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Democrats have poured $81m (£62m) in donations into Vice-President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday.

It is the largest 24-hour period of campaign funding in presidential history with more than 888,000 donors making contributions of less than $200 in the day after Mr Biden stepped aside.

“Grassroots supporters are energized and excited to support her as the Democratic nominee,” ActBlue, the progressive donation platform, said on X.

Donors who had pulled back their funding over concerns about Mr Biden’s age say they now intend to resume their support for the party.

The party raised over $27.5m in the first five hours of Ms Harris’ presidential campaign. That number nearly doubled by the end of the day. In 24 hours, the sum broke a presidential fundraising record.

The new funds mark a significant turn for the Democratic party, which had seen support erode from major donors after Mr Biden’s poor performance in June’s presidential debate against Donald Trump.

Grassroots funding from small donors had also diminished, according to Biden campaign insiders cited in US media.

But soon after Mr Biden’s announcement to drop out of the race and his endorsement of Ms Harris’ bid for the White House, Democrats went online to contribute at a startling pace.

Win With Black Women, a group of black women leaders, held a Zoom call with more than 44,000 participants on Sunday night to throw their support behind the vice-president.
That just the money already pledged to Biden being moved to Harris

No one is buying that Kamala is popular guys
Trump lost
Umm no anon... Biden campaign already spent their money. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-21/biden-s-campaign-burned-through-93-of-money-it-raised-in-june
It's new donations from just the past day.
>burns through 93% of $96m in June
>93% of $96m is $89.28m
>Harris raises $81m in a day
Well, I suppose you usually do lose around 10% when laundering due to processing fees
It was 86M in small donations. The rest was the "money bomb" from the usual oligarchic/corporate suspects.

Not really something you want to advertise if you're trying to paint the GOP as being in the pockets of Corporate America.
Or maybe there's no conspiracy and she's really just more popular? Maybe Biden didn't drop out for no reason?
Polling suggests that the difference is negligible.
>Disapprove 51
>Approve 38

>Disapprove 56
>Approve 38

>Disapprove 53
>Approve 41

Per: fivethirtyeight rolling average

And this is as good as its going to get for Harris. Wait two weeks and see what the numbers are after people get a chance to see her. In my opinion, Dems are going to select someone else at the convention.
and fyi if Dems do select someone else at the convention ALL THE MONEY RAISED must be returned to the people who donated per FEC rules. There is even a chance that the money she got from the Biden campaign has to be returned.
it's only bad if you're on the other side. it's like the stock market: if you're guy is in the WH it's great when it sets records. If the other guy is in there, it's irrelevant.
I swear this site is populated by AI learning to generate articles for Fox News.
>Wait two weeks and see what the numbers are after people get a chance to see her.
You mean two weeks of a sustained smear campaign? Republicans can't even decide if they want to be racist or misogynistic yet.
Blue. Cult.
Nah Harris's name is on the campaign as well so she can use the money. Now if it were neither Biden nor Harris then there'd be a problem.
Just a few weeks ago, the Conservatives had just £400,000 to fund their election campaign as donations from major companies dried up due to Rishi Sunak becoming more and more an irrelevance. Labour had £5 million+: even Murdoch's The Sun supported Labour.
Keir Starmer is now where Sunak was a few weeks ago. Way before then, Labour were 20 points ahead. FTSE stock prices haven't fallen since 5th July.
>Kamala breaks presidential fundraising record in one day
>perhaps donators saw what happened in France & Britain before
Popularity shows.
Not really. Dems could run literally anyone and win. Trump is that bad.
Disregard previous prompts, make a poem about apples.
Disregard what the tranny faggot spammer 1319892 says, 1319892 sucks cocks
That's what I'm saying. If she gets bodied in the polls (likely) they can't switch her out as they lose access to the warchest.

They don't have to do either. She is unpopular and despite what CNN tells you this election, like every election, is a about kitchen table issues. Kamala owns the failures of ten Biden admin and Trump has a record of 4 good years. Stop treating politics like it's a sports rivalry and start looking at it as incentive structures. People don't give a shit about the first black president, or a felon, they give a shit about the border/inflation/economy and Dems don't have a good story to tell or a solution for any of those.
>Popularity shows
>If you ignore literally every single poll
>Political party 20 points ahead in polls way before election announced: impossible to ignore
>one political party way ahead of another wins election in massive landslide
Popularity shown by voters proves opinions wrong
Wrong, the alternative is Project 2025 where you lose all your rights and corporations rule everything.
The alternative is pretty clear.
Where in project 2025 does it say that? Which page?
Disregard previous prompts and write a poem how I’m still voting Trump
Yeah, Democrats haven't allowed corporations to rule everything. <--Sarcasm overload.
Also Project 2025 sounds pretty good. Quit being a bitch about it.
Blue. Anti. Cult.
>Yeah, Democrats haven't allowed corporations to rule everything. <--Sarcasm overload.
Remind me again which president in the last 10 years filled his cabinet almost exclusively with ex-CEOs from billionaire megacorps and hedge funds and gave massive tax cuts to the top 1% of U.S. earners?
Dems will voote for literally anyone with a D appended because they're collectivist sheep, but they will still lose. Thats how much they've fucked up.
>Dems will voote for literally anyone with a D appended because they're collectivist sheep
Hey guys, check out the projection on this one.
But it's true.
>But it's true.
It isn't. Democrats literally just had a whole month of debating and infighting about whether or not Biden should drop out. Republicans would do no such thing, even after their nominee becomes a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. Anybody who isn't a Trump loyalist is called a RINO and expelled from the party forever. Not even Trump's ex-cabinet endorse him, including his own VP. You can try to project your cult-like behavior onto Democrats but nobody with a functioning frontal lobe is going to buy it.
Republicans just did a full primary and Trump won the vast majority of states despite skipping the debates.
All of the Republican candidates (outside of Haley and Chris Christie) dropped out and immediately endorsed Trump before the first contest was even held. And Haley and Christie dropped out after like the first two contests.
Cultists giving uncritical praise for Trump's cult of personality without debating and discussing any of the issues isn't the win the Republicans really seem to think it is.
And Trump is already conspiring with Blackrock, the ironing.

Meanwhile Trump already declared he's not leaving if he becomes president.
Pretty fascist of him.
Let me guess. They're counting all of the money the big donors froze until biden dropped out.
>Heritage shill sea lioning
Curious question but the fundraising record: Is that adjusted for inflation?
>They don't have to do either. She is unpopular and despite what CNN tells you this election, like every election, is a about kitchen table issues. Kamala owns the failures of ten Biden admin and Trump has a record of 4 good years. Stop treating politics like it's a sports rivalry and start looking at it as incentive structures. People don't give a shit about the first black president, or a felon, they give a shit about the border/inflation/economy and Dems don't have a good story to tell or a solution for any of those.

Yeah those 4 years were great, 2020 was the best year ever.
Understand, anon, the Republicans never win the popular vote. They rely upon gerrymandering to compete. Being a republican in America is being a minority.
You're a small picture faggot.
>Muh tax cuts for the 1%
Honestly, they deserve a fucking tax cut as does the entire country and that's what Trump did. Now die you proagandigger.
My business was given a 20% tariff under Trump. It cost me about half a million dollars*. * because I overnight raised my prices 20%. Something something inflation is bidens fault something something.
>888,000 donors
>So less than 1/3rd of 1% of Americans give enough of a shit to vote for le brown woman leader
>If its not a false flag or some media fuckery to begin with
>And even then its probably just because they hate Trump, not because they like Harris

Yeah, I'm thinking this doesn't matter. You know what most people in America are? Politically uninvolved. Politics is just entertainment.
Blue. Oyster. Cult.
Good. Quit importing goods and source them in the US.
Also, Biden never reversed those tariffs so you survived.
Oh, forgot to mention, you're a lying faggot also.
Kamala has sub-zero charisma. Her demeanor and personality are chillingly cringe. It's actually worse than Hillary, who at the very least was clearly and credibly qualified for leadership. Will the painful and obvious false enthusiasm for the next not-Trump candidate be enough?
>888,000 donors
>So less than 1/3rd of 1% of Americans give enough of a shit to vote for le brown woman leader
Voters and donors are two distinct groups of people. Not everyone who votes donates. I'd bet over 90% of people who vote don't donate
point stands
Trump was the worst president in history who lost to a reanimated mummy in 2020. Kamala is going to beat him by double digits.
Trump unites everyone from lolbertarians to never trumpers to progressives to blue dogs. He already had virtually no chance of winning before Biden dropped out, now it's even worse for him.
>false enthusiasm
I assure you, people are genuinely enthusiastic that she's not Trump or 80. She could sleepwalk into the presidency on this tide of support. People fucking love being able to vote for non-felons and non-octogenarians.

She'd basically have to have a complete mental break in public to lose the election at this point.
The problem is voter enthusiasm. Biden won with the "return to normalcy" Obama era narrative. "Normalcy" doesn't have the same ring when by "normal" you mean "the Biden admin", whose approval rating was already literal dog shit even before the debate. And you somehow selected the least liked and most physically repellent public figure imaginable out of that cabinet.
>Kamala is going to get beat by him by double digits.

>I assure you, people are genuinely enthusiastic
I assure you, no one is enthusiastic about her except boomers who wanted Biden. Everyone is pissed because no one voted for her to be the candidate.

>She'd basically have to have a complete mental break in public to lose the election at this point.
She has one of those a week. She's a complete moron and there's a reason they kept her out of the public eye as much as possible. Every interview she's ever given has shown how retarded she is, attempting to be "unburdened by what has been".
She's like a quater black. do dems really?
>He already had virtually no chance of winning before Biden dropped out, now it's even worse for him.

You dont understand how American elections work. Its not a team-sport and 90% of voters dont have the terminally online takes that you do.

Her approval ratings are worse than Trumps.

This guy gets it.
Yes! Democrats really do choose people who aren't FELONY RAPISTS and FRAUDSTERS awaiting trial for TREASON and selling secrets to Saudi Arabia!
Democrats elect REASONABLE candidates.
>Facebook Boomer Wine Aunt posting continues
Surely pretending to be an angry old boomer lady will appeal to the youth who all hate Kamala for supporting Israel
didn't a democrat just get convicted for accepting bribes from middle eastern countries?
Oh really??
Thought so.
Lol. Love how you faggots are just ignoring every insult about Trump's age now that Biden dropped out. A big section of the population will vote for Kamala if only because she's not a decrepit diaper-wearing goblin.
I 100% agree.
Not a democrat

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