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"Donald Trump has aligned himself with yet another active player in the crypto industry. Larry Fink, the founder of BlackRock."
"Trump has chosen Larry as his pick for US Treasury Secretary. This might sound like an odd match since Larry is something of a leftie, but the two have a history together, and they share a mutual respect that has grown over the years."
"Last week, there was rumors that Trump was considering JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, but reports say it’s really Larry who has been Trump’s go-to guy for economic advice. This partnership goes back to when BlackRock managed Trump’s investment portfolio. "
Since OP is a huge faggot who can't be bothered to fully paste an article:

>According to the old cliché, opposites attract. And there may be no greater example of this than the odd, interesting, and for the country beneficial relationship between Larry Fink and Donald Trump.

>Yes, you read that right. Fink and Trump.

>A match made in heaven? No, to be more precise, made on Wall Street, with the uber-globalist BlackRock chief of ESG fame once serving as Trump’s money manager, and the GOP populist former president (and according to polling, likely future prez) still seeking out Fink for insights into the economy, The Post has learned.

>Sure, Trump likes to tout JPMorgan super-banker CEO Jamie Dimon as a possible Treasury secretary (more later why it ain’t happening) but it’s really Fink whom he likes, respects and speaks with, I am told.

>The feeling is mutual, and it’s a relationship I explain in my upcoming book “Go Woke, Go Broke.”

>During the Trump presidency, Fink was all in on Environmental Social Governance investing, yet somehow he was appointed to Trump’s business advisory council.
Former President Donald Trump may ask BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to be his next Treasury Secretary if he is elected.
>Seemed odd at the time, until you dug a little deeper. BlackRock had handled Trump’s investment portfolio for years (Trump invested in the BlackRock Obsidian Fund, described by the firm as “a global fixed income multi-strategy hedge fund.”)

>When Trump invited a bunch of CEOs including Dimon to the White House in 2017, he immediately mentioned Fink’s presence.

>“I see we have Larry Fink here, where is Larry Fink?” When he spotted the money manager in the crowd, Trump remarked: “Larry did a great job for me. He managed a lot of my money. I have to tell you, he got me great returns.”

>I don’t know if BlackRock is still doing business with The Donald (a BlackRock flack had no comment on this column; the Trump campaign didn’t comment) but the relationship is still a working one, albeit quietly, I’m told by someone with firsthand knowledge of the matter.

>And you can understand why it’s on the down-low. Fink is a longtime Wall Street Dem, touted as a Treasury secretary for Dem presidents going back to Barack Obama. His people are all over the Biden White House.

>He’s a “proud globalist” (his words). BlackRock is often vilified by the right for its once-strident support of ESG.

>He has been smeared for supporting woke investing. Taken to its extreme — as it once was — ESG forces oil companies to stop drilling and imposes strict DEI standards in hiring.

>Trump, meanwhile, is expected to go full-on MAGA populism if elected. His choice of populist Ohio Sen. JD Vance as a running mate is one tell that tariffs, a weaker dollar, trade wars, more debt — all the stuff Fink hates — could be in the offing.

>And yet go back and study both men’s comments on each other and you start to understand why they remain close — and why Trump might water down his economic populism in office if Fink has his ear.

>Fink, of course, runs the world’s largest money management firm with $10 trillion in assets under management.
>Say what you want about his association with ESG, Fink knows markets and, given BlackRock’s size, he has a commanding view of them from his office in New York City.

>He would undoubtedly remind Trump that going full-on MAGA with tariffs and trade wars will be unsettling to the markets and the overall economy.

>And Trump loved to tout the roaring stock market during his years in the White House when such policies were muted by more traditional economic conservatives on his team.

>Plus, Fink is much more of a political moderate than the ESG-tainted image pushed by his critics on the right.

>He and BlackRock have backed off ESG these days, deploying it mostly for clients (blue-state pension funds and sovereign-wealth funds) that ask for it.

>He’s been meeting with GOP leaders on the Hill, in state government, and is no pal of super lefties like Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, because BlackRock, for all its ESG talk, was and is one of the largest institutional investors in energy companies.

>Trump, for all his populist rhetoric, has always been a political moderate as well; tax cuts and deregulation were about as “far right” as he went. He kept out of wars and didn’t take a sledgehammer to the budget.

>In fact, he spent like a Democrat. His trade wars in his first term were mostly targeted at China, a worthy target if there ever was one, given its trade belligerence.

>Trump the real estate baron never gave up on his second pre-political career in reality TV. He knows what looks good.

>My guess is Trump thinks Dimon looks the part better than Fink so he’s willing to ignore their past differences, which were significant.

>Recall how Dimon once said he would make a better president than Trump “because I’m as tough as he is, I’m smarter than he is.” Ouch.

>Trump, before he blurted out Dimon’s name for Treasury, posted on social media that the JPM chief is a “highly overrated Globalist.”
>My sources at JPMorgan tell me Dimon wouldn’t take the job if asked; that means Trump will probably keep asking because he hates being told no.

>And above all, The Donald is a pragmatist who in the word’s of Don Corleone prefers to “keep his friends [like Fink] close and his enemies [like Dimon] closer.”
Something something leopards something something faces.
Never gonna happen lol
Ugh. MAGA 2.0 isn't looking too good.
My choices coming up are fuck-upocrats and Trump who doesn't realize that every jew on the planet reviles him, yet still jumps willingly into bed with them.
However, if Fink is the new treasury sec, expect glowing news coverage of Trump in the near future.
If nothing else, the massive pro-Trump media shift should enlighten some on the JQ.
A bit odd he would choose blackrock after they shorted Trump's company stock the day before his assassination attempt. Kind of odd the shooter went to blackrock school. Kind of odd that blackrock owns so much of crowdstrike stock. Kind of odd that crowdstrike investigated Hillary's email server and the 2020 election voting machines.
It already did.
I can only imagine the flip-flopping right-wingers will do to convince themselves Fink is "their guy" if Trump decides to pick him for treasury secretary.
>"BlackRock is based! ESG is based! Always has been!"
Blackrock will never be based, probably.
ESG was absolutely not based.
Larry Fink's ethnicity prevents him from being based.
But the Democrat flipflop and Blackrock conspiracy theories should be interesting. Hell, maybe Democraps will actually do something about them if they end up hating them enough.
Because he was in on it. Seems simple enough.
It is incredible to me that anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 could vote for him in 2024. He isn’t even pretending to be “our guy” anymore. There’s no excuse. You’re just fooling yourself.
Hell yeah! Drain the swamp! Fill it with megacorp CEOs!
>If you don't like megacorp CEOs running your country, you're paid by Israel!
10 rubles have been deposited in your account. Great job Ivan!
My post wasn’t paid for by Israel. You know what else Israel didn’t pay for?

The wall. Repealing Obamacare. Locking up a single corrupt politician in DC. Ending H1B.

As I said he is not even promising these things this time around.
>A russian LARPing as an Indian LARPing as an American
Bot technology has really gotten sophisticated
Why are you even on this board?
Its either a severe case of paranoid schizophrenia or he's being paid by Russia to shitpost. These are the only two options.
Still no proof Trump was shot.
it's seething again
>its on video
Oh, you saw a bullet go through his ear on video?

Even initial reporting was that his ear was cut by flying glass from a teleprompter. Nobody's seen a bullet hole.
>Even initial reporting was that his ear was cut by flying glass from a teleprompter. Nobody's seen a bullet hole.
This is misinformation.
Prove it (protip: you can't)
Prove he was hit by glass.

Protip: You cant
I didn't say he was hit by glass. I said there's no proof that he was hit by a bullet and that initial reporting was that he was hit by glass.

The only source that he was hit by a bullet is a convicted fraud.

Cry moar and enjoy your Blackrock candidate.
Trump assassination is so obviously staged: https://x.com/toxicpaul61/status/1814757403637813366?t=421IHF4vDHz3F7nzW12U8g&s=19
>harris is the blackrock candidate
What thread do you think you're in?
Your obviously mentally retarded
That post had to have been made by a Russian troll
>dnc takes direct orders from tel aviv
Blackrock appreciates your vote after their candidate called Biden a Palestinian.
Trump has has said Biden hasnt done enough to aid israel. Trump would hand over our entire GDP to them because theyll give him kickbacks
hell, Trump called Biden a Palestinian at the debate

here's a pretty good article contrasting him and Biden in relation to israel


"He has urged Israel to “get the job done” to destroy Hamas. “You have to finish up your war,” Trump told the right-wing Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom in late March. “You gotta get it done.”

Trump accused Biden of “abandoning” Israel when the administration briefly suspended the shipment of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel as Israel threatened to move into the southern Gazan city of Rafah."
>complaining about reddit in 2024
go back to 2016
She has PTSD from being driven from Reddit for lying and posting low-effort bullshit.
4chan is easier for her to shill on because of the presumptive anonymity, but unfortunately their post style is so uniquely retarded everyone can tell when they post anyway
Maximum overcope
What’s with the trigglypuff meltdown? I never said he was authoritarian. I said he failed to deliver on his promises to build a wall, drain the swamp, etc. I also said that he isn’t even making those promises this time around, which he’s not.

Why are you defending him from your fever dream strawman arguments instead of applying whatever scrap of political pressure you think you have to signal that he needs to do better?
>OP claims Crook's donation to progressive causes makes him a Democrat, Trump ends up donating thousands.
>OP claims Crook's being in a Blackrock video makes him a Democratic plant, Trump ends up picking head of Blackrock for his presumptive cabinet
Reality is kicking the ass of our resident /news/ schizo so hard they're posting random garbage articles to cope
political donations are freedom of speech and Trump was exercising his God-given rights when he donated thousands of dollars to California Democraps in furtherance of his own interests. don't like you can heretofor move to Russia.
You're a really unbelievable bot/shitposter
NTA but where's the medical report?
Oh wait, Trump is covering it up because it would show he wasn't shot.
I think his ear got grazed. If you've ever seen someone's get nicked accidentally during a haircut, those can bleed a lot.
Once the bandage is gone, I don't think we're going to be able to tell Trump was injured at all, as opposed to him pretending he had a bullet go through it.
You're not even trying anymore, are you?
you're voting for the interests of Israel. the left sucks some israeli dick, but Trump and republicans are spreading their asshole wide for them

If the loopholes are legal, it isn't evasion.
So did Hunter Biden's penis.
Trump's also anti-free speech when it comes to his beloved Israel. so thats both the first and second amendment he is against
>we take the guns first, due process second

he's president and he hasnt. he's also not up for reelection. Trump is. he'll probably grab the guns and give them to israel
>"Joe Biden wants to overturn Heller!"
>"What is your evidence of this?"
>"Well, he said he disagreed with Heller 5 years ago and then did absolutely nothing to overturn it between then and now"

Do you ever get tired of being schizophrenic or have you just fully embraced it at this point?
>cops should be allowed to enter people's homes without a warrant to take their guns
Trump has said this too, you're a faggot.
yep. he's on video saying it
>I'm voting straight ticket Israel and gun grabs
lol, have fun with that
Shouldn't tell your wife to shoot you. Or don't admit you did to the cops at least.
While I also hate the Dems, I recall Trump passing more anti-gun laws (bump stocks) than Obama (none).

I also cannot think of a single thing Republicans have done for us in the last decade. Two decades? Longer? They don’t just uphold Democrat-passed laws, they adopt them into the party. Aren’t you tearing your hair out watching half the RNC speaking Spanish, and all of the RNC sucking up to the gay tranny agenda?

I can understand voting for Trump in 2016. I did. I didn’t think he was going to save the country but it felt like there was a small chance he’d do something to actually move the ball toward the goalpost for once, at least a little bit. But now? Why vindicate them with your vote?
You never voted for Trump, Bidencuck. Seethe and cope harder
Trump in bed with Blackrock? Color me surprised the real estate business man wants real estate to be unobtainium for average people.
>trump lowered my taxes
Unless you're a wealthy business owner, no he didn't. He gave you an advanced discount on raised taxes, so you wouldn't know what he did until after the election. Every tax cut he passed for everyday Americans was designed to expire into hire taxes than before he passed that shit. He had to do that to get his permanent tax cuts for businesses through the CBO.

Please do better at paying attention to how lawmakers operate. They never want to be the one holding the bag, so they pull this sort of shit all the time.

And guess who benefited the most? It was BlackRock https://www.reuters.com/article/markets/blackrock-hits-record-6-trillion-assets-helped-by-trump-tax-law-idUSKBN1F11WB/
>biden raised taxes
No. He didn't. Trump's tax cuts (for you) expired. As they were *designed* to.

You will note, they didn't expire for shit like BlackRock.

I'll make this simple for you, imagine you got $10k in the mail and a $20k bill alongside it. Did you get money or lose money?

You're taking the position you got money because you have no concept of future consequences.
>biden had 4 years to extend the cuts
Which they gladly would have had Republicans played ball, but they didn't. Because the cuts were *designed to end*.

You dumb motherfucker. Learn what a filibuster is. The entire point was to raise taxes on you, cut taxes on the rich, and leave Dems holding the bag. You saw a motherfucker in a mask with a gun walk out of your bank with the contents of your safety deposit box and then make some rando hold the door at gun point and now you're bitching at that poor guy for letting your shit out of the bank.

Fuckers like you deserve what you vote for, I swear to fuck.
Trump raised taxes by creating more corporate domination over the economy, it's why houses cost more now, BlackRock gets to accumulate a ton of money so they can price everyone out of homes.
>he could have passed it for 2 years when he had control over congress
Learn. What. A. Filibuster. Is.
>learn what the byrd rule and reconciliation are you retarded fucking tranny shill.
Bitch, you can't use reconciliation without shit being budget neutral. Tax cuts aren't fucking budget neutral, no matter how much Republicans lie about them generating revenue (they don't and literally never have).

Dumb fucking cunt.
>it was due to the dems filibustering the middle class tax cuts they needed to sunset
It was due to the revenue generated from the tax increase after the tax cuts expired paying off the tax cuts for businesses that they needed to sunset.

Learn what reconciliation is and how it works. Actually, better yet, just stop voting. You're demonstrably too dumb to learn or care about how government works and you're as easy to lie to as a fucking three year old. You'll be much better off just not worrying about shit you don't understand. Let the government be other people's problem.
>houses cost more because we added an extra 10,000,000 illegals to the country
those are the people building your houses
>JD vance correctly stated that if we deport the 20 million illegals in the country, housing prices will go down
Trump said he'll staple greencards to diplomas, meaning it's just replaced by legal immigration. And they didn't do deportations anyway.
Vance works for Thiel, Bezos, the Kochs and the Waltons:
And wants to intentionally decrease the value of US dollars:
Trump cut legal immigration while in office.
Stop noticing things
The financial Beelzebub himself.
And Maga crowd thinks its super for them.
>but dems want an open border
Then why did dems author and approve a bill that would increase funding to immigration courts, create a mechanism that would allow the government to completely close the border, shore up loopholes that allow abuse of the asylum process and add millions of dollars to the border patrol and enforcement budget? And why did Republicans vote against this?

>amnesty and citizenship for all illegals
Can you point out the provision in their immigration bill that would have provided amnesty and citizenship for all illegals?
>dems want an open borde- ACK!
OR: Trump didn't want to hand the Democrats a win in an election year so he pressured the Republicans to reject the deal.
I wasn't talking to you, schizoposter.
>no land mines
>no cages
Wtf anon
Yeah, he's our resident psychotic. Don't mind him. By the mere principal of his mental illness he thinks any legislation that doesn't include mass slaughtering people he doesn't like is bad.
Why are you citing FAIR, a far-right think tank that the SPLC has designated as a hate group, and expecting to be taken seriously?
SPLC has no authority over anything.
Chubs turn around and support the jewish cabal full throat to own the libs.
This turned out not to be true though.
>splc is a terrorist organization that is aiding in the genocide of palistinians.
any evidence?
lel are you an advocate, Anon?
Not seeing the part about SPLC
>Ctrl+F "SPLC"
>no results
>Ctrl+F "Southern Poverty"
>no results
What did you accomplish by posting an article that has nothing to do with backing up the claim you made?
Didn’t read the thread?
This is confirmed fake news.
Care to back up that claim? Or will you post another unrelated article? Also, none of what you are saying changes the fact that FAIR is a far-right racist think tank, and their "studies" and "statistics" purely serve to advance right-wing talking points.
>FAIR is center left
Trolling outside of /b/ is a global rule violation
There is nothing center-left about FAIR's advocacy and coverage. And even if it was true that they are center-left, why would you, a right-winger, cite them as gospel?
>they said the ok sign is a hate symbol
The ok sign is a hate symbol. It started as a dumbshit hoax cooked up on /pol/ to try and convince leftists it was a hate symbol as a joke, but then actual fucking white supremacists (as in publicly facing ones, not dipshits on /pol/), the geniuses that they are, joined in due to a combination of either not realizing it was a hoax or wanting to get in on propagating the hoax. The problem being once white supremacists are using the symbol to communicate with each other, even fucking ironically, it's a fucking white supremacist symbol. Count on racists to find the stupidest way to be stupid.

It was a boy who cried wolf situation, or maybe something more akin to breaking your leg to fake a broken leg.
Friendly reminder to not feed the schizos. If you ignore them they go away.
You were wrong. This guy corrected you. Instead of acknowledging that you were wrong, you jump to “b-b-but the democrats are worse”.

Trump will bring in more immigrants than Biden did. And like a total fool, you will be coping about how Kamala would have brought in even more.
Cope harder. In 2020 Trump made gains with EVERY demographic except one, in which he lost support. White males.

Which is why he lost in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, all by less than one percent. All it took was a couple thousand people like me to say “good luck winning with that record low black unemployment”.
>Trump passed ZERO anti gun laws.
LMAO even.

> trump lowered my taxes
Did he lower them by 30% to offset the inflation he caused by dishing out the better part of $3T in corporate handouts?

> hate the dems
Me too. It’s a shame my only choices are a Democrat, and a lifelong Democrat who switched parties four years before he ran for president. So I won’t vote. Go ahead and waste your time and energy coping after he wins and does absolutely nothing for you while inviting literal trannies to the White House.
biden doubled the number of illegals that were in the country when he took office. in 2020 there were 10,000,000 illegals. he let in 10,000,000 illegals in 3.5 years with 2021, 2022 and 2023 being the 3 highest years on record and he let in more "refugees" and "legal" immigrants than trump. dems want open borders so they can kill and replace all the white people and lower the value of labor and raise the cost of housing.
fuck that. I'm voting trump
>LMAO even.
EO, not a law. and obongo and brandon both did more EOs than trump and Trump's scotus pics nuked the bumpstock ban and nuked chevron so it can never happen again
>Did he lower them by 30% to offset the inflation he caused by dishing out the better part of $3T in corporate handouts?
100% of the inflation was caused by biden, intentionally. trump didn't cause any inflation
>Me too. It’s a shame my only choices are a Democrat, and a lifelong Democrat who switched parties four years before he ran for president. So I won’t vote. Go ahead and waste your time and energy coping after he wins and does absolutely nothing for you while inviting literal trannies to the White House.
you are a paid shill trying to get people not to vote.
not voting for trump is a vote for the dems
not voting for the GOP is a vote for the dems
I would crawl naked for a mile dragging my dick over broken glass just to vote against the dems. I wish every democrat voter in the country got cancer
> 10,000,000
LMAO. They have been using that number since I was born. It was most likely triple that before Trump even took office, we’ll never know.

What we do know is Trump didn’t build the wall. He didn’t have the military build it. He didn’t have Mexico pay for anything. Hell, he didn’t even increase deportations from what little Obama did. Left it worse than when he took office. Just as Biden did. And just as Trump will again.

Notice he isn’t even promising the wall this time, let alone mass deportation. On the contrary, he supports attaching green cards to diplomas. He wants MORE immigration not less.

> dems want open borders so they can kill and replace all the white people and lower the value of labor and raise the cost of housing

So did you like…not watch any of the RNC? Half the speakers spoke spanish. They were all about the “big tent” gay tranny white replacement agenda, and before you start “b-b-but that’s just the party, Trump doesn’t believe that” his daughter in law Laura is fucking co-chair of the Republican Party.

Find me ONE Trump speech where he talks about how Whites are being replaced. Not even that he’s going to stop it, just that he acknowledges it. He won’t even say the phrase “white men”. He won’t even acknowledge you. Why the fuck are you this delusional?
Wow now *that* is an unhinged rant
That’s even worse! You can’t even say congress made a deal with him or something. He did it because he believed in it on his own.

> 100% of the inflation was caused by biden, intentionally. trump didn't cause any inflation

No, it was caused by increasing the amount of money in circulation by about 30%, which is almost exactly how much real inflation we’ve seen. If you’re too stupid to understand that, than give me your retarded idea of how Biden created the inflation.

> paid shill cope cope cope

No you dumb fucker. How many fucking times do the republicans have to celebrate trannies on stage and promise to bring in more immigrants for you to understand that they don’t serve you in any way, not even one tiny bit?

You say you’d drag your dick over broken glass for Trump? Well he doesn’t give a fuck about your stupid ass, just like he didn’t give a fuck about all the 1/6 protestors who are STILL rotting in jail, who he could have pardoned, who he honeypotted in the first place with his false promise to be there leading them. Just like that guy who died in the assassination attempt whose widow he couldn’t be bothered to call with his condolences. When he wins he will not put one single MAGA retard in any position in his administration. He won’t even let one of you be the janitor. He’s going to fill EVERY position with insider beltway anti White Israel first corporate cocksuckers like Larry Fink, just like the first time. And being the retard you are, you’ll start coping with some new version of the Q-tard bullshit because you just can’t accept the fact that you’re wrong, your fucked, and nobody, much less a lifelong Democrat billionaire, is coming to save you.
Wow *that* is one retarded non-response. I get it, you have nothing. Go put some cream on.
>I would crawl naked for a mile dragging my dick over broken glass just to vote against the dems. I wish every democrat voter in the country got cancer
Here here. I even hate shitless do-nothing Israel-loving Republicans. But honestly, fuck Democrats. The entire western political "left" is nothing but country destroying assholes.
>They have been using that number since I was born.
and biden let in that many in 3 years, reddit spacing troon, because he wants the nation flooded with illegals
>Notice he isn’t even promising the wall this time,
still better than harris and the dems. also project 2025 has deportations
>So did you like…not watch any of the RNC?
nope, don't care. I vote straight GOP for one reason, I hate the dems
>That’s even worse!
what about all the anti gun EOs obongo and biden did?
>No, it was caused
It was caused by biden raising the royalty on gas, only letting standard oil drill and throwing away tons of money in the inflation generation act
>ou say you’d drag your dick over broken glass for Trump?
don't give a shit. I hate dems that fucking much. I would not piss on a dem if it was on fire. if all the dems got cancer and I found a cure I'd destroy it. I fucking hate dems. I don't even look up anything about the GOP. I just look up to see if anti gunners give a dem a good rating and then when I do I vote straight ticket gop
Yeah, he's clearly one of (((them))) now (or maybe has always been a crisis actor)
With Trump's pick of a Blackrock fatcat exec as finance minister, he can no longer claim he is free from the corrupt establishment of big ultra-wealthy corporate bankers.
Nvever forget occupy wall street. Never forget the f**king corrupt government bailouts for those fatcat banker, who fleeced the average american out of their homes because of greed for profits.

Trrump is truly a greed mafia mobster! True patriot ameican should avoid casting votes for Trump- otherwise you are a traitor to the American founding values of personal freedom and limits to government power. If you vote for Trump, you are a traitor to America. You love Dicatatorship and Facism under the rule of Emperor Trump.
Trump has shared on Truth Social that he "never discussed, or thought of, Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink for Secretary of the Treasury".
I mean, if you don’t care about facts, there’s nothing to say. You’re every bit as senseless and destructive as any blue haired antifa faggot you can find on the street. Go cast your vote to fuck the country up more and enjoy the consequences when Trump shamelessly replaces you with jeets and mexicans.

Literally adding Blackrock to his cabinet and all you have to say is “democrats bad”. Why should Trump deliver when people like you demand nothing, no accountability at all?
Stop ban evading, gun schizo. I see a shitload of your posts got mass deleted.
take your meds, tranny
and the official stance of the dems is that they want to ban and confiscate guns, have open borders and give illegals citizenship. I voted in every election and I always vote straight ticket GOP. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and ACB forced my state to recognize my right to conceal carry. I am never voting democrat and I'm never not voting
>and the official stance of the dems is that they want to ban and confiscate guns, have open borders and give illegals citizenship. I voted in every election and I always vote straight ticket GOP. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and ACB forced my state to recognize my right to conceal carry. I am never voting democrat and I'm never not voting

Look bro, I am not telling you vote for Democrat. I am just hilighting what a hypocrite Trump. I am concerned that if Trump is re-elected, and if I do not become a worker slave working to death, for the profits of the Jew bankers cartels, or some ponzi scamming fatcat corporate bankers to rob me of my hard-earned money, then I will get framed by the corrupt law enforcement officials under Emperor Trump, and hes gonna take away my guns and execute/jail me, or straight up murder me in a shootout for defending my freedom, which would be way worser fate IMO than what the Democrats would offer already.

With this corrupt establishment of a rich big bank corporate banker pick as finance minster, I am defintely NOT voting from Trump. Libetarian or some other write-in ballot sounds like much better options now.

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