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File: clown world.png (965 KB, 1080x1988)
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By Rich Stanton published 12 hours ago
URL at the bottom of post.

"Disney has suffered a massive leak of employee and company information, after hackers claimed one of its software managers was the victim of a Trojan horse malware attack. A whopping 1.1 tebibytes of data has been leaked online, including personal information and details of unannounced products, including videogames. And the hackers say they're furries, and cite the shutdown of Club Penguin in March 2017 as justification."

"The so-called hacktivist group is called Nullbulge and let me do you a favour: don't Google that word. It's one of those fanart terms referring to a prominent groinal bulge that usually has a giant lock illustration on it..."

>details of unannounced products
Pics of Judy Hopps in Zootopia 2
>Disney got hacked
>by a group of furries
>going by "nullbulge"
>as revenge for the shutdown of club fucking penguin

every single thing I read earnestly made me cry laughing at the implications. I thank you OP for some much-needed reprieve. that said, please tell me this isn't actually real.
>Furry hacktivist group
Just say "the CIA", ffs
cia is very firmly on the side of disney. this wouldnt make sense.
Where's the dump?
>A.I. artwork: We believe AI-generated artwork harms the creative industry and should be discouraged.
>Top image is AI furry
What the fuck tho
>please tell me this isn't actually real
It's real

CIA is trannies. Furries are the mark of German glowies.
Furries behave in mysterious ways
Counter point they are fur and pony fags so maybe this was the cia ciaing themselves?
See >>1318091
>Anubis. Horus. Thoth. Bastet. Sekhmet: from thousands of years ago. Including Heqet
Something thinks Egypt is in Europe or is in a certain river there.
>Heqet: a frog-headed goddess
>a certain frog appearing in certain parts of 4chan in recent years
There's a lot of anthro. enthusiasts here then.
You're right. It wasn't
You said it, I didn't
Never played the game, but if it's anything like other free online games with other players then the number will be above 40% at all times
>t. accusations are admissions thus proven pedo
>And the hackers say they're furries, and cite the shutdown of Club Penguin in March 2017 as justification
Kek'ed at the entire thing, too.
accusing others without court-admissible forensic evidence is retard special school farter logic
>it's because Club Penguin shut down
I fucking kneel.

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