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Donald Trump slammed Fox News on Tuesday for inviting Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz onto their program, where he said the Republican Party was “stuck with Donald Trump.”
“Why did Fox News put up Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, where I am leading? They make me fight battles that I shouldn’t have to fight!” the former president wrote in a post on Truth Social.

Walz hit back on X that Trump “knows nothing about rural America” and will lose “Minnesota. And Wisconsin. And Michigan. And Pennsylvania.”
A Fox News spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment from POLITICO.

Minnesota has not gone for a Republican for president since Richard Nixon in 1972, but Trump has become fixated on the idea that he can flip the state to expand his map. He lost Minnesota to Hillary Clinton in 2016 with a close 2-point margin — one that President Joe Biden only widened in 2020.
To be fair, Fox News did refuse to run Harris's first campaign speech, clearly showing they're a propaganda hub for Trump.
To be fair, The Trump Cult only allows for 100% partisanship. Any time Fox News ACTUALLY shows some integrity, their viewers get angry and switch to OANN and Newsmax. This isn't a random theory either. They literally admitted it in the text messages used in the defamation lawsuit.
Good post
Lachlan Murdoch isn't a Trump fanboy like his father was, but that doesn't mean he's ignorant of how his bread gets buttered.
This too! Very good point!
>The Trump Cult
known projection
Exactly this!

The internet is dying. Funny, how it's zombie corpse wears democrat skin.
To be fair, OP is a faggot.
>— one that President Joe Biden only widened in 2020
With the big steal. We won that election, that was stolen from us, and I for one am still pissed about. Nobody believes the lies and deceit that come from the commies corrupt corners from the low lives that learn nothing from the world around them, to the most despicable ones who would enter into the public sector so that they can destroy this nation from within.
>Labour won with a massive landslide
>New Popular Front stole power from Le Pen
Democrats will win again: by any means necessary.
If it makes one thing in /news/ terminally seethe, all the better. Conservatives destroyed in UK. Rightists fail in France again: no change there. MAGA will die on 5th November.
Some people just want to watch the right wing world burn.
You and your authoritarian fantasies should get a room.
In Soviet Washington DC, authoritarian fantasies have gotten you in a room. Ones that those MAGAtards will be in for a long time. Good.
>January 6th
On November 6th, others will watch their right wing world burn.
They chose... poorly.
This makes trump sound weak and unfit
Also, Walz is right: trump knows nothing about rural America. He's an NYC millionaire elite real estate mogul that thinks gold looks good on everything. He's so out of touch with real Americans that it's baffling how many he's convinced otherwise.
you have no idea what youre talking about. trump is a boots on the ground republican whos spent more time working hard manual labor than youve ever in your good for nothing communist life. trump is nothing if not a down to earth chrstian conservative who values law and order and an intact family unit
I agree
lol nigga wut??
>where he said the Republican Party was “stuck with Donald Trump.”
The idea of Republicans electing their leader in primaries and then sticking with said elected leader confuses the Democrat.
>working hard manual labor
>Jimmy Carter built affordable homes, involved in actual hard manual labor until he was too old to continue
Has Trump ever put on overalls, hard hat and gotten his hands dirty in working hard in being physically involved in the construction of any of his buildings?
>down to earth christian conservative who values law and order and an intact family unit
Jiust like anything said by that vile immoral orange subhuman, retarded opinions such as yours only have the right to be destroyed.

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