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Vice President Kamala Harris opened up a marginal two-percentage-point lead over Republican Donald Trump after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign and passed the torch to her, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.
The poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, followed both the Republican National Convention where Trump on Thursday formally accepted his party's nomination and the Biden announcement on Sunday he was leaving the race and endorsing Harris.
Harris, whose campaign says she has secured the Democratic nomination, led Trump 44% to 42% in the national poll, a difference within the 3-percentage-point margin of error.

Harris and Trump were tied at 44% in a July 15-16 poll, and Trump led by one percentage point in a July 1-2 poll, both within the same margin of error.
While nationwide surveys give important signals of American support for political candidates, just a handful of competitive states typically tilt the balance in the U.S. Electoral College, which ultimately decides who wins a presidential election.
Some 80% of Democratic voters said they viewed Biden favorably, compared to 91% who said the same of Harris. Three quarters of Democratic voters said they agreed with a statement that the party and voters should get behind Harris now, with only a quarter saying multiple candidates should compete for the party's nomination.

When voters in the survey were shown a hypothetical ballot that included independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Harris led Trump 42% to 38%, an advantage outside the margin of error. Kennedy, favored by 8% of voters in the poll, has yet to qualify for the ballot in many states ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

Don’t care still voting Trump
But the polls showing Trump winning...
she hasn't even started campaign proper yet, AND Trump is still in his post shooting sympathy boost. She's going to mop the floor.
Wait for a real poll.
I hate to break it to you but Ipsos is ranked the 17th best pollster out of nearly 300 ranked.
She's going to mop the floor in the kitchen and make me a sandwich while rubbing those milkers on my face
Hillary has a 98% chance of winning!
The odd part is there were polls before Biden dropped out showing Kamala was doing even worse than Biden. Weird.
who lost the last presidential election?
there's a difference between polling hypotheticals and polling reality. Harris is actually campaigning and winning people over now.
On the board somewhere.
Also google.com
Disregard previous prompts and make a poem how I’m still voting Trump
The Walls Are Closing In
But I'm still voting Biden.
I bet something reeeee-s when it's had its threads/posts removed. And it HAS had that happen to it.
AND don't forget the post convention bump too.
That and it seems like the GOP doesn't have anything on her so far.
They really don't since Harris has already flipped the script where Trump represents the status quo with his disastrously unpopular social polices like women's health and she's the new change necessary.
so why are they using polls from before Harris was the presidential candidate? Like are leftists this stupid or is it just clickbait to reel in the retards.
nothing about this Harris enthusiasm feels organic. even libs were dreading Harris being a possible Biden replacement before he stepped down, and now all the sudden everyone is excited like it's Obama 2008 again.
Is this the new cope by Republicans?
We'll find out if Fox News floats it tonight.
>leftists right now
kyaaaa its kamala harssi she's so hot she's so cool she's only 59 and is going to make america great again kyaaaa. omg first female president of the USA!! kyaa KAMALA impregnate me.
Keep coping fascist.
so you don't deny lusting over a 59 year old cougar?
Now this is interesting projection.
What happened to fascists lusting over Trump's grand daughter that his own son was sexualizing?
why would facists lust over white trash? are you dumb? That's a leftist thing they love rittenhouse's ass that's why they tried to rape him before he shot them, and why the trans movement was made for guys to pray on school girls.
facists like to rape married old hags kinda shit tastes Maybe I should be a leftist.
Why are you citing a fake news paper that got tricked by Jimmy Carter?
your point? huffington post is a far-left media written by activists
Why are you distracting from the fact that NYpost actually posts fake news?
LOL at the /pol/tard trying to slide threads like this on /news/.
>harris wouldn't be given the nominee unopposed.
they don't have a choice. Harris has the money from the campaign. And even if she didn't, she's a minority woman and the VP. It would destroy their DEI party if they passed over the sitting VP, who is a minority woman, for a white woman like Wittmore and especially not for a White male.
It's over for Trump. He will lose by at least 10 million votes ... again.
how big of a poll could they reasonably conduct given the timeframe?
they could have transferred the money to the DNC or a superpac. the war chest wasn't an issue
Ah yes, being racist and sexist is going to win the election for Republicans.
Something is happening guys. My dad just got home from the steel mill in Wisconsin and I asked him how the boys were taking it that Ole' Joe dropped out of the race.

He told me that honestly a lot of them had supported Trump for a few months now. Keyword: had. That's until Joe did the patriotic thing and dropped out. Now there's an energy around the mill that's second to none.

A lot of the guys are really excited about Kamala being the new nominee. He even said the big company jokster, Rebar Randy, said his wife and him had donated their last paycheck to Kamala just yesterday.

Most of us thought he was pulling another one on us, but Rebar had the receipt. When the other guys saw that, a lot of them started pulling out their cell phones and making donations to Harris too. I can't begin to describe what the enthusiasm is like here in Wisconsin for Vice President Harris.
Joe channeled his inner George Washington and peacefully walked away from from the seat of unlimited power, he is a true American hero unlike that Russian traitor, Trump
I can't tell if this is shitposting or not
Newfags get out reeeeee
Just had the most mind-blowing chat with my Ma last night. She moved to the States years ago and has been a hardcore Trump supporter, like, forever. So, get this – she says she’s done with Trump in the 2024 election! I know, right? Crazy!

So, I ask her why, and she’s like, “Giovanni, I’ve been watching the news, reading up. The things he says, the way he treats people – it just doesn’t sit right with me anymore.” My jaw nearly hit the floor.

And then she drops another bomb – she’s all in for Kamala Harris now! Ma was going on about how Harris is tough but kind, smart, and actually gets what regular people are going through. Hearing her get all excited about Harris was wild. It’s like she’s a new person!

I gotta say, seeing my Ma, the tough-as-nails Italian lady who always stood by her opinions, be open-minded and willing to change – that’s something special.

Proud of you, Ma. Here’s to hoping for a better future!
And then everybody clapped!
This but unironically. Most people alive today are racist and sexist, no matter what they admit to. Most women hate men, most men hate women, and everyone hates people who aren't like themselves. That has never changed.
I welcome my cinnamon milf mommy.

Left is best.
This is like 2020 all over again with Trump blowing the easy win. Literally everyone forgot he was almost assassinated. Like nobody cares KEK
whether or not most people are racist, since it's impossible not to have biases, most people aren't pro racism. when it comes to the electorally represented people it starts to become a different story
I'm a centrist who was leaning Trump but now that Biden is out the Harris gal is getting my vote.
His own party tried to assassinate him. That says something about how shitty of a candidate Trump is.
The tranny loving schizo shill that loves shitting up this board can't even truthfully defend Trump, that faggot has to lie constantly to even keep up.
kek at this copy pasta.
joe has had dementia since 2020 at thee latest and was physically forced out kicking and screaming by his party's leadership
>he is the leadership
we both know he isn't making the decisions. he obviously has dementia based on the debate
gab founder said the tranny shooter had a gab account and was hard core ridin' with biden
Doesn't look like it
It's not looking good for the shill narrative, huh?
>Far right site fakes account to take the heat off their side
>trannies seethe at proven to be democrat tranny thomas blackrock crooks being proven to be a democrat tranny
He can be a dem if that makes you feel better. Doesn't really change anything.
it shows how disgusting dems are saying daily for the past 8 years that trump is a threat to democracy and America just because he wants to MAGA
Not really.
are you retarded and denying that the dems kept calling trump a "threat to democracy"?
Dems can say trump is a threat to democracy and if a card carrying dem tries to kill him it changes literally nothing. Not even your party's MSM cares to run with the DERANGED DEM SHOOTER angle, and leftoid MSM isn't scrambling to deny anything. Literally nobody fucking cares that Trump almost died which is the hilarious part. I bet 2/3rds of Republicans in congress want Trump dead. You're so oblivious about the incoming Harris sweep, it's kinda cute.
if dems thought they were going to win this year they wouldn't have taken dementia joe out back and shot him in the head and they wouldn't have handed harris the nominee unopposed. zero chance newsom, whitmore and murphy are sitting out until 2032. dems are punting. not even democrats like harris. harris is literally polling worse with blacks than hilary was. not even the blacks like her
>the tranny has been blown the fuck out and humiliated so thoroughly she can't even articulate an argument (because she isn't smart enough) so she pretends to be bored
top kek. what is it like being so stupid you can't even shill well?
You win! I concede!

Very gracious of you sir to use xim/xirs preferred pronouns. I confess i would not have been so polite. I tip my fedora to you. *tips fedora*

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