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Hark all ye, olde Lorde Biden of Scranton doeth be murder'd in thy polling. Whilst he knoweth not, the morrow's tidings groweth ever grim, with rewards naught but ice crem'th locateth on thy horizon.

The 1 week polls are in after Crooks failed assassination plot. And it doesn't look too good for Biden.
The Polling That Could Convince Joe Biden to Drop Out of the Race

Joe Biden has said he would withdraw from the presidential race only if polling shows there is "no way" he can beat Donald Trump, but some political experts say recent surveys suggest he could still win.

Biden is facing growing calls from Democrats to step down from the race amid concerns about his ability to win following his debate performance against Trump last month. Sounding hoarse, Biden, 81, stumbled through several answers and appeared to lose his train of thought, doing little to quell concerns about his age and mental acuity. As of Friday, more than 30 Democratic lawmakers have said he should pass the torch to a younger candidate.

However, the president has resisted calls to step aside, arguing that he remains the candidate best suited to beat Trump, despite polls that show him trailing the former president in key battleground states. Biden's team continues to say he is staying in the race

During a press conference earlier in July, Biden was asked if he would step aside if polling showed Vice President Kamala Harris performing better than he would against Trump.

"No, unless they came back and said, 'There's no way you can win,'" he said. "No one's saying that. No poll's saying that."
It's joever.
Something tells me Joe "Deadman" Biden won't be the 47th president
Scranton Joe still has my vote and I'm pretty confident he'll pull through because my dead grand parents, all my and my friends dead pets, and guys named Pedro, Juan, Jose, and Jesus who just arrived in the US via U-Hauls last week are voting for him.
Go Joe!!!
>Something tells me Joe "Deadman" Biden won't be the 47th president
It is literally mathematically impossible for Joe Biden to be the 47th president. God damn are you a fucking idiot.
>nah he could lose this election and run again in 2024
1. It is 2024
2. You presumably meant 2028, at which point if he won he would be the 48th president. FFS.

I knew dipshits on this board were dumb, but I didn't know you fuckers were legitimately can't count dumb.
Why are you angry?
I'm looking forward to the retribution Trump will unleash. The few libtards I know IRL (like my mom) are scared shitless. They know what's going to happen to them. They know that Trump is our angel of vengeance borne upon wings of wrath!
Will dropping Biden help?
Imagine falling for the same bait twice and then calling them a retard. Lmfao
Because I'm riding with Biden and I want off this ride
Bot post
Ok yeah you got me on a technicality, your right. Biden is the 46th president, but if he serves a second term he would still only be the 46th president.

Honest question tho.
So when trump wins his second term this year (that's assuming Biden doesn't step down) would trump be classified as the 47th president or would he still be described as the 45th president?
Still awaiting an answer to this
makes sense. a lot of DINOs are calling for him to step down, just as a lot of RINOs are calling for Trump to step down.
The RNC has a distinct edge: when RINOs speak out about Trump, they are threatened with death. When DINOs speak out about Biden, other Democrats whine and wring their hands about it but don't do anything about it.
The DNC could take a page fromt the GOP playbook. They threatened to hang their own vice-president for lawfully certifying the 2020 election. That is why the GOP is the stronger party.
He would become the 47th president. Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president, with Harrison serving in between terms.
Thanks for the real answer.
>That poll
Biden should do the needful. He must not redeem another candidacy
So Obama is telling Biden to step down. Literally how can he survive that?
Biden's going to step down.
It's joever. He is not winning this upcoming election and everyone knows it.
The fun part is when the DNC overrides the vote of their constituents again and decides who to run that isn't Biden, because all Democrats had this stupid herd mentality thinking and thought voting for a invalid was the way to go during primaries

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