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Internet Dubs The Republican Convention ‘Grindr Superbowl’ After App Outages
Chloe Sargeant
JULY 19, 2024


The internet has dubbed the Republican National Convention (RNC) the ‘Grindr Superbowl’ after the app has reportedly been heavily crashing since the convention recently began in Milwaukee.

The Republican National Convention began earlier this week, with high-profile Republican politicians and conservative speakers such as former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, Donald Trump’s son Eric, and Fox News host Tucker Carlson.gracing the stage.

Today is the last day of the Convention. Former president Donald Trump appeared on stage today, and is expected to accept the presidential nomination for the Republican party.

The site Downdetector showed that Grindr has had a high level of outage reports in major cities such as New York City, Washing DC, Chicago – and in the last week, Milwaukee.
youre spamming this, therefore indirectly proving its disinfo
>self reported completely unverifiable information
as you'd expect from a lefty circlejerk
Op does not know who the log cabins are, and that now they are moving to their next goal.

Op would probably get slong with the log cabins in fact...
Or Grindr usage going up around the RNC has been a running joke for decades, and its just still going.
Sorry chud, your party contains a bunch of closeted gays.
I knew
it's always funny when the mask comes off. like Democrats immediately becoming horrifically bigoted homophobes/xenophobes/racists whener the subject is Republican and therefore a "legit target"
>poking fun at the hypocritical nature of the Republicunt party that villifies gay people but secretly fuck men
>"yOu HaTe GaYs LmAo"
You're still the dumbest cunt on this board.
>like Democrats immediately becoming horrifically bigoted homophobes/xenophobes/racists whener the subject is Republican and therefore a "legit target"
What a comically stupid strawman. The joke is that Republicans are hypocrites, not that being gay is bad. You're a moron.
I love hitting a nerve so well I get infuriating samefag replies lmao.

They're all hypocrites, retard, and it's not a strawman when you're actively doing it. You know full well how your good ol boy Dems pull out the Klan hoods talking about my man Clarence Thomas as another example.
You didn't call anyone a tranny.
You're losing your touch.
Is being gay a bad thing now?
Always has been.
mindless seething
>Grindr only has traffic increases during the GOP convention
>Not the DNC convention, or Pride, or the Olympics, or anything like that
>nope just the GOP convention, we swear
>trust us bro
bigot is the "woke" of the left. if you see someone using it its safe to say theyre retarded
Bigotry is the justification of the right. If you hear someone being one its safe to say they're retarded
You retard, noone cares if the dnc or pride gives increased traffic to grindr because its expected lol
Its funny though when the GOP causes Grindr to CRASH, because they are at the forefront of anti-lgbt and anti gay legislation but also simultaneously keep getting caught fucking each other in the ass! Thats why its so funny and newsworthy, especially when an anti gay politician anywhere (but especially in the US) gets caught on grindr or literally in the middle of an orgy! In case you think im lying, here’s proof:




This took me 5 seconds to find. I could spend all day finding these. You need to get a sense of humor and introspection, but thats something right wingers severely lack.
Kinda related, but you ever noticed how anytime right-wingers bring up how leftists/trannies/Democrats are allegedly pedos, you can just mention Republican former speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, and the right-wingers will immediately shut the fuck up, because they know they have no way to defend him being a proven convicted pedo?
DNC, Pride, or the Olympics don't demonize gay people and claim that they're ruining the country.
When gay prostitutes deliberately fly out to near the RNC because local gays won't meet the demand? Hilarious

Republicans are apparently fine with gay men as long as they trap some woman in a loveless marriage, have kids they don't want, and don't talk about all the gay sex they have in private.
Well, those places aren't claiming to be a congregation of people who stand for 'family values', now, are they?

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