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A man accused of stabbing a transgender 17-year-old girl with a butcher knife at Miami International Airport on Sunday was arrested and charged with attempted murder, police said.

Alexander Love, 29, was charged with first-degree attempted murder with a deadly weapon and attempted premeditated murder, according to an arrest report from the Miami-Dade Police Department.

Officers responded to Terminal J around 11:30 p.m. after reports of a stabbing, officials said in a news release. The victim was eating a meal while sitting on the floor when, officials say, Love attacked her without provocation, stabbing her about 18 times in her face, head, arms, shoulders, neck and legs before he tried to throw her over a safety retaining glass, officials said.

"The victim was able to escape the attack and ran down the stairs to the third-floor level, which is where the officers found her," police said.

She was taken to a local medical center in critical condition and had emergency surgery, officials said. Her condition Tuesday afternoon was not available.

Love was taken into custody shortly after the attack by Customs and Border Patrol, the arrest report says. Officials said that at the police station, Love admitted to being involved in the attack and said he had become acquainted with the victim beforehand.

"The defendant added he was possibly drugged and someone inserted an unknown object in his rectum," the report says. "Although the defendant is not certain the victim is responsible for this, the defendant made a statement indicating he needed to hurt whoever hurt him and was prompted to purchase the knife at a Target store near Miami International Airport."

Police said they recovered a knife from the scene.

Love was booked into the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center, according to online records. It's not clear whether he has an attorney.

He was denied bond in court Monday and ordered not to contact the victim, NBC South Florida reported.

Hate crime charges have not been ruled out because police have not been able to speak to the victim yet, a police spokesperson told NBC News.
>Officials said that at the police station, Love admitted to being involved in the attack and said he had become acquainted with the victim beforehand.
I wonder if becoming acquainted with someone in this context means chatted up a stranger in the airport, or if it means the two knew each other beforehand. The rest of the article makes it sound like they didn't know each other before being at the airport. I suppose someone crazy enough to butcher someone in an airport is crazy enough to bring a butcher knife just in case they meet someone they don't like. What a world.
How does "hate crime" work exactly?
If you're part of a special victim group, your attacker gets more years?
>Hate Crime: At the federal level, a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.

It has to do with motive, as said above. You don't have to be a part of any particular group; the guy committing the crime against you has to hate whatever group he thinks you're a part of. If you screamed "I HATE WHITE PEOPLE, DIE CRACKER" as you stabbed a black dude to death, you could be charged with a hate crime despite the fact that you're white (right?) and your victim is black.
Pretty much, yeah.

Hate crime laws are designed to add years if the attack was racially motivated. But our criminal justice system is tilted by Dreamers committing a disproportionate number of violent crimes, so if a minority becomes a victim of a crime, the state will immediately try to add on years because of their race.
>The penalty for any felony or misdemeanor shall be reclassified as provided in this subsection if the commission of such felony or misdemeanor evidences prejudice based on the race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, homeless status, or advanced age of the victim:
Well. How is sexual orientation defined in Florida law?
>LGBTQ drugs man and shoves objects in his ass
>LGBTQ gets stabbed
Why is this news? LGBTQs have been terrorizing the population for years while being held up as a protected class.

Depraved killers filmed themselves raping young dad after spiking his drink
Dylan Brister and Cameron Allan spiked Calum Simpson's drinks leaving him unconscious, before subjecting him to a sexual assault which was recorded on a mobile phone

LGBTQs are perverts of the highest order and should be exterminated.
How people like you can say that trans people are "terrorizing the population" and then say it's justified for someone to go randomly stab a 17 year old kid because you don't like what they are calling themselves is insane to me, and kind of makes me feel unironically concerned for people like you.
>The defendant added he was possibly drugged and someone inserted an unknown object in his rectum
So he was drugged and raped? Or he had drugs first, and then hallucinated?
this is why I never try to get out of jury duty. if I was on that jury, dude is walking
remember, unless they can prove you did it for race reasons if someone is guilty or innocent that is just like, your opinion and you can decide how much value you place on any given piece of evidence and you can always have reasonable doubts
The troon drugged this man and shoved something up his butt.
It's not about stupid poonouns ya dumb fucking HRT fiend.
will we ever know what the unknown object that wad inserted in was and is it still there?
I'm betting it was a dead faggot in a dress's penis.
What about screaming "I HATE WHITE PEOPLE, DIE CRACKER" as you stabbed a white guy
>stabbed 18 times
>still able to run away
That doesn't sound right.
Trump was shot in the head and able to walk away. Sometimes people have shit aim.
another one bites the dust! and another one ... and ..
She didn't die though so this weird joke doesn't make sense.
Too many people come here to kneejerk over a headline and don't read the article.
Looking into it there was a 2021 bill that would have added gender identity to that list of protected statuses but it didn't pass the Florida senate. It would seem that there's hate crime protection at the federal level but not the state level.

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