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The questions over why Trump is covering up his medical records about the 'shooting' and what exactly he's hiding grows.


The doctor treating Donald Trump’s gunshot wound is so “concerned” about the former president’s health that he’s been offering his services to the former president daily–apparently without a valid medical license, according to TMZ. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Trump’s former White House physician, appears to have lost his medical license in the state of Virginia after it expired in May, 2020. Jackson still retains a certification from the American Board of Emergency Medicine until 2025, which allows him to provide emergency medical services only, TMZ noted, citing a 2023 article from The Dallas Morning News. In Florida, TMZ added, Jackson’s license is listed as “Military Active,” meaning he is only able to administer medical treatment at army facilities.
According to a memo Jackson released Saturday morning, he started administering care to Trump after the former president saw an emergency doctor, raising questions about whether the care he is continuing to give Trump still counts as emergency services. “I have been with President Trump since that time, and I have evaluated and treated his wound daily,” Jackson wrote. “He is doing well.” Jackson accompanied Trump to his rally in Michigan on Saturday, and will remain by his side for the remainder of the weekend.
Idk where op is going with this.
So trump has a personal doctor treating the wound daily and op jumps to conspiracy theories.

Honestly makes sense, Trump probably wants it as least disfigured as possible or at least in the best shape to get cosmetic surgery
Integrity is everything in professional settings, particularly medicine. We consider the credibility of evidence on a hierarchy, there are several but my favourite is Polit & Beck. In all measures of reliability, any flaw in credibility is grounds to dismiss the evidence entirely and so we take stringent measures to ensure we haven't compromised ourselves in any way. Regarding this doctor's licence: performing professional acts outside of the explicit terms of your licence means they are unwarranted and outside of the realm of expert opinion.. If evidence surfaced that suggested Trump set up this assassination attempt in order to gain an advantage in the polls, it would certainly be considered an act of fraud, but could rise to an allegation of treason considering it is a direct attempt to fool the electorate. If Trump were to stand trial for that act, he wouldn't be able to call the doctor as an expert witness, making all physical evidence of the insult to Trump provided by the doctor inadmissible in defence. It would appear, from the outside, that this is Trump's intention and that is unbefitting of a leader. It's the sort of corruptible and contemptuous action befitting of a grifter, not a president.
This, and many other acts, lowers the stock of the United States and reduces world opinion of the US "democracy" further. This has a knock on effect on things like the weight of currency, trade, investment, and international relations. The U.S empire is showing signs of crumbling, it needs a steady hand to guide it out of troubled waters. Considering Trump's history, and his recent actions confirming that he has no intention of changing, you should expect further falls in the value of the dollar before November.
As a guide, since Trump announced he was running the dollar/pound has fallen from 83p to down to 77p meaning the value of the pound is now 23% greater than the dollar, and the UK is a real shitshow at the moment.
How many mental illnesses do you suffer from?
NTA, but can you refute anything he said?
Your parents should have done as biden did, and pulled out.
You got the shills on the run.
>refute values and opinions
>ITT once your medical license expires you lose all your knowledge of medicine.
That's a rather embarrassing attempt at a strawman argument.
We train on the job constantly in medicine, new evidence is being revealed on a near weekly basis and we're expexted to select the most relevant and current evidence when performing interventions. That's why the gold standard for citations is no more than 5 years. When we renew our licenses, we have to prove that we have completed a set amount of continuous learning and must produce a set amount of reflectives.

Whilst it could be true that a physician has a good working knowledge of medicine after losing their licence, it is also very likely that they are unable to prove that they are up-to-date with current practice and they may have missed several key changes to practice. Based on the date of lapse for this doctor, a court would say he's a few years behind modern medicine.

For all intents and purposes, within professional settings, this looks as though Trump is going to Dr Nick Riviera. Why would he do that at a time when his integrity is completely shot? I would think he would want to go to a certified doctor, one of the best in the US, so that a doctor with unwavering credibility could vouch for his injury and its cause.

Going to an unlicenced back alley doctor that he knows well suggests two things. One: he's looking for a yes man that will take a bribe to say what he wants. Two: he associates with a doctor that would work outside of the remit of the hippocratic oath.

His actions and motivations are not the actions of a world leader. They're the actions of a conman.
and yours that of a criminal syndicate...
>Get grazed in the ear
There are two treatments: A simple bandage and maybe some stitches to shape and reduce scarring. A collagen scaffolding for the ear to fully regrow into the original shape and be easier for following plastic surgery.

Most people would have the first treatment, but I can see trump choosing the second. Collagen scaffolding is over twenty years old and isn't uncommon.
>fully regrow to the original shape
Doesn't apply to 80 year olds who don't have the recuperative powers of a 40 year old.
>Oi, mate you got a loicense for bandaging that ear?
So why no medical report for that?
Leftists out here using trash tabloid rags to create the worst conspiracy theory ever formulated because they haven't been this demoralized since the Emancipation Proclamation and don't know how to take the L

This board is going to be 9gag tier nonsense till Trump wins in november, and after that it'll be like Kidz Bop Weather Underground
Good post
What's there to say? Skin and cartilage damage to the ear.
>Kidz Bop Weather Underground
When people get their ears nicked during a haircut, theres no doctor visit needed.
I suspect the injury is probably on the same level, and no ones going to be able to see it once his oversized bandage is gone.
So you're okay with the president of the united states is allowed to covering up his health?
>Implying that its not a fundamental right to have privacy in your life and to obscure whatever details of your personal health that you want to

What sort of third world shithole do you live in? There's no law that compels you to share your health details with the world, its quite the opposite.
>There's no law that compels you to share your health details with the world, its quite the opposite.
NTA but who is talking about laws?
Do you think the president needs to give you high resolution pictures of their naked body along with precise measurements of certain parts? Is that important?
>no no its totally chill that the entire Biden Admin, Media and the Presidents doctor hid the fact that his brain is basically a baked potato.
>The leader of the country is allowed to cover up his health.
>Also his taxes
>And his conflict of interest business dealings like the one that lead to a 2 billion dollar bribe from the Saudis
Public has a right to know
>Idk where op is going with this.
It's a common Democrat strategy. The DNC will go after everyone within a hundred mile radius of their target and try to collect as much dirt on everyone as they can so that they can blackmail them.
One example of the DNC doing this is with former Candidate Herman Cain; they blackmailed an old friend of the family into falsely claiming sex assault charges, which were immediately dismissed, in order to get him to drop out of the presidential race.
lolno, they just lied. And they keep lying.
Who the fuck can look at a guy that literally falls over, sitting still on a bike, and think he's alright?
Where do you people get this shit from?

Trump can't even get on a bicycle. He's too fat.
Fox News and the NY post.
TMZ is owned by Rupert Murdoch. It is essentially the celebrity gossip tabloid department of Fox News
republicans, famously, never dig up dirt on their opponents
There go the gay faggots body shaming people.
Do they have any consistent beliefs at all?
>Doesn't know who owns TMZ
>And wants to tear up the constitution and go full fascist
The meltdown of the fascist right over Harris continues.
>being this pathetically retarded
I didn't say TMZ was leftist, I said leftists were using a tabloid rag like TMZ to invent pathetic conspiracy theories. Which you are doing right now.

It seems the Kidz Bop Weather Underground have come early and are trying to become Kamala's fascist qanon+ vanguard on /news/.
This Russia NPC is speaking in gibberish. I can't believe /pol/ is sending such low quality bots /here/ and the mods allow them.
>hollering dogs? must've been hit by something
Did you like how I used "qanon+"? It's because, while the OG qanon was for "racisswypipo" (as your kind like to put it), qanon+ is a dig at you LGBTQ+ retards who were shilling the board with project 2025 agitprop

Figured I'd mansplain that to you right quick, you're welcome.
>Did you like how I used "qanon+"?
I thought it was clever
This bot is still broken /pol/.
>muh license
>muh certified x
>muh experts
Shut the fuck up tranny faggot. The guy is a former doctor and Trump trusts him. Take your meds and shove your schizo babble up your triple vaccinated axe wound.
Wow, you BTFO of the /pol/ppets, all they can do is seethe.
>muh bot!
Could a bot call you a faggot?
You tell me, bot.
You already call everyone a tranny why not also a faggot? Still a damn bot.

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