the most recent muckery, to which it was so in our faces that it could not be ignored.
>They LITERALLY call him "God Emperor Trump"
This one was the one I was waiting to get to... You are such an idiot if you think that the "God Emperor" is anything but a MEME to make childish weak minded government bootlicking scumsuckers like you cry rivers of tears, as everyone laughs at you. Nobody takes that literally. Where is the church of Trump idiot?
>Trump voters want a king. It's that simple to everyone who's not stupid or lying to themselves. I actually admire the more honest ones like Steve Bannon over this.
Trump voters like to eat, to work and keep their money safe from the overly bloated and over reaching deep state governments greedy and wasteful hands. No, you can eat the bugs if you want to in Trumps America, but the deep state will force you to and like it.
>Western democracy is currently suffering from a lack of vision and forward thinking.
Yes. Which is why people are turning to King Trump to solve their problems.
>So in other words, we don't want to, so kick rocks.
Exactly what I mean. You don't trust any courts or any long-established processes. Only King Trump. In fact, you probably only care because Trump was le victim. If Obama did this in 2016, you would be losing your mind. Just stop being disingenuous. It's funny too because you have to do all of this gymnastics to explain why Trump's fake electorate trick was somehow justified.
>No we don't trust the swampy government, and Trump is not the swamp.
The swamp is literally everyone that disagrees with Trump. Everyone else is in on this elaborate conspiracy to stop him.
>False, I don't see this ever. It was an argument that brought up by a leftist judge to Trumps attorney.
That doesn't mean it's not demanding for immunity and thus being above the law for allegedly depriving people the right to vote.
>This I hope is true; the deep state is not elected, is not held under congressional oversight, are subverting our nation, hiding secrets from We The People.
So you agree. You believe Trump should be a king.
Trump literally left office when his term was up, though.
>I'm pretty sure we have until the most recent muckery, to which it was so in our faces that it could not be ignored.
So you agree. You want Trump to be a king.
>"God Emperor" is anything but a MEME to make childish weak
Well clearly it's not a meme anymore.
>Trump voters like to eat, to work and keep their money safe from the overly bloated and over reaching deep state governments greedy and wasteful hands.
That's cool and call, but what does that have to do with you wanting a king and supporting someone who attempts to pressure his vice president to subvert the peaceful transfer of power? Do you you think the price of sales is more important than this.
After attempting a coup via the fake electorate scheme.
You hobgoblin have disputed every presidential election in the last forty years. Hillary still hasn't conceded.
>Trump literally left office when his term was up, though.
And took a bunch of his office with him.
You don't want to play that game, son.
You call me disingenuous but it is you who is.
Your argumentation is just that.
Go eat some bugs.
I don't remember Hillary sending fake electorates to the capital and pressuring Joe Biden to delay the certification.
Did Trump leave office when his term was up? Yes or no?
>I don't want a king! I just want Trump to avoid trials and get away with a plot to overturn the election so he can be in charge.
>Attempt coup 2 weeks before being forced out
>It fails
>Leave after 2 weeks
>Trump tards are okay with this.
Are you okay with Trump pressuring Mike Pence?
Did Trump leave office when his term was up? Yes or no?

Ignoring the fact that some precincts had still not finished counting when he left office, you should still be able to answer this yes or no question.
You do know that the electorates that Trump communicated his concerns of election meddling to were not fake, and that it is legal and legitimate for electorates to make the decision based upon the facts in front of them. If you don't know this, I know that you only know how to parrot what you have been told by your gaslighting media masters of your mind. 'We'll do the thinking for you.'
You really have no understanding of our civics process.
>Did Trump leave office when his term was up?
Yes. After his coup failed. Happy?
What coup? How does the sitting president initiate a coup against himself?
>You do know that the electorates that Trump communicated his concerns of election meddling to were not fake,
Not even his lawyers claim this.
1)Self coups are a thing.
2)He tried to end the peaceful transfer of power and put himself in charge after losing.
Did Trump leave office when his term was up? Yes or no?
Well I didn't write that so there's why I call you disingenuous. That's called a straw man argument that you misconstrued mangled and abused, so that you pretend that we are the bogey man when it is simply, truly you.
What was a strawman?

Do you want Trump to avoid his trials?
Are you okay with him trying to delay the certification of the election long enough to get his fake electorates in?

Why are you asking? Yes, after his coup failed.
Okay. So, Trump left office on his appointed day, despite, everything.

Where is this threat to democracy your tribe is always kvetching about?

Hillary didn't have Biden as a vice president.
I pointed to the strawman argument in the post you pointed to.

Do I want Trump to avoid trials that I personally looked at the documents to and in my humble opinion found no justification for having a trial? Yes, as I have already stated the act was legal.
You do know that the immunity judgement was not even for asking electors? You really don't know what your talking about.
Again, they were not "Fake electors".
Tim Caine. Jesus.

>if we could roll back time
>if we could roll back time
And steal that election. But then you would be eating those bugs now. Why don't you just give up on getting everyone else to eat bugs and go get a handful from the garden.
>Where is this threat to democracy your tribe is always kvetching about?
The fact that he didn't leave until after his coup failed. Are your ears working?
Stop deflecting. The point is that she didn't try to throw a coup when she lost.
>Yes, as I have already stated the act was legal.
No it wasn't. Otherwise he wouldn't be demanding immunity.
>You do know that the immunity judgement was not even for asking electors?
Yes it was. The decision even makes it clear as the majority believed it was an official act, thus being unprosecutable. Stop lying.
I'm so fucking done.

I will vote for the first person who openly calls for throwing leftists into concentration camps.

We'll call them fifteen minute camps, for the lulz.
>The fact that he didn't leave until after his coup failed.
When his term was up? Yes or no?

What does this have to do within attempting a coup and trying everything in his power to stay in office up until it all failed?
So, he left office when his term was up?
It's called testing the defenses. You're being dense on purpose.
Can you at least state the State that the "fake elector" case was in?
I don't want to entertain you without knowing you try to accomplish anything in life.
And if you knew anything about electors, you would know they have the right to choose, not in all states, but this one. But again, I know you don't know your civics.
We dragged out the election for actual months, so you faggots could count and recount, and not present evidence to he courts.

And then Trump left office, with no argument.

What are you actual faggots actually complaining, about?
You didn't answer the question.
It's a federal case, dummy.
>So, he left office when his term was up?
So you don't know... Georgia is the answer dummy.
You need to stay out of politics if you care about democracy; that is if you are going to just go around spouting things you know nothing about. You never answered my question...
Do you know what the cause for a downfall of a democracy is?
Why can't you argue in good faith?
It was over the DC case. Everyone knows this. Probably you too, but you're just so desperate to support a coup against the government.
What is your argument, man?
I don't think you replied to the right person but otherwise good post.
This stopped being an argument a while ago, son.
The case is out of Georgia but that would only be known if you knew to begin with. Federal cases can come from any state. But you did not, and you called me a dummy but it is you. You thought it was about electors, it was not. But you don't follow the information, you follow the "opinion news" headlines, and then try to spew that in my face.
Answer the question:
Do you know what the cause for a downfall of a democracy is?
>Do you know what the cause for a downfall of a democracy is?
Bad actors like you who lie constantly just for attention. You're still doing everything you can to defend a coup, this time with obvious disinfo to anyone that has paid attention.
I accept your concession.
>YouTube video
Thanks for conceding.
So you don't know.
I would suggest you look it up, but you won't.
Here is your answer:
The downfall of a democracy is when the voters aren't educated in civics. Seeing as you have no clue as to the facts of what is happening in this nation, and rather just regurgitate what you hear from the Rachel Madcows who can lie to you and when she gets sued claim that she is an opinion show; shows that you are the downfall of a democracy. It is a good thing that we are not the Greeks and this is not a democracy, but a locally democratically elected constitutional republic with checks and balances. But be forewarned the last line of defense it the 2nd amendment, and our forefathers told us that the day would come when we would have to water the tree of liberty. Our side has been very gracious with the endless crowing that your side has been, but that might get out of hand if your just going to go all half cocked acting a fool, sowing hatred. And it is you. The world is scary, and if you push us we may be too, but you haven't seen it from us yet. Jan 6 was really peaceful, no guns were brought, not from us, and people just wanted to be heard. Your party didn't steal the election from Trump little man, they stole it from us, those were our votes. This is our nation, and biden is a fool if he thinks F15's he can't fly himself scare anyone here. Don't fuck around this could be pandora's box, and again I say that because I care.
>constitutional republic
Which is a form of democracy. You do realize there are multiple types right?
>would come when we would have to water the tree of liberty. Our side has been very gracious with the endless crowing that your side has been,
Lol you're not serious! You think Trump has been calm and not at all divisive with his rhetoric?
>Jan 6 was really peaceful, no guns were brought, not from us, and people just wanted to be heard.
I wasn't taking about the rioters. I was talking about the fake electorate scheme and pressuring Mike Pence, which you seem to be okay with.
>Jan 6 was really peaceful, no guns were brought, not from us, and people just wanted to be heard.
This argument is so dumb.
"It wasn't REALLY an insurrection, if it was, we would have gone harder!"
There were proud boys waiting a few miles away with weapon stashes. What do you think they were waiting to do with all that firepower?
>But be forewarned the last line of defense it the 2nd amendment, and our forefathers told us that the day would come when we would have to water the tree of liberty.
lol fuck off.
You're weren't being taxed into poverty like the framers were. You are just upset that you lost an election and acted retarded because of it.
See, that was the worst part of J6. You ran a train on congress, expecting anything to get done, without any respect for the fact that the US has been an oligarchy since the 1960's. Even if you had committed the single largest act of treason since the civil war, you don't even know who your masters are. All you did was implicate Trump in criminal wrongdoing, ensure that populism will be associated with insurrectionists forevermore, and ensure that Americans will be scared of nationalist movements for generations.
Not to mention: literally every single militia group has feds in it. Fucking 4chan has feds in it at all times too. What the fuck do you think you are doing, intimating terrorism in a public space like this, you faggot?
You're a fucking embarrassment to the republican party.
Bub, your hopeless. I'm done for the day with you.I did try, I do care.
But you are a worthless one to argue with.
I hope you take heed. You are a failure to your ancestry, and I mean all of it. At least as it stands; I guess there is time to change.
You can't misconstrue my words if someone looks up the thread. Trump dodged a bullet and so did you at the same time. I just know now that you can't understand it. Push for peace in the world and stop trying to sow division.
All I did was read the article.

Anyways, where did I say I wanted laborers to have exclusive control over the means of production?

Don't bother explaining Jan 6's violence to him. He can't even give a definitive opinion over Mike Pence's pressuring. He unironically thinks Mike Pence is a traitor because he didn't assist in overturning an election in favor of his king.
Actually, they're mostly heavily propagandized people who aren't paying attention, and get their news from late night shows.
People who are invested in politics and are voting Biden are mostly homosexuals.
Someone more than disenfranchised that which disenfranchised those he didn't like, including bolsheviks and Jews. So was the former wrong in denying the latter more than his right to do what you want? The former actually did, and here you are with nothing more than dreams that'll never be fulfilled otherwise they would have been way before now. Reality destroys your dreams and always will since that which disenfranchised those it didn't like was more than disenfranchised by someone else who had the power to make his wishes become more than reality.
>misogynistic exploiters of women
>'grab them by the pussy'
>child predators
>It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children
>including intrusive thoughts which no normal sane person would by definition have in their minds in the first place
Come to your own conclusions certain people in /news/ when MAGAtards say anything but condemn the above facts.
I condemn criminal acts by leftists. I condemn what happened to Trump.
The more I hear about Project 2025, the more excited I am about it.
Jesus Christ what are you using to translate this shit?
Jesus Christ you can't read
Why are you creatures like this? Do any of your actions actually improve your life?
>Do any of your actions actually improve your life?
>says >>1317937 posting on /news/
Do yours?
Not him but the winner of the biggest nolife terminally online loser award goes to the poster who hates news and the media but can't stay away from the /news/ board (You).
>1318204 thinks it has the right to a (you)
>thinking being on /news/ will somehow improve one's life
>a creature thinks it has the right to accuse others of being 'terminally online' when it's here on 4chan instead of not being on 4chan
>the post made by 1318204 the biggest nolife & terminally online loser hypocrite that won't be awarded a (you)
>1318204 thinking being on /news/ will somehow improve one's life
Has yours?
Is the red box supposed to be him doing it? I see neither of his arms being raised.

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