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People are having trouble following Harris’s campaign Twitter account on the site owned by the man who is giving Trump a 45 million dollar bribe every month


Following Kamala Harris’s announcement that she is running for president, users on Elon’s Musk Twitter found themselves banned from following the vice president’s political campaign account.

When users went to follow @KamalaHQ, the official rapid response page for Harris’s campaign, they were greeted with a message that said they had reached their “limit” and could not follow any more accounts at this time.

This message usually is deployed to prevent spam or “rate limiting,” for instance if one account is following hundreds of others. But it seems that the Harris account is the one being limited, rather than the users’.

An initial search for KamalaHQ on The New Republic’s Twitter account also found that the campaign account is limited. The campaign account showed up in repeated subsequent searches, seeming to suggest the issue is being resolved.

This all may look a little suspicious considering Elon Musk’s growing relationship with Donald Trump. Just last week, Musk promised to donate $45 million a month to help Trump get reelected.

In the past several days, Musk has continued to post right-wing and pro-Trump memes. Following Joe Biden stepping down, Musk retweeted former Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy saying, “We’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a system.”

Musk has also attacked Harris more directly. “Democrats destroy democracy in pursuit of power,” a QAnon-linked influencer wrote with Biden’s resignation letter attached. “The Democratic elite, corporate media, and billionaire donors successfully pressured the candidate chosen by Democratic primary voters to drop out because he’s down in the polls and losing.”

Musk reposted the statement, simply writing, “Exactly.”
Guess these morons should have paid for Twitter premium.
Talk about getting a taste of your own medicine.
i mean thats fair, the crooked democrats banned the trump community on reddit
Oh so this is what Trumpfags tell themselves, I always wondered.
>This message usually is deployed to prevent spam or “rate limiting,” for instance if one account is following hundreds of others. But it seems that the Harris account is the one being limited, rather than the users’.
DNC shills need to stop using bots

Shrimple as that
How many hours of Fox News?
Can someone explain to me how Elon is a free speech absolutist again?
He's never been one.
Why would anyone care about your rights in current year?
fpbp. The DNC is playing the "victim" when they have limited their account on their own.
Good post
Didn't the dems argue that private companies like twitter could do whatever they wanted when it was controlled by left aligned people? Yeah, fucking hypocrites.
>Yeah, fucking hypocrites.
Can you point out to me in this article where Dems are saying Elon shouldn't be allowed to run Twitter in a way that hurts Kamala Harris?
go choke on a shotgun
Providing proof of your claim isn't semantics. You said Dems argued that private companies like Twitter could do whatever they want. Can you provide any evidence of those same Dems now contradicting this? You said "Yeah, fucking hypocrites" so illustrate that hypocrisy. Pretend like we're in the 7th grade again and show your work.
he is for free speech. this is about common sense
If he's censoring people, which he's doing by blocking people from following the nominee of a major political party, he's against freedom of speech.
So? So are you.
don't like it? make your own social media platform
Exactly. Twitter is a private website and can do as it pleases.
>Prove to me with citations that the exact same specific people said the thing
KYS. I saw this argument a dozen times on this very board the day that Trump was banned on Twitter.
Botters for leftist accounts were leaving ship when Elon Musk bought twitter, even before he had done anything. Democrats just cheat by pumping the numbers. Botting isn't going to work as well this time.
Seethe and cope harder as you cry back on Reddit
Not an argument.
How many here in /news/ like electric cars?
No, it's the perfect argument.
This is the standard you set by cancelling people for nearly a decade. People were getting censored for the most innocuous shit because the government said they were spreading misinformation. And now the pendulum has swung backwards.
Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.
>People were getting censored for the most innocuous shit because the government said they were spreading misinformation.
Because doing so was against the ToS and they were.

This is biased political censorship absent any wrongdoing. There's no pendulum. You're just hypocritical crybully cunts.
Good post
>Because doing so was against the ToS and they were.
You mean like how the government banned the Hunter laptop story, which was not only said to be russian disinfo by intelligence officials, but was later revealed to be very real, and implicate Joe Biden as colluding with Ukrainian energy magnates? Or how Hunter Biden had a crack cocaine addiction and couldn't stop trafficking whores?
Do you think that censorship of that story might have affected the outcome of the 2020 election?
Daily reminder that democrats are NOT people and deserve the hell they have created for themselves.
>You mean like how the government banned the Hunter laptop story
They didn't. They banned posting stolen dick pics. Because posting stolen dick pics is against Twitter ToS. Coverage without that shit was allowed through.

Shut the fuck up, you dumbass crybully. God damn, there's a reason dumb cunts like you can't keep an account for longer than 9 months on anywhere but X. Take some personal responsibility.
No, twitter even got sued because they were deleting and censoring breaking news on the laptop case far beyond just the dick pics claiming it was all based on "hacked material".
Even the owner of twitter at the time called the actions of blocking links to the articles about the laptop "unacceptable", so the only one taking personal responsibility was Dorsey and that lead to him selling twitter because of the push to censorship of the public ownership.
Your claim was that the government banned the laptop story, but that's not true, according to your source:

>Journalist Matt Taibbi, one of those given access [to the twitter files], found no evidence of government involvement in Twitter's decision to initially withhold the story
>the Supreme Court rejected claims that the government unlawfully coerced social media companies into removing posts related to the laptop

The government was never involved in that particular decision and sharing of the link was restored in less than 24 hours.
Wrong, according to the source, Facebook was definitely following the FBI's recommendations and Twitter was following their lead and the guy also sued numerous government workers for suppressing the story and saying he was publishing Russian disinformation, then Elon Musk bought it and turned over internal documents that proved the FBI was trying to supress the story and you failed to mention that the while the Supreme Court said no unlawful coercion happened, it also admitted that the FBI was involved with social media moderation efforts.

>Facebook's decision had been informed by an FBI warning to watch for disinformation spread by foreign actors.
>Justice Amy Coney Barrett, in her majority opinion, wrote that while government agencies "played a role" in moderation choices...

>In May 2022, Mac Isaac again sued a number of individuals and publications for defamation, alleging that he had suffered reputational damage over claims that the laptop story had been part of a Russian disinformation campaign and that he had illegally accessed the data on the laptop. The suit named Hunter Biden, Democratic representative Adam Schiff, and the news publications CNN, Politico, and The Daily Beast.

They were doing it at the government's recommendation and discretion and only reversed course do to significant public backlash.
>although several sources recalled hearing about a 'general' warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there's no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story
See above. The warning about any potential Russian interference in the election was given to Twitter/Facebook by the FBI over the summer, not on the day the story broke. They were not given given explicit instructions to censor that particular story but for all stories that seemed suspicious.
>They were not given given explicit instructions to censor that particular story-
They were literally paid to censor "russian disinformation", which is what the CIA called the laptop story.

This conversation is retarded regardless. The first amendment literally says that this is illegal. In any other time, such a thing would have been a justification for outright rebellion. But the media and the democratic party have conditioned the populace into thinking that censorship is somehow a necessity to protect democracy.
>Durr they weren't censoring the laptop story at the government's discretion because they were censoring every political story at the government's discretion
I accept your concession.
>they were literally paid to censor "russian disinformation"
All we know if that they were reimbursed for time spent on processing legal requests. It never goes into detail about what those requests were and they certainly weren't paying them for them.

>the first amendment literally says that this is illegal
No, the first amendment says you can't be jailed by the government for saying something. The journalist or anyone who posted the story hasn't been arrested or even fined.

So you think that foreign governments should be allowed to be post whatever propaganda or lies they want in your country? You do realize how catastrophic that would be.
I already accepted your concession, no need to double down and do a complete 180 from "the government doesn't tell social media companies what to do" immediately to "actually they do and its a really good thing".
>you mean like how the government banned the Hunter laptop story
This was the original claim but the government did not tell them to ban the story. They were recommended (not forced) by the FBI to keep an eye out for these kinds of stories months before the story was even released. And it was Twitter's decision, not the FBI's, to prevent people from sharing links to the story for less than a day before they course corrected. The fact that both of us can have this conversation without being arrested is proof enough that there is no grand conspiracy at play.
>but the government did not tell them to ban the story.
Right, the government told them to ban all political stories like lab leak theories and harmful vaccine side effects as well, it wasn't until widespread public outcry that twitter relented.

You are basically arguing that when someone with excessive power over someone like a boss says a subordinate should give them sexual favors, its not actually coercement when legally, it definitely is.

No, the fact that we have to have this conversation under the guise of anonymity to avoid being threatened and harassed proves there is wide spread information suppression by government agencies and adjacent industries.

Next ludicrous thing you will try to say is that the CIA has never had any role in determining what stories go to press in the mainstream media.
>the government told
>political stories like lab leak theories and harmful vaccine
Not political stories
The owner of the company says you are wrong.
>Not political stories
They certain are, the information would definitely affect the political ecosystem and the political parties have certainly drawn clear lines and have their narratives and have ousted/punished people who spoke out against them.
You say that the government has excessive power over Twitter, yet the decision was reversed in less than a day. If the CIA/FBI controls the news/Twitter/etc., why would they allow this happen and damage their reputation?

>his conversation under the guise of anonymity
You can go on Twitter or Youtube right now and talk about it without being arrested or harassed. Being "anonymous" on 4chan would prevent them from tracking you, you know.

>CIA has never had any role in determining what stories go to press in the mainstream media
It's true that the FBI/CIA have had some role in censoring news, but as I said, the fact that you can easily find that information online and discuss it with other people without fear of being arrested means its not that bad.
>yet the decision was reversed in less than a day.
There was significant public outcry and the government told them to reverse course to get people to stop looking into it and to prevent any legal repercussions.
Their reputation has been complete shit for decades from MK Ultra to Ruby Ridge to Waco, they can just get on the news and tell a new lie the next day and smooth it over like always.

>You can go on Twitter or Youtube right now and talk about it without being arrested or harassed.
That is still pseudonymous and plenty of people on youtube and twitter who get doxxxed are threatened and harassed for years if not decades.

>the fact that you can easily find that information online
No, its not easy and you have to wade through piles and piles of stories they plant to throw you off the trail, they let people talk and magnify the most ridiculous things to keep the public far offtrack.
>The owner of the company says you are wrong.
The owner of the company couldn't produce any evidence he's not a lying liar that lies and is a partisan nutbag.
>They certain are
No. They aren't. You calling red blue doesn't change reality. Facts don't care about your feelings.
>the government told them to reverse course
The twitter files explicitly confirmed that the government was not involved in that decision at any point after the summer of 2020.

And there are plenty of people on youtube/twitter using their real names and talking about these stories.

>its not easy and you have to wade through piles and piles of stories they plant to throw you off the trail
You literally linked to a Wikipedia article that confirmed that the government was in contact with twitter, with links to the actual files involved. This isn't exactly hidden information.
The CIA connected media debunker clearly said that the FBI issued a general warning to suppress ALL political stories, and the laptop was just one of many.

They are, I didn't just call them something else, I explained how they are stories that would definitely affect the political ecosystem and the political parties have clearly drawn lines about which outcome they need to be true.
No, the twitter files confirmed that they directed social media to suppress all political content in general by first running it by the government.

>And there are plenty of people on youtube/twitter using their real names
Yes I just mentioned them, the others aren't even using real names, but the media identities they have been set up with.

>You literally linked to a Wikipedia article that confirmed that the government was in contact with twitter
The wikipedia article was clearly playing both sides because of what I said which is why people from two different camps can read the exact same thing and come to two completely different conclusions.
>there's no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story
In regards to the laptop story, see above.

>the media identities they have been set up with
Yes, all the right-wing influencers talking about this story are CIA operatives as well. If you're going to down this rabbit hole, why do you trust the laptop story at all? It was published in a mainstream media outlet: the New York Post. Or is the news only true when it lines up with what you want to believe?
hey remember the left when reddit and twitter did the same thing " its a public company they can do whatever they want (as long as it benefits us". yeah get fucked losers
libshit terrorist are a danger to society, reddit should be banned for calls for violence. Now enjoy a taste of your own cock
The laptop story was a story with strong political implications and the FBI gave social media sites guidelines for suppressing stories with strong political implications, so arbitrarily excluding a single political story isn't going to fly when they had a general guideline for suppressing all stories with political consequences.

The story itself is positive information with objective facts that can be analyzed, not the arbitrary attempt to suppress information because some subjective journalist dug through the objective facts himself so you don't have to and surprisingly found nothing that makes any corporate entity or government agency look bad, so you never have to consider the story and its facts ever again.
>The story itself is positive information with objective facts that can be analyzed
All people saw was more Russian propaganda to benefit Trump, just like 2016.
Which has nothing to do with Elon Musk outright blocking a campaign of a national candidate on his platform when he claimed to be a free speech absolutist.
you mean like how reddit a company that enjoys safe harbor laws is going against those terms and intentionally sabotaging and erasing all pro-trump sentiment on their site? Wow wee ain't we got a hypocrite here. libshit
Oh are tgery? Are you sure about that? Or is that just your Trump derangement syndrome making g you think the whole world is against you. If you are not a victim then what are you, right?
>democrat billionaires refusing campaign donations for biden until he drops out
>republican billionaires doing shit like this
feels good to live in the land of the free
>Trump derangement syndrome making g you think the whole world is against you.
go on reddit it's not a "syndrome" when million subreddits are allowed to publicly state they wish x was dead and i'm putting it very tamely. leftists are terrorists who deserve to be lynched and eradicated
Those Trump hubs were engaging in or supporting terrorism, like his failed coup. Section 230 doesn't cover that.
>No, the first amendment says you can't be jailed by the government for saying something.
The first amendment doesn't protect you from the consequences of your speech. It only limits the government from censoring your speech.
>The journalist or anyone who posted the story hasn't been arrested or even fined.
The guy who owned the laptop had his business raided by the secret service to cover up the laptop. Through sheer happenstance, he had managed to backup the HD and give it to Rudy Guiliani, who turned it over to congress. Matt Taibi also had the IRS visit his home while he was giving testimony to Congress about the FBI's collusion with big tech to censor conservative voices.

Also, many people's businesses are contingent on the reach these platforms provide for them. Twitter, Facebook and others were unilaterally banning people with no explanation because they literally told the truth, effectively damaging their businesses.
Reddit and twitter are filled with people supporting the assassination attempt on Trump, retard.
But that was faked, try again.
A man can't even keep chickens without Dems bitching, huh?
So? Trump and the Republicans have been the party of violence and divisive rhetoric for the past 8 years. Why should anybody give a shit that someone tried to assassinate him? Its weird how liberals are the only ones expected to have any decorum or compassion in politics whatsoever. Meanwhile, Trump says "maybe second amendment people can take care of Hillary", offers to pay the legal fees of his followers if they assault people at his rallies and makes jokes about Pelosi's husband being beaten nearly to death with a hammer but your outrage about supporting violence is conveniently nowhere to be found then. Get fucked, anon. The double standard is ridiculous.
Uh what?
It's so hard to tell if any given post like this is a genuine shitpost or an FBI post now
>No argument
Concession accepted
>Trump and the Republicans have been the party of violence and divisive rhetoric for the past 8 years.
..anon, democrats have openly been supporting violence against republicans for a decade. That's why they keep calling them fascists.
Trump was literally forced to flee into a bunker because antifa burned down a historic church and white house property. The media + democrats openly laughed about it, calling him 'bunker boy'.
>..anon, democrats have openly been supporting violence against republicans for a decade
Trump is the one who said "maybe second amendment people can take care of Hillary", offers to pay the legal fees of his followers if they assault people at his rallies and makes jokes about Pelosi's husband being beaten nearly to death with a hammer. You didn't seem to be outraged about politicians supporting violence then.

>That's why they keep calling them fascists.
Or it could be because Trump is a fascist.

>Trump was literally forced to flee into a bunker because antifa burned down a historic church and white house property. The media + democrats openly laughed about it, calling him 'bunker boy'.
So you're just kind of proving my point. The only people expected to have any compassion or empathy is liberals. When Trump makes fun of Pelosi's husband in the hospital, encourages people at his rallies to attack people or suggest that "second amendment people" should "take care" of Hillary you laugh and call it memes. I can guarantee you were not on 4chan that day condemning Trump or the Republicans for laughing at Paul Pelosi and spreading conspiracies about his attacker being his gay lover. If you support Trump you support violence, period. The only time you pretend to care about supporting violence is when you can use it to attack the left.
>Trump is the one who said "maybe second amendment people can take care of Hillary", offers to pay the legal fees of his followers if they assault people at his rallies and makes jokes about Pelosi's husband being beaten nearly to death with a hammer.
Trump joked about it. The democrats actually and literally financially supported terrorism against republicans, up to and including trying to kill a President.
Also, when a guy like Rittenhouse defended himself against communists, they rushed to call him a white supremacist because they were apoplectic that a republican would defend themselves against terrorism. And then they tried to abuse the legal system to put them in prison.
All of this kvetching is coming from morons who think they are entitled to commit violence because the state protects their degenerate behavior.
>Or it could be because Trump is a fascist.
If Trump was a fascist, we wouldn't be talking. He would have put all of you against the wall immediately after entering power.
>Trump joked about it
So, like I said, you're a hypocrite with no values whatsoever. When Trump supports violence its all memes and jokes. Its okay when he does it because "hey I'm just kidding guys". You people are allergic to accountability.

>The democrats actually and literally financially supported terrorism against republicans, up to and including trying to kill a President.
What a wild conspiracy theory.

>Also, when a guy like Rittenhouse defended himself against communists, they rushed to call him a white supremacist because they were apoplectic that a republican would defend themselves against terrorism.
This has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Rittenhouse was a private citizen involved in a high profile legal case. Trump was the president of the U.S. and the current leader of a political party. The responsibility of a president to not support violence is not the same as random people on Twitter. The fact that this is your go to just illustrates how incapable you are of defending your party's violent rhetoric.

>And then they tried to abuse the legal system to put them in prison.
Your conspiracy brain runs deep. I have no clue who "they" is.

>All of this kvetching is coming from morons who think they are entitled to commit violence because the state protects their degenerate behavior.
Like when Trump doesn't deny that he tried to coup the government using a violent mob of his supporters to threaten his VP but instead says he needs criminal immunity because he was the president?

>If Trump was a fascist, we wouldn't be talking. He would have put all of you against the wall immediately after entering power.
Trump is a fascist. The institutions of the U.S. were literally the only things that stopped him. If he had his way he would've overturned the election and installed himself as dictator.
What do you mean?
good posts
>So? Trump and the Republicans have been the party of violence and divisive rhetoric for the past 8 years.
twitter pre elon and twitter literally banned all speech from the right meanwhile leftists were allowed to literally talk about assasinations and how they wanted cops dead on a daily basis. You deserve to be raped to death for your fucking stupidity.
libshits are hypocrites with 0 self awareness who can only project. you've proven that, its time you were punished for it. I'll be happy when you die painfully in prison. for being a hypocrite.
>defending pedophiles who wanted to rape soemone to death over a kid using self-defense
scratch that i hope you get raped to death by another white libshit
What is it with far right and re-writing history? Trump was allowed to break Twitter ToS constantly until his failed coup.
prove it or die. Nothing he said was against TOS and its funny now how you're saying oh TOS matters guess you'll be happy to agree majority of leftists on twitter and reddit also break TOS and should be purged.
Why does gun schizo always fantasize about male-on-male rape, and trannies?
>twitter pre elon and twitter literally banned all speech from the right
This never happened. This is a delusion you invented in your head.

>meanwhile leftists were allowed to literally talk about assasinations and how they wanted cops dead on a daily basis
Notice how I'm talking about Trump, the president of the U.S. and the leader of the conservative party explicitly supporting violence and your comparison is a handful of lefties on Twitter? The conservative party, from the top down, is the party of violence. In order to find an equivalent on the left you have to run to random lefties on Twitter who actively have nothing to do with Democrats or liberal politics. Lefties, in fact, hate Democrats and reject them because they don't support abolishing police or universal healthcare or socialism. You're just proving my point perfectly but you're too stupid to realize it.

>You deserve to be raped to death for your fucking stupidity.
Here you are, a conservative threatening rape and execution on people you politically disagree with in a conversation about how liberals, not conservatives, are the ones who support violence. I honestly couldn't ask for a better poster boy for conservative hypocrisy and derangement.
To be gun schizo is to actively hate that which makes you erect.
There was this great experiment where someone just reposted Trump's tweets verbatim and he got banned.
It actually exposed Twitter's right wing bias before Elon just made it a stormfront playground.
>Donald J. Trump
I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

violent tweets am i right.
>This never happened. This is a delusion you invented in your head.

actually it happened on a daily basis you're just too stupid. Remember how libshits liek you wanted to pretend twitter was a far-right platform before elon bnought it. embarassing.

You deserve to be raped to death for wishing it on others. You are a disgusting loser who should die. I hope you take a bullet from another unhinged psycho because that's what you wish for. I hope you get raped to death by an unhinged mental patient because that's what you wish for. I hope you get abducted and anally raped with a screwdriver until you break because that's what you wish for.
You are a liar a hypocrite and a pathetic clown.

I said prove it or die you fucking loser. We know leftists ran twitter based off the ownership and employee demographic. all you've proven is that right-winged tweets got banned more often because you literally can't find me a "violent trump tweet".

>It actually exposed Twitter's right wing bias before Elon just made it a stormfront playground.
Omfg i read your fucking article are you fucking stupid? do you know how to read. It isn't saying there is a right-wing biased it is literally saying twitter had more leaning for trump tweeting something then someone else which is fucking common sense one account has 70million followers the other has none. Like holy shit how are leftists this fucking stupid you don't even read the article you post me.
You know what you should just kill yourself american education has failed us all and you're better off just dead if you this stupid you can't even read the article you're referring to.
I just proved that Twitter has a conservative bias because they didn't ban Trump for glorifying violence, now you're having a meltdown and crying.
No the article proves twitter has leniency for celebrities. God you are fucking stupid.
To prove it has a conservative biased you'd have to run a study showing leftists leaning tweets got banned while right-winged tweets saying the same thing stayed up.
It wasn't that, it says trump a blue check account with 70million followers and the acting president didn't have tweets removed when a 10k follower one did.

Like are you retarded? God now i know why leftists are such losers they literally don't know how to read. You know what it's fine you don't have to kill yourself, you're going to eat glue and choke on a rock in the near future anyways I hope you don't breed
>violent tweets am i right.
I never said anything about tweets. I don't base my opinion on one cherry picked tweet or opinion. I look at his whole record. Trump is the guy who said "second amendment people" should "take care" of Hillary. He's the one who offered to pay the legal fees of his followers if they attacked people at his rallies. He's the one who made jokes about Pelosi's hospitalized husband after he was attacked with a hammer and laughed about it with his followers. Trump saying "hey everyone should remain peaceful" ONE time after DOZENS of times telling them that they needed to "fight" for their country or else it would be destroyed means absolutely nothing. You can't spend several years encouraging violence then say "oh hey lets be peaceful" 2 HOURS after the riot began and get credit for it. Trump has always encouraged violence.

>You deserve to be raped to death for wishing it on others. You are a disgusting loser who should die. I hope you take a bullet from another unhinged psycho because that's what you wish for. I hope you get raped to death by an unhinged mental patient because that's what you wish for. I hope you get abducted and anally raped with a screwdriver until you break because that's what you wish for.
Thanks for talking with me, anon. I honestly couldn't ask for a better poster boy of how violent and degenerate people like you are. Your projection truly is astonishing.
>It has a leniency towards Trump
Fixed, because Twitter has a right wing bias because they let Trump glorify violence and not punish him.
Stop having meltdowns.
so you're a retard who has no proof goes off reddit and twitter bias and also holds yourself to a different standard. Its fun how you think its fine to have a comedian use a severed head of the president or how clinton called everyone who voted didn't vote for her deplorable nazis and imbreds. But i guess that's not calls for violence

Np I genuinely hope you die, so we have one less fucking American retard going around shitting on the world with their ill informed opinion. Remember that when you're on your death bed, ignorance isn't an excuse and i'll never forgive losers like you who glorify death and violence
towards all celebrities, it's a normal thing for cocksucking companies, but i guess you're too stupid to understand common sense.
Ah yes the company ran by silicon valley retards who hand out free #woke tshirts has a right-wing biased because some american social media addicted retard thinks so, and another one who can't even properly read or comprehend an article he can't fucking read.

You should be anal raped to death for your fucking crimes against humanity.
No, Trump. Proving Twitter's right wing bias.
I don't get why you refuse to face this simple reality unless you're a right wing shill.
i said my piece you're too stupid to understand the study. just go ahead and rope yourself. yet again proving americans are a country of uneducated retards.
>Now he's lashing out and resorting to violent rhetoric because he lost the argument.
Yup, you're definitely a right wing shill. Do you feel happy with your life lying on the internet and being so violent?
>When Trump supports violence its all memes and jokes.
You yourself said they were jokes, you abject fucking retard.
>What a wild conspiracy theory.
No, that's actually real. Staff for the Biden admin. were funding bail funds during the largest race riots in US history, which included Harris, who was asking on social media for democrats to donate money to those organizations.
>This has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
Biden called him a white supremacist before the details were even known about the case. Many democrats believed that he had killed black people for that reason, instead of defending himself from a wife beater, a literal child sodomizer, and a felon in possession of a firearm.
Rittenhouse is the poster boy for the Right because he's the perfect example of leftists hurting innocent people and then trying to crucify anybody that protects themselves.
>Like when Trump doesn't deny that he tried to coup the government using a violent mob of his supporters to threaten his VP but instead says he needs criminal immunity because he was the president?
Trump was still the president when the """"insurrection"""" happened, faggot. Why would he overthrow his own administration?
Does Biden even know that he isn't running anymore? Because that's an unironic coup on the part of the democratic party.
Under your logic, it's okay to mock Trump's fake assassination then if they're joking.
i mean, its fair considering reddit is full of democrat paid propaganda
what did Elon Musk say then about free speech?
That's a Republican shithole, they both start with 're-' too.

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