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As remarkable as the past few weeks have been in the wider political universe, they have been equally turbulent inside the tightknit Biden family, unfolding as the latest chapter in the clan’s long story of resolve amid tumult. Family members have flashed through a range of emotions, people close to them say — sadness, anger, determination — and are deeply frustrated by what they see as the betrayal and second-guessing of a man who has spent a half-century as a dedicated leader of the Democratic Party.

This picture of the Biden family in its patriarch’s hour of peril is based on interviews with multiple people with direct knowledge of the family’s thinking and private actions. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters related to the president’s innner
Biden's latest bouts of anger and confusion are symptoms of dementia.
His family must be sad. Except for Jill, she's always treated him like a geriatric invalid
Don’t care, I’m still Ridin’ with Biden
Obama has called for Biden to step down. It's Joever
Surely this kind of infighting will only help the Democrat's chances in November and not completely torpedo their chances of keeping the Presidency and Congress.

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