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A 12-year-old girl in Tennessee has been charged with murder, accused of smothering her 8-year-old cousin as the younger girl slept. A relative said they had been arguing over an iPhone.

A security camera recorded the killing, inside the bedroom they shared on July 15 in Humboldt, Tennessee, the county prosecutor said.

The recording shows the older child using bedding to suffocate her cousin as the younger girl slept in the top bunk, Gibson District Attorney Frederick Agee's statement said. After the child died, “the juvenile cleaned up the victim and repositioned her body,” Agee said.

A relative told WREG-TV in Memphis that the girls had been arguing over an iPhone after coming from out of town to stay with their grandmother.

The girl was charged with first-degree murder and tampering with evidence after authorities obtained the video on Wednesday.

“I consider this to be one of the most disturbing violent acts committed by either an adult or juvenile that my office has prosecuted,” Agee wrote in the statement.

He said he would petition a judge to prosecute the girl, who turns 13 later this month, in adult court, which would allow for “a lengthier sentence, whether that will be through incarceration or supervision with court-ordered conditions.”

>After the child died, the juvenile cleaned up the victim and repositioned her body

I just can’t wrap my head around a 12-year old doing this. How does a child get to a stage where that even occurs to them?
Conservative upbringing culminating early where she was taught to fuck over other people to get ahead.
The wild thing is that it takes a long time to actually suffocate someone. Like 3-7 minutes of sustained suffocation. This bitch is fucking CRAZY.

Weird way to try to politicize a completely non-political article.
Wild to actually install a security camera in your kids bedroom. Even wilder that it caught a fucking murder
>Weird way to try to politicize a completely non-political article.
Right-wingers politicize non-political articles all the time. There was a story a while back about this white British neonatal nurse that was murdering the newborns, and some right-winger made a thread claiming she was really a black Democrat. It wasn't even an American story, but right-wingers here still tried to blame Democrats.
Lie more. We all know why this happened. Nothing conservative about it. Don't believe me? Pics and it happened.
What's so weird about installing a camera in your room?
>Murdering someone over property
That's peak conservatism
You can't escape politics underage Gen A fag. Everything in existence is driven by politics. and judging by the story she'd make an excellent Democrat
What's weird is putting a camera in your kid's room and watching what they do 24/7. Tbh the parents might be a little fucked in the head themselves.
>Murdering someone over property. That's peak conservatism
You might want to look at the prison population and guess again. My link shows pics of the victim and a few names.
Nothing conservative about this story, just like most of these stories.
>The victim’s mother, Rayana Smith, identified her as Demeria Hollingsworth. She remembered Demeria was always smiling, doing well in school, and hugging her little sister. “Last time I seen my baby, she was smiling, giving me kisses, telling me she will see me when it’s time for her to come back home. She never coming back home. She never coming back home,” Smith said.
>Tbh the parents might be a little fucked in the head themselves
Grandmother's place. No parents around. Now ask why a single grandmother was so scared of her own grandchildren that she needed a hidden security camera on them.
Be more confident and remove the "might" from your statement.
>Already selling out her kid by saying she's beyond rehabilitation and will never come back home
Yup, conservatives.
quit being a faggot faggot. your wound smells like shit and piss
>The conservative cries out in pain when he strikes someone.
good mien kampft reference! i know its your favorite book
Why are you projecting again?
Well, this is what happens when a kid is a liberal beyond repair.
>What's weird is putting a camera in your kid's room and watching what they do 24/7. Tbh the parents might be a little fucked in the head themselves.

Saw a stat that 40-some percent of parents have video cameras in their kids bedrooms.
Welcome to the republican big brother state
>How does a child get to a stage where that even occurs to them?
They were taught evolutionism is a fact instead of a scientifically impossible fairy tale, and if one bag of flesh and fluids is bothering you, then just kill them. The state religion of atheism kills all morals and meaning to life.

Then you have Hollywood and entertainment media full of violence and evil and even disney is full of evil and perverted subversive messages (not even going over the message of their movies, like beastiality or immodesty or witchcraft/spells/etc).

Do everyone in the world a favor and kill yourself.
psycopathy runs in the family
>leftist trash flocking to the thread to blame right wingers cause it's Tennessee
>happened in Humboldt, Tennessee
>38% black population
And we check the local news stations only to find....


Of course. Defnitley the fault of white conservatives tho...
We already knew this was blacks. That's why no one really responded.
Humboldt, TN is a majority black town.
Less weird if there is legitimate danger due to living in a bad neighborhood.
>Majority black
Republican home schooling everyone
It's a roughly 700-person difference
Less than 50%, by definition, isn't a majority. Learn what words mean.

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