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Here’s How Kamala Harris Performs In Polls Against Trump—As Biden Reportedly Weighs Leaving The Race


Vice President Kamala Harris is the most likely replacement for President Joe Biden if he drops his 2024 presidential bid—which some top Democrats think could happen as soon as this weekend—and she is performing about the same as Biden in head-to-head polls with Trump.

YouGov Biden would lose to Trump 41% to 43%, while Harris would perform slightly worse, losing to Trump 39% to 44%.

Reuters found both Biden and Harris are virtually statistically tied with Trump, but 69% of respondents see Biden as too old

Five Thirty Eight found Found Biden’s odds of winning swing states and the Electoral College against Trump are better than Harris’—48% to 31%.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who is not among the Democrats commonly floated as potential Biden replacements) would beat Trump by a slightly wider margin, 43% to 41%, according to the Bendixen & Amandi poll. When the poll tested Biden replacements with potential running mates, a ticket with Clinton at the top and Harris as the vice presidential nominee outperformed all other hypothetical Biden-replacement scenarios, showing them beating Trump 43% to 40%. Former First Lady Michelle Obama (another long-shot replacement prospect) would also far outperform Harris, Biden and other potential replacements against Trump, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll that showed her leading Trump 50% to 39%.
she's worst then clinton
Good thing that non-Americans can't vote, and your opinion is worthless.
Go ahead and ride with Biden right off a cliff side, cultist.
Nobody cares
if you like Kamala you aren't American lol. nobody likes Kamala other than Yurotrash trolls who hate American conservatives for making them pay a decent chunk into their own defense.
She couldn't win a primary in CA as a democrat. Furthermore, the only thing you accomplish by insulting people, calling them stupid foreigners, basically, because they made a grammatical mistake on the internet, is to show to everyone else that you're an obnoxious asshole.
you should stop exposing yourself instead of lashing out
Post a gun to prove youre one of us, Yuro. I've been voting for disappointing AIPAC shills longer than you've been able to read.
oh, i'm sorry, you got confused about where you were shilling, esl. they should really assign you to one position, shouldn't they
>writes two sentences with nonsensical word choice and syntax

ROTFLMAO yeah you're definitely a kraut.
every time you get called out you act like this. we see how mad you are anon. proceed
the only callout is the kraut thinking he can gaslight the Internet into thinking any of us like Kamala <3
what other boards do you shill on besides /k/?
The only thing that matters is how zealously Harris would support Israel. Biden and Trump are 100% pro-Israel, as all Presidents must be.
neither can traitors, that means you in 4 years slave boy
I don't think anyone is worse than Clinton.
Still voting Biden!
Shes a fucking moron. You have to be on astronomical amounts of copium to even consider her for president.
Welcome to 4chan, now get out
I'm sure the only reason she was chosen was because it would be too much of a hassle to get someone that wasn't already on the ticket. They're fucked.
It's Kamalover
Or the idiotic Trumpoid who is trying to swing a few shutins by gaslighting them that ALL americans like Trump, when less than half do. Take the bandage off your ear and try harder MAGA shill.
She was Attorney General. I bet she is less of a moron than you.
Can you vote in America? US military personnel in bases in other countries can do so by mail-in votes. They can.
Can you?
>Shes a fucking moron
>former Attorney General
So others who were in the legal profession can't - by people exercising their democratic right at an election - be voted into political positions anywhere?
Lord, imagine being an American indoctrinated by euro news.
Terrible fate for our troops, really.
If you're military, you need to, as they say, touch grass, back in the states here.
If you've been out of the country for 4 years you'd be appalled.
Well, not you, you're a foreign troll, but if you were actually American you would be.
you know bots like you are ignored by everyone here, right?
Can you vote in america, >>1319130?
>bots like you are ignored by everyone here
Except you, who can't ignore >>1319090
Bot identified. Or you can prove it by ignoring this post. And posts such as those by the likes of >>1319090. And all other posts.
Come to your own conclusions certain people in /news/ when it can't ignore this post. It condemns itself when it replies. Or it proves itself a bot, in which case its opinions go into the trash. A bot doesn't have the right to have its retarded opinions listened to.
Yes I can and do.
Prove it. You'd be able to if you can vote in america
I'd really be interested to know how you expect someone to prove their eligibility to vote in the USA without doxing themself.
>so it can't prove it can vote in the US
>thinks it has the right to accuse US military personnel who can - as they need to - use mail-in-votes from overseas bases of not being US citizens. There were those who voted for Trump just as there were those who voted for previous US presidents - thus their C-in-C - that way and outside the US in those military bases. They're still US citizens: more so when they do their duty outside their country. They are respected by US citizens at home, but this thing doesn't respect those doing their duty elsewhere
>thinks it has the right to have opinions on how those who are more than just US citizens vote: not only where but how and why
>it can't prove it can vote in the US
And that's all we need to know, folks.
he's right you know

Nah, she just sucked more ding dongs than me to get where she is today. Nice strawman though.

Isn't this what the election predictor outlined as "the" nightmare scenario for democrats? Dropping Biden for Harris is a total disaster. She has no business even being considered by the DNC as a potential candidate.
>Just dox yourself!!!
I'm pass you stupid faggot.
Where do you people get this shit from? (inb4 NYpost)
>Where do you people get this shit from?
The polls?

It was an interview on CNN I thought you "people" watch it all the time.


Why are you such a goldfish? Enjoy your early- onset alzheimer's.

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