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Next time, put the popcorn in for 2 minutes. Not 20. Dummy.
More left wing terrorism
If it's a black church is was set on fire by a black guy.
It's it's a white church it was set on fire by a jew.
If they're Baptists, God is smiting them.
>the gateway pundit
such reliable liars that you know it isn't arson if they say it is
>On June 14, 2010, the statue was struck by lightning and consumed in the resulting blaze
More God terrorism
It's the only form of terrorism in America. Left wing politicians and news anchors and actors and etc. have been inciting it for years.
>Hurricane Katrina
>So many Christian churches in Louisiana destroyed
>The 'sinful' part of New Orleans: the French Quarter escapes with barely a scratch
More God terrorism

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