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President Biden's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination could defuse the age question dogging the Democrats: Harris will be 60 on Inauguration Day — 22 years younger than Biden.

Why it matters: Concerns over Biden's age and mental fitness were central to calls for his replacement as the Democratic nominee. Trump, at 78, becomes the oldest nominee in U.S. history if Harris or someone else younger than Trump succeeds Biden atop the Democratic ticket.

Reality check: Twelve U.S. presidents were 60 or older at the time of their inauguration.

Biden and Trump were the only presidents older than 70 at the start of their terms.
Catch up quick: Biden's performance during the first presidential debate against Trump on June 27 led to calls from constituents and politicians for him to step down.

Zoom out: All three branches of federal government have prompted conversations about America's gerontocracy.

The 118th Congress, one of the oldest in U.S. history, drove debates last year about term limits and fitness for office.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stepped aside in 2022, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced he'd retire as the head of Senate Republicans following the 2024 election.
On the Supreme Court, 74% of Americans favor a maximum age limit for justices, according to Pew polling from last year.

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer signaled support for age and term limits in March.
He said it would have helped him avoid "going through difficult decisions" in deciding whether to retire in 2022 as the oldest member of the court at the time.

Republicunts ready to start ignoring everything they said about Biden being too old in 3, 2, 1...
Honest question, does Biden dropping out invalidate his previous status as record holder?
Yes because he's not being nominated, Trump is. So Republicans elected a geriatric with syphilis eating his brain as their nominee
Biden wasn't nominated yet in 2024 and Trump is older than Biden was when he ran in 2020.
Don’t care, still voting Trump
Trump lost
>Waste of trips

Hillary lost
harris winning will mean both trump and killary lose
It's only too old if it's not the guy I support.
It wasn't specifically about the age, it was how he could barely string a single sentence together without having a gaffe or falling over whenever there was a stiff breeze.
Can't argue with the trips
Biden wasn't yet the 2024 Democratic nominee. Trump is officially the 2024 Republican nominee, and he is now older than Biden was in 2020.
Suddenly democrats care about age of the candidate.
>Suddenly democrats care about age of the candidate.
I don't think democrats ever didn't say Trump is too brain-rotted to run. Have you listened to him? Motherfucker can't flush a toilet and thinks windmills kill whales. Can't even remember the names of the people around him. It's sad really.
democrats taking it out on others that their candidate was so frail that he had to drop
Candidate is selected at the convention which hasn't happened yet. Biden has technically just withdrawn from the primary is all. Nobody cares. On to Harris and then November.

Enjoy wasting all that ad money you running on Biden being corrupt/old.
Biden's record-breaking age was quite the talking point at the RNC. Too bad that applies to Trump now though.
he was a democratic candidate. nominees are selected out of possible candidates.
no one who is honest sees trump as old in the same way they see biden as old
>rules for thee but not for me...
wow trump so old!!! someone that old shouldnt be pres!!
>no one who is honest sees trump as old in the same way they see biden as old
Why not? Do you not see Trump's dementia on display every time he speaks?
No. He's always had a meandering and wandering way of speaking.
*a* democratic candidate, not *the* democratic candidate. Literally anyone can run for a party's nominee, see that nutbag RFK. Until the party endorses them as the nominee, that doesn't matter.
all the sudden the age narrative flips back onto Trump. Harris is going to win big.
All you have to do is disagree with Trump's policies. You don't even need to dislike anything else.
But you don't. In fact, Joe Biden kept and adopted many of Trump's policies and no one said anything negative despite the Biden version bringing nothing but doom and inflation.
We're not talking about his policies, we're about his health and mental acuity. He is an overweight fatass with a poor diet and high risk of heart disease who smears orange paint on his face every day. He frequently has trouble speaking, can't stay on topic in any speech, and may or may not have suffered a stroke in 2019. In 99% of most other industries he wouldn't be fit to be the leader of anything, but somehow being President is fine. At least Biden can ride a bicycle. Trump would fall over on one.
Good headcanon
Uh, did he undo those tariffs you were trained, like a dog, to hate? Tariffs are taxes, you know.
Did he adopt attempting to strengthen US manufacturing or at least start speaking to doing so as part of his platform?
In fact, he would've been somewhat successful if he didn't insist on fucking up gas prices to appease the radicals in the party and focus so much on faggotry.
>Uh, did he undo those tariffs you were trained, like a dog, to hate?
I regret to inform you that traditionally Dems have been more pro-tarrif and Trump broke with his own party for that shit. Republicans were historically all "muh free trade", "muh laissez-faire", "muh invisible hand". Albeit it was more 60-40 or maybe 70-30 in both parties. Nowadays anyway. In the 90s both parties were pro-free trade though so them even being partially on opposite sides nowadays is a more recent development.

That shit and military interventionism aren't major wedge issues between the parties (both Trump and Biden would be considered doves).

>Did he adopt attempting to strengthen US manufacturing or at least start speaking to doing so as part of his platform?
And unlike Trump he actually did it through domestic investment, a thing Dems have always been for. Trump fucking destroyed the economy.

>In fact, he would've been somewhat successful if he didn't insist on fucking up gas prices to appease the radicals in the party and focus so much on faggotry.
1. US domestic fuel production is at an all time high
2. The president doesn't control gas prices.
Dems haven't mentioned tariffs once in the past several decades. They were responsible for NAFTA too which destroyed US industry.
The "domestic investment" was a gift to the corpos that Democrats act like they hate. This effectively did nothing for the economy at all.
>The president doesn't control gas prices!!!
Shut the fuck up faggot. You know you're full of shit. Biden admin's policy was firmly against oil production. Policy does affect pricing, you fucking mong. And if you don't understand that and want to sit here and propagandize me with bullshit you can fuck right off.
Biden has re-earned back a small amount of respect by bowing out. Then again, with his senile dementia condtion, he should not have ran for prez in the first place 4 years ago. I guess he was too cocky, thinking he was the only one to stop the evil Emperor-wanna-be Trump.

IMO, Bernie Sander's policies would have be better for our 'merica, put an end to modern failed BigCorporateRulersTM.

A wise man knows when enough is enough, and satsify what he already has and already achieved, shall be easily satisified and knows CONTENTMENT. This is the opposite of the excessive pride and greed downfalls.
So now instead of 2 people in the race with these problems, its only 1.
Obama and the DNC never wanted Biden to run in '16, any more than they wanted Bernie. Bernie and Biden were closer to old-school Democrats and the DNC doesn't want anything to do with that.
>1. US domestic fuel production is at an all time high
>2. The president doesn't control gas prices
Gas prices may still be low if Biden hasn't ordered that all federal fossil fuel subsidies be stopped his first month in office using an executive order
It wasn't his age so much as the fact that he crashed and burned during the debate and showed age-related issues. Sanders is 82 but no one has any doubt about his mental competency.
>Sanders is 82 but no one has any doubt about his mental competency
He's a do-nothing communist retard with zero career acheivements, he's never had mental competency.
>I regret to inform you that traditionally Dems have been more pro-tarrif and Trump broke with his own party for that shit.
Irrelevant given that Trump effectively dominates the GOP even more than Obama currently does the Democrats.
Last time Harris suspended her campaign in 2019 before the Iowa Caucus, she couldn't even make it to the first hurdle and her big moment was accusing Joe Biden, the guy who served as Vice President for eight years under Obama, of racism for opposing bussing some 40+ years ago. She's a weak candidate and despite the about face that liberals are doing on social media, this is a move born out of desperation.
>T... Trump is old
Its funny how you dudes flip on a dime.
>So now instead of 2 people in the race with these problems, its only 1.
Arguing that Trump has dementia or that he is frail is the biggest cope in the world. The way he acted during the assassination attempt dispelled this nonsense.
So how badly do we think Harris is going to lose? Mondale 1984 style? Or not so bad?
It's hard to believe that Harris will suck up to Israel harder than Trump or BIden.
Harris can't even complete a sentence without breaking into psychotic laughter. Literal joker candidate.
So the powerbrokers at the DNC bullied Biden, the person nominated by democrat voters, into retiring.
Not all too surprised
considering that the only reason the people voted for him was they were told to by the powerbrokers at the DNC, i dont see why we should care
>a character in a recent live action film mentioned/used so much in 4chan thus loved so much otherwise they wouldn't
>a character in a recent live action film featuring a tune - Rock & Roll Part 2 - by a convicted pedo, Gary Glitter
Says so much about certain things in 4chan.
This is what GOP thinktank shills actually believe
Same way that were saying Biden was totally gonna stay in the race even minutes before his handlers wrote that resignation letter for him. Crazy that he STILL hasn't made even a video statement for something like this, dude must be in a coma or something.
>"we're the party of democracy!"
>only party with a candidate that wasn't democratically elected by the people
Don't care, as long as she isn't Trump
Are you going to lie and say Harris wasn't on the ballot with Biden?
VP isn't voted for in the primary retard
>The way he acted during the assassination attempt dispelled this nonsense.
How did he do that? By mumbling and ad-libbing through his speech at the convention?
>actually thinks Harris is going to lose
Is this post ironic? She's going to beat Trump by double digits.
Anyone who can put a sentence together could beat Trump by double digits.
>By mumbling and ad-libbing through his speech at the convention?
Yeah. He stood up there and talked for 90 min.

Harris polls behind Trump.
biden picked harris partially because she was so wildly unpopular that she wouldn't be any kind of threat to him

she has never won a remotely competitive general election

still less retarded than biden though in the year 2024
How did you get this confused?
Less retarded than sticking with Biden but still completely retarded when you have so many better candidates. I dont get the play. Trump is still going to win, so why bother? If you put in Newsom or the MI Governor holy shit that could turn the tables... but going through all this to just lose by less in the end is fucking dumb. Mainly because it does insane damage to the parties image.
wojak-equivalent post
nobody likes newsom, he is a slimeball. it should be whitmer, shapiro, or beshear, but the democrats are in a mess of their own making where they can't fire an underperforming black woman without being accused of being racist.
Its a defensive play. She is going to do better than Biden in places like NY and CA and there are lots of congressional swing-seats up for grabs there. They are trying to stave off a down-ballot slaughter.
by running a notoriously worse candidate?
I'm pretty sure they're trying to soften Biden's slaughter by putting all the heat on Cameltoe.
>Yeah. He stood up there and talked for 90 min.
something something batteries in boats something something sharks
He needs a teleprompter or he just rambles and never shuts the fuck up.
>She is going to do better than Biden in places like NY and CA
NY and CA are as blue as they come. If there's an issue there then the situation is really bad.
Despite all their hysteria, I don't think Democrats actually believe there won't be an election in 2028, so Harris is one part hail mary one part sacrificial lamb. If she wins, great. If she loses, that sucks, but no one expected much of her in the first place and you get to keep the real stars - Whitmer, Newsom, Pritzker, the PA governor - to run in 2028 against someone who isn't Trump.
>underperforming black woman without being accused of being racist
Harris was picked back in 2020, the moment has since passed but she remains.
Answer the question.
>He's a do-nothing communist
lmaoing at you in European. Sanders is slightly left of center at best
>I don't think Democrats actually believe there won't be an election in 2028,
They absolutely do because that's exactly what Trump is going to do. Or the Republicans mimic what the Russians do and just rig the results so Trump gets a third term because the supreme court redefines the 22nd amendment.
> She is going to do better than Biden in places like NY and CA
NY and CA are battleground states now? Lmao

What happened you guys? This was the most popular president with the most votes in history? You guyysssss??
Seek medical attention.

Congressional races in those states. They will still be deep blue at the state level.
>They will still be deep blue at the state level.
You don't sound so sure anon
I'm a Republican and I am 100% sure New York and California will remain blue.
The more you say it, the more you'll believe it
Yes. I 100% beleive that California and New York are, and will remain, blue states. In the same way that Texas will remain a red state and in the same way Trump is going to probably win in November.

Holy shit, meds.
It's always fun watching you pretend to be something you're not

Just to get that last word
>Congressional races in those states.
If Congressional races are competitive then they're not really "deep blue".
I think the polls are out of whack if they're showing that.
Not an argument
Hey retard, democrats demanded Biden step down because of his age. Republitards like yourself should do the same with Trump.
Nothing about his age changed in the past month, he's been the same dementia patient since fucking 2020. Democrats only changed their tune when they realized they were gonna be slaughtered at the polls thanks to the mask falling off completely at the debates. If democrats weren't retarded they would have called him out on his age during primary season. The sad fact is that neither party really wants to run railing on age because most of the senior leadership for both parties are geriatrics desperately trying to cling onto their power for as long as possible.
A certain political party got rid of its leader because he was not only a failure, but was seen as a political liability. That same party got in power very recently with a massive landslide that not even Trump could possibly imagine (but another Republican Crook - but claimed it wasn't until it was too late and it had no choice but to resign - previously could because that's how it got elected).
People can change their minds: and not only voters. When a Republican who'd voted Trump in 2016 can change his mind and never vote Republican again when commenting in a vid on YouTube in 2017 about Charlottesville, is he the only one? Those who ensured a Red Wave in 2022 wasn't a trickle. Republicans Against Trump two years before: you think they disbanded then?
People can - and will - change their minds. The Democrats have: and not only them, certainly before what happened last weekend. And that's why Trump's scared. Good.
Stating facts isn't arguing, correct.
Now if only you stated facts, because you didn't.
Opinion disregarded.
He's right though.
>Facts aren't facts because.... I said so!
This is your argument.
It's true. There's barely any true leftists or socialists in the democratic party. This is why your accusations are always brushed off. The right has continued to push further and further right while dems remain slightly right of center. Dems message simply speak to more people by virtue of the right isolating themselves. and we constantly win everything because of that. We have the Jews and their influence as well which I am very thankful for.

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