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I've been told that despite the Republican registration that donating 15$ to progressives made Crooks a Democrat, so is Trump 500x more of a Democrat?
I need help understanding retardicunt shill logic. Help me out, /pol/fags.


‘A wise investment’: Trump’s $6,000 gift to Kamala Harris comes back to bite him

Records show Donald and Ivanka Trump made donations to vice-president’s California attorney general re-election bid

US election – live updates

Ed Pilkington
Mon 22 Jul 2024 09.06 EDT
Last modified on Mon 22 Jul 2024 12.15 EDT

Donald Trump has moved swiftly to turn his attack machine on to the vice-president in the wake of Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race, dusting off his derisive nickname for her: “Laffin’ Kamala Harris”.

But as the Republican nominee refocuses his campaign to target Harris, there is one awkward truth that Trump will have to face. What about that check for $5,000 dated 26 September 2011, bearing Trump’s distinctive signature, and made payable to one “Attorney General Kamala D Harris”?

Within hours of Biden’s historic decision breaking on Sunday, and with a new possible Trump v Harris battle heaving into view, Trump’s uncomfortable donation resurfaced on social media. Jared Moskowitz, a Democratic congressman from Florida, posted a photo of the check on his X feed with the words: “Was a wise investment.”

Michael Steele, former chair of the Republican National Committee, snarked: “When Trump wrote that check to re-elect Kamala Harris in 2011, I bet he didn’t think she’d cash it in 2024!”
In fact, the $5,000 donation was just one of several gifts from the Trump family to Harris at the time when she was working as California’s top prosecutor. Records held by the California secretary of state note the largest $5,000 donation, but also give details of a further $1,000 check from Trump to Harris from February 2013 at the start of her re-election campaign as the state’s attorney general.

Trump’s daughter Ivanka is also listed on the database as having given Harris $2,000 for her re-election committee in June 2014.
Trump leads Republican taunts of Biden after president drops out of 2024 race
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The existence of $8,000 of Trump money wending its way into Harris’s political coffers may hound Trump on the campaign trail, just as it did during the 2020 presidential campaign when she was Biden’s running mate. Then, Fox News uncovered details of how the $5,000 donation came about.

Digging into court documents, the channel reported that Trump had made the payment at the request of New York’s then top prosecutor, Eric Schneiderman, who held a fundraiser for Harris in September 2011. Trump was persuaded to buy a ticket for the event at the top price of $5,000, with Ivanka attending.

Trump insisted that the fact that he did this favour for Schneiderman, who was later disgraced after he was accused of physically abusing several women, had nothing to do with the investigation that was then ongoing into Trump University.

Contrary to Steele’s quip on social media, Harris will not be able to spend the $5,000 on her 2024 presidential campaign, should she secure the Democratic nomination. As the Sacramento Bee reported in 2020, she gave away the entire $6,000 he had given her as she began her run for the US Senate, bequeathing it to a civil rights non-profit working in Central America.
Delete this thread.
Its almost as if Trump was a lifelong Democrat conman until he decided to run for president and found out that if you just repeat a series of dumbfuck populist talking points low IQ conservative knuckle-draggers will immediately empty their life savings to buy your merch and pay your lawyer fees.
>Then, Fox News uncovered details
fox news testified under oath twice that they are not news, the also gave dominion 787.5 million dollars out of court, aka admitting guilt, for lying about the 2020 election. they are literally fake news and not a credible news source in any way shape or form.
Don't be retarded and construe thinly veiled bribes as ideological statements lol.

Trump would donate to literally anyone to get a better business deal. Crooks only made a business deal with the FBI for one afternoons work lolololol
>Don't be retarded and construe thinly veiled bribes as ideological statements lol.
Major PACs operate in the billions, anon. You're a moron if you think a $5000 campaign donation to a re-election campaign is a bribe. This isn't 1904.
I'd guess that $5k to Trump is about the equivalent that $15 was to Crooks.
this thread is the greatest cope ive seen here in a while
t. proud Trump NFT owner
lol. Lmao even. for sure tho, haha. This thread is pure undiluted cope
>"P-please! S-stop pointing out that Trump is a fake Republican grifting for money! Y-you are coping!"
Imagine projecting cope this hard
>Crook's Republican registration doesn't count because he donated money to progressive causes
>Trump donating to progressive causes doesn't count for... reasons
I wonder if Trump voted for Nikki Haley in the primaries.
if Trump is a secret Demfag, why are you all so opposed to him? wouldn't you be happy you infiltrated the opposition instead of crying big bad wolf?
>If you campaign on the issues people actually care about you'll get elected
I think that's really the whole point.
Whatever happened to "muh Uniparty" talking point?
Your narratives are melting down. Flail harder, retard.
Good post
it's a serious question. if you and the establishment honestly believed Trump was a Demfag, why would you both give him more hate than any other man in American political history? considering that hate it's infinitely more likely this is a demoralization attack. especially cuz they already faked that "quote" before.
Mine was a serious question too. If there was truly collusion between Republicans and Democrats to play both sides, then why is it outside the realm of possibility that Trump also has the capacity to play both sides?
We've heard you retards screech about how a $15 dollar donation means Trumps would be assassin was a democrat.
So does this mean the money Crooks donated to progressive causes doesn't mean anything about his political orientation?
Please explain the difference between the two donations for us all.
Because nobody here is a democrat. You have to be insane to think that anybody on 4chan is an actual democrat or progressive just because they hate Zion Don.
the donations aren't what means Crooks is a Dem lol, his whole persona is. I do have to applaud y'all for getting the conversation off "Trump was shot" and shifting it to "HURR CROOKS IS X PARTY CUZ Y" tho. smart maneuvering.

because both sides abhor his very existence. McConnell hates Trump as much as Pelosi does. if he's on the UniParty side he's doing a terrible job.

Redditards run organized raids on here daily, you know that. even your phrasing is coded using those Redditard tactics. "most ConserviCUCKS are anti-Semitic so attack Trump with his Israel attachments. get those CHUDs girls, teehee." and it's not just anti-Trump either, it's waves of generalized attacks on any conservative presentations. fuckers even attack car ownership.
Bro crooks donated cash to actblue right before registering as a Republican and then later trying to murder Trump.

Trump made this donation nearly a decade and a half ago
>Redditards run organized raids on here daily
we know you're sure of that, because you're part of the raid.
Go back.
"oh shit he called us out ... uhhh... NO U"
>Redditards run organized raids on here daily
This board is so slow, there's no need for organization at all. One post every five minutes and ten threads a day will flood the board.
>if Trump is a secret Demfag, why are you all so opposed to him?
Being a conman who vomits conservative talking points for money is not being a "secret Demfag". If you've watched Trump for any period of time its blatantly obvious he believes in and cares about nothing but himself. He was a Democrat when he was a New York billionaire because it was convenient. Now he's a Republican because its convenient. Conmen don't have ideological commitments.

>I think that's really the whole point.
Well, no. The point is that if you feed pigs the slop that they like they'll be loyal to you. Trump followed through and precisely 0 of his campaign promises in the White House yet conservatives still support him. The loyalty of his cult following clearly has nothing to do with his policy platform or his concern for political issues.

>the $6,000 was a bribe. harris is corrupt as fuck
And the source for this is your ass.
>Trump is a centrist
Way to own yourself.
>I've been told that despite the Republican registration that donating 15$ to progressives made Crooks a Democrat, so is Trump 500x more of a Democrat?
Op here. This argument wouldn't work on me, but maybe it'll work on you.
Not having any concrete ethical belief system outside of whatever personally enriches yourself is not called being a centrist. Its called being a narcissist. You don't know what any of the words you're using means.
Oh, ok, so your evidence that Trump gave $6000 to Kalama Harris specifically to bribe her to commit an action is that Trump just said it but you have no proof that its true, no proof what the bribe was for and no proof that any illegal or corrupt actions were committed for the purpose of bribery. Got it.
sounds like something a shady dirtbag would do. I wonder what crimes or actions against public interest he must have been committing if he felt the need to bribe an attorney general like you said he did
>nobody here is a democrat
I doubt the majority of people here are even Americans
>he literally said he donated to clinton as a bribe to get them to pass tax laws that let him not pay taxess
So you have no evidence. Your evidence is "well he said it". A guy just saying something with no corroborating proof whatsoever is enough to get you believe anything. Got it. Please seek the assistance of a full time caregiver. It is not safe for you to be left alone without the supervision of an adult.
your side is violent and terroristic and you missed
>"Kamala Harris took a bribe!"
>"Ok. What's your evidence?"
>"Well, Trump said so"
>"So you just believe anything cause a guy said so with no other evidence?"

Enjoy your BTFO
No amount of projecting will make people forget that Trump and his gaggle of insurrectionist piglets are the party of violence.
hahaha look at these democrat fags, they're a party of scammers and they still can't even fund their own campaign and need to accept donations from their arch nemesis
you mean forget the democrats fiery marxist riots?
nice gaslighting you terrorist, You're going to be locked in a cell when trump is sworn in your social media records will be scoured and arrested for inciting domestic violence. Libshits are criminal scum and only good as crocodile food.
You'll become the prison bitch and anally raped until you have a gaping huge hole
>I'll believe anything so long as my god emperor king says its true
Imagine admitting you're a sheep with no self-awareness whatsoever
If you're ever curious why you keep losing elections consider speaking to a psychiatrist.
you rigged 2020, trump won 2016 and you had a mental break down over it
>Democrats rigged the election by being more populous than Republicunts and casting more votes for their candidate!
Its not rigging, its due to Republicunts being a minority party that keeps making themselves more and more unappealing
you mean the Boogaloo Riots?
>the election was rigged because trump said so
i remember when hillary said the same thing
reeeeeeee russia
reeeeeeee Mueller Report is an inside republican job how dare he not find anything
yea libshit you're a terrorist minority party filled with pampered privilaged piss babies who don't need to a job because of mommy and papa's inheritance
He donated to ActBlue when he registered to vote. He didn't seek them out, it was probably automatic.

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