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The New Jersey senator had been chairman of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee before he was charged with accepting bribes on behalf of Egypt and Qatar.

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., will resign next month after he was found guilty on all 16 counts in a federal bribery and corruption trial.

Menendez officially informed Gov. Phil Murphy of his decision in a letter Tuesday.

"This is to advise you that I will be resigning from my office as the United States Senator from New Jersey, effective on the close of business on August 20, 2024," Menendez said in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by NBC News.

He said he chose that date to "give time for my staff to transition to other possibilities, transfer constituent files that are pending, allow for an orderly process to choose an interim replacement, and for me to close out my Senate affairs."

Murphy, a Democrat, said in a statement that he’d received the letter and that he will “exercise my duty to make a temporary appointment to the United States Senate to ensure the people of New Jersey have the representation they deserve.”

Two sources familiar with the matter said earlier Tuesday that Menendez had informed some of his staff members of his plans. The New Jersey Globe first reported his departure date.

As NBC News first reported last week, Menendez had begun telling allies in calls that he would step down from the Senate after a jury convicted him on July 16 of accepting bribes, including gold bars and cash, for official actions to benefit Qatar and Egypt. He is set to be sentenced Oct. 29 and has vowed to appeal.

Nearly every Democratic senator, as well as House members and other key elected officials in New Jersey, had said Menendez needed to resign, making it untenable for him to continue. Some had threatened to force a vote to expel him from the Senate if he didn’t leave voluntarily.

He's not a democrat
Menendez is also under investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee, which said in a statement Monday that it had initiated an "adjudicatory review," a required step before it makes a recommendation to the full Senate to expel or otherwise discipline a senator. The committee said it had notified Menendez and his attorneys that the committee had unanimously voted to open the review.

Menendez cited the probe as one of the reasons he was resigning. "While I fully intend to appeal the jury’s verdict, all the way and including to the Supreme Court, I do not want the Senate to be involved in a lengthy process that will detract from its important work," his letter said.

Rep. Andy Kim, D-N.J., is running for Menendez's seat in November against Republican Curtis Bashaw. Menendez has filed to run for re-election as an independent, saying he would continue the campaign if he were exonerated.

Menendez was mayor of Union City, New Jersey, and was in the state Legislature before he was elected to the House in 1992. He became a senator in 2006 and rose to become chairman of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee. It's from that perch (and as the ranking member on the panel when Republicans controlled the Senate) that he provided favors to foreign governments in exchange for bribes, jurors found.

He was charged in a separate corruption case that ended in a mistrial in 2018; he had also denied wrongdoing in that case.
Funny how democrats hold their own party members wrong doing accountable, but republicans give theirs, like Trump, a free pass on everything.
He's not a democrat
why did janny delete this thread?
Janny cleans up discussion of democrat corruption
makes sense a democrat shill would be a janny
Reality is democrat. You probably ate so much ivermectin your brain rotted away into horse paste, if the thread was deleted there was a good reason you are probably just to obsessed with transgender folks to understand
>biden got 81 million votes
>biden did a great job as president and with the economy
>biden is mentally fit
>biden is going to beat trump
>trump dodged a bullet, humiliated biden as a retard in a debate rigged for biden and biden got coof and couldn't figure out how to open a car door
>biden had to drop out of the race because he was getting his dick kicked in so fucking hard he was losing every swing state, virginia and new hampshire and obongo and 30 other dems told him he had to drop out because he was going to cost the down ballet republicans and dems have so little faith they are going to win they are naming harris the the candidate uncontested
>reality is democrat
top fucking keke, when trump gets elected in november I hope he takes your coat
LMAO! What flavor HORSE PASTE is your favorite? I bet it's coup flavored!
>politician takes bribes
Reminder: the FDA lost a court case against Doctors who successfully prescribed ivermectin against covid, and the FDA was forced to stop saying ivermectin is horse paste that doesn't work and even had to take down all social media posts making such claims

How's your vaccine-induced myocarditis treating you, boomer?
Conservatives do it so much more but the conservative news brushes it under the rug, so it's discussion is suppressed in most articles. Anything to protect their billionaire donor class!
This is simply the left doing the GOOD thing!
Yeah I said politician, not Democrat. I don't doubt all politicians do it, regardless of party. Can you please stop shitting up every thread with your act?
Go back to >>>/pol/!
>vaccine induced myocarditis
How many bitchute videos do I have to watch before I think this is a real thing?
remember when the brandon/harris admin did not force illegals and "refugees" to get the jab but did make them take horse paste?
democrats and only democrats take bribes
good post
That depends, how many jabs in are you?
Vaccine induced myocarditis IS a real thing. Myocarditis can be caused by an overreaction of your immune system and vaccines are designed to cause immune system reactions so your body remembers the threat and prevents you from getting diseases later.

Pretty much all vaccines, including the ones for COVID, list myocarditis as a possible side effect just like Bell's palsy (another overreaction of the immune system) for that reason.

That you're talking with a fuckwit doesn't mean you have to deny reality.

On a very related note, COVID causes myocarditis at a much higher rate than vaccines. You know...cause diseases trigger greater immune system responses than vaccines.

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